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Depression Prevention Lab

Date: March 4, 2019

Subject: Team Charter
Authors: Diana B. Gabriel G. Madeeha S. Monika T.
Purpose of the Lab: Conducting research on different methods for depression prevention at 3 different
age groups. These age groups are: children, adults, and senior citizens.

Team Objective:
➢ To present a research review on age specific depression and various interventions for depression

Broad Team Goals:

➢ Meeting deadlines for when certain individual parts are due
➢ Minimal amount of jargon
➢ Communicating with one another if there is a problem/concern
➢ Impressing Professor Bruce with our amount of effort

Measurable Team Goals:

➢ Allowing a minimum of 2 days for padding
➢ Overlapping tasks such as reviewing other people’s work as they finish it

Personal Goals:
➢ Madeeha: Finishing on the day of the group deadline and making sure I contributed my best effort
➢ Gabriel: Finishing on and before the deadlines that we have set, as well as aid those that may
need help too.
➢ Monika: Improving on my oral presentation skills
➢ Diana: Improving on research skills and time management

Individual Commitment
➢ Everyone
○ contributes 3 citations making a minimum of 12 total citations. This allows for us to have
however long we need to write about three citations before the group due date.
○ If anything comes up, then make sure to tell the group ASAP so that we can figure out
how to rework the situation. Just NOT the day of.

Other Concerns:
➢ Punctuation, grammer, and small writing mistakes that we are all worried about in general
➢ School in general- having a really full week and there is so much going on
➢ Procrastination, waiting until the last minute to do things but having it done BY the group
➢ Any minor problems/ major problems tell the group right away so that we can reach a resolution
to the conflict

Conflict Resolution
➢ First step: talking to each first to reach consensus over the situation itself
➢ Second Step: if it cannot be resolved within the first initial bring up of the problem then we will
try a majority vote
➢ Third Step: If majority vote does not resolve the conflict then we talk to Professor Bruce about an
anonymous group evaluating us.
Missed Deadlines
➢ Texting the group chat and asking why this person has not submitted their part yet, if they do not
respond within 24 hours then talk to Professor Bruce
➢ If it is a major emergency, then send a photo to the group to validate the reason as to why you
have not submitted your work

Unacceptable Work
➢ Nothing can be submitted before the other group members have read it
➢ Making sure that there are citations for the things that we are writing
➢ Not turning in up to par work
➢ Correct punctuation and grammar

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