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fought Arjuna fiercely and the field was his passage were defeated.

strewn with the dead. Finally, he also tried to stop Arjuna's progress. There
withdrew defeated and went back to join was a fierce battle in which Srutayudha
Drona's forces. lost his horses and he hurled his mace at
Savyasachi's car swiftly proceeded Krishna.
forward and passed Drona. "Illustrious His mother had obtained this mace as a
one, grieving for my son, I have come to result of her offering but the condition
wreak vengeance on the Sindhu king. I attached to the boon operated and it came
crave your blessings for the fulfilment of back and struck Srutayudha himself dead.
my vow," said Arjuna to the acharya. This is the story of the mace.
The acharya smiled and said: "Arjuna, you Parnasa went through penances that
must first fight and defeat me before you pleased Varuna and obtained from that
can reach Jayadratha." Saying this Drona god a boon that her son Srutayudha may
discharged a shower of arrows on Arjuna's not be killed by any enemy.
car. Partha also replied with his arrows "I shall give your son a divine weapon.
but these the acharya parried with ease Let him use it in all his battles. No enemy
and sent flaming shafts that hit Krishna will be able to defeat him or kill him. But
and Arjuna. he should not use the weapon against one
The Pandava then decided to cut Drona's who does not fight. If he does, the weapon
bow and bent his Gandiva for that will recoil and kill him. Saying this, god
purpose. Even as he was pulling his Varuna gave a mace. Srutayudha, when
bowstring Drona's shaft came and cut the fighting Arjuna, disregarding the
string. injunction, hurled the mace at Krishna
The acharya, still retaining the smile on who was not fighting but was only driving
his face, rained a shower of arrows on Arjuna's chariot.
Arjuna and his horses and chariot. Arjuna The missile hit Janardana's chest and
fought back, but the acharya showered his immediately rebounded fiercely back to
arrows that covered Arjuna and his chariot Srutayudha. And like a demon recoiling
in darkness. fatally on the magician, that commits an
Krishna saw things were not going at all error in uttering the spell of power that
well and said: "Partha, no more waste of holds it in thrall, it slew Srutayudha and
time. Let us proceed. It is no use fighting laid him dead on the field, like a great
this brahmana, who seems to know no forest tree blown down by a storm.
fatigue." Saying this, Krishna drove Then the king of Kamboja led his forces
Arjuna's chariot to the left of the acharya against Arjuna. After a fierce fight, he lay
and proceeded forward. stretched dead on the field like a great
"Stop, surely you will not proceed without flagstaff after the festival is over.
defeating your enemy," said Drona. When they saw the strong warriors,
"You are my guru, not my enemy, O Srutayudha and the king of Kamboja,
acharya. I am in the position of a son to slain, the Kaurava force was in great
you. There is no one in the wide world confusion.
that can defeat you," said Arjuna and they Srutayu and his brother Asrutayu then
proceeded forward at a swift pace attacked Partha on both sides trying to
bypassing Drona. save the situation, and greatly harassed
Then Arjuna pierced the Bhoja army. him. At one stage of this battle, Arjuna
Kritavarma and Sudakshina who opposed

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