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Compiled By: Isaac Suh

If you don’t’ know why you’re here, I encourage you to find out what your purpose
What is the meaning of your life? What will be different?
Have you ever asked yourself that question?
And most people they go to their graves with their greatness still in them

What if you live your whole life only to discover that it was wrong?
We’ve all taken time just to stop and reflect
Many times when we hear what’s happening in the news or read the news paper
Where’s all this leading to, What’s going on here?
And so I think that now more than ever we must begin
To look at what are the things that we can do
That would put us on some firm footing in life
That would enables us to do some things and use some powers that we have

That many of us go through life never ever discovering

That we have those things going for us and part of that I believe is knowing what is your life
What is it that gives your life a sense of meaning and purpose?

See if you know what your life work is, I encourage you to start working on it
If you can’t do it all at one time do just a little bit of it
And if you don’t know what it is that you showed up to do
If you don’t know why you are here, I encourage you to find out what your purpose is here
what is the meaning of your life?
Because once you find that it puts you in your power place .

85% according to the recent studies are going to jobs that they hate
working on jobs that do not challenge them
they get sick thinking about going
because see when you go to a job and you already know how far you can go
you can already see that proverbial glass ceiling
see when you’re going someplace and you already know how much you are going to make
you already know how far you can go you’re in a dead end position
it erodes your self-esteem it lower your sense of yourself
it creates an inner turmoil, it creates an emptiness in you
so I say that your life is worth finding, what it is that you’re supposed to do?

Imagine if you will being on your death bed and standing around your bed ,
the ghost of the dreams, the ideas, the abilities, the talents given to by life but you for
whatever reason,
You never pursued those dreams, You never acted on those ideas you never used those gifts,
You never used those talents and there they are staring at you as you are lying on your bed
with large and angry eyes saying we came to you
only you can give us life and now we must die with you forever
and the question is if you die today
what dreams? what talents? what abilities?
what gifts? what ideas? will die with you!?

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