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Name \) ,'/ / ,d~

Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade?

2. What goods did those countries trade? _5. . .b=---Jts~,_6_oM,__,_,

7 1

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? p,,{lk-6'0'5'

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? -1.D.K

5. How did slavery change t~nomy of the colonies? Jh(J oi.1:1 e~

J f!'J bM~f-e vl<W'
Name Se;! I a Jpil y1
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _
As t (a l l a , c h t (} tt 0,1 d .· <S e C('1 () ?
2. What goods did those countries trade?----.-------
Jo n+
3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? --------
1 ~t
J0 Knaw,
4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _
t"1 o re.- Po c0 bJi 1c n c ro e~ ~.

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

1 Aon t ({ (Jo vJ.
6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __
~ () w M ~&n f t) ! J \J-
O .\--½e_y 1v ~-\- r).

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Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _

2. What goods did those countries trade? _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? --------

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after?--"---

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __


Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _I _
~,+- ~novv
2. What goods did those countries trade? Co{ V' ~·fu \v

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? I l, n O ~ WC\d,"t;t,

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _.I- _
cto</r 1< t1C10

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? ___......-\- -'-"-"-"l__

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

Wtvt., ~\~ ,\'\,,-0V Sic.,~

Name --------

Facing Slavery
-4. W!countries were involved with the Triangle Trade?
& ~+- kcaw

2. What goods did those countries trade? ()

..__ _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? ____..t_i_~ ,_e-_c_


4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? r
b V) ..L ki (I,. ) el S' .t-<A v<l-

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? __l. .e.._
S.._S _
y\o ('\L t

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? Jc,
t".'(, -/
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Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade?

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? --h f& r ~ ~ t

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? 1 Qk

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? Wh

Was the {<'. s VJ', Vf cF V) th;: f[(J;f
f I
Facing Slavery ,..
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? • ( ~ 1 fi t?1 /
fr7 Q«, (
CALhd z
'~J <; l~J'
2. What goods did those crntries trade?
vv-5'- . ----
3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? Sou ±:he£-h
5±!d+ ef' ¢

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? ~

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies?-?


6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

Name --------

Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? U._ n\-r-.e., d
S+oJ--(S' { :S~o-\ \\ (]\.C\~ So.A'~ O'.\?-\'\ CO-

2. What goods did those countries trade? _T .__. .O.;._O_r\_

rr _
~(\ 6\__(

3. W_tere did most slaves work in the Americas? S.o U\¼ e l'C\
~ \ oJ-r~ J {_0\oN-c.S
4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
centu[Y (when the colonies were settled) compared to after?
--l-- _
<JO f'\ It-' t (')ch)

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _~

..___ _
lJ (\'+- ~(\ o 0
6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? --
\Nhy J,,a ~ eo ~ 1 t 40 \.\-'?
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _

2. What goods did those countries trade? _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? --------

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

""1hy °''ck °r/A.~ ot-c>J\- s ~°'\j~ y
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _

2. What goods did those countries trade? _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? P• c.k I nq cotft:Av\,

4h J kJ Ip, nq
wh, rA ~ 0 s e. ~ f'\-'\. '

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

Name ,M,[)S~ S
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? g.nv-bQ Q._<

~ \
0..r;.:..,,- I ~C\ ' ct VY") e.v: I c., C\

2. What goods did those countries trade? _s;:~1~ ,1.....<LS

1<1..... _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? .p\a"\ \--a.f,o ~

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the 9~1onies were settled) compared to after?
3 d~n +- \6nDw

'"'\"' J\.K\l/111
5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _--L o
---""'"'-__ _'J_ ,+-

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

Where-- ;-Wcis Ok°'~ ~ce,tC'J °'-fi,cc
Name J3~nJ I~
Facing Slavery
1. What countries were involved with the Triangle Trade? _

2. What goods did those countries trade? _

3. Where did most slaves work in the Americas? -------- Js

4. What was life like for people living in Western Africa before the 16th
century (when the colonies were settled) compared to after? _

5. How did slavery change the economy of the colonies? _

6. What is one question you have about slavery in the Americas? __

D i J, Pe.o 01c: DJc

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