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Name_~A~d-~_/Q~_IY _
Facing Slavery
~ What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _

(9 What goods did those countries trade? _......:v-=-o.. o_o

aa _S__-\_o_o_l ~--

~ Where did most slaves work in the Americas? _

~ What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

5 How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

lS. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __
- ./

Name~ ,
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? E V1:9lgnc£i
~pei,'V'I 01o-d APr/e,,q

2. What goods did those countries trade? ~r J ¼ad J o.v-ic;,(3cx,J5

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? +he So>A:ther:n


4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after?
·"' ,t~ey CcJu\d de .....Jkof ¼qwon+ 9£+ec ±br;k

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? I + got

=\: her-a W'C>V e; M Oh '0>'

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

W~'; c,/,·t-( 1'+- ~gppe/1
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _1._
J_k _

2. What goods did those countries trade? tiJ(;J,pol:s, blo::-nub

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? I-n +\--e. ~01tber1\

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? ,d,\<.

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? -~c!-~----

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Amerlcas's __

~ ~~ ;~opl~ IA11~kr :~ \o,w«! bvt


Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _
2. What goods did those countries trade? _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? --------

\~ ::,O~f\ r"'d: of iha- cova-lrv dvri ry

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when thb colonies were settled) compared to after? _

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _\"t _

\ Lt:td -to e.A2·,ec wa c \::. G, r Am.111a:v1.s

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

\-\ow I o'lJ dtcf It lo. s -I-?
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? 1Dt
2. What goods did those countries trade? jy,165 !/¾ ~)

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? Sa>.& e,rn


4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (~hen the colonies were settled) compared ~o after?
~eiort1I~ ,de£ C, e, 1o1W ¾e we1er1~

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

P~e ,s.k, ~ v~e!.k: '!fr wbffl fhe G(c:-11~~ <1 A<:.

6. What is onr~k.n you have about slavery in the Americas?

Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade?
3 o-P +bvm ---

2. What goods did those countries trade?

S cr lA.-fb ert1
3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? c:..


4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

So ""et\,, i Dj )r '£ £c c e rrf:

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? r +-

fn ~ c- ±hecM u<r1£a_1r
6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __
Name --------

Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _

2. What goods did those countries trade? Q0 06 S , :-6 v-o~, Id is

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? ~~ S \-o:{o~

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _
.\ U? "" l -l- lL---0--o vJ

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

Sc~ P~$ '.: ; vJ Q, '{' .e) ~ (90, ~ ~~ ?<-
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? ____.c
, 1_

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _
f&u C I' q
vv"A ;M 5,¥~r Cl ,1_ 4 ( ) fl_ ; J-d t< i v1&i (j ,tt

2. What goods did those countries trade? _

-{M~ f:ooJ,J °"".,( aaJi.r ,\ I l'2t"Ma~

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? --------

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _
S: l ~\):( fj "vc; (L

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

-r.s ,,-)l~rr <"'J,·l/ f'jf;tl/N8 J~'/c_,c ~ f: j/U }_,·},/
Name Artd I e ~/-Z,
Facing Slavery
{ ( ,·w
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? ____,._A....._ --'-+1_

2. What goods did those countries trade? [,Di }ef\ , +a l,? J

Cco~s; v,+-"a bf-<5

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? __i D

'""'"O....... _

p )00 tcq:011. £ ?
4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

)t ( ,t)D. S b"toi Ht1~C) DFfer H,(lj cl, d ew c~ +~; f\J

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? \t ~ h49cu

haw +~J,~ We,y\(<i a{'\d dJcl S'-\i¾ 1'1 JD0 s
6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __
Name 6 'Cl..Le
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? r d 6"> ( kn ~4.J

2. What goods did those countries trade? J do fl f I< V'\ Q W

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? M.tfj,je Coh'en5

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? 5/uJ C-5

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? QOt'\ t K.()61/~

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas?~

vJ~(e ~kt) bt o..\.)eS,

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