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Country: Republic of Peru

Committee: United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

Name: Ghina Mukti Luthfia, Farah Divanti Sulistyono
University: Diponegoro University Semarang

Peru is a non-permanent member of the UNSC. This country is no stranger to the

UNSC, as it has served as member on fifth occasions so far: 1955-1956, 1973-1974,
1985-1986, 2006-2007, and 2018 to 2019. In other words, the country is part of one of
the most important bodies of the United Nations almost once a decade, a significant
accomplishment of the Peruvian diplomatic corps over the years.

The Republic of Peru has signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
within the framework of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly
held in New York City. This positive step towards nuclear disarmament demonstrates
the commitment shown by the Peruvian government.

At present.the Republic of Peru do not have any nuclear installation as defined by the
Convention and there is no plan for embarking the country in a nuclear power
program as the power demands will be covered by hydroelectric and gas resources as
well as non-renewable sources.

The Republic of Peru believes that for more than half a century, nuclear arms control
has been a key element of bilateral and multilateral relations inter countries
Throughout most of the Cold War, it played an especially important role as a tool for
managing the arms race and as a barometer of not only their bilateral or multilateral
relations but also the overall global stability and security environment due to their
outsize presence on the world stage.

The Republic of Peru believes that these weapons are so heinously destructive as to
be illegitimate, they are fundamentally indiscriminate killers, and on top of that, they
have proved to be far harder to safely build and handle than many understand. They
have no proper role even as visible deterrents in the normal interactions of states.
That’s why he Republic of Peru believes that disarmament agreements is needed in
order to the reduce or eliminate of nuclear weapons, arms-control agreements aim to
encourage countries to manage their weapons in limited cooperation with each other.

Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. in

matters related to peace, non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament, will contribute to
reassert our commitment to the lofty aims of the treaty and to ensuring that it will
soon enter into force.

peru have pursued a policy that sought the banning of nuclear tests. Peru is also
devoted a large part of its diplomatic efforts towards the objective of accomplishing a
complete general disarmament and non-proliferation.

In accordance with its pacifist tradition, Peru has adhered to all the international
documents on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
The exercising of this juridical and political responsibility not only presumes a
coherent and systematic approach in this subject, but also an active participation in
every international forum related to these issues.

we believe that we should promote a world free from nuclear weapons, peru country
actively participated in the negotiations of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty that took place within the framework of the Disarmament Conference in
Geneva, between the years 1993 and 1996.

I would like to emphasize within this context, that Peru was the first Latin American
country to ratify the above mentioned treaty in November 1997 and the second on the
list of 44 States listed in Annex II of the Treaty.

Among Peru's activities to promote the entry into force of the Treaty, we would like
to emphasize that in November 2000, Peru hosts the "Regional Workshop on
International Cooperation of the Organization of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-
Ban Treaty and National Processes of Implementation/Ratification of the Treaty".
This event gathered thirty three representatives and experts from twenty Latin
America and the Caribbean countries as well as experts from Canada, Spain and the
United States of America and representatives of international agencies

Peru, along with other countries of the region actively joined by this line of thought
and action, deciding to commit itself to de-nuclearization and the use of nuclear
energy solely for peaceful purposes, according to the purposes and principles of the
constitutional charters of the United Nations

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty is not an exception, particularly

because its basic principles and obligations are an imperative to guarantee universal
peace and security.

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