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Portfolio 2018-19

CHS Portfolio

Bite of Reality Reflection

Describe the persona you were given -- occupation, kids, etc.

I was a graphic designer with a husband who was a music teacher and my baby was 9 months

How successful were you with budgeting your money? Explain.

I wasn’t that successful in the beginning I knew what I had to do but the sellers kept pushing me
to buy more expensive products.

Did you need to go back and adjust any of your purchases along the way? Explain.
I needed to go back and fix the furniture that I bought. I was going to get hand me downs but
they pushed me to buy furniture that was in the middle.

What surprised/interested/worried/confused you about how you managed your personal

I was worried about not having enough money for my house and having to buy food from dollar
markets because that isn’t healthy.

What is one takeaway -- a useful or important bit of information -- that you have gathered from
participating in this experience?
One thing I learned was to just trust my instinct and don’t let others push me to do things or if
they judge me for buying hand me downs not to let them get to me.
Portfolio 2018-19

CHS Portfolio
How might this experience affect your future choices with personal finance?

It will help me out in the future because I will know how much to spend and that buying a house,
car, and stuff for the baby is more important than planning trips and going shopping at the mall.

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