Rcs Capstone Experience - Problems and Solutions Blog

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Problems and Solutions

Did you encounter any problems/challenges while completing your project? Describe them.

I did encounter several formatting errors throughout making my portfolio/website but, the main
problem I had throughout the entire project was expanding my ideas and opinions about the
topic. I had three basic points that I incorporated throughout my portfolio and product but, I had
trouble using different statements and sentences to describe the topic in a different way.

How did you overcome them?

I overcame these problems by maximizing my vocabulary usage and get the most information
out possible from my sources and information within my research paper to be able to portray my
opinions and ideas throughout my product/portfolio. Also, I took my time to be able to make
cohesive sentences and phrases that makes sense and relates to my topic that really persuades the
viewer to believe and agree that college student-athletes should be paid.

If you could start your RCS Capstone Experience over, what would you do differently?

If I could start my RCS Capstone Experience over, I would do several things differently. First
off, I would start the entire project earlier in the year so I wouldn’t be so rushed and pressed for
time when the semester is coming to a close. Also, I would get more statistical and factual
information from my sources to persuade the viewer to the maximum amount and allow them to
agree on why college student-athletes should be paid.

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