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CPT Section C General Economics Chapter 8 Unit 3

The Reserve Bank of India.

CA Shweta Poojari

Functions of RBI

Role of RBI

Indian monetary policy

Instruments of Credit controls

Multiple Choice Questions

The Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of
the country and it performs all the central banking

Reserve Bank of India was setup on 1st April 1935

as the shareholders bank.

RBI was nationalized on 1st January 1949.

The Executive head of the Bank is called the Governor, who is assisted by
Deputy Governors and other executive officers.

The General superintendence and direction has been entrusted to the Central
Board of Directors, consisting of the Governor, Dty. Governors, one Govt.
Official from the Ministry of Finance and Directors nominated by the Govt. of
India representing the Local Boards and various elements of the economy.

Besides the Central board there are 4 Local Boards with headquarters in
Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi.
Supervision and control over Commercial Banks,
relating to licensing and establishments, branch
expansion, liquidity of their assets, management
and methods of working, amalgamation,
reconstruction and liquidation.
Issue of Currency

Banker to the Government

Banker’s Bank

Custodian of foreign exchange reserves

Controller of credit

Lender of last resort

Central clearance, settlement and transfer of money

Promotional functions

Collection and publication of data

The RBI is the sole authority for the issue of currency
in India other than one rupee notes and subsidiary
coins, the magnitude of which is relatively small. The
RBI is also called ‘Bank of issue’

The One Rupee notes and coins are issued by the

Central Govt. , The Ministry of Finance.
As a Banker to the Govt. RBI performs the foll. Functions.

a. It accepts money , makes payment and also carries out their

exchange and remittances for the Govt.

b. It manages public debts, advices the government on the

quantum, timing and terms of new loans.

c. It also sells treasury bills to maintain liquidity in the economy.

d. Fiscal agent and advisor to the Govt.

The RBI has extensive power to control and supervise
commercial banking system under the RBI Act, 1934
and the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

The banks are required to maintain a minimum of cash

reserve ratio (CRR) with RBI.
The RBI provides financial assistance to scheduled
banks and state co operative banks.
The RBI is the custodian of monetary reserve in India and RBI also is
the custodian of national reserve of international currency.

It has to ensure that normal short term fluctuations do not affect the
exchange rate.
Credit control is generally considered to be the principal
function of central bank. By making frequent changes in
monetary policy, it ensures that the monetary system in the
economy functions according to the nation’s needs and goals.

The RBI uses almost all Quantitative and Qualitative methods

of credit controls.
RBI is the official ‘Lender of the last resort’.

Lender of last resort means central bank

coming to the rescue of other banks in
times of financial crises.
Central bank has special position for conducting
clearinghouse operations, Inter-bank transfer of
funds and settlement of accounts.

i.e. settling the mutual Owings of banks

RBI also performs variety of Developmental and
Promotional functions.

It is responsible for promoting banking habits among

people, mobilizing savings, development of the
banking system, and provision of finance for
agriculture, Foreign trade and small scale industries
It has also been entrusted with the
task of collection and compilation of
statistical information relating to
banking and financial sector of the
The other Misc. Functions of RBI are:

The RBI is responsible for overall monetary policy in

India like monetary stability, Stability of domestic
price levels, Maintenance of the International value of
the nation’s currency etc.
1.The RBI is apex monetary institution of the highest authority in India.
It plays an important role in strengthening, developing and diversifying
the country’s economic and financial structure.

2. It is responsible for the maintenance of economic stability and

assisting the growth of the economy.

3. It is India’s prominent public financial institution given the

responsibility for controlling the country’s monetary policy.

4. It acts as an advisor to the government in its economic and financial

5. It is responsible for the development of an adequate
and sound- banking system in the country.

6. RBI has to keep inflationary trends under control and to

see that the main priority sectors like agriculture , exports
and small scale industry get credit at cheap rates.

7. It also has to protect the market for government

securities and channelize credit in desired direction.
It is profit-seeking institution Its objective is not to make profit
Its profits mainly from loans and Its profits are mainly from Government
advances securities, advances to government
and commercial banks

Banks Mobilize savings and Central Bank’s role is to ensure that

channelize them into investments. the other banks Properly conduct their
business in national interest.
Functions of commercial banks are Functions of central banks are unique
• Monetary policy is the one employed by the state through its
central bank, to control the supply of money as an instrument of
achieving the objectives of general economic policy.

• a. To regulate monetary growth and maintain price stability
• b. To ensure adequate expansion in credit
• c. To assist economic growth
• d. To encourage the flow of credit into priority and neglected
• e. To strengthen the banking system
Quantitative or General Measures Qualitative or selective Measures
Bank Rate Policy Margin Requirements
Open market operations Consumer credit regulation
Variable reserve requirements Issue of directive
(i) cash reserve ratio
(ii) Statutory liquidity ratio

Rationing of credit
Moral suasion
Direct action
General measures of
credit control
The bank rate is the official interest rate at which the
central bank rediscounts the approved bills held by a
commercial bank. If the central bank wishes to control
credit and inflation, it will increase the bank rate

At present the Bank Rate is 9%.

OMO imply deliberate and direct sales and purchases of
securities and bills in the open market by central bank to control
the volume of the credit. If it wishes to control credit inflation,
then central bank sells securities in the open market.

If central bank wishes expansion of credit at the time of

deflation, then it purchases the securities.
The central bank also uses method of variable reserve requirement to
control credit. There are two types of reserves, which the commercial
banks are generally required to maintain.

Cash reserve ratio [ C.R.R]

• refers to that portion of total deposits, which a commercial bank has to keep with RBI
in the form of cash reserves.

Statutory liquidity ratio [ S.L.R]

• refers to that portion of total deposits, which a commercial bank has to keep with
itself in the form of liquid assets.
 During Inflation, to Control Inflation and
Discourage investment, it is advisable to;
 Increase the Bank Rate
 Sale of Securities in the open market
 Increase the CRR and SLR
 During Deflation, to Control Deflation and
Encourage investment, it is advisable to;
 Decrease the Bank Rate
 Buying of Securities in the open market
 Decrease the CRR and SLR
Qualitative or
1.Margin Requirements:

A margin requirement is difference between securities

offered and amount lent against those securities by the
banks. Increase in margin reduces the borrowing capacity
and decrease in margin increase the borrowing capacity.
2. Consumer credit regulation

Laying down rules regarding down payments and maximum

maturities of installment credit for the purchase of specified
consumer durable goods. Raising the required down payment
limits and shortening of maximum period tend to reduce the
demand for such loan and thereby check consumer credit.
3. Issue of directive:

The central bank also uses directives in form

of oral, written statement, appeals or warnings
to various commercial bank for credit control.
4.Rationing of credit:

Rationing of credit is a selective method adopted by

central bank for controlling and regulating the
purpose for which credit is granted by commercial
5. Moral suasion:

Moral suasion is a psychological means and purely informal

and milder form of selective credit control. In moral suasion
central bank persuades and morally requires to the commercial
banks to co-operative with the general monetary policy of credit
6. Direct action:

The central bank may take direct action against the

erring commercial banks or it may charge a penal
rate of interest over and above the bank rate, for the
credit demanded beyond the prescribed limit.
a.Providing cheap rediscounting
facilities to commercial banks

b.Providing liberalised
rediscounting facilities to
commercial banks

c.Giving subsidies to new banks


d.All of the above

a. RBI Act, 1934

b. Banking Regulation Act,


c. Both RBI Act 1934 and Answer:

Banking Regulation Act 1949 C

d. Banking Regulation Act,

a. It can bring about compulsory
amalgamation of weak banks

b. It can claim for compulsory


c. It can expedite winding up of

proceedings to safeguard the interest of

d. All of the above

a. Uniformity in note issue

b. Stability in currency
Answer.: D

c. Control of credit

d. All of the above

a. Create

b. Controls Answer.: B
Creation of credit is
c. Restricts done by commercial

d. None of the above

a. Dear

Answer.: B
b. Cheap Explanation.: People will
borrow more and
spend/Invest more.

c. Restricted

d. Green
a. Bank rate policy

b. Cash reserve ratio Answer:d

c. Statutory liquidity ratio

d. All of the above

a. Control inflation

b. Discourage hoarding of commodities

c. Encourage flow of credit into neglected sector

d. All of the above

Ans.: D Expln: (Please refer Slide No.:21)

a. Credit

b. Financial Answer;C

c. Monetary

d. fiscal
a. RBI advances necessary credit
against eligible securities.

b. Commercial banks give fund to

RBI Answer:A

c. RBI advances money to public

whenever there is any emergency.

d. All the above.

a. Rate at which commercial
banks lend money Answer: B
Bank rate is the rate at
b. Rate at which RBI lends which the Central Bank
gives loans or
to commercial Banks. rediscounts the bills of
exchange to the
c. Rate of interest paid by commercial banks.
the banks to its depositers.

d. None of the Above.

a. 9%
Answer: A
Note : the bank rate
b. 10% is as updated up to
Sept. 2012.

c. 4.5%

d. 23%
a. 4.5%

b. 7.5% Answer:A
Note : the CRR is as
updated up to Sept.
c. 15%

d. 23%
a. 4.5%

b. 7.5% Answer:D
Note : the SLR is as
updated up to Sept.
c. 15%

d. 23%
a. RBI is a Profit making institution
acting in the interest of the Govt.

b. Every country has only one central Answer:A

bank which is managed by Govt. RBI is not a profit
officials. making Institution and
it acts in the public
c. RBI does not perform any ordinary Interest.
commercial banking functions.

d. RBI has adopted Minimum

Reserve System of Note Issue.

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