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Clarifying and Justifying the Learning Stretch

Why is your topic and essential/supporting questions appropriate for your RCS Capstone

My topic and essential/supporting questions appropriate for my RCS Capstone Experience

because I address my topic properly by following the RCS Guidelines and it addresses an issue
that is very prominent in today’s society and I feel that with the information that I’ve collected
and the research I’ve conducted, my website/portfolio could be used as a platform to get college
student-athletes paid in the future.

How will this experience be a learning stretch for you?

This experience will be a learning stretch for me because I have never really fully dove into a
topic of this sort and truly conducted this much research for one topic to create a
portfolio/product. This topic is very broad and requires extensive research to be done which will
definitely put me a little bit outside of my comfort zone.

Why is this experience going to be challenging for you?

This experience is going to be challenging for me because although I strongly believe that
college student-athletes should be paid, I feel that if someone opens up in a debate with a
strong counterargument, I do not feel confident enough yet to execute a great rebuttal which is
very challenging for me.

Why is this topic so important to you?

This topic is so important to me because for as long as I can remember, I have been a
collegiate sports fan. Also, I have a ton of respect and admiration for the college
student-athletes who sacrifice their entire lives to maintaining the workload for their sport and
school at the same time while receiving no financial reward for balancing their schedules while I
strongly believe the NCAA and its officials should recognize this corruption.
What skills must you master to achieve it?

Some skills that I must master to achieve a successful portfolio/product and an overall great
RCS Capstone Experience include how to format the websites properly and efficiently, dig deep
into my sources to get the best factual information regarding my topic out to use, and do not get
discouraged or impatient if an error occurs.

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