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We now turn with confidence to the Father whose Son Jesus
proclaimed the year of favor at the synagogue in Nazareth, we pray:

Lord, Hear our Prayer.

1. That the whole Church may be guided by the example and teachings of Jesus
Chris in the preaching of the Good News, we pray: R/

2. That those in government may be mindful of their obligation to show true

concern for the poor and the neglected of our society, we pray: R/

3. That we may have the courage to take necessary steps to make our lives
conform to the Gospel message, we pray: R/

4. That the Most Rev. Victor B. Bendico, D.D., the Bishop of Baguio, whom we
honor today as he celebrates his 2nd Episcopal Ordination Anniversary may
live continually in your presence, be steadfast in faith, and know your love in
such abundance as to continue to share it throughout his life, we pray: R/

5. That the sick may experience the Lord’s healing comfort through our care and
support, we pray: R/

6. That our beloved dead may obtain eternal rest, we pray: R/

Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus to give his life that we might
be free. Save us through his merits and restore or world to harmony
and peace with you who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

R. Amen.

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