Literature Review Domain e

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Literature Review: Domain E 1

Literature Review: Domain E

Erica Savage

National University

Literature Review: Domain E 2

In this paper, I will discuss findings on two topics that relate to Domain E of the Teaching

Performance Expectations: instructional time and social environment in the classroom. I

researched two articles “Managing Instructional Time” and “Classroom Environment.” The first

article explores the importance of managing instructional time and ways to do so and the second

article discusses how classroom environment plays a role in learning and how to create a healthy

classroom environment.

Literature Review: Domain E

Literature Review: Domain E 3

There are several factors that play a crucial role in the success of every student. Two of

those factors include instructional timing and classroom environment. Students spend several

hours each day in the classroom, but it is up to the teacher to ensure that time spent in the

classroom is productive and healthy so that the most learning can occur. Time management plays

a key role in student learning since the amount of time students spend engaged in the material

determines how well they master the subject. In addition, a healthy environment in the classroom

allows for increased participation and less behavior management during instructional time.

According to the article “Managing Instructional Time” by Joyce McLeod, Jan Fisher

and Ginny Hoover, there are four types of school-day time in the classroom: 1. Allocated time,

instructional time, engaged time, and academic learning time. Allocated time refers to the total

time for teacher instruction and student learning, instructional time is the time teachers are

actively teaching, engaged time is the time students are involved in a task, and academic learning

time is the time teachers can prove that students learned the content or mastered the skill (2003).

According to the article, the typical teacher consumes ninety percent of allocated time, yet the

only way a student learns anything is by putting in effort, during engaged time (2003). This is

why time management is so important in the classroom. Most time in the classroom should be

devoted to engaged time preceded by a short period of instructional time and followed by

academic learning time, or time when students are evaluated on what they have learned.

According to the article, in elementary school, the largest block of the daily schedule should be

devoted to language arts and reading and the second largest block should be devoted to

mathematics. This also means that teachers need to spend as little class time as possible on things

like redirecting behavior or prepping for an activity.

Literature Review: Domain E 4

Another important instrument in student success is classroom environment. When

discussing the classroom environment, we can think about both the physical and psychological

environment. The physical environment of the classroom should be clean, well-organized, and

appealing to all of the senses. Desks should be arranged in a manner so that movement is an

option and students are able to see the front of the class during instruction time. Classrooms

should be set to the right temperature, have colorful walls, smell clean, and noise level should be

minimal. We can also think about classroom environment on a psychological level. “The notion

of feeling supported as students has also been extensively examined in the classroom

environment literature. Helen Patrick and colleagues found that there is a strong, positive

relationship between students' level of motivation and engagement and their perceptions of the

classroom environment as being socially supportive (Classroom Environment). Every student in

the class should feel safe to share ideas and participate in learning activities so that learning can

take place.

Instructional time is precious, as most teachers are racing the clock to fit in instruction

and learning activities. For this reason, it is important that we make the most out of our allocated

time by using that time to engage students in the material. By creating a safe and supportive

learning environment, students will feel comfortable participating in these learning activities. It

is important that teachers learn effective time management and can create a positive learning

climate int he classroom.

Literature Review: Domain E 5

Fisher, J., Hoover, G., & McLeod, J. (2003). Chapter 2. Managing Instructional Time. Retrieved

May 6, 2019, from


Miller, A., & Cunningham, K. (n.d.). Classroom Environment. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from

esearch/Classroom Environment article.pdf

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