Mireya Valdovinos Echs Letter of Rec

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March 01, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Mireya Valdovinos, a young lady

who is currently my student assistant in my ELD class at El Capitan High School.
Throughout her high school years, Mireya has demonstrated that she is a hard working
young lady who is creative in producing some of the most creative posters to
demonstrate her team spirit for wrestling. She is also efficient in getting her
assignments completed.

Mireya is a serious-minded young lady with a great personality. She maintains a high
level of responsibility by turning in her assignments on time even on days where she
has her wrestling matches. Regardless of the everyday responsibilities she has, she
always has a smile and is positive in thinking. She strives to give her best in every
match she participates in and encourages her teammates to give their best as well.

Mireya works very well with others. She is always willing to help her fellow classmates
in any assignments they might be struggling with. Besides being of great help to her
classmates, she also takes on the duty of completing her assignments for her other
courses every day. Yet, with all the responsibilities under her care, she still finds the
time to give her best during her wrestling match competitions.

Mireya is unquestionably a great student to have. Mireya’s assistance in the ELD class,
suggests that she greatly will benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development
provided by an institution that will allow her to pursue a career in law enforcement.
Mireya has proven herself to have the perseverance and initiative, and the intellectual
creativity necessary to thrive as an exceptional student.


Moises Gutierrez
Moises Gutierrez
El Capitan High School

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