q3 Mid Unit Reflection 3

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Student Writing Reflection Sheet

Name: Mikaela Bracamonte Period: 3 Date: 0Click or tap to enter

a date.
Class: Senior English Teacher: Ms. Figueroa

Assignment Title: Quarter 2 Chaucer Definiton

Student Writing Goal: My writing goal is to be able to improve on managing to stay on topic in my essays. As well as
expanding my word choices without repetitive words. Also being able to score an 80% or higher.

1) Re-read the paper (and teacher feedback).
2) Complete this reflection sheet.

What was the purpose of this writing assignment?

The Purpose of this assignment was to write about how Chaucer may define gender roles, love, and honor.
You had to use two quotes from the tale and explain how Chaucer may define one of the three.

How did you perform in relation to the expectations of the writing rubric?
In the terms of the rubric I believe I completed somewhat well. There were some requirements I didnt fully
meet. such as the inability to not say how he defines it but how he says it which is not on topic. However
other than the fact that i didn't fully meet the requirement on topic there are other things i managed to do.
What aspect of this piece did you do well? (give example/quotes to support claims)
I have managed two properly cite and explain my quotes even though a few may not be on topic. I also
followed MLA format which is a necessity in writing any essays. Also, I had not used repetitive words that is
a somewhat challenge for me at times. I accomplished well on basic things that are offten not seen or noticed
by me

Why have you/haven’t you chosen to revise this writing assignment?

I have chosen to revise this assignment because I had not managed to stay on topic and cite my quotes that
well. The essay looked and sounded a bit messy and it just wasn’t the best. I revised it to correct the common
mistake's I had not noticed since I never re read and duble check my essays

What will you do better in your next writing assignment, and how will I do it?
In my next writing assignment, I will try and manage staying on topic and expressing my citations more in
detail with my thought process. As well as being able don’t not use conjugations which was used quite a bit
in this writing piece and that is never good. I will achieve this being double checking the essay because that
truly does help a lot.

To what degree of success did you achieve your previously stated goal(s)?
I believe I was somewhat close to my goals I did only complete one of the stated goals which was scoring an
80 or higher which is really good. However, I didn’t complete the goal or staying on topic, and not use
repetitive words which isn't good. I believe over time I will manage to complete all of my writing goals over

3) Revise the paper accordingly and highlight any changes.

4) Submit the revision and this reflection sheet.

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