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MultiMedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Seasons of the Year

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): First
Content Standard Addressed: S1E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate weather data to identify weather

Technology Standard Addressed: iMovie

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Movie (list application):
☐ Audio (list application):
☐ Other: (list)
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) This video is great for all of my future students because they can re-
watch the movie as many times as they need to at home. This way, students can come to school with an
understanding of what we are going to be talking about, in preparation for class. For my students with
learning disabilities, ESOL and ELL, they can watch this movie as many times as they want and they can also
watch it with their parents to have them explain some of it to them or translate some of the movie to them.
Lesson idea implementation
The students will first watch this introductory video on “Seasons of the Year” at home and will pay special
attention to the where it mentions what components make up these specific seasons. This video will be
posted on the classroom blog so that the students can watch it as many times as they need. There will also be
a mini worksheet to do as a pre-test on their knowledge of the different seasons. This will be handed out in
class and on the Blog in the case that a student misplaces it. The worksheet will have the students focus on
coming up with a list of things that they think might pertain to the seasons of the year. In class, we will
explore these components further and design a poster to show off what we know about the seaons. This
should take about a week to do so that we can make sure all students understand all components of the
seasons and what seasons mean for our Earth.

The students will be assessed by asking them to take an individual quiz, describing the different seasons,
why they are created, and what their components contribute to the world around us. Once I see how the
students did and address the students that did not do as well, the students will create a poster of their own
season. This should include all of their favorite things about the seasons. Text features like a title and labels
are mandatory.

Importance of technology: Without using technology in this lesson, students would not get a good
introduction to the concept and may fall far behind and get completely lost. This movie is a great introduction
to this topic and will overall be very beneficial to student learning. They need the use of technology and this

Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
introduction video to begin the process of thinking of a new subject. Another type of technology that will be
used is the internet to do some research on the seasons of the year and the components that are affiliated
with them.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: The students will only be working on my classroom Blog this entire time
so they should not be on any other websites. They will also be watching this at home so their parents
can closely monitor them while on the computer. The students must always remind themselves of the
internet safety guidelines before use and any inappropriate behavior should be reported to me.
Reflective Practice: This activity will be great for the students because they are getting an introduction to the
lesson and will gain a full understanding of the seasons of the year and how they affect and influence the
world around us. In my lesson, I have used the video as an introduction and the rest, further extends the

Spring 2018_SJB

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