Weekly Bolg 6

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Weekly Blog | Week 6 972377@henleycol.ac.


Activities we did this week:

This week there’s has not been a lot of time to complete a lot of tasks. I
was in Paris for 3 days with rest of my year. I had no laptop or any computer/device
that I could further progress in my work. This was a huge setback for me and meant
that I could tweak any work that maybe was not completed and losing 3 days for
working and improving coursework is a heavy block to my work load. However when
I got back Jordan and I managed to secure the final edit of our film Idea. This was a
great step forward for our production and meant that we could begin to try and
develop our script and storyboards. Later that week I managed to also progress with
my book research were I began to study the book “This is ALCOHOL”. This book
taught me a lot of things. Some of the main focus point of the book was addressing
the health issues that comes with alcohol if left untreated. It talks about Weight gain,
dehydration, body odour and also blemished skin. All these things were things that I
thought we could add to the actor. The author talks about how your body odour
and sweat is due to the body trying to extract the alcohol from the body and it
achieves this through urination, excretion and also through sweat. The sweat can
lead to body odour and dehydration due the kidneys needing liquids to flush the
alcohol out.

Problems I had to deal with:

Well due to the many days that my whole class and I were away in
France. This meant that a lot of us lost three days worth of potential time for working
which was a big setback. I had no way of being able to get work completed or
uploaded. However what I wanted to do when I got back was to try and get several
things finalised to try and allow Jordan and I to get our production fully on the way
to being able to shoot. How we wanted to achieve this was to finish our edited final
draft to allow us to move on to scripting and storyboarding. We knew that if we
could get the script and storyboards finished as soon as possible, this would mean
that we could be able to start shooting sooner, which would mean we would have
more time to film our production. Although absent in France for half of the week
Jordan and I were still able to get a final edited Idea for our film. Not just that but I
was also able to find a warehouse location that Jordan and I could use for the final
fight that we had planned in our final edit of our idea.

Next Week

Next week Jordan and I will start storyboarding, as well as begin doing test shoots.
I have also managed to plan my interview with Gary Mills, who is my interviewee for
my primary research about the subject of alcohol and substance abuse.

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