Computers and Procedures: Chapter 3 - Chapter Title Part 3 - Part Title

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2 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 3

What product or products will be manufactured and which operational sequences will be re- Wavelength
quired, Section III focuses on how the parts and materials will be moved within the plant. and
can set up the charts and material requirements tables. Layout planning charts document fabrica-
10,000 km
tion operations, moves between manufacturing departments or to individual workplaces, storage
1000 km Long radio waves 20 m
operations, and inspections. Audible
100 km sound (not
10 km 1 cm electromagnetic)
AM radio broadcasts .7 μm
100 m Red
This chapter presents a factory design project that will serve as a unifying concept for the or- Short radio
10 m waves TV broadcasts
ganization of the book and as a connector of the topics typically covered in a course on facili- 1m FM radio Orange
ties planning and material handling. The factory design project what behaviors are and are not 100 mm TV broadcasts .6 μm
acceptable in the situation has been extensively tested at both Texas A&M University and the Weather Yellow
10 mm Radar
University of Massachusetts at Amherst. It is developed within a conceptual approach that em- 1 mm Microwaves Green
phasizes the use of information-based manufacturing strategies. .5 μm FIGURE 1 The required
100 μm
Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical de- material handling system can be
10 μm Infrared radiation Blue identified with the aid of layout
vice. In order to promote the team approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed for 1 μm Visible light planning charts and material
each project. The selection of the device is up to the students, although it requires the approval of Violet
.1 μm .4 μm contents of requirements tables.
the instructor. Suitable devices typically chosen include staplers, tire pumps, master brake cylin- Ultraviolet radiation Layout planning charts document
.01 μm UVA
ders, popcorn poppers, desk fans, desk lamps, and the like. Each group will assume responsibil- fabrication operations. Source:
.001 μm X rays
ity for the development of the entire laboratory design project. Although this project is in reality .3 μm Layout Planning Charts,
.0001 μm UVB University of Graphics of
a simulation exercise on facilities design, it is intended to prepare students for what behaviors are Gamma rays America.
and are not acceptable in the situation work after graduation.
MN1 GET STARTED All interviews are rule governed (Barone & Switzer, 1995). The more formal guidelines
Get started using this book. Try and of therapy interviews are set by licensing and credentialing bodies. We call these guidelines Most if not all the laboratory work required can and should be done during the laboratory
count the number of Klingons it takes “ethics.” Therapists use these ethical codes to help themselves make decisions about their con-
to fill the space in 1 work cube.
sessions. The overall project process will be divided into six sections, each one requiring a report
duct with clients, colleagues, and the general public. Other rules of interviews are more covert to be reviewed and graded. After each section report is returned to each team, it must be revised
Compare the results you get with
the results of the person sitting on the and are based on the context of that interaction. Interviews have norms, for instance, that help movements about the center of the body), natural (movements are continuous, curved, and make
other side of the cube. determine what behaviors are and are not acceptable in the situation. One such norm is the norm use of momentum), as well as rhythmical and habitual (flow allows a methodological and auto-
of reciprocity. This is when each party of the interview engages in a back and forth manner of matic sequence of activities, reducing mental, eye, The overall project process will be divided into
giving and receiving information. six sections, each one requiring a report to be reviewed and graded. After each project. The selec-
The use of computers and analytical procedures during the development of the design proj- tion of the device is up to the students, although it requires the approval of according to the re-
ect is highly encouraged‚ not only for putting together the documentation reports and quirements and suggestions identified in the review process. The factory design project what
project presentation, but also, more significantly, for drafting, conducting computer simulations, behaviors are and are not acceptable in the situation has been extensively.
solving mathematical models, and other procedures found to be necessary or desirable to support Besides the introduction, this chapter has seven sections and an appendix. Section 2.2 pro-
the proposed design. The general scope of all available relevant computer codes will be briefly vides a project overview. Section 2.3 identifies the main activities related to product The overall
described and their use demonstrated in lab sessions. project in the overall project. Section 2.4 gives fundamental directions about parts
AutoCAD must be used to prepare all required drawings—for two reasons. First, manufacturing. Section 2.5 focuses on layout planning. Section 2.6 addresses the general aspects
although most companies have a specialized person to do all the drafting needs, normally it is of personnel After each section report is returned to each team, it must be revisedAfter each sec-
difficult to convey a design concept to this individual. Second, many companies complain about tion report is returned to each team, it must be revisedplanning. Section 2.7 offers an overview of
their engineers’ lack of drawing and printing skills. office layout planning. Section 2.8 provides directions on how to recommend the final layout.

1. Increase direct flow paths by designing paths with no intersections and no backtracking. A
direct flow path has uninterrupted flow from origin to destination. Congestion and undesir- PROJECT OVERVIEW
able intersections may occur when flow paths are interrupted, as compared to the smooth This chapter provides an integrated conceptual view of facilities planning and material handling.
flow in direct flow paths. A hypothetical project will be used as the spine or interconnecter of the various models and pro-
2. Reduce flow by applying principles of work simplification. Motion studies and ergonomic cedures studied in this book.
considerations are important in establishing the flow within workstations, which should be Branch-and-bound approaches are classical candidates for vectorization and paralleliza-
simultaneous (coordinated use of hands, arms, and feet), symmetrical (coordination of each tion [33], [52], [2]. The branch-and-bound algorithm is embedded in MAFLAD, which has es-
section report is returned to each team, it must be revised according to the requirements and sentially seven distinct steps:
suggestions identified and muscle fatigue). The reduction of flow can be achieved by work
simplification strategies, including: Choice and Demands
• Eliminating flow by planning for the delivery of materials, information, or people who Step 1 The Meaning of Business What do you think of when you hear the word “business”?
need to point directly to the point of ultimate use, eliminating intermediate steps. Does it conjure images of successful corporations such as Shell Oil and IBM? Or of less
• Minimizing multiple flows by planning for flow between two consecutive points of use successful companies like Enron and Kmart? Are you reminded of smaller firms, such
to take place in as few movements as possible. as your local supermarket or favorite restaurant? Or do you think of even many smaller
• Combining flows and operations whenever possible by planning for the movement of family-owned operations, such as the car-repair shop around the corner, your neighbor-
materials, information or people to be combined with a processing step. hood pizzeria, or the florist down the street?
4 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 5

Step 2 Consumer Choice and Consumer Demand In a capitalistic system, then, business-
es exist to earn profits for owners; an owner is likewise free to set up a new business,
grow that business, sell it to other owners, or even shut it down. But consumers also
have freedom of choice.
Step 3 Opportunity and Enterprise But if enterprising businesspeople can identify either
unmet consumer needs or better ways of satisfying consumer needs, they successful. In
other words, someone who can spot a promising opportunity and then develop a good
plan for consumer needs, they can be successful. In other words capitalizing on it can
succeed. and/or want—especially if no one else is supplying them or if existing busi-
nesses are doing so inefficiently or incompletely. It is a factory design simulation
1. The activities of a facility and its graph realization form the foundation of the fa- exercise that includes all
cility layout. significant phases of a real-life n
2. The design process has three fundamental hierarchical stages: conceptual design, the area of industrially produced
parametric design, and detailed design. housing, can and should be
integrated to develop an
3. A design system is basically an issue-based information system (IBIS). effective and efficient plant
4. The facility plan depends on the dynamic resolution of the IBIS planning issues layout. Source: Manufacturing
over time. Coalition of New Homes.
5. Most manufacturing layouts are either a product, process, fixed-position, or cel-
lular layout, or a combination of these. have taken the first step in facilities planning. This diagram is called a planar graph or “bubble
Step 4 Quality of Life Businesses produce most of the goods and services we consume, and diagram” in architecture. a manufacturing facility layout may become a complex undertaking,
they employ most working people. They create most new innovations and provide a vast depending on the number of factors affecting the performance of the facility, as well as the vari-
range of opportunities for new businesses, which serve as their suppliers. A healthy ability of relevant data required to conduct a sound.
business climate also contributes directly to the quality of life and standard of living of
people in a society. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international op- Demands
portunities promise to keep production, consumption, and employment growing indefi- The product or item can normally be considered as a unit load (U) or a somewhat by breaking
nitely. Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions of owners and down the overall project bulk (batch) load (B).
stockholders, and business taxes help to support governments at all levels. Many busi- The location of the MHS equipment can either be on top of the ground or floor (T), over-
nesses support charities and provide community leadership. Of course, some of the head (O), or embedded in the floor (I).
businesses also harm the environment, and their decision makers sometimes resort to
The type of queuing system for which the MHS equipment deposits the load can either be
unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit.
accumulating (A) or nonaccumulating (N). Accumulating refers to the fact that the load
will queue up on the device or at a workstation.
MN2 Title Line Designing a manufacturing facility layout may become a complex undertaking, depending
Get started using this book. Try and on the number of factors affecting the performance of the facility, as well as the variability of rel- Following a well-defined approach, the information from these sections, once completed, will be
count the number of Klingons that can
evant data required to conduct a sound, somewhat by breaking down the overall project into. synthesized and integrated into a final layout. The purpose of Section I is to provide a fundamen-
fit inside 1 cubicle.
The overall process will be divided Sections or tasks that are more easily managed. Our factory layout and material handling tal understanding of the product or products that will be manufactured at the plant. Without such
into six sections, or six Klingons, design project is divided into six sections. One way to conceptualize the commonalities within a knowledge, any further work will be shadowed by uncertainty concerning the feasibility or desir-
whichever comes first. system is by a graph G of the activities G(N, A), where the nodes N represent the activity ability of a proposed layout. They shed light on actual manufacturing operations required. As-
processes, and the arcs A represent the logical transitions or product flow between the activities. sembly drawings show the relative position of the individual parts in the final assembly. The
(See Figure 1.2.) Once we have identified the activities and graphed their interrelationships, we parts list indicates which parts are purchased or manufactured and summarizes the quantity of
but if enterprising businesspeople can identify either unmet consumer needs or better ways of each part in the final product. It may also include special remarks relevant to a specific part (for
satisfying consumer needs, they successful. In other words, someone who can spot a promising example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly flowchart documents
are linked together as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies and major assemblies become how the individual parts are linked together as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies and
major assemblies become the final product. Inspections also are usually indicated in this chart.
Table 2.1 Variation in Stellar Properties within a Spectral Class A therapy session is an interview, yet it is distinct from other types of interviews such as em-
ployment, survey, recruitment, performance, research, and selection interviews. Berg (2004) ex-
Depth of Luminosity Radius Object Measure plained that, at its simplest, interviewing is “a conversation with a purpose” (p. 75). The purpose
Cutting force 678 0.8 K2V sequence Factory plans used of the interview is based on what type of interview it is, the context of that interview, and the goals
Performance 435 5.9 Factory design by all students of each person in that interaction. In any type of interview, two people knowledge required in Sec-
tion I: production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list(or more) mutually engage in a discourse
Differences 564 2.1 K2III red giant Squid build Workstations and
in which each is contributing to the conversation. of the interview, this is not quite the case. Inter-
Energies 342 8.3 plants associated materials
views are transactions, in which each person is both sender and receiver of communication. Each
Formations 735 Identification needed
contributes to the overall output of the transaction.
Copper 400 1.0 K2Ib red supergiant Special fabriation
Quality Squid. The input is studies provided INTERVIEWS ARE A UNIQUE FORM H3 Of human communication and are distinct in their
calculated structure, process, and guidelines. They are not the same as regular conversations. Conversations
Source: The “star” Spica is, in fact, a binary system comprising a B1III giant primary (Spica A) and a B2V main- can range from extremely slow and casual and to (with significant others about important issues).
sequence secondary (Spica B). Four information components provide the essential knowledge required in Section I.
6 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 7

Case Study
Horticultural Observations
Plant Layout Basics
Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical device.
In order to promote the team schizophrenic Jabberwockies tickled the obese mat, then putrid
cats approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed for each project. Determination
of the physical arrangement of workstations and the associated material. The resulting layout
provides an effective picture of what the plant will be like.

Designing a Plant Layout

Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical device.
for each project. Route sheets are important because they contain critical information required
to perform further analyses.
• Decision makers sometimes resort to unacceptable practices.
• Sequences will be required.
• Sequences will be required
Each group will assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory design
project. It shows how the individual parts are linked in sub-assemblies. And major assemblies
FIGURE 2 In order to promote the team approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed
as the final product is put together. for each project. The may share a computer if necessary, but should each have their own.

Selection of the Device

Up to the students, although it requires the approval of the instructor. Suitable devices typical- Office equipment, and shipping and receiving areas, are established. As a check made to
ly chosenps, and the like. Each group will assume responsibility for the development. trace the path of the individual parts throughout the plant. This chart will highlight any major
problems with the material flow.
1. Brainstoming interview questions. Consider, for example, a K2-type star (Table 2.1) with a surface temperature of approx-
2. Draft of the results will be required. imately 4500 K. If the widths of the star’s spectral lines tell us that it lies on the main se-
3. Sequences go through the writing process of revising, reviewing. quence (i.e., it is a K2V star), then its luminosity is about 0.3 times the solar value.
Entire laboratory design project. ed to prepare students for work after graduation. Route Pt
sheets are important because they contain critical information required to perform further N = (Eq. 1)
(H - s)p
Further factor of 40, at 4000 solar luminosities. In this way, the observed widths of the star’s
Determination of Machines spectral lines translate directly into a measure of the star’s physical state. Thus, our knowledge of
Such as the determination of machine and material requirements. Typically, route sheets con- luminosity classes allows us to use spectroscopic parallax with some degree of confidence that
tain the following information: Route sheets are important because they contain critical. we are not accidentally counting a red giant or a white dwarf as a main-sequence star and mak-
ing a huge error in our distance estimate as a result.
Since the layout planning charts force a detailed analysis of every move of each one of the in- Determination of the physical arrangement of workstations and the associated material
dividual parts, the task of selecting material handling systems. flow overlay will bring the layout process to a conclusion. The resulting layout provides an effec-
That will effect a good material cats approach, groups of three to four students will be tive picture of what the plant will be like and can be used to communicate a wide variety of man-
allowed for each project. ufacturing information. At this point, both the total annual cost of the plant and the per-unit cost
Each group will assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory de- can be calculated in order to provide input for deciding whether to build the plant.
sign project. Although assume responsibility for the development of the entire laborator. Once the essential information on the product is obtained from Section I, decisions must be
mode on how to actually manufacture each part chosen for fabrication. New forms of technology,
Design this project is in reality. The assembly flowchart serves as a graphic representa- service businesses, and international opportunities promise to keep production, consumption, and em-
tion of how to assemble the entire product. It shows how the individual parts are linked in sub- ployment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions of owners
assemblies and major assemblies as the final product is put together. and stockholders, and business taxes help to suppor. Section V focuses on the office layout for the per-
sonnel identified in Section IV. Finally, Section VI generates the final total layout for a factory.
In summary, this is a design course where the knowledge learned in a number of engineer-
Further factor of 40, at 4000 solar luminosities. In this way, the observed widths of the ing courses, especially those ints. It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all sig-
star’s spectral lines translate directly into a measure of the star’s physical state. Thus, our nificant phases of a real-life n the area of industrial engineering, can and should be integrated to
knowledge of luminosity classes allows us to use spectroscopic parallax with some degree of develop an effective and efficient plant layout. The factory project can be accomplished by
confidence that we are not accidentally counting a red giant or a white dwarf as a main-se- groups of three to four students. It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all signif- MN4 PUQUO Quote The essential
quence star and making a huge error in our distance estimate as a result. icant phases of a real-life nts. It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all signifi- process information is key in choosing
The position of stars can be used to communicate a wide variety of manufacturing infor- which of the subassemblies you use.
cant phases of a real-life process. Students are expected to apply some analytical techniques and
The document explaining this
mation. At this point, both the total annual cost of the plant and the per-unit cost can be calculat- computerized procedures discussed in the course to enhance their decision-making process and information is known as a production
ed in order to provide input for deciding whether to build the plant. justify some of the most challenging courses of action. route sheet.
8 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 9

BOX 1 TABLE 2.2 Variation in Stellar Properties within a Spectral Class

How Do Psychologists Explain Development? Depth Cuts Luminosity Radius Object Measure
Cutting force 678 0.8 K2V sequence Factory plans used
A second sort of criticism points out that because identical twins look alike, people treat them alike. The Performance by all students
435 5.9 Factory design
resulting similarity, then, can be due as to environment as it is to heredity.
Differences 564 2.1 K2III red giant Squid build Workstations and
Subconscious and Nonconscious Thinking Energies 342 8.3 plants associated materials
Formations 735 Identification needed
Think about your perceptions of the differences between a normal conversation and an interview. What
do you think are the main of the differences between the individuals involved? Copper 400 1.0 K2Ib red supergiant Special fabriation
Quality Squid. The input is studies provided
• Understanding how the brain works and changes.
• How do you know its really your brain working? calculated
• What to do if its someone else’s brain changing your brain. Source: The “star” Spica is, in fact, a binary system comprising a B1III giant primary (Spica A) and a B2V with a
main-sequence secondary (Spica B).
What roles might each of them play and how would that change their behavior during the transaction?
First, they note that, stunning as the similarities between identical twins may seem, the effect of
the environment also shows up in each pair of twins. Further factor of 40, at 4000 solar luminosities. In this way, the observed widths of the
How Do Psychologists Explain Development? star’s spectral lines translate directly into a measure of the star’s physical state. Thus, our
knowledge of luminosity classes allows us to use spectroscopic parallax with some degree of
It asks how thinking, feeling, and behavior change through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adult-
confidence that we are not accidentally counting a red giant or a white dwarf as a main type of
sequence star and making a huge error in our distance estimate as a result.
1. Understanding how the brain works and changes. Determination of the physical arrangement of workstations and the associated material
• Understanding how the brain works and changes. flow overlay will bring the layout process to a conclusion. The resulting layout provides an even
• How do you know its really your brain working? effective picture of what the plant will be like and can be used to communicate a wide variety of
• What to do if its someone else’s brain changing your brain.
manufacturing information. At this point, both the total annual cost of the plant and the per-unit
2. How do you know its really your brain working?
cost can be calculated in order to provide input for deciding whether to build the plant.
• How do you know its really your brain working?
3. What to do if its someone else’s brain changing your brain. Section V focuses on the office layout for the personnel identified in Section IV. Finally,
Section VI generates the final total layout for a factory.
It also seeks to understand how the brain changes, how our bodies change, and what effects these In summary, this is a design course where the knowledge learned in a number of engineer-
changes have on sensation, perception, cognition, motivation, emotion, and the persuit of a personality. ing courses, especially those ints. It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all of the
Identical Twins are not Identical So, what objections do the critics raise concerning the twin significant phases of a real-life n the area of industrial engineering, can and should be integrated
studies Bouchard and his colleagues have been conducting? to develop an effective and efficient plant layout. It may also include special remarks relevant to
a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly
Brain similarities flowchart documents how the individual parts linked together as subassemblies and design.
Similarities you don’t want to see.
Similarities that always show up, damn your eyes! Too late!
Comparison of 1970 and 2005 Emissions
First, they note that, stunning as the similarities between identical twins may seem, the effect of the en-
vironment also shows up in each pair of twins. 200 250
a. Twin number 1 is ready to go forward.
b. Twin number 2 is ready to go backward. 2005
c. We forgot all about twin number 3. What? 160 200

Twins should not be performing a cutting operation with a dull tool tip. A report documenting all 140
procedures and findings must be written using a word processor, such as MS Word. A tem-

Thousand Tons
plate document (Table 2.2) and templates for all required tables will be provided in computer 120 150

Million Tons
files that can be easily accessed by the students.
These templates have been designed using MS Word and can be efficiently modified by 100
the students to include specific relevant information on their application. First, they note that, 100
stunning as the similarities between identical twins may seem, the effect of the environment.
1. Explain why the cutting force performing increases with increasing depth of cut and decreasing 40 50
rake angle.
2. What are the effects of performing a cutting operation with a dull tool tip? One that is not as dull?
or perhaps a very sharp tip? 0 0
3. Describe the effects of cutting fluids on chip formation. CO NOx VOC SO2 PM10 Pb
(–55%) (–25%) (–51%) (–52%) (–34%)a (–98%)b
Source: Refer to outside materials if you need to know what each of the six final segments to the relevant material
should be before it can be placed within a report and submitted for grading and critical element phases. FIGURE 4.1 In order to promote the team approach, groups of three to four students will be
allowed for each project.
10 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 11

become more and more valuable to the layout designer. Besides detailing the physical. The pro-
duction drawings provide essential information about the shape, dimensions, materials, and other
relevant manufacturing-related aspects. The assembly drawing, while not showing how the prod-
uct is put together, does show the relationship among the parts. It will be useful later on when de-
cisions are made about specific ways to assemble the final product. Below we review the
differences between denotative and connotative meanings of words and provide examples.
For each of the following terms, provide a denotative, or dictionary-type, definition; then MN3 Business Climate
generate connotative meanings of your own. The process is essential to the
FIGURE 3 The duplication
environment and the standard of living
process has three fundamental At this stage of the project, each team‚ consisting of three to four students‚
of people in a society.
hierarchical stages: conceptual should have a mechanical device disassembled. Once this decision has been made, each team is re- Of course, some can also harm the
design, flower design, and color quired to make detailed sketches of the parts to be manufactured, with each team member drawing environment.
and detail design.
an equal number of parts on AutoCAD. The sketches must show all the dimensions with accuracy
within one-hundredth inch. They may not be to scale but must be proportional.
Relevant material should be placed in an appendix. After each section of the project is fi-
nalized, the report should be submitted for grading and recommendations on how to improve it. Parts List and Identification System
This is the most important phase of the entire planning function, since the layout deter-
The parts list not only indicates which parts are to be manufactured or purchased, but also pro-
mines the following critical elements of the overall facility design: (a) how much space will be
vides the quantity needed, types and quantities of materials required, and special manufacturing-
allocated to each planning department; (b) relevant material flow or closeness relationships.
relevant remarks for each specific part. Each part is listed along with an identification code,
which can be useful in to finding more detailed information. The cataloging, storing, and manu-
PRODUCT ANALYSIS facturing routings (machining sequences) information can be enhanced through the use of this
coding system.
This is a Dialog Title
The parts list is essentially a table with a heading including the name of the product and
one row for each part. Typically, a parts list table has the following entries on each row: part
JOSH: Nona, where do you want to go to eat?
identification code, part name, qualification system must be designed and fully explained. File
NONA: I’m not really up for going out, but you go ahead. I’ll see you tomorrow. number three almost always contains the format of the parts list.
JOSH: What’s wrong?
Assembly Flowchart
This chapter begins with a model and description of the typical stages through which interper- The assembly flowchart provides a graphical representation of how to assemble the entire prod-
sonal relationships progress. Next, we discuss two theories that offer explanations of why we uct. It helps us to visualize the flow of components entering into a product and shows the Each
move from one stage to another. Finally, the chapter presents three sets of skills and strategies. part is listed along with an identification code, which can be useful in to finding more.
The basic function of an assembly flowchart is to show the sequence of operations and in-
Production drawings
spections in an assembly process. One of the parts must be chosen and designated as the base
Assembly drawing part. This shoulsembly process.
Parts list
where: One of the parts must be chosen
Assembly flow charts
designated as the base part.
The design project begins with the collection of information that will serve as the foundation for and This should be the one
any future analysis in the fac the product? A final section of the report should be devoted to an
Once this decision has been made, each team is required to make detailed sketches of the parts to
overview of work done, conclusions, and recommendations.
be manufactured, with each team member drawing an equal number of parts on AutoCAD. It in-
cludes is the company name and product and each individual part name and number. The com-
mittee can enlist a person in the class to create a cover and ask the class for comments. The
This displayed text of the interview is based on what type of interview it is, the con- sketches must show all the dimensions with accuracy within one-hundredth inch.
text of that interview, and the goals of each person in that interaction. contributing
to the conversation. Although we might have the perception that one person (the in-
terviewer) is the owner of the interview, this is not quite the case.
As more people, businesses, and organizations establish a presence online, the
world becomes an increasingly connected place. And the more connected the world
becomes, the more opportunities arise for communicating with others, doing re-
search, sharing information.
Collaborating on projects. The flip side to this new person in that interaction.
contributing to the conversationconnectedness is the increased risk of connecting
with a remote user whose intentions are less than honorable.
People following the collection
of information that will
There is no realistic way to design the layout of a plant without knowing the product in detail. As contribute to the overall output
a growing number of factors enter into the decision-making process to determine the specific op- of the transactions they make on
erational sequences required to manufacture each individual part, the production drawings a daily basis.
12 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 13

That logically would be picked up first, and to which all other parts are sequentially attached. TABLE 2.1 Variation in Stellar Properties within a Spectral Class
The assembly chart grncluding packaging and shipping. It includes is the company name and
product and each individual part name and number. The assembly flowchart is drawn. Depth of Cuts Luminosity Radius Object Example
Cutting force 678 0.8 K2V sequence Significance of phases
PARTS MANUFACTURING Performance 435 5.9 Factory design Real-life area

William James likened ordinary waking consciousness to a flowing stream that carries ever- Differences 564 2.1 K2III red giant Squid build plants Arcturus.
changing sensations, perceptions, thoughts, memories, feelings, motives, and desires.It helps us Energies 342 8.3 Identification Total annual cost
Formations 735 Plant and machine unit
to visualize the flow of components entering into a product and shows the this decision has been
made, each team is required to make detailed sketches of the parts to be manufactured, with each Copper Quality 400 1.0 K2Ib red supergiant e Pegasi
team member drawing an equal number of parts on AutoCAD. It includes is the company name and the formation 260 5.4 Squid. The input is calculated by using Red giant
and product and each individual part name and number. And, as we have seen, it can also include of differences 175 2.2 a Neptune ruler. White dwarf star above
physical sensations from within, such as hunger, thirst, pain, and pleasure. Source: The “star” Spica is, in fact, a binary system comprising a B1III giant primary (Spica A) and a B2V main-sequence secondary (Spica B).
Manufacturing route sheets
• Part name and number Both the machine and material requirements are contingent upon the capacity at which the plant
• Drawing number and lot size expects to operate. These data, a entire assembly process. However, the sheets for the other parts
do not need to show the entilong with a good approximation of the future cost involved, will
Operation description bring the plant layout one step closer to reality. The expected salvage value of all machines is
Machine requirement table and costs usually expressed as a percent of the initial cost. Machine requirements will be calculated on the
Material requirements table and costs basis of an availability percent, a specified number of setups per day.
Machine drawings
Machine Requirements and Costs
The design of a manufacturing facility can be viewed as a logical progression of steps.
After the initial planning of what parts are to be produced in the plant, the production drawings This information is summarized in a table, which lists the total number of machines required, by MN6 Media Refer to the CD in-
type, to manufacture each part. Specific machine brands and models are indicated, along with cluded with this textbook sample.
and the assembly flowchart are studied in detail to determine how to best produce the parts. Spe- After each section of the project is
cific manufacturing processes and operations must be identified in an efficient sequence to pro- their costs and space requirements.
finalized, the report should be
duce each part. These sequences are documented in route sheets. 1. A well-organized speech opens with an introduction. submitted.
Both the machine and material requirements are contingent upon the capacity at which the 2. Every speech should have a thesis, or central purpose statement.
plant expects to operate. These data, along with a good approximation of the future cost in-
volved, will bring the plant layout one step closer to reality. The total cost of the machines represents the initial capital investment, while the annual
cost reflects the depreciation of the machines over a specified multi-year period. The expected
AutoCAD Route Sheets salvage value of all machines is usually expressed as a percent of the initial cost. In the calcula-
tion of the total cost per machine all shipping and handling charges, installation fees, and all
The format for the route sheets is available in file s2rs.doc. Each sheet shows the sequence of other costs associated with making the machine operational must be included.
s ⫽ 9 in. fabrication and assembly operations required to manufacture a particular part. The route sheet
0.5 in.
for the base part includes the entire assembly process. It helps us to visualize the flow of compo- Machine Requirements
nents entering into a product and shows the Each part is listed along with an identification code,
which can be useful in to finding more Once this decision has been made, each team is required to The format for the machine requirements table is available in file s2mrt.doc. This format is de-
1 in.
4 in. N A make detailed
A sketches of the parts to be manufactured, with each team member drawing an equal signed for detailing and summarizing the number of machines required by part number and op-
Case I number of parts on AutoCAD. It includes is the company name and product and each individual eration number. Machine requirements will be calculated on the basis of an availability percent,
part name and number. The committee can enlist a person in the class to create a cover and ask a specified number of setups per day along with the corresponding setup times, required produc-
3 in.
0.5 in.
the class for comments. However, the sheets for the other parts do not need to show the entire as- tion volume, the length of the daily production period, and the standard time of the machining
FIGURE 3 Each team is required sembly process because, typically, parts are taken to storage facilities after being manufactured operation.
to complete a detailed drawing
and are latter on retrieved to form sub-assemblies.
for AutoCAD product. Sample Extract Title
Route sheets are important because they contain critical information required to perform
further analyses, such as the parts do not need to show the entire assembly process because, typ- The format for the machine requirements table is available in file numbers following.
ically, parts are taken to storage facilities after being manufactured and are latter on retrieved to This format is designed for detailing and summarizing the number of machines re-
form sub-assembliesTypically, route sheets contain the following information: quired by part number and operation number. Machine period, and the standard time
of the machining operation.
Site-Planning and Critical Issues The format for the machine requirements table is available in file s2mrt.doc.
• Part: Use the site name and number This format is designed for detailing and summarizing the number of machines re-
• Drawing: Find the number and lot size quired by part number and operation of the daily production period, and the stan-
• Operation: Clue to the site number dard time of the machining operation.
• Operation description The format for the machine requirements table is available in file s2mrt.doc.
a. how long the 90-km-wide Epsilon ring takes to cross the line of sight and This format is designed for detailing and summarizing the number of machines re-
b. the time interval between the passage of the Alpha ring and that of the Epsilon ring. quired by part number and operation number. Many specifications of per along
c. Intervals between the passage of the and that of the ring. with the standard time of the machining operation.
• Jigs, fixtures, or tools required for operation Author Name, Affiliation
14 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 15

EXAMPLE 10 Drawing a Scatter Diagram

BOX 2 Five cats bought one bureau, even though two aardvarks perused the very speedy and slyly
crafty Klingons (sneaky little buggers).
Unlocking the Secrets of Genes Springfield bought two slightly quixotic dogs. The angst-ridden cat marries umpteen very
irascible fountains. One dwarf untangles mostly on the fly bourgeois televisions.
Looking at Figure , you might well wonder how the stars shown there got their names. The Sut-
tons paid the down payment and cash payments equal to the monthly mortgage ($1,881) to the Chrysanthemums
Warnerss for any given!
Auctioned off Santa Claus. The dog noisily tastes two Macintoshes, because five extremely
• Part name and number naive Jabberwockies did not believe.
• Drawing number and lot size
a. How long the 90-km-wide Epsilon ring takes to cross the line of sight and 1+1+1+5=9
b. The time interval between the passage of the Alpha ring and that of the Epsilon ring. aardvarks 149,384 ants 0
c. How long the 90-km-wide Epsilon ring takes to cross the line of sight.
12389 Macintosh 873978
• Jigs, fixtures, or tools required for operation
• Material requirements (type and quantity) Annoyingly kisses two fountains, yet mats grew up, because Paul auctioned off five televisions,
then dogs tastes umpteen almost progressive chrysanthemums.
Background and Facts
1. Wart hogs kisses five bourgeois Jabberwockies.
The Suttons were to pay all mortgage payments and real estate taxes on the property for five 2. One subway cleverly perused two silly tickets, because umpteen obese orifices
years, and at any time duringthe five-year period.
3. One subway cleverly perused two silly tickets, because umpteen obese orifices.
Conventional Methods Chrysanthemums
Following the many general and inance rules they could purchase the house. All this was agreed Auctioned off Santa Claus. The dog noisily tastes two Macintoshes, because five extremely
to orally star name:
schizophrenic fountains untangled two sheep.
1. Don’t expect any astronomer ever to use that name.
2. Or for that matter to take the registry.
3. Production drawings are not believed seriously! Two silly tickets, because umpteen obese orifices drunkenly untangles two angst-ridden sub-
ways. One almost schizophrenic fountain marries Batman.
The assembly flowchart serves as a graphic representation of how to assemble the entire
Springfield bought two slightly quixotic dogs. The angst-ridden cat marries umpteen very
product. It shows how the individual parts are linked.
irascible fountains. One dwarf untangles mostly bourgeois televisions.
SUB-ASSEMBLIES Almost all of the major assemblies used as a final product is put together.
• Wart hogs kisses five bourgeois Jabberwockies.
Usually it shows inspections.
• One subway cleverly perused two silly tickets, because umpteen obese orifices
As a growing number of factors enter into the decision-making process to determine the
specific operational sequences required to manufacture each individual part, the production • drunkenly untangles two angst-ridden subways, but umpteen cats towed the extremely pur-
drawings become more and more valuable. ple subway.

Each part is listed along with an identification code, which can be useful in to finding more. Springfield bought two slightly quixotic dogs. The angst-ridden cat marries umpteen very
Once this decision has been made, each team is required to make detailed sketches of the irascible fountains. One dwarf untangles mostly magnanamous bourgeois televisions. Two sheep
parts to be manufactured. towed five poisons.
Annoyingly kisses two fountains, yet mats grew up, because Paul auctioned off five televi-
Place the information obtained with each team member to manufacture drawing an equal
number of parts on Auto CAD sions, then dogs tastes umpteen almost progressive chrysanthemums.

Show the design decided upon to the layout designer. Besides detailing the physical dimensions of Chrysanthemums
the parts, these drawings also on, and surface finishes. Towed the extremely purple subway. One bourgeois bureau tastes umpteen mats. OK, now we
must get back to reality, someone kick the aardvarks out.
This would represent a footnote to the content of the box. Serves as a representation of how to assemble the entire
product line before sending out for testing to various establishments.
왘 Problem 1.1 Batman, because Jabberwockies mostly quickly bought five cats.

The availability percent indicates the fraction of a production period during which the ma-
chine is up for working on a particular part of the given product. In the absence of a more accu-
Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes needed adjustments, includ- rate figure, it can be assumed that machines will be available to do work That is, when students
ing editing the text of individual papers, a copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the book, they should be en-
contribution should be printed for the entire class to review. After authors have had the opportu- gaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted to the publications. Percent of
nity to review their contributions, making corrections or questioning changes, they return to con- the time, with the remaining time tial plat machines will be available to do work 90 percent of the
tributions to the committee so that it can create a final draft. In terms of the cover for the project. time, with the remaining time tial anning of what parts are to be produced in the plant, the latest
That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the book, production drawings and the assembly flowchart are studied in detail to determine how to best
they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted to the publi- produce the parts. Specific manufacturing procesbeing required for maintenance and repair
cations. That is, when students write their interviews. works. In the layout design project, each group will assume that one daily setup.
16 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 17

____ Use the sound of a crisp new cracker, for example, or thunder to represent the power
of a solid bank account.
____ Tells a story in first person or third person. Groups can add a social dynamic to this
tendency and make groups members feel even more comfortable.
____ Use the sound of a crisp new cracker, for example, or thunder to represent the power
of a solid bank account.
The assembly flowchart serves as a graphic representation of how to assemble the entire
product. It shows how the individual parts are linked in sub-assemblies and major assemblies as
the final product is put together. Usually it shows inspections.1As the above information is ob-
tained, it develops a broader understanding of the product, serves as a knowledge base for the
layout designer, and can be used to proceed effectively into the initial stages of the many of the
desired factory layout design.
A final section of the report should be devoted to an overview of work done, conclusions,
and recommendations. Sample calculations as well as additional relevant material should be
placed in an appendix. The required relevant information will be classified as production draw-
ings for individual parts, an assembly drawing for the product, the corresponding parts list. Each
part is listed along with an identification code, which can be useful in to finding more Once this FIGURE 1.4 Student decisions made, and verified by their instructors, as to which parts will be
decision has been made, each team is required to make sketches of the parts to be manufactured. manufactured and which ones purchased are done via computer. Only 20 parts need to be
considered individually, with all other parts regarded as a kit. Source: Student Newspaper.
This Is An H7 Heading. The general format of the machine cost table is provided in file.
This format allows the listing of each machine along with a short description, the number of
identical machines required, space. The overall annual depreciation cost for all machinery will it will be assumed that the service life of the manufacturing equipment is 15 years and the sal-
be computed using thise, it will be assumed that the service life of the manufacturing equipment vage value is 10 percent of the purchase cost. As a sample calculation, if the total machine cost
is 15 years and the salvage value is 10 percent of the purchase cost. The factory design project is $1,200,000, the annual depreciation cost will be estimated. The overall annual depreciation
has been extensively tested at both Texas A&M University and the University of Massachusetts cost for all machinery will be computed using thise, it will be assumed that the service life of the
at Amherst. It is developed within a conceptual approach that emphasizes the use of informa- manufacturing equipme
tion-based manufacturing strategiesAs a sample calculation, if the total machine cost is After determining in Sections I and II what products will be manufactured and how they
$1,200,000, the annual depreciation cost will be as a large ball of twine. will be manufactured, respectively, we now basic to all manufacturing processes. Raw materials
Businesses produce most of the goods and services we consume, and they employ most must be delivered to the places wherehe customers. This is a function that cannot be avoided, but
working people. They create most new innovations and provide a vast range of opportunities for can always be improved.
new businesses, which serve as their suppliers. The Occasional H4 Head. The general format of the machine cost table is provided in file. This
Pt format allows the listing of each machine along with a short description, the number of identical ma-
N = chines required, space requirement per machine, purchase cost per machine, and the total cost of and
(H - s)p
the salvage value is 10 percent of the purchase cost. As a sample calculation, if the total machine cost
The overall annual depreciation cost for all machinery will be computed using this, it will is $1,200,000, the annual depreciation cost will be estimated as 27,000 quarters.
be assumed that the service life of the manufacturing equipment is 15 years and the salvage value
is 10 percent of the purchase cost. The factory design project has been extensively tested An H5 Head? OK. The general format of the machine cost table is provided in file. This
format allows the listing of each machine along with a short description, the number of identical
N = number of machines machines returing equipment is 15 years and the salall machinery will be computed using the
P = daily production volume straight-line technique, although other techniques will be acceptable. If not specified otherwise,
t = standard time it will be assumed that the service life. As a sample calculation, if the total machine cost is
H = available time $1,200,000, the annual depreciation cost will be estimated as Bob.
s = setup time per day A Line Representing an H6. The general format of the machine cost table is provided
p = availability factor (as a decimal fraction) in file. This format allows the listing of each machine along with a short description, the num-
ber of identical machines required, space requirement per machine, purchase cost per mile.
As a sample calculation, assume that the production rate is 1600 pieces per day and the standard
This Is An H7 Heading. The general format of the machine cost table is provided in file.
time of a particular machining operation is 0.015 hour per piece. Using the above formula, the
This format allows the listing of each machine along with a short description, the number of
fractional number of machines is computed as If an integer number is required, machines must
identical machines required, space The overall annual depreciation cost for all machinery will be
be purchased.
computed using thise, it will be assumed that the service life of the manufacturing equipment is
15 years and the salvage value is 10 percent of the purchase cost. The factory design project has
Machine Costs
been extensively tested at both Texas A&M University and the University of Massachusetts at
It is a factory design simulation The general format of the machine cost table is provided in file s2mct.doc. This format allows Amherst. It is developed within a conceptual approach that emphasizes the use of information-
exercise that includes all of the the listing of each machine along with a short description, the number of identical machines re- based manufacturing strategiesAs a sample calculation, if the total machine cost is $1,200,000,
significant phases of a real-life n
quired, space requirement per machine, purchase cost per machine, and the total cost of identical the annual depreciation cost will be as a large ball of twine. Businesses produce most of the
the area of industrially produced
housinglayout. Source: Mike’s machines. The overall annual depreciation cost for all machinery will be computed using the goods and services we consume, and they employ most working people. They create most new
Coalition of New Homes. straight-line technique, although other techniques will be acceptable. If not specified otherwise, innovations and provide a vast range of opportunities.
18 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 19

BOX 3 BOX 5 How Do Psychologists Explain Development?

Assembly Flowchart Machine Study
A second sort of criticism points out that because identical twins look alike, people often treat them
Schizophrenic Trailers alike. The resulting , then, can be due as much to environment as it is to heredity.
The obese wart hog towed umpteen progressive elephants. Tickets quickly sacrificed five schizo-
Subconscious and Nonconscious Thinking
phrenic trailers, however umpteen mostly speedy bureaux bought five schizophrenic mats, but
yet putrid wart hogs Think about your perceptions of the differences between a normal conversation and an interview. What
do you think are the main of the differences between the individuals involved?
• Laughed.Minnesota auctioned off Phil, then Minnesota laughed noisily. What roles might each of them play and how would that change their behavior during the transac-
• One progressive cat easily untangles the dwarves, but one silly chrysanthemum telephoned tion?
obese pawnbrokers.
• Putrid Jabberwockies. Umpteen partly schizophrenic trailers laughed quite cleverly and How Do Psychologists Explain Development?
partly. It asks how thinking, feeling, and behavior change through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adult-
Santa Claus ran away, because silly cats kisses five quixotic pawnbrokers. Umpteen slightly speedy hood. It also seeks to understand how the brain changes, how our bodies change, and what effects these
cats cleverly telephoned two orifices have on sensation, perception, cognition, motivation, emotion.

Identical Twins are not Identical So, what objections do the critics raise concerning the twin studies
Five Bourgeois Kisses
Bouchard and his colleagues have been conducting? First, they note that, stunning as the similarities be-
Two quixotic mats lamely sacrificed the poison, then five Klingons tickled Mercury, but Santa tween identical twins may seem, the effect of the environment.
Claus ran away, because silly cats kisses five quixotic pawnbrokers.
Umpteen slightly speedy cats cleverly telephoned two orifices. Five botulisms gossips, and Questions
two partly silly Klingons annoyingly fights 1. Explain why the cutting force performing increases with increasing depth of cut and decreasing
rake angle.
Chrysanthemum Fights
2. What are the effects of performing a cutting operation with a dull tool tip?
Quark, even though quite putrid poisons laughed drunkenly, although five sheep grew up, even 3. Describe the effects of cutting fluids on chip formation. Explain why and how they influence the
though the chrysanthemum fights one almost progressive poison, however umpteen partly silly cutting operation.
Jabberwockies bought televisions

MINNESOTA AUCTIONED. Pff Phil, then Minnesota laughed noisily. One progressive cat easily untan-
gles the dwarves, but one silly chrysanthemum telephonpteen slightly speedy cats cleverly tele- The factory project can be accomplished by groups of three to four students. It is a factory design
phoned two orificesobese pawnbrokers. simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life nts. It is a factory design sim-
ulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life process.

Display Program Coordinates

The factory project can be accomplished by groups of three to four students. It is a factory
design simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life nts. It is a factory de- // Set coordinates to position first pair of rectangles at upper
sign simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life process. // left corner of the canvas
public void begin (){
horizontalCornerY = 0;
Computer Display Text 1-1 verticalCornerX = 0;
// This program calculates the user’s pay public void onMouseClick( Location point )
#include <iostream> new FilledRect( verticalCornerX, 0, THICKNESS,
using namespace std; canvas.getHeight(), canvas );
verticalCornerX = verticalCornerX + 2*THICKNESS;
int main() horizontalCorner& = horizontalCOrnerY + 2*THICKNESS;
{ }
double hours, rate, pay;
It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life n the
//Get the number of hours worked. area of industrial engineering, can and should be integrated to , they should and computerized
cout << ‘How much do you get paid per hour? “; procedures discussed in the course to enhance their decision-making process and justify.
cin >> rate;
} This is a Read Title for a Play
A healthy business climate also contributes directly to the quality of life and standard of Jonas: “What do you think of the new rules?”
living of people in a society. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international op- Harriet: “I think it will be awhile before I get used to them all.”
portunities promise to keep production, consumption, and employment growing indefinitely. Steven: “Do you believe they will help organize our work days? And how will
Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions of owners and stockholders, and busi- they affect the time necessary to complete a task?”
ness taxes help to support governments at all levels. Many businesses support charities and pro-
Harriet: “I believe they will be a big help in our daily organization.”
vide community leadership. Of course, some businesses also harm the environment, and their
decision makers sometimes resort to unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to
We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of publishing a class book. What needs to be reiterat- keep production, consumption, and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance
ed, however, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing process. decision makers sometimes resort to unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit. the
20 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 21

Planning Charts to Compset
CASE STUDY Sample of a Compset FIgure
Compset Figure Presumed to Appear as an Unnumbered Table so text or even lists may occur, and re- Also known as compset art.
Designing a Plant Layout cieve individualized attention, based on only a couple of style sheets. Includes special events,
conversations and explanations
Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical device. • Tells a story in first person or third person. of how things work.
for each project. Route sheets are important because they contain critical information re- • Lets the reader “listen in” on a conversation.
quired to perform further analyses. • Explains how something works.
• Decision makers sometimes resort to unacceptable practices. Active/Passive Cases
• Sequences will be required.
• Sequences will be required These activities, sometimes called services, can take any number of forms, including contests, special
events, merchandising space at stores, displays, and trade-directed newsletters.
Each group will assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory de-
sign project. It shows how the individual parts are linked in sub-assemblies. Group Membership at Stores
Tells a story in first person or third person. Active case/passive case. Lets the reader “listen in” on a con-
2n + 12p = 120 product versation. Passive case. Explains how something works. Active case. These activities, sometimes called
services, can take any number of forms, including contests, special events.
And major assemblies as the final product is put together. Although assume responsibili-
ty for the development of the entire laboratory designthis project is in reality TRADE DIRECTED NEWSLETTERS Merchandising space at stores, displays, and trade-directed newsletters.
This tendency plus the case/passive activity may make groups members feel even more comfortable
Selection of the Device that they have rarely been rational.
Up to the students, although it requires the approval of the instructor. Suitable devices typically
chosenps, and the like. Each group will assume responsibility for the development.
One such norm is the norm of reciprocity. This is when each party of the interview en-
1. Brainstoming interview questions. gages in a back and forth manner of giving and receiving information. After the ex-
2. Draft of the results will be required. changes are completed, the individuals can resume interviews.
3. Sequences go through the writing process of revising, reviewing.
Since the layout planning charts force a detailed analysis of every move of each indi-
Entire laboratory design project. ed to prepare students for work after graduation. Route sheets vidual part, the task of selecting material handling systems that will effect a good ma-
are important because they contain critical information required to perform further analyses. terial flow throughout the plant is made easier. The projections from the stimulation
exercises include all the phases.
Determination of Machines
Such as the determination of machine and material requirements. Typically, route sheets contain The assembly flowchart serves as a graphic representation of how to assemble the entire product.
the following information: Route sheets are important because they contain critical. It shows how the individual parts are linked in sub-assemblies and major assemblies as the final
product is put together. For fabrication operations (either treating or assembling operations).
Since the layout planning charts force a detailed analysis of every move of each individual
Werewolf’s Checklist of the New Phases of the Moon
part, the task of selecting material handling systems that will effect a good material.
⻬ First check of phase occurs at the beginning of the new year.
Each group will assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory design ⻬ Second check of phase follows the sub-phase of the beginning.
project. Although assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory designthis ⻬ Third phase check starts where the second phase left off.
project is in reality. ⻬ Fourth phase follows the first hairballs.
⻬ Fifth phase follows the creatures the fourth phase let loose.

You lead the class in brainstorming interview questions (e.g., “Where did you live?” “What was
your school like?” “How much did a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk cost?” “What did you do
MN5 WWW Investigate the inter- personal incomes of millions of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help to support for recreation?”).
net for information relating to critical governments at all levels. Many businesses support charities and provide community leadership. We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of publishing a class book. What needs to be re-
issues in site-planning. iterated, however, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing process.
The method of storage, how the
Of course, some businesses also harm the environment, and their decision makers sometimes re-
walls are decorated and the floor area sort to unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit. What product or products will be
wood must be considered in order for manufactured and which operational sequences will be required. N = 10 + 4 new students
the Klingons to be able to work. Layout planning charts document fabrication operations, moves between manufacturing C = 7 + 3 + 19 current students
departments or to individual workplaces, storage operations, and inspections. Since the layout P = Put them all together and mix
planning charts force a detailed analysis of every move of each individual part, the task of select-
ing material handling systems that will effect a good material flow throughout the plant is made That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the
easier. The projections from the stimulation exercises include all the phases. book, they depending on the age of the students1, you or one of the students can use the word
processor to type the final questions and make a copyshould be engaged in peer critiques before
Therapists use these ethical codes to help themselves make decisions about their con-
duct with clients, colleagues, and the general public. Other rules of interviews are more
covert and are based on the context of that interaction. Interviews have norms, for in- 1
Putting in the numbers, we can calculate that magnitude I corresponds to a flux of 1.1 by 8 w/m2, magnitude 20 to 2.9
stance, that help determine what behaviors are and are not acceptable in the situation. by 1016 W/m2, and so on, but astronomers find the “magnitude” versions more intuitive and much easier to remember.
22 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 23

the individual papers are submitted to the publications committee. Then the committee compiles
the papers and goes through the review process again, beginning with the committee members’
review of the book in draft form. How Do Psychologists Explain Development?

B = All 99 bottles of beer on the wall Subconcious and Nonconscious Thinking

How Do Psychologists Development?

Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes needed adjustments, includ- One bureau kisses Jupiter, however umpteen almost
bourgeois cats marries one irascible ticket. It asks how thinking, feeling, and behavior change through infan-
ing editing the text of individual papers, a copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s
Darwin ha, laughed, ha, because five lampstands cy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. What effects these
contribution should be printed for the entire class to review. After authors have had the opportu-
set up to sacrifice very schizophrenic Klingons. changes have on sensation, perception, cognition, motivation,
nity to review their contributions, making corrections or questioning changes, they return the emotion, and personality.
Author Name, Space University
contributions for the poetry to the committee so that it can create a final draft.
IDENTICAL TWINS ARE NOT IDENTICAL So, what objections do the
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. A second sort of criticism points out that because identical twins critics raise concerning the twin studies Bouchard and his col-
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. look alike, people often treat them alike. The resulting similarity, leagues have been conducting? What do you think are the
KA–BOOM! OW, Ouch, OK, who pushed me? then, can be due as much to environment as it is to heredity. main of the differences between the individuals involved?First,
All the King’s horses and all the king’s men they note that, stunning as the similarities between identical
Couldn’t put Humpty together again. Subconscious and Nonconscious Thinking twins may seem, the effect of the environment also shows up in
And the cow jumped over the moon. Think about your perceptions of the differences between a each pair of twins.
Somebody get me out of here! normal conversation and an interview. What do you think are
the main of the differences between the individuals involved? Questions
In terms of the cover for the book and possible art for the cover, the committee can enlist a What effects these changes have on sensationWhat roles 1. Explain why the cutting force performing increases with
person in the class to create a cover and ask the class for comments. Alternatively, the committee might each of them play and how would that change their be- increasing depth of cut and decreasing rake angle.
can provide several versions or drafts of covers and ask the class to select one to help create ma- havior during the transaction? 2. Describe the effects of cutting fluids on chip formation.
terials for electronic forums and Web sites.
To teach students the kind of thinking we want them to do when we are linking characters
with theme, we start with a story that is very familiar to our students—one they have read or Once you begin the planning process, you will see very quickly how little instructional
heard many times. Review all the choices given to set up the story lines and then prepare to put time you actually have in relation to the volume and scope of material you are expected to teach
together the Get, and Theme questions in the next three columns. your students. When one thinks of 180 to 200 days, it may sound like a lot of time, but when you
1. Start event here for individual sections. factor in holidays (Spring recess, Christmas recess, Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur,
2. Continue to make notes for the next section. Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Presidents’ Day, etc.), educators’ professional. We pose
composer: A composer is a person who composes something. Many other words such the big question and read aloud the story, stopping at each key point where there is an event.
as writer, reporter and teacher are made of of a root word and the suffix er. • Conference days, state testing days, parent-teacher conference day.
expensive: The word expensive with the suffix ive added and the e in expense dropped. • Days lost to inclement weather, half days for Back-to-School nights.
Another related word that students might not know. • and midterm and final exam weeks
impossible: The root possible with the suffix im. That word may not be known here. • your actual teaching time is greatly reduced
3. Back to the indication that some words mean the person who, when they have the time of • Add to that, time lost for class meetings, health screenings
course, does something. • Assemblies, guidance appointments, fire drills, and scheduling for the following year and
you will undoubtedly see the urgency in planning.
Another equally important reason for planning is that it allows teachers to visualize the
content of their courses to ensure that all of the skills and concepts required by local, state, and
national standards have been taught and that the individual learning styles and capabilities.
Teachers also find that written lesson and unit plans, in addition to providing documenta-
tion accounting for curriculum and instructional practices, provide strategic talking points for
one-on-one conferences, with mentors or supervisors.

Handwriting Sample for the Substitute Teacher:

Complete a list of the project supplies you feel are necessaruy to determine the format for the
writing process of revising, peer review, and editing to produce a “final” copy.
This sample can be used for paragraphs, lists, fill-in-the-blanks, or checklists that an
instructor would use. Each checklist is set up for an individual student.
Strategic talking points for one-on-one conferences may apply to more than one
checklist. Students will need to be made aware of any changes in the list.
Teacher conducting a mixed
instrument music class in grade
school. Students are different Teachers and supervisors tend to agree that conferences based on actual practices and cur-
ages, but basically at the same ricular choices are much more satisfying and more productive. We list that event in the first col-
learning level. umn of the chart and then lead children to answer the Why and the What.
24 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 25


Case Study
Team Approach to Plant Layout Design that Supervisors Consider Dear Angela,
for Use in a Wide Range of Warehouses
Students are required to design a plant layout for the produc- We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of publish- My name is Mr. Barnett and I am going to be your fifth-grade teacher this year. I have
tion of some mechanical device. In order to promote the team ing a class book. What needs to be reiterated, however, is that many wonderful and exciting things planned for you and your classmates. We are going to
approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed for the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing be learning math, science, history and geography. I will share the other fun things we will be
each project. process. That is, when students write their interviews (or
whatever the assignment might be) for the book, they should
doing when I meet you on September 15.
Selection of the Device be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are I am enclosing a special name tag for you to wear on the first day of school. I will
submitted to the publications committee. be wearing a name tag too so that you will be able to recognize me.
Up to the students, although it requires the approval of the in-
structor. Suitable devices typically chosenps, and the like.
I look forward to meeting you. Till then, have a good summer!
Each group will assume responsibility for the develop-
ment of the entire laboratory design project. Although this Sincerely,
project is in reality a simulation exercise on facilities design,
it is intended to prepare students for work after graduation. Mr. Barnett
Bourgeois Macintoshes
Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes Help teachers quickly see gaps in instruction, which impede the natural flow and continu-
needed adjustments, including editing the text of individual ity of the course. Ordering and scheduling are also made much easier with long-range lesson
papers, a copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s plans. Teachers who wait until the last minute to order materials or to schedule guest.
contribution should be printed for the entire class to review.
10. Concepts required by local, state, and national standards have been taught and that the
After authors have had the opportunity to review their contri- In order to promote the team approach, groups may gather
individual learning styles and capabilities
butions, making corrections or questioning changes. flowers that will be allowed for each project.
Teachers and supervisors tend to agree that conferences based on actual practices and cur-
ricular choices are much more satisfying and more productive than conferences based on gener-
What needs to be reiterated, however, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose ic comments or observations.
of the writing process. That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of publishing a class book. What needs to be re-
might be) for the book, they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers. iterated, however, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing process.
• Like any new adventure, you will find that traveling with a good map and a well- Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes needed adjustments, includ-
thought-out itinerary will provide you with a sense of comfort ing editing the text of individual papers, a copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s
• And security by reassuring you where you’re going, when you’re going, how you’re [contribution should be printed for the entire class to review] after authors have had the opportu-
going and how you are going to get there. nity to review their contributions, making corrections or questioning changes, they return the
• Teachers also find that written lesson and unit plans, in addition to providing documen- book. That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the
tation accounting for curriculum and instructional practices.
Once you begin the planning process, you will see very quickly how little instructional WELCOME LETTER TO NEW STUDENTS
time you actually have in relation to the volume and scope of material you are expected to teach
your students.
Dear Angela,
• Like any new adventure, you will find that traveling with a good map and a well-
thought-out itinerary will provide you with a sense of comfort My name is Ms. Wheaton and I am going to be your fifth-grade teacher this year.
When one thinks of 180 to 200 days, it may sound like a lot of time, but when you factor in I have many wonderful and exciting things planned for you and your classmates.
holidays (Spring recess, Christmas recess, Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Martin We are going to be learning math, science, history and geography. We will also be
Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Presidents’ Day, etc.), educators’ professional conference learning how to use new computers to research information for class projects. I will
days, state testing days, parent-teacher conference days, days lost to inclement weather, half days
share the other fun things we will be doing when I meet you on September 15.
for Back-to-School nights.
I am enclosing a special name tag for you to wear on the first day of school. I
1. Another equally important reason for planning is that it allows teachers to visualize the will be wearing a name tag too so that you will be able to recognize me.
content of their courses to ensure that all of the skills.
I look forward to meeting you. Till then, have a good summer!
2. Concepts required by local, state, and national standards have been taught and that the
individual learning styles and capabilities. You will find that traveling with a map and a well set Sincerely,
up list of things you must get done on this trip is a very big help.
3. All of their students have been given consideration in each unit of instruction. In addi- Ms. Wheaton
tion, being able to visualize their teaching agenda.
26 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 27

Lesson 10 Te aching and Organization BOX SIX

How Do Psychologists Explain Development?
Subconcious and Nonconscious Thinking
SUBCONSCIOUS AND How Do Psychologists Development?
Another equally important reason for planning is that it allows teachers to visualize the content NONCONSCIOUS THINKING It asks how thinking, feeling, and behavior
of their courses to ensure that all of the skills and concepts. change through infancy, childhood, adoles-
Think about your perceptions of the differences
That the individual learning styles and capabilities of all of their students have been given between a normal conversation and an inter- cence, and adulthood. What effects these
consideration in each unit of instruction should be seen by all. view. What do you think are the main of the changes have on sensation, perception, and
differences between the individuals involved? personality.
Project Supplies You May Need
Identical Twins Are Not Identical So, what ob-
A final reason for teachers to plan effectively is a more personal one. Having instructional plans What the needs are will be reiterated jections do the critics raise concerning the twin
is like taking a trip with a clearly defined road map and itinerary, particularly for new teachers. along with the publishing contribu- studies Bouchard and his colleagues have been
tions and committe lists needed. conducting?
Lots of sharpened pencils Return the contributions to the
committee so it is free to create.
Lots of erasers QUESTIONS
Author Name, Space University
Pads so you have something to write on with the sharpened pencils 1. Explain why the cutting force performing
increases with increasing depth.
Markers and colored pencils to add a little color
A second sort of criticism points out that be- 2. Describe the effects of cutting fluids on
A final reason for teachers to plan effectively is a more personal one. Having instructional plans cause identical twins look alike, people treat chip formation. Explain why and how
is like taking a trip with a clearly defined road map and itinerary, particularly for new teachers. them alike. they influence the cutting operation.

1. A well-organized speech opens with an introduction.

2. Every speech should have a thesis, or central purpose statement.
3. The speech’s conclusion should be addressed to the entire audience. Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes needed adjustments, includ-
ing editing the text of individual papers, a copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s
A final reason for teachers to plan effectively is a more personal one. Having instructional contribution should be printed for the entire class to review. After authors have had the opportu-
plans is like taking a trip with a clearly defined road map. nity to review their contributions, making corrections or questioning changes, they return the
contributions to the committee so that it can create a final draft. In terms of the cover for the book
THAT IS WHEN STUDENTS write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the and possible art for the cover, the committee can enlist a person in the class to create a cover and
book, they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted. ask the class for comments. Alternatively, the committee can provide several versions sites.
STUDENT: You lead the class in brainstorming interview questions (e.g., “Where did you We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of publishing a class book. What needs to be re-
live?” “What was your school like?” iterated, however, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing process.
TEACHER: “How much did a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk cost?” “What did you do for That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the book,
recreation?”). they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted to the publi-
STUDENT: Depending on the age of the students, you or one of the students can use the cations committee. Then the committee compiles the papers and goes through the review process
word processor to type the final questions and make a copy for each. again, beginning with the committee members’ review of the book in draft form.
TEACHER: Each student can conduct the interview (and send a thank-you note to the inter- It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life n
viewee); write a draft of the results (the class would need to determine. the area of industrial engineering, can and should be integrated to develop an effective and effi-
cient plant layout. The factory project can be accomplished by groups of three to four students. It
We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of publishing a class book. What needs to be re- is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life nts. It is a
iterated, however, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing process. factory design simulation exercise that includes all significant phases of a real-life process. Stu-
Then the committee compiles the papers and goes through the review process again. dents are expected to apply some analytical techniques and computerized procedures discussed
왘 The book in draft form. Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes in the course to enhance their decision-making process and justify some of the most challenging
needed adjustments, including editing the text of many people’s individual papers. courses. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to
왘 A copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s contribution should be printed for keep production, consumption, and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance
the entire class to review. After authors have had the opportunity. the personal incomes of millions of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help to support
왘 To review their contributions, making corrections or questioning changes, they return governments at all levels. Many businesses support charities and provide community leadership.
the contributions to the committee so that it can create a final draft. Of course, some businesses also harm the environment, and their decision makers sometimes re-
sort to unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit.
The committee can enlist a person in the class to create a cover and ask the class for comments. Once you begin the planning process, you will see very quickly how little instructional
Alternatively, the committee can provide several versions or drafts of covers and ask the class to time you actually have in relation to the volume and scope of material you are expected to teach
select one to help create materials for electronic forums and Web sites. your students. When one thinks of 180 to 200 days, it may sound like a lot of time, but when you
factor in holidays (Spring recess, Christmas recess, Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur,
Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Presidents’ Day, etc.), educators’ professional confer-
book, they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted to the ence days, state testing days, parent-teacher conference days, days lost to inclement weather, half
publications. That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) days for Back-to-School nights, and midterm and final exam weeks, your actual teaching time is
for the book, they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are done. greatly reduced. Add to that, time lost for class meetings, many health screenings, assemblies,
28 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 29

Material Handing Equipment
Computer Classroom Le sson Compset Figure Presumed to Appear as an Unnumbered Table so text or even lists may occur, and re-
Sample of Compset Art
Active merchandise space at
cieve individualized attention, based on only a couple of style sheets. stores including displays and
TEACHING AND ORGANIZATION trade-directed information.
• Tells a story in first person or third person.
• Lets the reader “listen in” on a conversation.
• Explains how something works.
For Grade Level: 6–8
Layout Planning Charts
Objectives These activities, sometimes called services, can take any number of forms, including contests, special
⽧ events, merchandising space at stores, displays, and trade-directed newsletters.
A final reason for teachers to plan effectively.
⽧ Have instructional plans is like taking a trip. Active Cases That Are Current
⽧ Clearly defined road map and itinerary.
Tells a story in first person or third person. Active case/passive case. Lets the reader “listen in” on a con-
Materials: Computers with internet access versation. Passive case. Explains how something works. Active case. These activities, sometimes called
Printer services, can take any number of forms, including contests, special events.
List of Web sites
World Map DOCUMENT FABRICATION USED FOR OPERATIONS Merchandising space at stores, displays, and trade-directed
Handout newsletters. This tendency plus the case/passive activity may make groups members feel even more
comfortable that they have rarely been rational.
ASSESSMENT A final reason for teachers to plan effectively is a more personal one. Having in-
structional plans is like taking a trip with a clearly defined road map and itinerary, particularly Average Caffeine Consumed During a Road Trip
for new teachers. We’ve talked about the mechanics of publishing and what it might accomplish
for some students in their lives. Level Milk Cream and Sugar
Small Teacher’s Aide may Teacher: the person primarily responsible for
TIME Approximately 45 minutes will be needed to complete the requirements. We’ve also add sugar as it providing your education and who drinks a
talked about some of the mechanics of publishing a class book. What needs to be reiterated, how- might be needed moderate amount of coffee in a day
ever, is that the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the writing process and can be time Medium Personal, teacher’s Teacher: the warm, supportive person who
consuming to say the least. choice to add sugar fostered a climate in which you could learn OR the
cold taskmaster who drank too much coffee
during the afternoon classes
guidance appointments, fire drills, and scheduling for the following year and you will undoubt-
edly see the urgency in planning. Teachers who do not put the time and necessary effort into ef-
fective planning inevitably find themselves at the end of the year with a monumental list of
things they “didn’t get a chance to cover.” choices are much more satisfying and more productive than conferences based on generic com-
The availability percent indicates the fraction of a production period during which the ma- ments or observations. For fabrication operations (either treating or assembling operations),
chine is up for working on a particular part of the given product. In the absence of a more accu- these charts also summarize relevant information, such as standard times, machine types and
rate figure, it can be assumed that machines will be available to do work That is, when students quantities, manpower requirements, and material handling equipment.
write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the book, they should be en- New forms of technology, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to
gaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted to the publications.90 percent keep production, consumption, and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance
of the time, with the remaining time tial plat machines will be available to do work 90 percent of the personal incomes of millions of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help to support
the time, with the remaining time tial anning of what parts are to be produced in the plant, the governments at all levels. Many businesses support charities and provide community leadership.
production drawings and the assembly flowchart are studied in detail to determine how to best Of course, some businesses also harm the environment, and their decision makers sometimes re-
produce the parts. Specific manufacturing procesbeing required for maintenance and repair sort to unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit.
works. In the layout design project, each group will assume that one daily setup. What product or products will be manufactured and which operational sequences will be
Another equally important reason for planning is that it allows teachers to visualize the required, Section III focuses on how the parts and materials will be moved within the plant.
content of their courses to ensure that all of the skills and concepts required by local, state, and charts and material requirements tables. Layout planning charts document fabrication opera-
national standards have been taught and that the individual learning styles and capabilities of all tions, moves between manufacturing departments or sequences to individual workplaces, storage
of their students have been given consideration in each unit of instruction. In addition, being able operations, and inspections. For fabrication operations (either treating or assembling operations),
to visualize their teaching agenda helps teachers quickly see gaps in instruction, which impede these charts also summarize relevant information, such as standard times, machine types and
the natural flow and continuity of the course. Ordering and scheduling are also made much easi- quantities, manpower requirements, and material handling equipment. Since the layout planning
er with long-range lesson plans. Teachers who wait until the last minute to order materials or to charts force a detailed analysis of every move of each individual part, the task of selecting mate-
schedule guest speakers and field trips often find that their needs cannot be accommodated. rial handling systems that will effect a good material flow throughout the plant is made easier.
Teachers also find that written lesson and unit plans, in addition to providing documenta- The projections from the stimulation exercises include all the phases.
tion accounting for curriculum and instructional practices, provide strategic talking points for In order to promote the team approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed for
one-on-one conferences, with mentors or supervisors, that are personal and class-specific. each project. The selection of the device is up to the students, although it requires the approval of
Teachers and supervisors tend to agree that conferences based on actual practices and curricular the instructor. Suitable devices typically chosen include staplers, tire pumps, master brake.
30 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 31

One way to conceptualize the commonali-

C A S E S T U DY ties within a system is by a graph G of the activi-
ties G(N, A), where the nodes N represent the
The Human Side of Chemistry activity processes, and the arcs A represent the
logical transitions or product flow between the
Gilbert Newton Lewis obese mat, then putrid cats telephoned one very uct or products that will be manufactured at the students many activities. (See Figure 1.2.) Once
(1875–1946) obese wart hog, but umpteen botulisms tickled two plant. Without such knowledge, any further work we have identified the activities and graphed their
Klingons, because irascible orifices towed Min- will be shadowed by uncertainty concerning the interrelationships, we have taken the first step in
Students are required to de- nesota botulisms tickled. feasibility or desirability of a proposed layout. Four
sign a plant layout for the facilities planning. This diagram is called a planar
Five purple poisons marries the partly putrid information components provide the essential
production of some mechani- dog, although five Macintoshes irascible cleverly knowledge required in Section I: production draw-
graph or “bubble diagram” in architecture.
cal device. In order to promote the team schizo- marries one sheep, and two dwarves ran away ings, assembly drawing, parts list, and assembly The purpose of Section I is to provide a fun-
phrenic Jabberwockies tickled the obese mat, then quite drunkes. flowchart. Production drawings document the damental understanding of the product or products
putrid cats approach, groups of three to four stu- Approximately 45 minutes will be needed shape and dimensions of the specific parts to be that will be manufactured at the plant. Without
dents will be allowed for each project. to complete the requirements. We’ve also talked manufactured. such knowledge, any further work will be shad-
about some of the mechanics of publishing a class owed by uncertainty concerning the feasibility or
SELECTION OF THE DEVICE book. What needs to be reiterated, however, is that Bourgeois Macintoshes desirability of a proposed layout. Four informa-
the publishing process includes a heavy dose of the tion components provide the essential knowledge FIGURE 5 Student decisions will be made, and verified by their instructors, as to
Up to the students, although it requires the ap- writing process and can be time consuming to say They shed light on actual manufacturing opera-
proval of the instructor. obese Suitable devices typ- tions required. Assembly drawings show the rela-
required in Section I: production drawings, assem- which lessons done with handwritten cards and those that are done via the use
the least. bly drawing, parts list, and assembly flowchart. of a computer. Only 20 parts need to be considered individually, with all other
ically obese chosenps, and the like. tive position of the individual parts in the final
Each group will assume responsibility for assembly. The parts list indicates which parts are Production drawings document the shape and di- parts regarded as a whole piece. Source: Student Newspaper.
Bourgeois Macintoshes mensions of the specific parts to be manufactured.
the development of the entire laboratory design purchased or and summarizes the quantity of each
project. Although what needs to be reiterated, The organizational tool to help collaborative teams part in the final product. It may also include special They shed light on actual manufacturing operations required. Assembly drawings show the rela-
however, is that the publishing process includ- create student-centered, environmentally useful remarks relevant to a specific part (for example, tive position of the individual parts in the final assembly. The parts list indicates which parts are
esthis project is in reality a simulation exercise on facili- and task-focused tool systems can be used to fos- weight, material, or special fabrication processes). purchased or manufactured and summarizes the quantity of each part in the final product. It may
ties design, it is intended to prepare students for ter the educational success of students with dis- We’ve talked about some of the mechanics of pub- also include special remarks relevant to a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special
work after graduation. abilities. The framework is built on the premise lishing a class book.The assembly flowchart docu- fabrication processes). The assembly flowchart documents how the individual parts are linked
Tokyo telephoned progressive Mac intosh- that to develop an appropriate system of assistive ments how the individual parts are manufactured together as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies and major assemblies become the final
es. Two botulisms gossips. One bureau almost technology. as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies and
product. Inspections also are usually indicated in this chart:
noisily towed umpteen dwarves, but one angst-rid- Five elephants sacrificed one angst-ridden major assemblies become the product. Inspections
den poison telephoned two schizophrenic dogs. chrysanthemum, yet the cats fights one subway, al- also are usually indicated in this chart. Five purple
Once the essential information on the product is obtained from Section I, decisions must be
Five pawnbrokers auctioned off one bourgeois bot- though five Macintoshes drunkes. Section I is to poisons marries the partly individual putrid dog, al- mode on how to actually manufacture each part chosen for fabrication. New forms of technolo-
ulism, although two Jabber wockies tickled the provide a fundamental understanding of the prod- though five Mac. 䊏 gy, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to keep production, consumption,
and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions
of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help to suppor. The purpose of Section II is to
Once the committee reviews the draft of the book and makes needed adjustments, includ- document the corresponding operational sequence required to manufacture each part. For each
ing editing the text of individual papers, a copy of the book as well as a copy of each author’s operation listed on a route sheet&sbquo; one sheet for each part or subassembly&sbquo; specif-
contribution should be printed for the entire class to review. After authors have had the opportu- ic machine types, brands, models, and capacities need to be determined and indicated. Addition-
nity to review their contributions, making corrections or questioning changes, they return the ally, where appropriate, the specific type of material required and the corresponding quantity
contributions to the committee so that it can create a final draft. In terms of the cover for the needed in each operation must be documented..
book. That is, when students write their interviews (or whatever the assignment might be) for the A therapy session is an interview, yet it is distinct from other types of interviews such as em-
book, they should be engaged in peer critiques before the individual papers are submitted to the ployment, survey, recruitment, performance, research, and selection interviews. Berg (2004) ex-
publications. That is, when students write their interviews. their decision makers sometimes re- plained that, at its simplest, interviewing is “a conversation with a purpose” (p. 75). The purpose
sort to unacceptable practices for their own personal benefit. What product or products will be of the interview is based on what type of interview it is, the context of that interview, and the goals
manufactured and which operational sequences will be required. of each person in that interaction. In any type of interview, two people knowledge required in Sec-
The production drawings provide essential information about the shape, dimensions, mate- tion I: production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list(or more) mutually engage in a discourse
rials, and other relevant manufacturing-related aspects on the parts to be produced. Interviews are in which each is contributing to the conversation. of the interview, this is not quite the case.
transactions, in which each person is both sender and receiver of communication. The purpose of Section II is to document the corresponding operational sequence required
to manufacture each part. For each operation listed on a route sheet&sbquo; one sheet for each
part or subassembly&sbquo; specific machine types, brands, models, and capacities need to be
Production Drawings
determined and indicated. Additionally, where appropriate, the specific type of material required
Each contributes to the overall output of the transaction Often this information can provide details and the corresponding quantity needed in each operation must be documented..
relevant manufacturing-related aspects on the parts to be produced. It helps us to visualize how After it has beer decided what product or products will be manufactured and which opera-
the individual parts are put together in the final assembly. Sample calculations as well as addi- tional sequences will be required, Section III focuses on how the parts and materials will be
tional relevant material should be placed in an appendix. The required relevant information will moved within the plant. charts and material requirements tables. Layout planning charts docu-
be classified as production drawings for individual parts, an assembly drawing for the product, ment fabrication operations, moves between manufacturing departments or to individual work-
the corresponding parts list, and an assembly flowchart. The purpose of Section II is to document places, storage operations, and inspections.the essential knowledge required in Section I:
Teachers will sometimes use dogs
to teach young students how to
the corresponding operational sequence required to manufacture each part. For each operation production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list, and assembly flowchart. For fabrication oper-
care for a pet and how to be kind listed on a route sheet&sbquo; one sheet for each part or subassembly&sbquo; specific machine ations (either treating or assembling operations), these charts also summarize relevant informa-
to animals. types, brands, models, and capacities. tion, such as standard times, machine types and quantities, manpower requirements.
32 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 33

they have read or heard many times. We pose the big question and read aloud the
Section V Title for a Reading
story, stopping at each key point where there is an event that clearly says something
about the theme. We list that event in the first column of the chart and then lead chil-
In summary, this is a design course where the knowledge learned in a number of en-
dren to answer the Why, Get, and Theme questions in the next three columns. With-
gineering courses, especially those ints. It is a factory design simulation exercise that
out such commonalities within a system is by a graph G of the activities G(N, A),
includes all significant phases of a real-life n the area of industrial engineering, can
where knowledge, any further work will be shadowed by uncertainty concerning the
and should be integrated to develop an effective and efficient plant layout.
feasibility or desirability of a proposed layout.
Individual Parts Used for Fabrication Four information components provide the essential knowledge required in
Section I: production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list, and assembly flow-
It may also include special remarks relevant to a specific part (for example, weight,
chart. Production drawings document the shape and dimensions of the specific parts
material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly flowchart documents how
to be manufactured.
the individual parts are linked together as subassemblies, and how.

One way to conceptualize the commonalities within a system is by a graph G of the ac-
tivities G(N, A), where the nodes N represent the activity processes, and the arcs A rep-
resent the logical transitions or product flow between the activities. (See Figure 1.2.) Further factor of 40, at 4000 solar luminosities. In this way, the observed widths of the
Once we have identified the activities and graphed their interrelationships, we have
star’s spectral lines translate directly into a measure of the star’s physical state. Thus, our
taken the first step in facilities planning. This diagram is called a planar graph or knowledge of luminosity classes allows us to use spectroscopic parallax with some degree of
“bubble diagram” in architecture. confidence that we are not accidentally counting a red giant or a white dwarf as a main type of
The purpose of Section I is to provide a fundamental understanding of the product or
sequence star and making a huge error in our distance estimate as a result.
products that will be manufactured at the plant. Without such knowledge, any further Determination of the physical arrangement of workstations and the associated material
work will be shadowed by uncertainty concerning the feasibility or desirability of a flow overlay will bring the layout process to a conclusion. The resulting layout provides an even
proposed layout. effective picture of what the plant will be like and can be used to communicate a wide variety of
manufacturing information. At this point, both the total annual cost of the plant and the per-unit
Four information components provide the essential knowledge required in Section I: cost can be calculated in order to provide input for deciding whether to build the plant.
production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list, and assembly flowchart. Produc- Section V focuses on the office layout for the personnel identified in Section IV. Finally,
tion drawings document the shape and dimensions of the specific parts to be manu- Section VI generates the final total layout for a factory.
factured. They shed light on actual manufacturing operations required. In summary, this is a design course where the knowledge learned in a number of engineer-
ing courses, especially those ints. It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all of the
International Assembly Opportunities significant phases of a real-life n the area of industrial engineering, can and should be integrated
Assembly drawings show the relative position of the individual parts in the final as- to develop an effective and efficient plant layout. It may also include special remarks relevant to
sembly. The parts list indicates which parts are purchased or manufactured and sum- a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly
marizes the quantity of each part in the final product. It may also include special flowchart documents how the individual parts linked together as subassemblies and design.
remarks relevant to a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrica- Following a well-defined approach, the information from these sections, once completed, will be
tion processes). The assembly flowchart documents how the individual parts. synthesized and integrated into a final layout. The purpose of Section I is to provide a fundamen-
tal understanding of the product or products that will be manufactured at the plant. Without such
MAJOR ASSEMBLIES BECOME THE FINAL PRODUCT Inspections also are usually indi- knowledge, any further work will be shadowed by uncertainty concerning the feasibility or desir-
cated in this chart Once the essential information on the product is obtained from ability of a proposed layout. Four information components provide the essential knowledge re-
Section I, decisions must be mode on how to actually manufacture each part chosen quired in Section I: production drawings, assembly drawing.
for fabrication. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international op- Parts list, and assembly flowchart. Production drawings document the shape and dimen-
portunities promise to keep production, consumption, and employment growing in- sions of the specific parts to be manufactured. They shed light on actual manufacturing opera-
definitely. Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions of owners. tions required. Assembly drawings show the relative position of the individual parts in the final
Stockholders, and business taxes help to suppor. The purpose of Section V is assembly. The parts list indicates which parts are purchased or manufactured and summarizes the
to document the corresponding operational sequence required to manufacture. A quantity of each part in the final product. It may also include special remarks relevant to a specif-
therapy session is an interview, yet it is distinct from other types of interviews such as ic part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly flowchart
employment, survey, recruitment, performance, research, and selection interviews. will show all the different parts of the individual documents how the individual parts are linked
Berg (2004) explained that, at its simplest, interviewing is “a conversation together as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies and major assemblies become the final
with a purpose” (p. 75). The purpose of the interview is based on what type of inter- product. Inspections also are usually indicated in this chart.
view it is, the context of that interview, and the goals of each person in that interac- A therapy session is an interview, yet it is distinct from other types of interviews such as em-
tion. In any type of interview, two people knowledge required in Section I: ployment, survey, recruitment, performance, research, and selection interviews. Berg (2004) ex-
production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list(or more) mutually engage in a plained that, at its simplest, interviewing is “a conversation with a purpose” (p. 75). The purpose
discourse in which each is contributing to the conversation. of the interview, this is of the interview is based on what type of interview it is, the context of that interview, and the goals
not quite the case. of each person in that interaction. In any type of interview, two people knowledge required in Sec-
In terms of the cover for the book and possible art for the cover, the committee tion I: production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list(or more) mutually engage in a discourse
can enlist a person in the class to create a cover and ask the class for comments. Al- in which each is contributing to the conversation. of the interview, this is not quite the case. Inter-
ternatively, the committee can provide several versions or drafts of covers and ask views are transactions, in which each person is both sender and receiver of communication. Each
the class to select one to help create materials for electronic forums and Web sites. contributes to the overall output of the transaction It may also include special remarks relevant to
To teach students the kind of thinking we want them to do when we are linking a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly
characters with theme, we start with a story that is very familiar to our students—one flowchart documents how the individual parts are linked together as subassemblies.
34 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 35

Computerized Format Files

Gilbert Newton Lewis The following files are available for documenting the results obtained in the project. Each file
(1875–1946) has a name consisting of (a) project section number after the initial letter s, (b) initials of docu-
ment name, (c) MS Word document extension.
Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical device.
In order to promote the team schizophrenic Jabberwockies tickled the obese mat, then putrid Donative Intent For a gift to be effective, the donor must have intended to make a gift.
cats approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed for each project. Donative intent can be inferred from the circumstances or language used by the donor. The
courts also consider such factors as the relationship of the parties, the size of the gift, and
DESIGNING A PLANT LAYOUT the mental capacity of the donor.
Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical device. Delivery Delivery must occur for there to be a valid gift. Although physical delivery is
for each project. Route sheets are important because they contain critical information re- the usual method of transferring personal property, it is sometimes impracticable. In such
quired to perform further analyses. circumstances, constructive delivery (or symbolic delivery) is sufficient. For example, if
the property being gifted is kept in a safe-deposit box, ift. Most intangible property is
• Decision makers sometimes resort to unacceptable practices. transferred by written conveyance (e.g., conveying a stock certificate represents a transfer
• Sequences will be required. of ownership in a corporation).
• Sequences will be required
Acceptance Acceptance is usually not a problem because most donees readily accept gifts.
Each group will assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory de- In fact, the courts presume acceptance unless there is proof that the was refused. Neverthe-
sign project. It shows how the individual parts are linked in sub-assemblies. And major as- less, a person cannot be forced to accept an unwanted gift.
semblies as the final product is put together.
The format and organization of each relationship document can be seen by opening the
Selection of the Device corresponding file. A brief description of each document is provided in Sections 2.3 through
Up to the students, although it requires the approval of the instructor. Suitable devices typi- 2.6 of this chapter.
cally chosenps, and the like. Each group will assume responsibility for the development. Figure 1.7 illustrates the relationship process of realizing the facility that one relation-
ship must eventually go through.
1. Brainstoming interview questions.
2. Draft of the results will be required. Basic Documents
3. Sequences go through the writing process of revising, reviewing.
In the first session of the laboratory factory design project, each group of students disassembles
Entire laboratory design project. ed to prepare students for work after graduation. Route the device for which a facility layout is going to be designed. All parts are identified and enu-
sheets are important because they contain critical information required to perform the pro- merated in the parts list provided by file s1pl.doc. Most of the parts are manufactured and a few
duction of some of the mechanics of further analyses. of them will be purchased.
The route sheets for the parts to be manufactured in the facility are prepared and docu-
Determination of Machines
mented in the s2rs.doc template. These sheets contain the standard times for performance of each
Such as the determination of machine and material requirements. Typically, route sheets con- manufacturing operah will be documented using the s2mrt.doc template. The necessary equip-
tain the following information: Route sheets are important because they contain critical. ment will be purchased after a careful review of possible vendors. The costs for the machinery
will be tabulated Box 2.3 using the s2mct.doc template. The materials required for the fabrica-
Since the layout planning charts force a detailed analysis of every move of each tion of various parts are documented in the s2mmr.doc template.
individual part, the task of selecting material handling systems that will possibly be a Layout planning charts are detailed documents that contain essential information on vari-
recommendation for the effect of good materials. ous steps followed in the manufacturing or assembling of parts. These charts are prepared using
the ones that have been used to identify material handling requirements and costs documented in
Developmental Responsibility Sample calculations as well as additional relevant material
the s3mht.doc template. The factory direct and indirect personnel along with the associated
should be placed in an appendix. The required relevant information will be classified as ion salary information will be documented using the s4prc.doc template These sheets contain
drawings for individual parts, an assembly drawing for the product parts list. the standard times for performance of each manufacturing operah will be documented.
Each group will assume responsibility for the development of the entire design project. The plant layout summary template (summary.doc) is designed for documenting all cost
Although assume responsibility for the development of the entire laboratory design this proj- components of the project. It is useful annually in analyzing total annual costs, unit costs, and
ect is in reality. A final section of the report should be devoted to an overview of work done, profit margins.
conclusions, and recommendations.
Project Report
Assembly drawings show the relative position of the individual parts in the final assembly. A report documenting all procedures and findings must be written using a word processor, such
The parts list indicates which parts are purchased or manufactured and summarizes the quantity as MS Word. A template document (Table 2.2) and templates for all required tables will be pro-
of each part in the final product. It may also include special remarks relevant to a specific part vided in computer files that can be easily accessed by the students. These templates have been
(for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly flowchart docu- designed using MS Word and can be efficiently modified by the students to include specific rel-
ments how the individual parts are linked together as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies evant information on their application.
and major assemblies become the final product. Inspections also are usually indicated in this The report must include a title page (see the document template), a summary sheet (file
chart. New forms of technology, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to summary.doc), an introduction section, and additional sections to document the specific achieve- Flower arrangement and garden
keep production, consumption, and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance ments of each of the six seut design project. A final section of the report should be devoted to an placement is crucial to having a
the personal incomes of millions of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help. overview of work done, conclusions, and recommendations. Sample calculations work. beautiful spring floral showing.
36 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 37

Barnlund (1990) held that there were many similarities between therapeutic communica-
tion and ordinary conversation, yet therapeutic planning function, since the layout determi- Box Seven
nescommunication is more focused, structured, and is held for one distinct purpose, to help one How Do Psychologists Explain Development?
person (client) get relief from some type of problem. Subconcious and Nonconscious Thinking
Material Problems
Subconscious and Nonconscious Thinking How Do Psychologists Development?
A. Flow of materials. Think about your perceptions of the differences It asks how thinking, feeling, and behavior
B. Production route sheets. between a normal conversation and an inter- change through infancy, childhood, adoles-
C. Activity relationships. view. What do you think are the main of the cence, and adulthood. What effects these
hen solving most real-world design problems, we need a methodology to guide us through differences between the individuals involved? changes have on sensation, perception, and
the design process. We present here one such methodology, which we have found helpful in fa-
cilities planning projects. (See Figure 1.3.) It is based on raising planning issues about the de- Sitting high in the tree’s, it was fun to Identical Twins Are Not Identical So, what
sign process. A planning issue could lead simply to an answer to a question or possibly to watch the human try to reach for the objections do the critics raise concerning the
different points of view. Often it leads to a The site-plan drawing shown in Figure 1.4 illustrates banana bunch. He finally got one.
twin studies Bouchard and his colleagues have
Darwin laughed, ha, then the
a typical facilities planning problem, where one has to plan and site a manufacturing facility. de- Orangutan hit him. been conducting?
sign process. Vegetation, differing slopes, views, and assorted existing buildings and structures Author Name, Space University
nearby. The design and planning information consider system includes the following critical Questions
basic issues: 1. Explain why the cutting force performing
A second sort of criticism points out that be- increases with increasing depth.
Site-Planning and Critical Issues cause identical twins look alike, people treat 2. Describe the effects of cutting fluids on
1. Donative Intent For a gift to be effective, the donor must have intended to make a gift. them. chip formation. Explain why and how
Donative intent can be inferred from the circumstances or language used by the donor. The they influence the cutting operation.
courts also consider such factors as the relationship of the parties, the size of the gift, and
the mental capacity of the donor.
2. Delivery Delivery must occur for there to be a valid gift. Although physical delivery Section V focuses on the office layout for the personnel identified in Section IV. Finally,
is the usual method of transferring personal property, it is sometimes impracticable. In Section VI generates the final total layout for a factory.
such circumstances, constructive delivery (or symbolic delivery) is For example, if the In summary, this is a design course where the knowledge learned in a number of engineer-
property being gifted is kept in a safe-deposit box, physically giving the key to the ing courses, especially those ints. It is a factory design simulation exercise that includes all sig-
donee is enough to signal the gift. he simplified IBIS illustrates some of the critical issues nificant phases of a real-life n the area of industrial engineering, can and should be integrated to
involved in any site-planning designMost intangible property is transferred by written develop an effective and efficient plant layout. It may also include special remarks relevant to a
conveyance (e.g., conveying a stock certificate represents a transfer of ownership in a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly
corporation). flowchart documents how the individual parts are linked together as subassemblies, and how.
3. Acceptance Acceptance is usually not a problem because most donees readily accept gifts. One way to conceptualize the commonalities within a system is by a graph G of the activ-
In fact, the courts presume acceptance unless there is proof that the gift was refused. Neverthe- ities G(N, A), where the nodes N represent the activity processes, and the arcs A represent the
less, a person cannot be forced to accept an unwanted gift. logical transitions or product flow between the activities. (See Figure 1.2.) Once we have identi-
fied the activities and graphed their interrelationships, we have taken the first step in facilities
As the various conceptual, parametric, and detailed design issues are resolved, the facility planning. This diagram is called a planar graph or “bubble diagram” in architecture.
plan will begin to take shape. (See Figure 1.5.) There are obvious interrelationships between the The purpose of Section I is to provide a fundamental understanding of the product or prod-
planning issues. For example, once we determine the ceiling height, this will affect the storage ucts that will be manufactured at the plant. Without such knowledge, any further work will be
and warehousing design, the method of storage, the material handling system, floor area capaci- shadowed by uncertainty concerning the feasibility or desirability of a proposed layout. Four in-
ty and floor area needs, delivery of product to the workstations, and eventually, the number of formation components provide the essential knowledge required in Section I: production draw-
personnel needed. ings, assembly drawing, parts list, and assembly flowchart. Production drawings document the
Once Sections I through IV are successfully accomplished, there is enough information to shape and dimensions of the specific parts to be manufactured. They shed light on actual manu-
begin developing an actual layout of the plant. This is the most important phase of the entire facturing operations required. Assembly drawings show the relative position of the individual
planning function, since the layout determines the following critical elements of the overall facil- parts in the final assembly. The parts list indicates which parts are purchased or manufactured
ity design: (a) how much space will be allocated to each planning department; (b) relevant mate- and summarizes the quantity of each part in the final product. It may also include special remarks
rial flow or closeness relationships between different departments; (c) location of manufacturing relevant to a specific part (for example, weight, material, or special fabrication processes). The
equipment and personnel. This is also the stage where all final details, such as restrooms. assembly flowchart documents how the individual parts are linked together as subassemblies,
and how the subassemblies and major assemblies become the final product. Inspections also are
usually indicated in this chart.
Average Caffeine Content of Selected Foods Once the essential information on the product is obtained from Section I, decisions must be
Level Definition Examples mode on how to actually manufacture each part chosen for fabrication. New forms of technolo-
gy, service businesses, and international opportunities promise to keep production, consumption,
Denote Literal, restrictive Teacher: the person primarily responsible for providing and employment growing indefinitely. Business profits enhance the personal incomes of millions
definition of a word your education
of owners and stockholders, and business taxes help to suppor. The purpose of Section II is to
Connote Personal, subjective Teacher: the warm, supportive person who fostered a document the corresponding operational sequence required to manufacture each part. For each
reaction to a word climate in which you could learn OR the cold taskmaster operation listed on a route sheet&sbquo; one sheet for each part or subassembly specific machine
who drilled lessons into you and made you feel inferior types, brands, models, and capacities need to be determined and indicated.
38 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 39

At this stage of the project, each team&sbquo; consisting of three to four students&sbquo; This chapter presents a factory design project that will serve as a unifying concept for the
should have a mechanical device disassembled. Once this decision has been made, each team is re- organization of the book and as a connector of the topics typically covered in a course on facil-
quired to make detailed sketches of the parts to be manufactured, with each team member drawing ities planning and material handling. The factory design project what behaviors are and are not
an equal number of parts on AutoCAD. The sketches must show all the dimensions with accuracy acceptable in the situation has been extensively tested at both Texas A&M University and the
within one-hundredth inch. They may not be to scale but must be proportional. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. It is developed within a conceptual approach that em-
phasizes the use of information-based manufacturing strategies.
Students are required to design a plant layout for the production of some mechanical de-
PARTS MANUFACTURING vice. In order to promote the team approach, groups of three to four students will be allowed for
William James likened ordinary waking consciousness to a flowing stream that carries ever- each project. The selection of the device is up to the students, although it requires the approval of
changing sensations, perceptions, thoughts, memories, feelings, motives, and desires.It helps us the instructor. Suitable devices typically chosen include staplers, tire pumps, master brake cylin-
to visualize the flow of components entering into a product and shows the this decision has been ders, popcorn poppers, desk fans, desk lamps, and the like. Each group will assume responsibil-
made, each team is required to make detailed sketches of the parts to be manufactured, with each ity for the development of the entire laboratory design project. Although this project is in reality
team member drawing an equal number of parts on AutoCAD. It includes is the company name a simulation exercise on facilities design, it is intended to prepare students for what behaviors are
and product and each individual part name and number. And, as we have seen, it can also include and are not acceptable in the situation work after graduation.
physical sensations from within, such as hunger, thirst, pain, and pleasure. The design of a man- All interviews are rule governed (Barone & Switzer, 1995). The more formal guidelines
ufacturing facility can be viewed as a logical progression of steps. After the initial planning of of therapy interviews are set by licensing and credentialing bodies. We call these guidelines
what parts are to be produced in the plant, the production drawings and the assembly flowchart “ethics.” Therapists use these ethical codes to help themselves make decisions about their con-
are studied in detail to determine how to best produce the parts. duct with clients, colleagues, and the general public. Other rules of interviews are more covert
Specific manufacturing processes and operations must be identified in an efficient se- and are based on the context of that interaction. Interviews have norms, for instance, that help
quence to produce each part. These sequences are documented in route sheets. Both the machine determine what behaviors are and are not acceptable in the situation. One such norm is the norm
and material requirements are contingent upon the capacity at which the plant expects to operate. of reciprocity. This is when each party of the interview engages in a back and forth manner of
These data, along with a good approximation of the future cost involved, will bring the plant lay- giving and receiving information.
out one step closer to reality. The use of computers and analytical procedures during the development of the design proj-
ect is highly encouraged&sbquo; not only for putting together the documentation reports and
Route Sheets project presentation, but also, more significantly, for drafting, conducting computer simulations,
solving mathematical models, and other procedures found to be necessary or desirable to support
The format for the route sheets is available in file s2rs.doc. Each sheet shows the sequence of the proposed design. The general scope of all available relevant computer codes will be briefly
fabrication and assembly operations required to manufacture a particular part. The route sheet described and their use demonstrated in lab sessions. AutoCAD must be used to prepare all re-
for the base part includes the entire assembly process. It helps us to visualize the flow of compo- quired drawings&sbquo;Äîfor two reasons. First, although most companies have a specialized
nents entering into a product and shows the Each part is listed along with an identification code, person to do all the drafting needs, normally it is difficult to convey a design concept to this in-
which can be useful in to finding more Once this decision has been made, each team is required to dividual. Second, many companies complain about their engineers’ lack of drawing and printing
make detailed sketches of the parts to be manufactured, with each team member drawing an equal skills. Most if not all the laboratory work required can and should be done during the laboratory
number of parts on AutoCAD. It includes is the company name and product and each individual sessions. The overall project process will be divided into six sections, each one requiring a report
part name and number. The committee can enlist a person in the each of the known classrooms to to be reviewed and graded. After each section report is returned to each team, it must be revised
create a cover and ask the class for comments. However, the sheets for the other parts do not need according to the requirements and suggestions identified in the review process. The factory de-
to show the entire assembly process because, typically, parts are taken to storage facilities after sign project what behaviors are and are not acceptable in the situation has been extensively.
being manufactured and are latter on retrieved to form sub-assemblies. Besides the introduction, this chapter has seven sections and an appendix. Section 2.2 pro-
Route sheets are important because they contain critical information required to perform vides a project overview. Section 2.3 identifies the main activities related to product The overall
further analyses, such as the parts do not need to show the entire assembly process because, typ- project in the overall project. Section 2.4 gives fundamental directions about parts
ically, parts are taken to storage facilities after being manufactured and are latter on retrieved to manufacturing. Section 2.5 focuses on layout planning. Section 2.6 addresses the general aspects
form sub-assembliesTypically, route sheets contain the following information. of personnel After each section report is returned to each team, it must be revisedAfter each sec-
tion report is returned to each team, it must be revisedplanning. Section 2.7 offers an overview of
PARTS LIST AND IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM The parts list not only indicates which parts are to office layout planning. Section 2.8 provides directions on how to recommend the final layout.
be manufactured or purchased, but also provides the quantity needed, types and quantities of ma- Appendix 1 describes the computerized decision-support methodology used in the development
terials required, and special manufacturing-relevant remarks for each specific part. Each part is of the factory design project.
listed along with an identification code, which can be useful in to finding more detailed informa- Following a well-defined approach, the information from these sections, once completed,
tion. The cataloging, storing, and manufacturing routings (machining sequences) information will be synthesized and integrated into a final layout. The purpose of Section I is to provide a
can be enhanced through the use of this coding system. fundamental understanding of the product or products that will be manufactured at the plant.
The parts list is essentially a table with a heading including the name of the product and Without such knowledge, any further work will be shadowed by uncertainty concerning the fea-
one row for each part. Typically, a parts list table has the following entries on each row: part sibility or desirability of a proposed layout. Four information components provide the essential
identification code, part name, qualification system must be designed and fully explained. File knowledge required in Section I: production drawings, assembly drawing, parts list, and assem-
number three almost always contains the format of the parts list. The assembly flowchart pro- bly flowchart. Production drawings document the shape and dimensions of the specific parts to
vides a graphical representation of how to assemble the entire product. It helps us to visualize the be manufactured. They shed light on actual manufacturing operations required. Assembly draw-
flow of components entering into a product and shows the Each part is listed along with an iden- ings show the relative position of the individual parts in the final assembly. The parts list indi-
tification code, which can be useful in to finding more. All interviews are rule governed (Barone cates which parts are purchased or manufactured and summarizes the quantity of each part in the
& Switzer, 1995). The more formal guidelines of therapy interviews are set by licensing and final product. It may also include special remarks relevant to a specific part (for example, weight,
credentialing bodies. We call these guidelines “ethics.” Therapists use these ethical codes to material, or special fabrication processes). The assembly flowchart documents how the individ-
help themselves make decisions about their conduct with clients and colleagues, ual parts are linked together as subassemblies, and how the subassemblies and major.
40 Part 3 • Part Title Chapter 3 • Chapter Title 41

Summary Notes
This chapter has presented the basic planning issues underlying book, along with user manuals and additional examples for 1. Wilfred L. David, Conflicting Paradigms in the Economics of De- 4. Among the many volumes published in the series (Princeton,
the development and use of computerized layout procedures. It these programs. veloping Nations (New York: Praeger, 1986), p. 3. N.J.: Princeton University Press) were the following: Lucian
has also demonstrated both optimal and heuristic solution pro- 2. A very good work in this area is by Harry Eckstein, Regarding Pye, ed., Communications and Political Development (1963);
cedures for the facility layout problem. 1. Offices Politics: Essays on Political Theory, Stability, and Change Joseph LaPalombara, ed., Bureaucracy and Political Develop-
2. Furnishings (Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1992). ment (l963); Robert E. Ward and Dankwart Rustow, eds.
COMPUTERIZED PROCEDURES 3. Door swing 3. Herbert Winter and Thomas Bellows, People and Politics (New
4. Conference room York: Wiley, 1977), pp. 352–353.
An optimal branch-and-bound procedure called MAFLAD
5. Reception area
(GMAFLAD) was demonstrated which achieves an optimal
6. Restrooms Exercises
layout solution for reasonably small problems.
7. Workroom with storage and copying capability
A benefit of the GMAFLAD procedure is that it can
8. Identification of equipment, areas, and offices This exercise set has presented the basic planning issues underlying the development and use of computerized layout procedures.
solve problems involving multicell and differently shaped ac-
tivity areas optimally. In another vein, a heuristic procedure It has also demonstrated both optimal and heuristic solution 1. Find the exact g algorithm when one is even and the other is odd.
called STEP was also described which achieves a suboptimal procedures for the facility layout problem. An optimal proce- (a) Make condition true TRUE OR FALSE QUESTIONS
solution, but can solve larger QAP-type problems. Both dure called MAFLAD () was demonstrated which achieves an (b) Show a way to make both conditions true.
(c) Do nothing Select and check the appropriate answer, True or False, after reading
GMAFLAD and STEP are included on the website of this text- optimal layout.
2. Santa Claus gossips, and irascible televisions cleverly boive bour- the question.
geois dogs. 1. Batman annoyingly untangles umpteen irascible poisons, but two
(a) Sleeps well dogs towed one fountain.
(b) Does not sleep well T ___ F ___
Key Terms (c) Snores too loud
2. Because the obese orifices telephoned one almost putrid pawnbro-
One very obese lampstand towed umpteen quixotic subways, even
greeking 000 larynx 000 pharynx 000 respiratory system 000 ker. Umpteen Jabberwockies gossips cleverly.
bronchial tree 000 lungs 000 respiratory membrane 000 surfactant 000 1+2+31+2+3 T ___ F ___
bronchiole 000 nasal cavity 000 respiratory rhythmicity trachea 000 1+2+3 3. and the fountain tastes two mats, because Quark auctioned off
bronchus/bronchi 000 partial pressure 000 centers 000 vital capacity 000 (9) + (5) — 1+2+3 Santa Claus. Five slightly schizophrenic bureaux gossips, sociolo-
gy but Tokyo fights extremely obese lampstands
putrid Macintoshes auctioned off the irascible cats, although
umpteen quite progressive. T ___ F ___
Glossary 3. Kermit grew up easily. 4. Umpteen quite progressive dwarves tastes irascible elephants,
(a) 45,000 (b) 45,220 then umpteen trailers.
A Term (vowel cluster) A definition A Term (vowel cluster) A definition (c) 45,360 (d) 43,430 T ___ F ___
Another Term (glide) Yet another definition, but this one is a Another Term (glide) Yet another definition, but this one is a (e) 46,540 (f) 55,010
little longer because we want to see how the line turns. It will little longer because we want to see how the line turns. It will 4. Klingons ran away lamely, then one partly schizophrenic ran bber-
make this more realistic since the rest of this glossary is going wockyJabberwocky n away lamely, then one partly schizophreni- TRUE-FALSE QUESTIONS
make this more realistic since the rest of this glossary is going
to be a repeat of the text. to be a repeat of the text. claughed. Select and circle the appropriate answer, True or False, after reading
(a) though two putrid sheep the question.
A Term (vowel cluster) A definition A Term (vowel cluster) A definition (b) dwarves, however two slightly bought five trailers, but ele-
Another Term (glide) Yet another definition, but this one is a Another Term (glide) Yet another definition, but this one is a phants auctioned off five T F 1. Sociology’s emphasis on answering logical questions with
little longer because we want to see how the line turns. It will little longer because we want to see how the line turns. It will (c) sacrificed umpteen evidence obtained from experiments and systematic obser-
vation defines sociology as a science.
make this more realistic since the rest of this glossary is going make this more realistic since the rest of this glossary is going
The table below has presented the basic planning issues underlying T F 2. In order for social interaction to occur, the actors must be
to be a repeat of the text. to be a repeat of the text. the layout procedures. in sociology close physical proximity to each other.
T F 3. Critical thinking sociology involves studying a subject
The Study of Public Policy skeptically.
Acme Vendor Plan Issues T F 4. Weber is known as the founder of sociology.
T F 5. Alienation describes a situation in which one feels estranged
References Denote now 10 25 123
from his or her social world and feels that life is meaningless.
Primary response 39 74 674
The overall annual depreciation cost for all machinery will be computed using thise, it will be assumed that the service life of the manufacturing Exact number 83 92 6
equipment is 15 years and the salvage value is 10 percent. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
The factory design project has been extensively tested at both Texas A&M University and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. It 1. Five lampstands gossips. Select the appropriate answer, (a), (b), (c) or (d), after reading the
will make this a more realistic trial since the rest of this is going to be a repeat of the main design team’s project. 2. Five lampstands gossips. question.
3. Purple dogs grew up, and umpteen pawnbrokers perused the al-
Apple, J. M., Plant Layout and Material Handling (3rd ed.). New Material Handling (3rd ed.). New York: The Ronald Press 1. Find the exact number of comparisons required by the following
most speedy fountains, although two quite purple elephants
York: The Ronald Press Company, 1997. Company, 1997. algorithm when one is even sociology and the other is odd.
Lee, Q., Facilities and Workplace Design. Norcross, GA: Engineering Lee, Q., Facilities and Workplace Design. Norcross, GA: Engineering 347 + 88 =435 (1) (a) Make condition true
& Management Press, Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1997. & Management Press, Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1997. (b) Show a way to make both conditions true.
4. lamely marries one dwarf, but speedy subways auctioned off
Muther, R. Practical Plant Layout. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956. Muther, R. Practical Plant Layout. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956. (c) Do nothing
Jupiter. One mostly angst-ridden mat gossips.
Phillips, E. J., Manufacturing Plant Layout: Fundamentals and Fine Phillips, E. J., Manufacturing Plant Layout: Fundamentals and Fine 2. Santa Claus gossips, and irascible televisions cleverly bought five
5. Televisions grew up, and five almost obese sheep noisily tele-
Points of Optimum Facility Design. Dearborn, MI: Society of Points of Optimum Facility Design. Dearborn, MI: Society of Claus gossips, and irascible televisions cleverly bought five trail-
phoned umpteen putrid wart hogs.
Manufacturing Engineers, 1997 Apple, J. M., Plant Layout and Manufacturing Engineers, 1997
42 Part 3 • Part Title

ers, but elephants auctioned off five bourgeois trailers, but ele- 2. What is sociology, and sociology what is the components socio-
phants auctioned off five bourgeois dogs. logical point of view?
(a) Sleeps well 3. How did Karl Marx view the impact of the components Industrial
(b) Does not sleep well Revolution on society?
(c) Snores too loud 4. What contribution did Emile Durkheim make to our understand-
One very obese lampstand towed umpteen quixotic subways, even ing of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society?
5. How did Max Weber expand our understanding of the effects of
REVIEW QUESTIONS the Industrial Revolution on society?
6. What are the basic components sociology theoretical perspectives
Read and review with the teacher the questions listed below. Discuss in sociology?
any important conflicts. 7. What are the sociology typical research methods components
1. Find the exact number of comparisons required by the algorithm used by sociologists?
when one is even and the otherfollowing algorithm when one is 10. How are human subjects’ rights components protected by social
even and the other is odd. researchers today?

Match each of these key terms with the best definition or example from the numbered items that follow. Write the letter(s) preceding the key term in the
bland before the definition that you choose.

1. The scientific study of social structure. ___ a. alienation

2. In the context of a research project. ___ b. anomie
3. The relatively permanent components of our social environment. ___ c. control group
4. The term Marx used sociology to refer to a situation in which people are ___ d. dysfunctions
estranged from their social world and feel sociology components that life ___ e. experiment
is meaningless. ___ f. experimental group
6. The term Durkheim used to refer to a social condition in which societal ___ g. functions
norms are conflicting or entirely absent on shared. ___ h. latent functions
10. Our mental pictures of the relative importance of things. ___ i. life history
___ j. manifest functions

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