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The automation of the climate control sys- ENGLISH IX

tems of greenhouses allows the creation TEACHER`S NAME:
-Act with precision and speed on the factors LIC. SENIA PIEDRA ABARCA.
of a controlled microclimate benefiting the
that determine the right microclimate for the
correct development of the crops in all TEAM MEMBERS:
crop: ventilation, radiation, humidity, temperatu- ARTURO MEDINA FELIX

their vegetative cycle, achieving a higher re and CO2 level. JOSE ABRAHAM DIAZ VALDOVINOS
level of production and optimal growth. -It allows the possibility of cultivating out of
season: achieving greater production, quality SANTIAGO BOLAÑOS ROMERO
Through this technique we will obtain the
and precocity of crops. -Better control of pests DANIEL BAUTISTA VALLE
following advantages: and diseases. -Saving in irrigation water: contro-
- Lower risk of damage: associated with unfavorable lling factors that affect the evapotranspiration GREEN HOUSE
climatic factors. of the plant. - Greater comfort, security and uni-
formity of work. Nutricontrol solution: MITHRA
What is a Smart greenhouse?
In this Project a proposal of the tomato ma-
king use of the technology “ Arduino and
Labview” and thus to know the benefits of
A greenhouse is a space with production that a Smart green ouse could of-
the appropriate microclimate ter to people who are interested in do a plan-
for the optima development of
a specific plantation. One of the tation or cultivation at home or on a large
main objetives of this green scale
house is to give a practical so- In this Project, we propose the resolution of a
lution to the problems presen- real life problema which was raised with the aim
ted by farmers in the region.
of giving an effective solution by means of
means of aoutomation for a greenhouse. Auto-
mation is the ability of a system to carry out cer-
tain tasks without uman intervention, so it is po-
sible that diverse systems are so precise, fast
and economical.

The dedication time that a person could provi-

Specifically, it focuses on the problems that de to their plants would decrease considerably,
aggravate the farmers in the planting of cer- because this control system would do the job of
tain fruits or vegetables that do not occur in monitoring the envionmental parameters
the región which is why they have to be (temperatura, humnidity and luminosity) at the
brought from other places, generation high right time and so the crop does not lose it is
costs in the transportation of the products. properties; also avoid the loss of the crop.

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