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Jacques Derrida Dissemination Translated, with an Introduction and Additional Notes, by Barbara Johnson a The Athlone Press London 181 by The Univesity of Chicago title Le Disiminaion, 1972 “This wore was published in Paris under © IN PUBLICATION DATA Ly 5S pean 2) 4 0H may be reproduced ‘ny form or by any otacopying or otherwise, without i from the publisher. es of America Contents Translator's Introduction Outwork, prefacing Plato's Pharmacy 1 |. Pharmacia The Father of Logos . The Filial Inscription: Theuth, Hermes, Thoth, Nabi, Nebo ‘The Pharmakon The Pharmakeus u ‘The Pharmakos ‘The Ingredients: Phantasms, Festivals, and Paints ‘The Heritage of the Pharmakon: Family Scene Play: From the Pharmakon to the Letter and from Blindness to the Supplement The Double Session I 1 61 65 65 75 84 95 17 120 128 134 M42 156 173, 175 227 # ayayene CONTENTS Dissemination ‘The Trigger ‘The Apparatus or Frame ‘The Scission ‘The Double Bottom of the Plupresent wriTing, encAsIng, screeNing The Attending Discourse The Time before First The Column ‘The Crossroads of the “Est” Grafts, a Return to Overcasting ‘The Supernumerary 289 290 296 300 306 313 324 330 330 340 347 355 359 Translator’s Introduction on is only 4 somewhat pe the foreignness of languag ional way of coming to Walter Benjamin, "The Task of the Transl What is translation? On a placer A poet's pale and glaring head, A parror’sscrech, 2 monkeys chater, ‘And profanation of the dead, —Vladimir Nabokov, "On Translating ‘Eugene Onegin’ Jacques Derrida, born in Algiers in 1930, teaches philosophy at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. His tremendous impact on contemporary theoretical thought began in 1967 with the simultaneous publica: three major philosophi losophy, psychoanalysis, and anthropology; trans- ted by Alan Bass as Writing and Difference (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978)), and De la grammatologie(a sustained analysis of the repression icing in Western theories of language and culture and a methodologi- and theoretical outline of a new “science” of writing; translated by Gayatti Chakravorty Spivak as 0/ Grammatology [Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Universi yy of Chicago Press, 1981), Marge: de la philosphie (a lection of essays in/on che “margins” of philosophy, linguistics, and reparation, University of Chicago Press}, and La ature (translation is ination Dis

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