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Established in 1912

DMTA is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization

and is proudly affiliated with:

Printed by Minuteman Press

Dear DMTA Membership and friends,
Welcome to the 2018-19 musical year! I’m so excited to be your new
DMTA President! We have an amazing new board and we are excited to
serve DMTA. New beginnings excite me: new goals, new students, new
schedules, new expectations!
Take a moment to look through this book and plan out your year. We have
lined up great programs and wonderful student opportunities. Make 2018-19
your best year yet!
I look forward to seeing you at our events!

Stathia Orwig
DMTA President 2018-2019
Table of Contents
DMTA General Information
What’s New This Year?.....................................................................................6
DMTA General Rules......................................................................................7
Attendance Policy.............................................................................................9
Awards & Scholarships................................................................................. 10
Board of Directors.......................................................................................... 12
Calendar of Events......................................................................................... 14
Judging Guidelines........................................................................................ 16
Membership Dues......................................................................................... 17
Monitor Policy................................................................................................ 18
Newsletter........................................................................................................ 19
Online Procedures......................................................................................... 20
Pedagogy Forum............................................................................................ 21
Programs.......................................................................................................... 22

DMTA Events
Achievement Auditions................................................................................ 24
Dallas Piano Solo Competition................................................................... 26
Dallas Symphonic Festival........................................................................... 27
Jazz-Pop Contest & Festival......................................................................... 28
Recital Series................................................................................................... 30
Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque Festival.............................................................. 31

DMTA Member Directory.................................................................................i

TMTA General Information

Board of Directors.......................................................................................... 33
Student Affiliate.............................................................................................. 34

TMTA Events
TMTA Theory Test........................................................................................ 35
Convention Ensembles................................................................................. 36
Original Composition Contest................................................................... 38
Publication Contest....................................................................................... 39
Solo Performance Contest........................................................................... 40
World of Music Test....................................................................................... 41

MTNA Certification...................................................................................... 42
What’s New This Year?
The following are a few of the principle changes in our events for the coming year.
Please note that this doesn’t cover every change, so be sure to consult individual
pages for specific rules, requirements and procedures.

✦✦ DMTA now has a Facebook page—2 actually! One for the general public (“Dallas
Music Teachers Association”) and one for our members only (“DallasMTA Teacher
Group”). Please like our page, join our group, and contribute by posting!
✦✦ We will only be having six general meetings this year. Please be sure to attend at least
three of these, if you plan to enter students in the Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque Festival,
Jazz-Pop Contest & Festival, or Achievement Auditions next year (see page 7).
✦✦ Coffee Time! We will be gathering 30 minutes prior to the meetings, so come early,
socialize, and get to know your fellow teachers!
✦✦ New Member Forums: all new DMTA members are invited to attend one of two
events to help you get to know DMTA. Keep an eye on your email for details.
✦✦ Teacher & Student Release Policy (see page 7).

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 6 ✦
DMTA General Rules
The following is a summary of some important DMTA rules. For additional
information and specific rules, requirements, and procedures please consult the
remaining pages of this yearbook.

✦✦ To be included in the yearbook membership roster, member dues must be paid by

the deadline (see page 17).
✦✦ Members must attend three full general meetings in the current academic year in
order to enter students in the Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque Festival, Jazz-Pop Contest
& Festival, or Achievement Auditions in the following academic year. Attendance
at a Pedagogy Forum meeting may substitute for one of the three required General
Meetings (see page 9).
✦✦ Teachers must only register students as his/hers if they are the student’s principal
teacher (see page 20).
✦✦ All teachers are required to properly prepare all documents relative to an event and
to ensure completion of both registration and payment by the posted deadline. A
student’s registration is not complete until the fees are paid (see page 20).
✦✦ All communication with event chairmen must be through the DMTA teacher. There
is to be no contact between students or parents and DMTA chairs.
✦✦ All teachers who have students participating in a DMTA-sponsored event must
monitor for that event or have another member substitute for them (see page 18).
✦✦ Judge’s decisions are final. Do not identify your students to a judge. Do not confront
or threaten a judge. Any attempt to challenge or influence a judge’s decision will
result in the disqualification of the student(s) (see page 16).

Teacher & Student Release Policy

✦✦ Any student or teacher affiliated with the Dallas Music Teachers Association

(“DMTA”), the Texas Music Teachers Association, or the Music Teachers National
Association in any way may be photographed, mentioned by name (individually
or collectively), or otherwise indicated in promotional materials—including, but
not limited to social media posts across any and all platforms, physical or electronic
newsletters, and articles for local, nationwide, or worldwide publication via the
Internet or print distribution. By affiliating with DMTA in any way, shape, or form,
students and teachers both consent to the use of their name, image, performances,
and/or likeness in any and all of the promotional materials indicated above. If an
affiliate of DMTA—either teacher or student—does NOT consent to the use of his
or her name, image, performances, and/or likeness in promotional materials, the
affiliate must notify the President of DMTA in writing immediately upon affiliation.
DMTA cannot and will not be held liable for any damages accrued by the use of an
affiliate’s name, image, performances, and/or likeness, and is not responsible for any
financial compensation of these usages.

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 7 ✦
The Dallas Music Teachers Association gratefully acknowledges the generous and long-
term support of the following community organizations:

Dallas Academy of Music

King of Glory Lutheran Church

Music So Simple

Peter Collora Piano

SMU Meadows School of the Arts

Steinway Hall - Dallas

Please express your appreciation by patronizing these businesses whenever possible.

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 8 ✦
Attendance Policy
A teacher who wishes to enter students in activities administered by DMTA is
required to attend a minimum of three meetings each year. Attendance is defined
as staying a minimum of one hour per meeting and recording their attendance by
signing in at the end of the meeting attended. Members unable to satisfy the speci-
fied attendance requirements may send a letter of explanation to the Attendance
Chairman for consideration by the DMTA board no later than October 1 of the
year considered for participation. The Board reserves the right to make exceptions
on an individual case basis after careful review and deliberation. Acceptable
reasons for not meeting the attendance requirement will be up to the discretion of
the Board. Additional monitoring duties and/or committee work may be assigned
in lieu of meeting attendance.

DMTA Constitution Article IV, Section 4

✦✦ Members must attend three full general meetings in the current academic year in

order to enter students in events in the following academic year. (The definition of
an academic year is from September-May.)
✦✦ The attendance policy pertains only to these three activities:

Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque Festival, Jazz-Pop Contest & Festival, and

Achievement Auditions.
✦✦ Attendance at a pedagogy forum meeting may substitute for one DMTA meeting.

Adam Salas, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 9 ✦
Awards & Scholarships
High School Senior Musician Award
The High School Senior Musician Award is the highest honor bestowed on a stu-
dent by the DMTA. It is awarded to a senior student with a history of outstanding
participation and performance in DMTA-sponsored events during grades nine
through twelve. 

The chairman must receive the following materials by 5:00 pm on the following dates
of the applicant’s senior year:
✦✦ Application form: October 31

✦✦ TMTA Theory Tests (original tests from grades 9 -12): January 15

✦✦ R ating Booklet (completed): May 1

✦✦ Solo Senior Recital: performed by July 15

Application and Eligibility:

✦✦ Students wishing to apply for the award must be nominated through their current

music teacher. The teacher must have held primary membership in DMTA for
at least four years, including grades nine through twelve of the applicant’s study.
Primary membership is defined as having paid local, state, and national dues through
DMTA. The nominee must be a full-time student and hold membership in the
Student Affiliate through DMTA. The application form and timeline are available on
the DMTA website.
✦✦ The teacher must verify that all documentation in the Rating Booklet is complete

before submission, or the application will be voided.

Each applicant must create a Rating Booklet, which consists of a three-ring binder
with sheets encased in plastic sleeves, to be submitted by the teacher to the HSSM
Award chairman. The Rating Booklet documents the applicant’s musical activities from
grades nine through twelve by including copies of performance programs (with their
name underlined) and critique sheets for all adjudicated performances. Additionally,
the form “Rating Booklet” (available on the DMTA website) must be completed and
included in the Rating Booklet binder.

The following documentation is required:

Note: all performances are to be played by memory.
✦✦ Achievement Auditions: perform each year in grades 9-12. The student must receive

a rating each year—total points for the four years must be at least 20 points. (Vocal
applicants are only required to participate in grades 11 & 12 and earn a total of at
least 10 points.)
✦✦ TMTA Theory Tests: participate through DMTA each year in grades 9-12. The student

must earn a grade of 90 or above each of the four years. (It is highly recommended
that students take the Fall test to have the option of re-testing in Spring.)

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 10 ✦
✦✦ Perform in at least one of the following each year from grades 9-12 (vocal applicants
require only grades 11 & 12):
Dallas Symphonic Festival, Dallas Piano Solo, or TMTA Solo Performance Contest
✦✦ Perform on two programs of the DMTA Student Recital Series in the senior year.

✦✦ Perform for the DMTA General Meeting in April of the senior year.

✦✦  Present a solo senior recital of at least 45 minutes playing time by July 15.

✦✦ All pieces must be performed by memory.

All communication with the HSSM chairman must be through the DMTA teacher. There is
to be no contact between the parent or student and the HSSM chair. This award is given at
the discretion of the Scholarship Committee. The decision of the committee is final.

Trudy Emerick, HSSM chair

These awards are given to HSSM recipients who plan to pursue a degree in music
at a College or Conservatory.

Louise Rebecca Schawe Memorial Scholarship:

The recipient is selected by the Scholarship Committee in accordance with the criteria
articulated within the bequest of former DMTA member Louise Schawe.
Students do not apply for this award.

Eugenia O’Reilly Young Artist Award:

This award is presented to a student or a former student of an eligible DMTA teacher
selected by the Scholarship Committee in recognition of highly artistic performances.
Students do not apply for this award.

✦✦ The DMTA scholarship awards are funded by contributions, which may be made

in honor/memory of an individual or event. To donate, please send a check to the

scholarship chairman with “DMTA Scholarship Fund” in the memo line, and include
a note with the donor’s name and address and the name and address of the honoree.
✦✦ Gifts to the scholarship fund are tax-deductible.

The Scholarship Committee is composed of the DMTA Scholarship general chairman,

the HSSM chairman, three past DMTA presidents, and the current DMTA president.

Sylvia Taylor, scholarship general chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 11 ✦
Board of Directors
President Vice-President
Stathia Orwig Grace Long

Secretary Treasurer
Emmeline Miles Ruth Ann Hoffman

Immediate Past President Parliamentarian

Lois Landrum Trudy Emerick

Standing Committee Chairmen

Achievement Auditions Dallas Piano Solo Competition
Kara Villines Margaret Wells
Jenni VerHagen
Gail Arbetter Finance
Ruth Ann Hoffman
Adam Salas Jazz-Pop Contest
Adam Salas
Code of Ethics
Lois Landrum Membership
Hannah Robison
Constitution and Bylaws
Trudy Emerick

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 12 ✦
Newsletter Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque
Logan Herod Festival Meredith Manely
Alex McDonald Student Affiliate Carolyn Adams
Recital Series
Ruth Myrick Symphonic Festival Nancy Burroughs
Web Coordinator
Sylvia Taylor Faron Vassen

Ben Quine

Elected-At-Large Members Appointed Chairmen

Patrice Koenig Dallas Symphony League Representative
Ruth Ann Hoffman
Steven Hall
National Certification
Annie Lin Sylvia Taylor
Carol Crisp Original Composition Contest Carol Crisp
TMTA Theory Test
Jessica Carew

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 13 ✦
Calendar of Events
1 Dallas Piano Solo Competition Registration Opens
9 DMTA Meeting
16 Deadline: Student Affiliate Registration with Reduced Dues
20 Deadline: Jazz-Pop Contest & Festival Registration
26 Pedagogy Forum
7 Deadline: Recital Series Registration
5 Deadline: Student Affiliate Membership for Fall Theory Test
6 Deadline: Fall Theory Test Registration
17 DMTA Meeting
20 Deadline: Newsletter Submissions
20 Deadline: Original Composition Contest Registration
20 Jazz-Pop Contest & Festival
21 Recital Series Concert
3 Dallas Piano Solo Competition
4 Deadline: Recital Series Registration
4 Fall Theory Test
7 Pedagogy Forum
10 Deadline: Sonatina Festival Registration
18 DMTA Meeting
18 Recital Series Concert
8 Sonatina Festival
20 Deadline: Newsletter Submissions

Note: All Dallas Symphonic Festival event dates will be

announced in the competition brochure which will be available on
the DMTA website,, in the early Fall.

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 14 ✦
2 Deadline: Publication Contest Registration
16 Pedagogy Forum
19 Deadline: Piano Solo Performance Contest Registration
19 Deadline: World Of Music Test Registration
19 Deadline: Convention Ensembles Registration
20 Deadline: Recital Series Registration
22 Deadline: Student Affiliate Membership for Spring Theory Test
26 Deadline: Spring Theory Test Registration
2 Deadline: Instrumental & Vocal Solo Performance Contest Registration
3 Recital Series Concert
6 DMTA Meeting
17 Piano Solo Performance Contest
17 World Of Music Test
17 Convention Ensembles Auditions
20 Deadline: Newsletter Submissions
24 Spring Theory Test
27 Pedagogy Forum
3 Instrumental Solo Performance Contest
3 Vocal Solo Performance Contest
23 Deadline: Achievement Auditions Registration
24 Deadline: Recital Series Registration
7 DMTA Meeting
7 Recital Series Concert
20 Deadline: Newsletter Submissions
27 Achievement Auditions
27 Deadline: Recital Series Registration
4 Recital Series Concert
5 DMTA Meeting
20 TMTA Convention
31 Deadline: To be included in DMTA Yearbook, membership dues must be paid

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 15 ✦
Judging Guidelines
When adjudicating for a performance event, DMTA encourages all judges to consis-
tently and judiciously apply the following criteria:

An artistic performance that has tonal variety and technical fluency. The
music should be projected with poise, imagination, stylistic freedom, and
rhythmic vitality. This rating can be given to students of any age.

An excellent performance, showing accuracy in notes and rhythm, tempo
control, technical facility, and continuity. This performance tends to lack the
vitality and authority of artistry.

A prepared performance, mostly accurate in notes, rhythm, dynamics, and
memory, but lacking in one or more of the following areas: tonal beauty,
balance, technical ease, awareness of phrasing, or appropriate tempo.

A tenuous performance with many inaccuracies. Practice habits need to be

NFP (Needs Further Preparation)

Further preparation needed in all areas.

✦✦ Please make your comments definitive and directly related to the music, avoiding a

measure-by-measure critique.
✦✦ Any student who fails to bring music, presents a photocopy of the music, or performs

an arrangement of any composition will receive a critique but no rating will be given.
The only exception: arrangements are acceptable in the Jazz-Pop Contest.

For Teachers:
✦✦ Remember that a judge’s decision is final.

✦✦ Do not identify your students to a judge.

✦✦ Do not confront or threaten a judge. Any attempt to challenge or influence a judge’s

decision will result in the disqualification of the student(s).

✦✦ If you would like to give feedback on a particular judge, please contact the vice


Grace Long, vice president

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 16 ✦
Membership Dues
All fees for membership renewal are collected by MTNA. Statements which include
DMTA, TMTA, and MTNA dues for each upcoming year will be mailed to association
members in April. MTNA active membership will expire on June 30, 2019.
Collegiate membership will expire on September 30, 2019. To renew membership, pay
online from the MTNA website.

Membership dues must be paid in full by July 31 for the member to be included in
the yearbook. Remember to go to the Members’ Area to keep your
contact information up to date.

Non-refundable Dues:
$35 $45 $79 $159

Secondary Memberships:
Teachers whose primary membership is with another music teachers association
Visit the MTNA website and add DMTA or send $35 check made out to DMTA to the
membership chairman.

Emeritus Members:
Fully retired long-time members
Emeritus members are exempt from payment of DMTA dues. Membership in TMTA
and MTNA is optional.

Life Members:
Members who have rendered outstanding service to DMTA
Fees for local, state, and national membership are all paid by DMTA.

Golden Lyre Members:

Members at least 50 years
Fees for local, state, and national membership are all paid by DMTA.

Hannah Robison, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 17 ✦
Monitor Policy
All teachers who have students participating in a DMTA-sponsored event must
monitor for that event or have another member substitute for them.

Substitute Monitors:
A teacher may pay another member to be their substitute. The recommended fee is $75
per event. There is no limit to the number of times a teacher may pay a substitute or act
as a paid substitute. It is mandatory that the substitute be another DMTA member.

A list of those volunteering to be substitute monitors will be posted on the DMTA

website; however, paid substitutes are not limited to this list. It is the teacher’s responsi-
bility to secure a monitor, coordinate payment with the substitute teacher, and to notify
the event chairman of this change at least two weeks prior to the event. If the substitute fails
to appear, it will be the original teacher’s responsibility to pay all fines.

Failure to Monitor:
A teacher’s failure to monitor or to provide a substitute monitor for a DMTA event will
result in both of the following penalties:

1. Fine & Suspension

First Offense: $100 fine & all students from that teacher’s studio will be
suspended from participating in that same event the following year.
Second Offense: $250 fine & all students from that teacher’s studio will be
suspended from participating in that same event the following year.
Third Offense: $500 fine & all students from that teacher’s studio will be
suspended from participating in that same event the following year.

2. Suspension
In addition, all students from that teacher’s studio will be suspended from
participating in all DMTA events until the respective fines have been satis-
fied in full.

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 18 ✦
DMTA Today is the online newsletter for DMTA members, available at Members are encouraged to submit their news, pictures, and

Issue #1, September 1, 2018

materials due: August 20, 2018

Issue #2, November 1, 2018

materials due: October 20, 2018

Issue #3, January 1, 2019

materials due: December 20, 2018

Issue #4, March 1, 2019

materials due: February 20, 2019

Issue #5, May 1, 2019

materials due: April 20, 2019

Please email all newsletter content to the editor by the deadlines.

Advertising is available in DMTA Today. Information on non-profit organizations
or free events may be included at no charge; for pricing on all other content, please
contact the editor.

Logan Herod, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 19 ✦
Online Procedures
Event Registration and Payment:
✦✦ Registration for all DMTA events will be done online at

✦✦ Teachers must only register students as his/hers if they are the student’s principal teacher.

✦✦ Entry fees for all DMTA events must be paid online.

✦✦ All teachers are required to properly prepare all documents relative to an event and to

ensure completion of both registration and payment by the posted deadline. See the
individual event pages for specific deadlines.
✦✦ A student’s registration is not complete until the fees are paid.

Website Members Area:

✦✦ Log into the Members Area using a personal UserID and a password.

✦✦ From the Members Area, each teacher will be able to access events, register students,

check a student’s accumulated points, view newsletters, search a current member

directory, and find other DMTA information.
✦✦ Please contact the web coordinator if you need help setting up your account, lose

your password, or need assistance.

Updating Student and Teacher Information:

✦✦ Please keep your personal information up to date, especially phone number and

email address.
✦✦ Student school grades must be updated every fall, and other information should be

updated as needed.
✦✦ Please confirm that each student’s name matches exactly with their Student Affiliate

registration (this is required for Theory Test registration).

Faron Vassen, web coordinator

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 20 ✦
Pedagogy & Performance Forum
All teachers are invited to attend these informal, collaborative meetings to discuss
aspects of running a studio, teaching, and performance. Teachers are invited to
share ideas in a lively, directed discussion. Teachers may also perform pieces
to share repertoire ideas or to help in their personal preparation for their own
concerts. All instruments are welcome.

All meetings will take place on Wednesdays at 11 am

Music So Simple
1144 Plano Rd., #142, Richardson, Texas 75081

One meeting may count towards a DMTA attendance requirement

The Business of Running a Music Studio Business

September 26, 2018
✦✦ Facebook studio page creation

✦✦ My Music Staff—music software

✦✦ Marketing

✦✦ Advertising

✦✦ Grow your music studio Youtube videos

✦✦ All Instruments

Successful Group Lessons

November 7, 2018
✦✦ How to have more students and earn more per hour

✦✦ Marketing of lessons

✦✦ Leveling

✦✦ Pricing structure

✦✦ All instruments

Dalcroze Music and Movement Concepts

January 16, 2019
✦✦ Teaching Solfege while moving

✦✦ Teaching rhythms

✦✦ All instruments

Favorite Student Repertoire (all levels)

February 27, 2019
✦✦ Please bring pieces to share with fellow colleagues

Carmela Couvillon, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 21 ✦
DMTA proudly presents the following general meetings for 2018-2019. Members
must attend three full general meetings in the current academic year in order to
enter students in the Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque Festival, Jazz-Pop Contest &
Festival, or Achievement Auditions in the following academic year.

Coffee Time: we will be gathering 30 minutes prior to each meeting, so come early,
socialize, and get to know your fellow teachers!

Cliburn in the Classroom: A Presentation

Featuring Dr. Jonathan Tsay, piano
Sunday, September 9, 2018, 4:00 pm
Peter Collora Piano
1415 Wycliffe Ave., Dallas, TX 75207

Piano Recital
Featuring Leonard Hayes, piano
Faculty at Booker T. Washington High School, Dallas
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 10:00 am
Steinway-Hall Dallas
5301 N. Central Expy., Dallas, TX 75205

Alexander Technique: A Method for Musicians

Featuring Lori Schiff
Faculty at the Juilliard School, New York
Sunday, November 18, 2018, 3:00 pm
Steinway-Hall Dallas
5301 N. Central Expy., Dallas, TX 75205

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 22 ✦
Music at the Crossroads: Europe, 1910-1930
Featuring the music of Gershwin, Stravinsky, Hindemith, and Clarke
performed by Joseph Kuipers, cello; Rachel Li McDonald, viola; Alex McDonald, piano
Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 10:00 am
Steinway-Hall Dallas
5301 N. Central Expy., Dallas, TX 75205

Performances by the High School

Senior Musician Candidates &
Hazel Cobb Memorial Original
Composition Recital
Featuring student performers and composers
Sunday, April 7, 2019, 4:00 pm
Peter Collora Piano
1415 Wycliffe Ave., Dallas, TX 75207

Forgotten Melodies
Featuring Cahill Smith, piano
Faculty at Lee University, Chattanooga
Sunday, May 5, 2019, 3:00 pm
Steinway-Hall Dallas
5301 N. Central Expy., Dallas, TX 75205

Alex McDonald, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 23 ✦
Achievement Auditions
Students perform three pieces (or two pieces for string division) from at least two
different stylistic periods before a judge and accumulate points each year towards
Saturday, April 27, 2019
King of Glory Lutheran Church
6411 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy., Dallas, TX 75240
Deadline: March 23, 2019; Students must register for their current school grade.

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $25

Eligibility: Participants must be students of a DMTA member and have studied full-
time with that teacher for a minimum of six months prior to the audition.

Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18). Teachers will serve one monitor time for every 1-20 students
they enter, and an additional monitor time for each subsequent 1-20 students entered.
(Example: 45 students = 3 monitor times)

Awards: Performers will receive a critique, rating, and certificate. Performers who earn a
rating of I or I+ will receive a “superior” ribbon. The first year they earn a I or I+ rating,
they will also receive a DMTA pin. Performers who receive a rating of II will receive an
“excellent” ribbon.
Students are awarded and accumulate points based on their performance rating:
I+: 6 points I: 5 points II: 4 points III: 3 points

Piano & Strings: trophies will be awarded at 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, and 60 points.
Voice & Woodwinds: trophies will be awarded at 10, 20, 30, and 40 points.

Festival Rules:
✦✦ Entrants may perform fewer selections than required, but they will not be eligible for

ratings or awards.
✦✦ Entrants must provide original scores with measures numbered. Any student who

fails to bring music, presents a photocopy of the music, or performs an arrangement

of any composition will receive a critique but no rating will be given.
✦✦ If the entrant performs using music, they will receive a critique but no rating will be

✦✦ Repertoire may not be repeated in a subsequent year.

✦✦ No changes in repertoire are permitted after entries have been made online.

✦✦ An audition must not exceed 15 minutes. Any audition exceeding 15 minutes may be

stopped by the judge.

✦✦ The judge may interrupt the performance at any time.

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 24 ✦
✦✦ Teachers will fill out the student’s information on the critique sheet and send it with
the student to the audition.
✦✦ At the conclusion of the auditions, teacher packets containing critique sheets, rib-

bons, certificates, pins, and trophies may be picked up at the audition site.

Repertoire Requirements:
✦✦ Method book pieces, transcriptions, simplified editions, or arrangements of any kind are

not allowed.
✦✦ Pieces not written during a given period but composed in the style of that period

may be used.

Piano Division Voice Division

Three pieces must be performed by memory Three pieces must be performed by memory
and must represent at least two different
Grades 7-8 Requirements
stylistic periods.
a. Early English song
Grades K-6 Requirements b. Classical song in English
a. Baroque or Early Classical selection c. Selection of teacher’s choice
b. Sonata or sonatina, 24 measures
Grades 9-10 Requirements
a. Early English or Italian song
c. Solo piece of teacher’s choice
b. Classical song in Italian, French, German or
Grades 7-12 & Adult Requirements English
a. Baroque selection c. Selection of teacher’s choice
b. Any sonata or sonatina movement
Grades 11-12 Requirements
excluding Baroque pieces
a. Early English or Italian song
c. Solo piece of teacher’s choice
b. Classical song in Italian, French, or German
c. Selection of teacher’s choice
String Division
Two pieces must be performed by memory
Woodwind Division
Grades K-6 Requirements
Three pieces from varying periods must be
a. Baroque or Classical selection
performed. One work must be memorized.
b. Advancing solo of teacher’s choice

Grades 7-8 Requirements

a. Advancing Baroque or Classical selection
b. Advancing solo of teacher’s choice

Grades 9-12 Requirements

a. Advanced Baroque or Classical selection
b. Advanced solo of teacher’s choice

Communication: All communication with event chairmen must be through the

DMTA teacher. There is to be no contact between parents and DMTA chairs.

Kara Villines, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 25 ✦
Dallas Piano Solo Competition
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Lovers Lane United Methodist Church
9200 Inwood Rd., Dallas, TX 75220
✦✦ September 1, 2018: DMTA members whose dues were paid by June 30, 2018.

✦✦ Deadline: Online registration ends when the number of paid entries reaches 400 or

at midnight on September 8, 2018, whichever comes first.

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $35
MTNA, TMTA, and DMTA dues must be paid by June 30, 2018 to have access to
registration on the DMTA website.
Entry Fee Payment: All entry fees must be paid online to be considered registered for
the contest. Entries awaiting online payment will be considered “on hold” and not as
registered students. When the maximum number of paid entries is reached, all entries
remaining “on hold” will be dropped and will not be entered in the contest.
Eligibility: The competition is open to students of DMTA Members.
Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).
Competition Guidelines: Please consult the current DPS brochure which is avail-
able on the DMTA website.
Awards: First, second, third, and fourth place winners in Divisions I through IX receive
trophies. Recipients of Honorable Mention awards receive ribbons. All finalists in each
division receive ribbons during finals. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded
following the finals of each division. Judges’ decisions are final, and the judges have the
right to not present all awards in a division.
William Gillock Awards: Division X winners receive a plaque & a monetary award:
First Place: $200 Second Place: $150 Third Place: $125 Fourth Place: $100
Critique Sheets: Critique sheets will be distributed to students at the end of finals.
Unclaimed critique sheets will be available at the Information Desk on the day of the
contest. Following the contest, teachers may send a stamped, self-addressed envelope
to Jenni VerHagen, 1864 McDonald Rd., Heath, TX 75032, to receive unclaimed
critiques by mail. Critiques that remain unclaimed will be discarded after 6 months.
Communication: All communication with event chairmen must be through the
DMTA teacher. There is to be no contact between parents and DMTA chairs.

Margaret Wells, co-chair; Jenni VerHagen, co-chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 26 ✦
Dallas Symphonic Festival

Events and registration: Dates and event details to be announced. The 2018-2019
DSF competition brochure will be available on the DMTA website,,
in the early Fall.

Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).

Communication: All communication with event chairmen must be through the

DMTA teacher. There is to be no contact between parents and DMTA chairs.

Nancy Burroughs, chair
Angela Favazza, Piano Leah Fritz, Strings Lois Landrum, Voice Kwanghoon Yi, Winds
DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019
✦ 27 ✦
Jazz-Pop Contest & Festival
Piano students perform jazz standards or popular selections within either a solo
contest or a jazz festival format.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Peter Collora Piano
1451 Wycliff Ave., Dallas, TX 75207

Deadline: September 20, 2018
✦✦ The Contest will be limited to the first 140 participants.

✦✦ The Festival will be limited to the first 75 participants.

Non-refundable Entry Fee:

Contest: $20
Festival: $15

Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).

Contest Guidelines:
✦✦ Students compete by age divisions and will perform before a judge a single piece not

to exceed five minutes.

✦✦ Repertoire may be chosen from any type of Jazz Standard (Boogie-Woogie, Ragtime,

Dixieland, Latin Dance), Pop Standard (old and new hits, show tunes, Rock, Soul,
etc.), or any work by a contemporary composer using jazz or popular idioms. Please
contact the chairman with questions regarding repertoire before registering.
✦✦ Works must be memorized and performed as written.

✦✦ Each age division will be conducted as an individual contest in a closed preliminary

round before a judge, and in an open final round before an audience. The judge will
then select the winners and awards will be given. Should a division not have enough
entrants, the preliminary and final rounds will be combined and open with the
✦✦ Registration is based on the student’s age as of September 1, 2018.

✦✦ A contestant may enter a higher division than their age group but may not enter a

lower one.
✦✦ First place winners must advance to the next division the following year.

✦✦ Divisions may be merged at the discretion of the chairman, based on the number of

students enrolled.

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 28 ✦
Contest Divisions:
Division 1: Age 6 & 7 Division 5: Age 11 Division 9: Age 15
Division 2: Age 8 Division 6: Age 12 Division 10: Age 16
Division 3: Age 9 Division 7: Age 13 Division 11: Age 17
Division 4: Age 10 Division 8: Age 14 Division 12: Age 18

Festival Guidelines:
✦✦ Students will perform a single piece not to exceed five minutes.

✦✦ Students will receive a critique sheet with a rating and a corresponding ribbon for I+,

I, and II ratings.
✦✦ Repertoire may be chosen from any type of Jazz Standard (Boogie-Woogie, Ragtime,

Dixieland, Latin Dance), Pop Standard (old and new hits, show tunes, Rock, Soul,
etc.), or any work by a contemporary composer using jazz or popular idioms. Please
contact the chairman with questions regarding repertoire before registering.
✦✦ Students may not repeat repertoire entered from previous DMTA Jazz-Pop Contests.

Suggested (but not exclusive) Contest and Festival repertoire:

✦✦ Claude Debussy: Golliwog’s Cake Walk

✦✦ Bill Evans: Pop or Jazz Arrangements

✦✦ George Gershwin: Any Original Selection and/or Arrangement

✦✦ William Gillock: New Orleans Jazz Styles

✦✦ Scott Joplin: All Rags

✦✦ Martha Mier: Jazz Rags and Blues Books

✦✦ Arletta O’Hearn: Three Piano Preludes in Jazz Styles

Communication: All communication with event chairmen must be through the

DMTA teacher. There is to be no contact between parents and DMTA chairs.

Adam Salas, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 29 ✦
Recital Series
DMTA provides five concert recital opportunities each year where students of all
levels and abilities receive performance experience in a formal setting.

King of Glory Lutheran Church

6411 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy., Dallas, TX 75240

✦✦ A teacher may submit four entries per recital. If the program is short, permission may

be granted to have more.

✦✦ Each student may perform one selection, not exceeding five minutes duration, unless

granted special permission by the recital’s sponsor. Each movement of a sonata or

sonatina is considered to be one selection.
✦✦ Simplified arrangements of larger classical works are not acceptable. All music must

be memorized. There will be no duplicate compositions on a program. The first entry

received will be selected to perform the composition.
✦✦ Performers are to wear “dress up” apparel but not party wear. All performers, teach-

ers, and guests are expected to stay for the entire recital. Children under three years
of age will not be allowed in the recital hall. Teachers, please inform your parents
well before the performance.
✦✦ No flash photography is allowed during the performance. Video cameras may be

used from the back of the hall.

✦✦ Teachers of the performers are expected to attend.

Registration: The following should be emailed to the sponsor by the entry deadline:
Student’s Name; Grade; Composition; Composer; Performance Time;
Instrument; Accompanist; Teacher; Phone Number; and Email

The first four recitals are for grades K-12; The May recital is for adult students
(college and above) and will be held at Steinway Hall - Dallas.
October 21, 2018, 3:00 pm sponsor: Elena Tsvetkova
deadline: October 7, 2018

November 18, 2018, 3:00 pm sponsor: Lisheng Xu

deadline: November 4, 2018

February 3, 2019, 3:00 pm sponsor: Biliana Dimitrova

deadline: January 20, 2019

April 7, 2019, 3:00 pm sponsor: Anatolia Ioannides

deadline: March 24, 2019

May 4, 2019, 6:00 pm sponsor: Stephen Nielson

deadline: April 27, 2019

Ruth Myrick, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 30 ✦
Sonata-Sonatina-Baroque Festival
Students will be heard in a series of adjudicated recitals. Parents, teachers and
guests are encouraged to attend. Please plan to remain through the entire recital.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Lake Highlands United Methodist Church
9015 Plano Rd., Dallas, TX 75238

✦✦ Registration opens: October 1, 2018

✦✦ Deadline: November 10, 2018

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $20

Eligibility: Grades K-12 students of DMTA members are eligible.

Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).

✦✦ One movement of a Sonata, Sonatina, or Baroque piece not to exceed seven minutes.

✦✦ Original compositions only. Simplified arrangements are not acceptable and last-

minute repertoire changes will not be permitted.

✦✦ Participants must perform by memory and provide the score (with measures

numbered) for the judges.

✦✦ Any student who fails to bring music, presents a photocopy of his or her music, or

performs an arrangement of any composition will receive a critique but no rating will
be given.

Ribbons will be awarded to those making a grade of I+. Certificates and critique sheets
for all students may be picked up by the teachers at the conclusion of the Festival.

Communication: All communication with event chairmen must be through the

DMTA teacher. There is to be no contact between parents and DMTA chairs.

Meredith Manely, chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 31 ✦
Past DMTA Presidents

Walter J. Fried 1968-70 Carolyn J. Campbell

Isabel Hutcheson 1970-71 Vera Tuggey
Harold Kellogg 1971-72 Christine Palmer
1921-23 Paul Van Katwijk 1972-74 Irene Kinney
1923-25 Mrs. D. S. Switzer 1974-76 Yvonne Reynolds
1925-27 J. Wesley Hubbell 1976-78 Laura Harris Mitchell
1927-29 Earle D. Behrend 1978-80 Bruce C. Barton
1929-31 Walter Paul Romberg 1980-82 Carole Smith Wilmoth
1931-33 Grace Switzer 1982-84 Dr. J. Wilgus Eberly
1933-35 Harold Hart Todd 1984-86 Lois Nielson
1935-37 Carrie Munger Long 1986-88 Karen Austin
1937-39 Lena Holland Brockman 1988-90 Becky Hardy Corley
1939-41 Irma Beck 1990-92 Karen Jordan
1941-43 Mrs. F. B. Sanders 1992-94 Tena Hehn
1943-45 Mrs. J. W. Sewell 1994-96 Gena Cannon
1945-47 Laud German Phippen 1996-98 Amanda Byars
1947-52 Virginia France 1998-00 Sylvia Taylor
1952-54 Eugenia O’Reilly 2000-02 Penny Pangburn-Hanlon
1954-56 Frances McIntosh 2002-04 Trudy Emerick
1956-58 Susan Allen-Carlisle 2004-06 Karen Schoenrock
1958-60 Winifred Bedford 2006-08 Matthew Kline
1960-62 Louise W. Bianchi 2008-10 Patrice Koenig
1962-65 Wyema Wilhite 2010-12 Ruth Ann Hoffman
1965-66 Dorothy Brin Crocker 2012-14 Patrice Koenig
1966-68 Marvin Gross 2014-18 Lois Landrum

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 32 ✦
Dallas Music Teachers Association
Member Directory

Golden Lyre Members Emeritus Members

members for at least 50 years fully retired long-time members
Colleen Brashear Robert Allison
Paralee Curry Jane Bach
Sandra Fulmer Davidson James Bozman
Ruth Ann Hoffman Rebecca Hardy Corley
Pierrette Mouledous Joan DeArmond
Cherry Harvey Potts Virginia Ford
Julia Woodrum Elizabeth Bailey Geyer
Betty Greaves
Nancy Jones
Yvonne Reynolds
Elizabeth Walsh

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ i ✦
Abercrombie, Hannah 214-493-6051
6063 Milton Ave., #128, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 536

Adams, Carolyn 214-348-7209

9436 Brentgate Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 1

Akopyants, Ada 214-785-9181

437 Bellevue Dr., Allen, TX 75013
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 300

Alajaji, Angel 918-289-3358

7324 Skillman St., #908, Dallas, TX 75231
Instruments taught: Piano

Allison, Robert 972-235-7533

13310 Kit Ln., Dallas, TX 75240
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Applewhite, Joan 972-386-4568

4648 Twinpost Rd., Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 108

Aradhyula, Jennifer 469-274-7675

8705 Bluffcreek Ln., Plano, TX 75024
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 252

Arbetter, Gail 972-392-7922

10646 Sandpiper Ln., Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 313

Arutyunyan, Artem
5812 Milton St., #105, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 544

Austin-Totter, Deborah 972-423-8684

333 Willow Wood St., Murphy, TX 75094
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 12

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ ii ✦
Bach, Jane 972-278-4419
1015 Saturn Springs Dr., Garland, TX 75041
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Emeritus Member

Backhaus, Adrienne 214-503-6774

7305 Lehigh, Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 19

Balaban, Vera 972-618-9468

2501 Hackberry Pl., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano, Harpsichord Teacher ID: 202

Beckwith, Bonnie Jo 972-233-8212

6848 Heatherknoll Dr., Dallas, TX 75248
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 11

Beder, Orit 972-704-3200

1421 Bentgrass Dr., Frisco, TX 75034
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 314

Bell, Sheila
12832 Woodbend Ct., Dallas, TX 75243
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 522

Boedeker, James 972-278-2791

3818 Dartmouth St., Garland, TX 75043
Instruments taught: Piano,Organ Teacher ID: 8

Boukadoum, April 972-393-2719

702 Hawk Ln., Coppell, TX 75019
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 419

Bozman, James 903-871-2265

3428 Ridgebuff Cir., Tyler, TX 75707
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Bramlett, Liana 817-798-4844

600 E. Sandy Lake Rd., #124, Coppell, TX 75019
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 500

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ iii ✦
Brashear, Colleen 972-387-3079
2551 Alma Rd., #8D, McKinney, TX 75070
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 10

Bredehoft, Chris 972-221-2823

701 Lake Bluff Dr., Flower Mound, TX 75028
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 94

Brown, Timothy 972-436-0741

1401 Clear Creek Dr., Lewisville, TX 75067
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 501

Bullard, Timothy 214-417-5342

2600 Peppertree Pl., Plano, TX 75074
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 527

Burroughs, Nancy 214-575-2331

9814 Cross Creek Ct., Dallas, TX 75243
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 3

Byars, Amanda 214-361-5510

10584 High Hollows Dr., #174, Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 327

Canaday, Theresa 972-278-5332

501 Cashmere Dr., Garland, TX 75041
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 393

Cannon, Gena 972-233-4809

13711 Spring Grove, Dallas, TX 75240
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 86

Carew, Jessica 214-728-5470

6832 Chevy Chase Ave., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 311

Chan, Alton 214-808-5877

9928 Derwent, Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 57

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ iv ✦
Chang, Dr. Fenia 469-782-5988
9208 Longview Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 58

Chang, Janet 214-957-9002

6811 Genstar Ln., Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 149

Chen, Cheryl 972-208-2879

3317 Swanson Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 82

Chen, ChienMing 469-500-4381

13042 Sellaronda Way, Frisco, TX 75035
Instruments taught: Clarinet, Piano Teacher ID: 530

Chen, Lili 254-485-7609

821 Ingleside Dr., PLANO, TX 75075
Teacher ID: 547

Chew, Lay 469-432-0545

600 E. Sandy Lake Rd., #124, Coppell, TX 75019
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 524

Chew, Lay
1111 Sophia St., Allen, TX 75013
Teacher ID: 548

Chin, Siew-Lee 214-536-8682

706 Chaucer Ct., Southlake, TX 76092
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 534

Choi, Sarah
6923 Coronado Ave., Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Cello, Violin Teacher ID: 539

Chong, Raymond 501-960-3488

10401 W. Markham, Little Rock, TX 72205
Instruments taught: Piano, Violin Teacher ID: 441

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ v ✦
Chu, Julie 972-325-2766
4105 Guthrie Dr., Plano, TX 75024
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 45

Chung, Julie 972-519-0612

8105 Sutherland Ln., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 65

Clay, Jennifer 972-317-5822

1519 Steamboat Tr., Lewisville, TX 75077
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 308

Copeland, Robin 214-352-9559

8423 Craighill Ave., Dallas, TX 75209
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 87

Corley, Rebecca 214-537-8105

7015 Irongate Ln., Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Couvillon, Carmela 214-868-8614

5107 Harvest Hill, Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 69

Coxen, Martha 214-801-3004

6017 Cynthia Dr., Midlothian, TX 76065
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 46

Crisp, Carol 972-386-7418

12012 Excelsior Way, Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 14

Croskell, Madelon 580-490-9990

228 Woods Ln., Ardmore, TX 73401
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 34

Curry, Paralee 214-943-4132

1011 W. Colorado Blvd., Dallas, TX 75208
Instruments taught: Piano, Organ Teacher ID: 16

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ vi ✦
Dakoli, Dr. Elida 214-228-5767
1306 Rainbow Dr., Dallas, TX 75208
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 440

Dam, Karen 817-793-2347

7705 Shorthorn Way, Fort Worth, TX 76131
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 446

Davidson, Sandra 972-254-2151

1525 Cripple Creek, Irving, TX 75061
Instruments taught: Piano, Organ Teacher ID: 79

Davis, Donna 214-893-1084

3001 Creekbend Dr., PLANO, TX 75075
Instruments taught: Cello Teacher ID: 315

DeArmond, Joan 970-577-9550

1801 Ranch Cir., Estes Park, TX 80517
Instruments taught: Piano, Organ Emeritus Member

DeBellevue, Lisa 214-763-3206

2000 Bishop Dr., Flower Mound, TX 75028
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 519

Dimitrova, Biliana 214-750-4645

6465 Royalton Dr., Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 246

Docusen, Melody 337-526-1021

5505 Mountain Valley Dr., The Colony, TX 75056
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 535

Doubrava, Carmen 972-245-9498

1614 Francis St., Carrollton, TX 75006
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 101

Dreher, Helen 214-473-9014

3825 Mapleshade Ln., #3126, Plano, TX 75075
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 90

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ vii ✦
Druffner, Shana 972-930-9545
7020 Judi St., Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 369

Dunlap, Gay 214-926-7152

PO Box 143338, Irving, TX 75014
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 377

Edelman, Rhea 503-758-9687

7235 Valley View Pl., Dallas, TX 75240
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 538

Elkins, Anna 443-432-8260

5310 Gaston Ave., #102, Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 537

Emerick, Trudy 214-361-4184

6011 Prestonshire Ln., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 21

Emmick, Lisa 214-341-1322

11051 Carissa Dr., Dallas, TX 75218
Instruments taught: Flute, Piano Teacher ID: 329

England, Sarah 405-808-8118

8200 Southwestern Blvd., #1703, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 460

Eskandar, Masoud 972-381-1224

6019 Mapleshade Ln., Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 92

Fally, Mary Jane 214-341-0086

8927 White Pine Ln., Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 240

Favazza, Angela 817-292-6797

PO Box 100041, Fort Worth, TX 76185
Instruments taught: Flute, Piano Teacher ID: 279

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ viii ✦
Flood, Joan 214-236-7591
PO Box 190165, Dallas, TX 75219
Instruments taught: Piano, Organ Teacher ID: 93

Ford, Virginia 214-692-7205

6109-B Bandera, Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Fritz, Leah Greenfield

7323 Wild Valley Dr., Dallas, TX 75231
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 505

Fu, Dr. Camille 214-218-4719

901 Twin Creeks Dr., Allen, TX 75013
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 388

Galaganov, Dr. Misha 817-763-8008

7005 Tumbling Tr., Fort Worth, TX 776116
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 292

Gardiner, Celeste 469-658-9508

210 Wolfe St., Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Instruments taught: Flute, Piano Teacher ID: 136

Geffen, Susan 972-977-4620

1613 Emory Cir., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 208

Georgievskaya, Dr. Liudmila 214-229-2606

8200 Southwestern Blvd., #1811, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 451

German, Nicholas
3505 Normandy Ave., #5, Dallas, TX 75205
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 457

Geyer, Elizabeth 214-357-2117

4533 Alta Vista Ln., Dallas, TX 75229
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ ix ✦
Goh, Eva 972-539-1087
2512 Towne View Ct., Flower Mound, TX 75028
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 102

Gomez Ferstl, Ana 214-293-3936

8820 Southwestern Blvd., #1302, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 358

Goodwin, Summi 469-261-9116

4117 Normandy, Dallas, TX 75205
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 453

Gray, Vicki 214-505-5305

11661 Preston Rd., #136, Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 71

Greaves, Betty 214-352-6762

10940 Snow White Dr., Dallas, TX 75229
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Greene, Ryan 937-371-8233

13909 Brookgreen Dr., Dallas, TX 75240
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 384

Gunter, Kevin 214-629-4091

3109 Douglas Ave., #403, Dallas, TX 75219
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 237

Hall, Dr. Steven 972-907-2788

2019 Brandeis Dr., Richardson, TX 75082
Instruments taught: Piano, Violin Teacher ID: 4

Hall, Sandy 214-641-4749

3320 Marquette St., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 109

Halperin, Anna
15580 Quorum, #4640, Addison, TX 75001
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 508

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ x ✦
Hanes, Cherry Lynne 972-267-3999
7401 Arbor Oaks Dr., Dallas, TX 75248
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 112

Hanlon, Penny 214-543-0524

200 County Rd. #4155, Clifton, TX 76634
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 110

Harris, Katherine 214-526-0266

4236 Potomac Ave., Dallas, TX 75205
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 27

Hayes, Leonard 214-293-2326

6980 Buckeye Commons Way, #105, Dallas, TX 214
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 542

Hehn, Tena 972-223-5266

820 N. Young Blvd., DeSoto, TX 75115
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 98

Hendricks, Angela 214-948-6970

607 Mayrant Dr., Dallas, TX 75224
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 259

Heredia, Miguel 469-417-8761

4104 Benoit Dr., Plano, TX 75024
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 529

Herod, Logan
6211 W. NW Hwy, G309, Dallas, TX 75225
Teacher ID: 554

Hinton, Mary Joy 214-987-0583

3816 Stanford Ave., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 18

Ho, Ching-yu
8104 Salado Springs Dr., Plano, TX
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 546

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ xi ✦
Ho, Zoe 972-712-3817
8104 Salado Springs Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 518

Hoffman, Ruth Ann 972-296-3495

615 Green Hills Rd., Duncanville, TX 75137
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 80

Hoffmann, Sylvia 214-352-8297

10559 Cromwell Dr., Dallas, TX 75229
Instruments taught: Voice Teacher ID: 115

Holland, Dr. Samuel 972-414-3818

6106 Turnberry Dr., Garland, TX 75044
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 22

Hong, Anny 972-750-0288

931 Rosemoor Dr., Allen, TX 75013
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 523

Hong, Jo-Ying 972-408-7339

1189 Hazel Green Dr., Frisco, TX 75033
Instruments taught: Cello, Flute, Piano Teacher ID: 371

House, Kayli 718-290-6001

1914 Old Orchard Dr., Dallas, TX 75208
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 321

Houston, Ronald 972-489-3193

3209 Saint Georges Dr., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 368

Huffman, Roxann 817-722-1966

3420 Hightimber Dr., Grapevine, TX 76051
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 119

Humm, Dr. Mary 214-621-6298

2737 Brookside Ln., McKinney, TX 75070
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 53

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Hwang, Hyae-jin 773-551-5023
5940 Forest Park Rd., #4013, Dallas, TX 75235
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 521

Interrante, Mary 214-538-8084

2763 Breezy Point Ln., Frisco, TX 75034
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 106

Ioannides, Dr. Anatolia 310-382-4657

4130 High Star Ln., Dallas, TX 75287
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 422

Iwasaki, Ko
5732 Still Forest Dr., Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Cello Teacher ID: 511

Jang, Miyoun 469-471-4483

6304 Brownstone Dr., McKinney, TX 75070
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 373

Jenkins, Anne 972-644-0739

1109 Navaho Tr., Richardson, TX 75080
Instruments taught: Voice Teacher ID: 212

Jeon, Dr. Beth (Eun) 617-935-1039

2620 Santa Monica St., Flower Mound, TX 75022
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 514

Johnson, Kathleen 214-341-4331

10460 Yorkford Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 120

Johnson, Mary Elizabeth 214-357-5878

3848 Cedarbrush Dr., Dallas, TX 75229
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 139

Jones, Gail 214-460-8193

111 Graham Ln., Bullard, TX 75757
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 121

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Jones, Janet 214-739-0371
5507 Boca Raton, Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 29

Jones, Nancy 214-354-5940

4225 Potomac Ave., Dallas, TX 75205
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Jordan, Karen 972-712-8531

9141 Rio Blanco Dr., Frisco, TX 75033
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 49

Kakouberi, Dr. Baya 214-542-8531

19607 Bent Brook Ct., Dallas, TX 75254
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 244

Kapica, Maryla 214-348-3033

10527 Royalwood Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano, Violin Teacher ID: 70

Karp, Dr. David 214-768-3188

PO Box 750356, Dallas, TX 75275
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 24

Kean, Connie 214-596-8521

3908 Frontier Ln., Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 304

Kelly, Caroline 972-783-7146

616 Park Bend Dr., Richardson, TX 75081
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 125

Kim, Min Kyung 940-597-7075

625 E. Vista Ridge Mall Dr., #838, Lewisville, TX 75067
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 417

Kim, Songyoung 972-612-9640

4733 De Grey Ln., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 392

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Kingston, Dottie 214-696-4561
6314 Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 32

Kline, Matthew 214-768-4187

7115 Alexander Dr., Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 137

Koenig, Patrice 214-360-0719

6740 Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 124

Krigbaum, Charles 469-556-4071

8117 Still Springs Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 413

Kroeker, Dr. Charlotte 214-751-7669

7362 Lane Park Dr., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 295

Kumamoto, Yuki
1100 Eagle Dr., Denton, TX 76201
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 532

Landefeld, Lorraine 972-786-4148

4441 Avonshire Ln., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 528

Landrum, Kristen 469-432-0858

8305 Lullwater Dr., Dallas, TX 75218
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 400

Landrum, Lois 972-467-2951

2906 Rolling River Rd., Frisco, TX 75034
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 59

Lee, Hwa Jung 469-441-7211

2513 Glen Morris Rd., Carrollton, TX 75007
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 143

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Lee, Mi-Seon 972-400-3739
664 Palomino Way, Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 389

Lee, Yeona
2241 S. State Hwy. 121, #1123t, Lewisville, TX 75067
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 526

Lehman, Stacy 214-207-0186

7401 Stoney Point, Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 130

Leone, Dr. Carol 214-906-0882

5501 Key St., Dallas, TX 75205
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 144

Leu, Iris 214-335-0383

PO Box 140001, Dallas, TX 75214
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 408

Lewis, Philip 214-728-3101

17703 Bent Oak Ln., Dallas, TX 75287
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 426

Li, Dr. Stacy 214-918-7206

1641 Thomas Ln., Carrollton, TX 75010
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 545

Li, Yihua
4569 Hitching Post Ln., Plano, TX 0
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 533

Lin, Ann Li 972-964-6833

4017 Mildenhall Dr., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 36

Lin, Dr. Annie 972-480-0146

2019 Brandeis Dr., Richardson, TX 75082
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 153

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Lin, Hsing-Yi 972-596-3858
4804 Deandra Ln., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 150

Liu, Dr. Louise 214-495-8679

2248 Harrisburg Ln., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 217

Liu, Yi-Fan 469-328-9819

2700 Rothland Ln., Plano, TX 75023
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 135

Long, Dr. Christina 972-335-2766

3100 Rocky Mountain Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 349

Long, Dr. Grace 214-649-2376

7516 Haddon Way, Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 154

Lysinger, Dr. Catharine 214-768-1682

PO Box 750356, Dallas, TX 75275
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 232

Manley, Meredith 312-622-5696

3804 McKinley Dr., Plano, TX 75023
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 503

Manohar, Annamayil
809 Blue Sky Ln., Flower Mound, TX 75028
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 540

Marroy, Beverly 214-522-4329

3408 Drexel Dr., Dallas, TX 75205
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 88

Marti, Yoori 817-473-6980

6848 Shoreway Dr., Grand Prairie, TX 75054
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 312

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Mazzamuto, Alessandro 214-772-7195
1108 Collin Dr., Allen, TX 75002
Teacher ID: 553

McCampbell, Cassie 214-621-5586

623 Birch Ln., Richardson, TX 75081
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 132

McDonald, Dr. Alex 214-693-5954

3301 Gary Dr., Plano, TX 75023
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 359

McDonald, Marcy 214-632-9802

2700 Redding Dr., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 148

Miles, Emmeline 214-693-4081

3542 Caruth Blvd., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 461

Miller-Frasier, Magen 214-697-1091

4328 Giovanni Dr., Plano, TX 75024
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 370

Morales, Adriana
600 S. MacArthur Blvd., #1216, Coppell, TX 75019
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 525

Morales, Miriam
3309 Lakeside Dr., Rockwell, TX 75087
Teacher ID: 541

Moseley, Marcie 214-682-1148

1619 Jamestown Dr., Ennis, TX 75119
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 162

Mouledous, Alfred 972-771-2380

402 Columbia Dr., Rockwall, TX 75032
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 163

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Mouledous, Pierrette 214-328-3387
9226 W. Lake Highlands, Dallas, TX 75218
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 156

Myrick, Ruth 972-980-4536

15905 Bent Tree Forest Cir., #1056, Dallas, TX 75248
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 223

Nahkur, Hando 617-820-7490

5750 E. University Blvd., #632, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 520

Neal, Ronald 214-207-8451

8118 Garland Rd., Dallas, TX 75218
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 438

Nevill, Lynne 214-534-0459

1625 Lakeside Dr., Garland, TX 75042
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 142

Nielson, Stephen 214-691-6146

PO Box 12721, Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 42

Nilasena, Nancy 214-826-9298

2207 Moser Ave., Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 165

Nojoumian, Caron 214-929-3322

803 Serenade Ln., Richardson, TX 75081
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 43

O’Donoghue, Daniel 214-454-6260

3611 S. Versailles Ave., Dallas, TX 75209
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 363

Okeke-Macauley, Raymond
6212 Ridgecrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75231
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 462

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Orwig, Stathia 469-387-9725
1103 E. Berkeley Dr., Richardson, TX 75081
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 166

Payne, Hannah 214-263-1018

8636 San Souci Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 362

Phillips, Fredrica 214-212-7051

10909 Fernald Ave., Dallas, TX 75218
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 84

Polson, Zachary 913-904-4184

5600 SMU Blvd., #3206, Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 398

Pomeranz, Ilana 972-233-0903

5024 Thunder Rd., Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 26

Ponochevny, Andrey 817-891-7850

2931 Courtland Dr., Dallas, TX 75287
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 418

Potts, Cherry 972-234-4331

712 Gaylewood Dr., Richardson, TX 75080
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 170

Powell, Jennifer 972-495-2425

910 Palm Desert, Garland, TX 75044
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 68

Quine, Ben 214-455-9105

9135 Coral Cove Dr., Dallas, TX 75243
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 275

Raskiewicz, Rezeda 469-803-8178

404 Ridgeview Dr., Richardson, TX 75080
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 544

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Reynolds, Yvonne 817-731-1440
6931 River Park Cir., Fort Worth, TX 76116
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Richards, Elizabeth 214-357-0303

6818 Robin Rd., Dallas, TX 75209
Instruments taught: Piano, Viola Teacher ID: 340

Robison, Hannah 501-438-7133

4800 Keller Springs Rd., #1150, Addison, TX 75001
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 516

Russell-Carlson, Sue 214-507-3507

6641 Del Norte Ln., Dallas, TX 75225
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 395

Salas, Adam
6044 Anita St., Dallas, TX 75206
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 506

Schwartz, Jared 585-770-0855

6426 Brentfield Dr., Dallas, TX 75248
Instruments taught: Voice Teacher ID: 309

Serrin, Dr. Bret 940-206-0396

14240 Midway Rd., #300, Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 429

Seyfetdinova, Inna 972-345-4405

7720 Worthing, Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 435

Shin, Eun Seon 469-571-4863

5600 SMU Blvd., #1207, Dallas, TX 75206 eshin9221@gmail.som
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 504

Siegesmud, Carla 214-340-5532

8727 Lacrosse Dr., Dallas, TX 75231
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 147

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Sim, Sung 972-492-1363
1817 Branch Tr., Carrollton, TX 75007
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 353

Sloman, Jan 214-691-1508

6449 Brookshire Dr., Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 177

Smith, Jill 214-334-8880

13631 Ashridge Dr., Dallas, TX 75240
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 60

Smith, Peggy 972-390-7670

702 Cypress, Allen, TX 75002
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 180

Smith, Rachel 214-628-6419

7816 Meadow Park, #117, Dallas, TX 75703
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 455

Solomon, Nicolette 972-965-8357

3520 Kingsbridge Dr., Plano, TX 75075
Instruments taught: Viola, Violin Teacher ID: 182

Song, Dr. Hyeyoung 214-930-7494

474 Dakota Ln., Coppell, TX 75019
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 271

Song, Monica 972-484-2888

4139 Calculus Dr., Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Flute Teacher ID: 183

Springer, Mike
805 Cobblestone Dr., Lewisville, TX 75067
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 517

Stege, Rhonda 214-549-2209

7033 Lattimore Dr., Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 294

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Stephenson, Paula 972-490-0552
4305 Forest Bend Rd., Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 185

Suitt, Patricia 214-739-2535

7006 Currin, Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 72

Swisher, Linda 972-248-4706

5605 Bent Tree Dr., Dallas, TX 75248
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 187

Taggart, Philip 214-418-1278

3108 Deep Springs Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Cello Teacher ID: 430

Tavaglione, Eunice 972-613-5857

6025 Hillside Ln., Garland, TX 75043
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 146

Taylor, Sylvia 214-369-8244

7133 Glendora Ave., Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 56

Tolosa, Dr. Gustavo 214-789-6677

1409 S. Lamar, #111, Dallas, TX 75215
Instruments taught: Guitar, Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 52

Tran, Erica 913-205-7179

3820 Hillside Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 431

Tsai-Lin, Dr. Eliza 806-281-8264

2270 Wakefield Ln., Allen, TX 75013
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 436

Tsay, Dr. Jonathan 972-638-9712

17820 Windflower Way, #903, Dallas, TX 75252
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 439

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Tsvetkova, Elena 817-929-7778
2105 Pritchard Dr., Grapevine, TX 76051
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 227

Tu, Grace 972-712-3577

3109 Judge Holland Ln., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano, Voice Teacher ID: 67

Usarek-Topper, Dr. Alicja 469-525-8629

1608 Watch Hill Dr., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 509

Van Wyk, Dr. Carl 972-437-6422

3520 Kingsbridge Dr., Plano, TX 75075
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 191

Vassen, Faron 214-497-4615

3221 Commerce St., #113, Dallas, TX 75226
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 387

Velasco, Adriana
600 S. MacArthur Blvd., #1216, Coppell, TX 75006
Teacher ID: 551

VerHagen, Jenni 214-662-7469

1864 McDonald Rd., Heath, TX 75032
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 96

Villines, Kara 214-642-5038

4310 Mill Run Rd., Dallas, TX 75244
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 39

Volle, Daphne 214-893-9242

6917 Helsem Way, Dallas, TX 75230
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 434

Vosburg, Erica
2200 Heather Ridge Dr., Flower Mound, TX 75028
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 531

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Vu, Khanh 469-371-3988
PO Box 112235, Carrollton, TX 75011
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 193

Walsh, Elizabeth 972-243-7305

14339 Tanglewood Dr., Farmers Branch, TX 75234
Instruments taught: Piano Emeritus Member

Wang, Xiao 513-476-5428

17671 Addison Rd., #1409, Dallas, TX 75287
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 503

Wang, Zhan 214-929-2366

8429 High Meadows Dr., Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Violin Teacher ID: 432

Wells, Margaret 972-355-0101

309 Salisbury Ln., Flower Mound, TX 75028
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 195

Welsh, Jessie 321-279-2939

10825 Villa Haven Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 433

Wodnicki, Adam 940-566-1393

2205 Woodbrook, Denton, TX 76205
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 344

Wong, Samuel 972-985-0392

4428 Boston Dr., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 152

Woodrum, Julia 214-348-5736

10948 Villa Haven, Dallas, TX 75238
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 197

Wu, Di 972-256-6012
2032 Cupressus Ct., Allen, TX 75013
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 415

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Wu, Li Zhen
4313 Creekstone Dr., Plano, TX 75093
Teacher ID: 549

Xu, Lisheng 972-208-1333

6608 Tawny Oak Dr., Plano, TX 75024
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 128

Yi, Eliana
6962 Oram St., #9, Dallas, TX 75214
Teacher ID: 552

Yi, Jina
2500 King Arthur Blvd., #202, Lewisville, TX 75056
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 550

Yi, Kwanghoon 972-612-9640

4733 De Grey Ln., Plano, TX 75093
Instruments taught: Clarinet Teacher ID: 198

Yiu, Margaret 214-402-9425

2409 Dunwick Dr., Plano, TX 75023
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 414

Yoo, Dr. Jiyun 972-867-0431

6033 Beth Dr., Plano, TX 75024
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 199

Yoo, Kyungjin

Instruments taught: Cello Teacher ID: 540

Yu, Houhua
2965 Warming Springs Ln., Richardson, TX 75082
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 520

Zhang, Yibing
3101 Paradise Valley, Plano, TX 75025
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 545

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Zharkova, Violetta 214-984-1233
4747 Ohio Dr., Frisco, TX 75035
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 445

Zuno, Leonardo 817-313-9546

1201 S. Broadway St., #100, Carrollton, TX 75006
Instruments taught: Piano Teacher ID: 238

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Texas Music Teachers Association

Board of Directors

Teresa Crawford

Immediate Past President

Rick Valentine

Roy Wylie

Vice President for Business Activities

Fredrica Phillips

Vice President for Business Activities-elect

Spring Seals

Vice President for Student Activities

Heather Rathnau

Office Director
Christiana Clark

Please visit for study materials, event information, the Student Affiliate
Handbook, or to contact TMTA officers. The handbook is the final authority for all
TMTA activities, rules, fees, and deadlines.
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Student Affiliate
Membership in Student Affiliate allows the student to participate in the following
activities: TMTA Theory Test, Convention Ensembles, Original Composition
Contest, Publication Contest, Solo Performance Contest, and World of Music Test.

✦✦ Go to and update all student information.

✦✦ All student information (name & grade) must match exactly on all DMTA, TMTA,

and SA documents.
✦✦ For DMTA: Obtain the Student Affiliate packet from the SA chairman and com-

plete the enclosed spreadsheet with your list of student members. Any alterations or
additions must be typed or printed legibly in black ink. Mail the spreadsheet to the
chairman, along with one check payable to DMTA.
✦✦ For TMTA: Go to and update your Student Profile list.

Non-refundable Membership Dues:

On or before September 16, 2018:
Grades 1-12: $13.00
Post 12th Grade: $13.00
After September 16, 2018:
Grades 1-12: $14.00
Post 12th Grade: $14.00

Note: to be eligible for the TMTA Theory Test, all students must be SA members with their
dues paid by October 5 for the Fall Test, and January 22 for the Spring Test. Please be sure to
consult the other event pages for their individual deadlines.

Students of all grade levels are eligible for membership, provided their teacher is a
member of DMTA.

✦✦ For teachers who are not members of DMTA: $100 per student per activity.

✦✦ For teachers who are DMTA members, but whose students are not SA members:

$15 per student per activity.

✦✦ Teachers will be fined $50 if their student takes the Theory Test without being an SA

✦✦ Teachers entering students from other local associations must pay the DMTA local

SA fee of $4.50 per student for participation in the above DMTA activities.

SA pins are available from the TMTA office for $4 each.

Carolyn Adams, chair

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TMTA Theory Test
Fall Test: Spring Test:
Sunday, November 4, 2018 Sunday, February 24, 2019
SMU, Owen Fine Arts Center SMU, Owen Fine Arts Center

✦✦ Deadlines: October 6, 2018 for Fall Test; January 26, 2019 for Spring Test

✦✦ Registration for the theory tests will be done online at

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $15

Eligibility: All students must be Student Affiliate members with their dues paid by October
5 for the Fall Test, and January 22 for the Spring Test.
✦✦ Go to and update all student information.

✦✦ Please confirm that each student’s name, grade, and test level match exactly with the

SA registration form and with your updated student profile.

✦✦ Changes in students’ names, grade, or test level will not be accepted after the deadline.

✦✦ Be sure to designate if your student is testing below grade level. Otherwise, the

Theory Test grade must match their grade for Student Affiliate.
✦✦ If a student is registered for the wrong test level, he or she may not be allowed to test

at a different level.
✦✦ Pay online or send the theory chairman a check made out to DMTA. All payments

must be postmarked by the deadline.

✦✦ There will be no late registration.

Registration requirements for secondary members:

✦✦ SA chairman and Theory chairman of both associations must be notified by email.

✦✦ Pay the full theory registration fee to the association where student is SA enrolled.

✦✦ Pay $4 medal fee to the association where student is enrolled for theory.

Students must take the test at the stated time. Please do not ask for special arrangements.
Grades 1, 2, & 3: 1:00 pm
Grades 4, 5, & 6: 4:00 pm
Grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12: 2:00 pm
Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).
✦✦ Notify your student if they will be testing below grade level.

✦✦ Students should bring two sharpened pencils and erasers. Scratch paper and paper

keyboards will be provided.

Jessica Carew, chair

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Convention Ensembles
Three ensembles of graded difficulty will represent DMTA on the ensemble
programs at the Texas Music Teachers Association Convention in June.

Division I: Elementary Division II: Intermediate High School: Advanced

David Karp: Prayer for Peace David Karp: Hava Nagila David Karp: Dance of the
Carolyn Adams, director Carolyn Adams, director Chassids
Kristen Landrum, director

Auditions: Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dallas Academy of Music
3415 Milton Ave., Dallas 75205

Convention Performance: June 20-23, 2019

Dress Rehearsal: June 20-22, 2019
(Performance and rehearsal dates to be determined)
Houston Hyatt Regency
1200 Louisiana St, Houston, TX 77002

✦✦ Deadline: January 19, 2019

✦✦ Mail the entry fee and a 3x5 card to the chairman with the following information:

Student name, address, grade, home/cell phone, e-mail, parents’ names,

theory test grade indicating Fall or Spring test, primo or secondo, and the
number of years participation in convention ensemble (including this year).
All of this information is now a requirement for State participation.

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $12

Students must pass the TMTA Theory Test, preferably in the Fall.

Audition requirements:
✦✦ All performers are required to audition February 17.

✦✦ Entrants for grades 1-8 must audition with either a duet partner or their teacher.

Please contact the chairman if you have a student needing a partner.

✦✦ Entrants for grades 8-12 may audition individually or with a duet partner.

✦✦ Students must exhibit competence in their note-reading, rhythm, and technique on

the designated duet.

✦✦ The required piece may be performed with music or by memory, and must be up to

tempo. Contact the division director for details.

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✦✦ All students grades 1-8 will compete as part of the Texas/American Composers

✦✦ Teachers will be notified by mail if their student is selected to perform at the TMTA

Convention. This letter will include responsibilities and rehearsal information.

✦✦ Ensemble rehearsals will be held Tuesday evenings beginning in May and continuing

through the Convention dress rehearsal at Steinway Hall, Dallas.

✦✦ Attendance at every rehearsal is mandatory. Musical events constitute an excused

absence; sports and team events are unexcused.

✦✦ Please inform both students and parents of the rehearsal requirements before a student

auditions for an ensemble.

Each ensemble director will specify a costume to be worn at the Convention dress
rehearsal and performance. Directors will endeavor to keep the costume expense at $40
per student.

South-Central Division: MTNA: TMTA:
Online only; Video competi- March 16-20, 2019 June 20-23, 2019
tions Spokane Convention Houston Hyatt Regency
Center Houston, Texas
Spokane, Washington

Carolyn Adams, chair

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Original Composition Contest
Students may compose solo or ensemble compositions for any musical
instrument(s), under their teacher’s guidance. After a student’s composition has
been judged through DMTA, it may be selected to advance to the TMTA Original
Composition Contest.

Deadline: October 20, 2018

Non-refundable Entry Fee:

Solo Compositions: $20; Ensemble Compositions: $25

✦✦ Students must be Student Affiliate members by October 7, 2018.

✦✦ Students must pass the TMTA Theory Test, preferably in the Fall.

Registration Process: Mail the following to the chairman:

✦✦ Completed Registration Form (available at

✦✦ For all ensemble entries, a CD labeled with the composition title only.

✦✦ Two copies of the original composition (one with attached 3x5 card).

✦✦ One check payable to DMTA for all students entered.

Manuscript Requirements:
✦✦ Manuscripts must be computer printed on letter size paper.

✦✦ The student’s name, personal information, cover sheets, folders, bindings, and

illustrations may not appear on the manuscript.

✦✦ The title must be centered at the top of each page. Page number and division must

appear on the upper right corner of each page.

✦✦ A 3x5 card listing only the title of the composition, student’s age, grade, and division

should be paper-clipped to one copy of the manuscript.

Awards: Compositions receiving a I or II rating will advance to the TMTA Original

Composition Contest. These pieces must be performed live at the Hazel Cobb Memo-
rial Recital on Sunday, April 7, 2019. Recordings of large ensemble pieces are allowed.

✦✦ There must be no contact between the parents/students and the chairman; all

communication with the chairman must be through the teacher. (Hand delivery of a
manuscript by a parent to the chairman is allowed.)
✦✦ Students are encouraged to make revisions based on the judge’s comments and

submit the revised manuscript to the chairman.

✦✦ For more information, please consult the SA Handbook or visit

Carol Crisp, chair
DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019
✦ 38 ✦
Publication Contest
Students pick one of two topics for their grade level and write an essay designed to
explore and analyze the topic in an original, engaging way. Each article is judged at
the local level and then selected articles are judged at the state level. Judges choose
“Winner” and “Outstanding” articles, which are published in the TMTA Student
Affiliate Publication Contest Book. Winners receive certificates and cash awards.

Registration: Deadline: January 2, 2019

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $15

✦✦ The student must be a member of Student Affiliate by January 2, 2019.

✦✦ There are no theory requirements for participation.

Application Process: Mail the following to the chairman:

✦✦ Completed Application Form (available at

✦✦ Two copies of the student’s article paper-clipped together.

✦✦ One check payable to DMTA for all students entered.

Article Requirements:
✦✦ The student’s name, personal information, cover sheets, bindings, staples, folders,

and illustrations may not appear on the article.

✦✦ All articles should be typed by the student or parent using Times New Roman

twelve-point font, double spaced, with one inch margins.

✦✦ All articles should include a bibliography and discography, citing the sources of

information used in the article. is not an accepted source.

✦✦ Topics are purposefully broad to allow the student freedom of perspective.

✦✦ Articles should be written so that students of the same age are able to read and

understand them.
✦✦ Articles must not exceed the number of words allowed in each division.

Grades 1-2: 75-300 words Grades 9-10: 600-850 words
IA. Young Amadeus Mozart (through age 10) VA. The Effects of Music on the Brain
IB. Nursery Rhyme VB. The Music of Bollywood
Grades 3-4: 250-550 words Grades 11-12: 700-950 words
IIA. Instrumental Families of the Orchestra VIA. The Cost of Free Music Downloading
IIB. Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf VIB. Music Influenced by the Vietnam War
Grades 5-6: 400-650 words Young Artist (Post 12): 700-950 words
IIIA. The Music of Star Wars Films Program Music vs. Absolute Music
IIIB. The Pedals of the Piano
Grades 7-8: 500-750 words
IVA. The Music of Harry Potter Films
IVB. Russian Classical Music Carol Crisp, chair
DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019
✦ 39 ✦
Solo Performance Contest
Piano: Sunday, February 17, 2019 Vocal: Sunday, March 3, 2019
Peter Collora Piano Instrumental: Sunday, March 3, 2019
1451 Wycliff Ave., Dallas, TX 75207 9436 Brentgate Dr., Dallas, TX 75238

Registration Deadlines:
Piano: January 19, 2019 Instrumental & Vocal: February 2, 2019
Non-refundable Entry Fees:
Piano solo: $75; Piano concerto: $50 Instrumental & Vocal: $50
✦✦ Students must enroll at their grade level.

✦✦ Students must pass the TMTA Theory Test, preferably in the Fall.

✦✦ First place winners must advance to the next division the following year.

Enrollment procedure:
✦✦ Download and complete the application form from, submit electroni-

cally, and print out and mail to the chairman. This form must be typed.
✦✦ Checks must be from the teacher and should be payable to DMTA.

✦✦ Applications delivered after the deadline will not be accepted.

Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).
Piano Solo: Grade 7; Grade 8; Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12; Young Artist
Piano Concerto: Grades 9-10; Grades 11-12; Young Artist
Vocal: Grades 9-10; Grades 11-12; Young Artist
Instrumental: Grades 7-8; Grades 9-10; Grades 11-12; Young Artist
Repertoire requirements:
✦✦ Repertoire choice is at the discretion of the teacher. The audition time is limited, and

performers exceeding each limit will be stopped but will not be disqualified from the
✦✦ Please refer to the Student Affiliate Handbook for time limits and additional information.

✦✦ Piano Concerto: The first or last movement of any standard concerto.

✦✦ Instrumental: Solos and movements from concerti may be combined in the programs

of grades 7-12.
✦✦ The judge may select up to four contestants from each division to advance.

✦✦ Selected piano soloists will advance to the Northern Regional Contest. Winners

from Regionals will advance to State.

✦✦ All other divisions advance directly from local to state level.

Marcy McDonald, piano chair Carolyn Adams, vocal & instrumental chair

DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019

✦ 40 ✦
World of Music Test
World of Music introduces students to music history through the study of
composers’ music, their lives, and their composition styles. In the spring semester,
registered students will be tested over the information covered in the World of
Music books. Those who receive a 90% or higher will receive a gold medal.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

12012 Excelsior Way, Dallas, TX 75230

Deadline: January 19, 2019

Non-refundable Entry Fee: $15

✦✦ Any students may take the tests, but only Student Affiliate members who take the

test at their current grade level are eligible to earn medals.

✦✦ There are no theory requirements for participation.

Registration Process: Mail the following to the chairman:

✦✦ Completed Registration Form (available at

✦✦ One check payable to DMTA for all students entered.

Monitoring: Without exception, all DMTA teachers entering students are required to
monitor (see page 18).

✦✦ Tests will begin promptly at 2:00 pm.

✦✦ The tests will be based on material from TMTA’s “World of Music.” Books, copies of

old tests, and answer keys may be obtained from TMTA.

✦✦ For more information, please consult the SA Handbook or visit

Carol Crisp, chair
DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019
✦ 41 ✦
National Certification
The MTNA Professional Certification program exists for teachers who teach
music to students of any age level in private or group settings. The program is
based upon a set of standards defining what a competent music teacher should
know, be able to do, and be able to clearly communicate.

Goals of Certification:
✦✦ To recognize professional and pedagogical competence within MTNA.

✦✦ To promote the highest standards of music teaching through continuing education

and professional involvement.

✦✦ To identify to the public qualified instructors who are committed to excellence.

Forms and detailed information are available at

Teachers must renew their certification annually.

Sylvia Taylor, chair
DMTA Yearbook 2018-2019
✦ 42 ✦
Remember to:

Update your student information

on the DMTA & TMTA websites!

All student information must match exactly

on all DMTA, TMTA, and SA documents.

DMTA is thrilled to partner with the following advertisers. Please express your
appreciation by patronizing these businesses whenever possible.

✦✦ Bradfield Piano ✦✦ National Guild of Piano Teachers

✦✦ Browning’s Trophies ✦✦ Dan Reed, Piano Arts
✦✦ Kawai Piano Gallery ✦✦ Richland College
✦✦ Metroplex Piano ✦✦ Steinway Hall Dallas
✦✦ Minuteman Press ✦✦ Texas Christian University
✦✦ Music So Simple ✦✦ University of North Texas
✦✦ Nadine’s Music Manor
Dan Reed Piano Arts ❖

Registered Piano Technician

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National Guild of Piano Teachers

Sponsored by the International
Largest Organization Headquarters
of Piano Teachers P.O. Box 1807
in the World Austin, TX 78767

Teachers Division of American College of Musicians

Founded in 1929 by Irl Allison
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Advertise in the DMTA
Newsletter & Yearbook!


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