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Portfolio 2018-19

College Presentation
Date of presentation: November 2018 Location or presentation: Library

College(s) involved:

What did you learn about the admissions process?

- You can be admitted as a junior. The admission process involves a project depending on
your major.

List five things you learned about this college/these colleges.

- Project admission, major based, two year program, 4 different campuses, and is
an alumni.

What are some reasons you might want to attend this college?
- I want to study merchandise marketing and this school is a fashion institution.

What are some reasons you might not want to attend this college?
- FIDM is very expensive and who knows if I will get a good paying job.

After having seen this presentation, are you planning on applying to this school? Why or why
- I have already applied and gotten accepted as a junior but I don’t know if I am going to
attend because it might be too risky.

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