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In France breakfast starts from seven to nine o'clock, is the time for you to enjoy
croissants famous for butter and jam. Lunch time starts between twelve and two in the
afternoon. Usually eat with two types, and with coffee and dessert too. Dinner around seven
in the evening. One of the typical foods that you should not forget is trying croissants, coffee
and of course, baguettes and crepes.

Croissants is crescent-shaped bread with various contents, such as cheese, chocolate,

and so on is so famous, not only in Europe but almost in all corners of the world. If you have
never tasted the taste, you can go directly to the bakery that is scattered in the malls. The
existence of croissants alone is more in mainland Europe, especially France.

At first, the crescent bread was called kipferl. Then how can a croissant have a name
in French and be more famous there? After investigating, Marie Antoinette was the one who
'brought' the bread to France. We all know Marie Antoinette was the empress of Louis XVI
who lived in the 18th century, and we also know that she was the daughter of the royal crown
of Austria who was then led by Queen Maria Theresa.

Antoinette was very fond of kipferl made by people in her country, so that while
living in France, she always presented the bread to her guests. They liked it and became a
famous kipferl in France, then changed its name to croissant berarti which means crescent ―
and experienced the development of the form as it is today.


A. Popular Austrian Original Pastries Croissants in France

France has been known as one of the pastry heaven in the world. One of the well-
known pastries is croissants. Nevertheless, the original croissants are from Austria.The
development of croissants is more unique, not only from filling, there are even some cakes
combined with croissants that make it more attractive. Croissant is another hybrid of various
pastries.This horseshoe or crescent shaped pastry is also referred to as Viennoiseries. Because
this pastry actually came from originally from Vienna, Austria.

In the 17th century, at that time Austria was besieged by Turkish royal forces who
wanted to control Western Europe including Austria. Thanks to help from Germany and
Poland, Austria succeeded in driving away Turkish troops.
To celebrate, the Austrians made a cake called kipferl and was in the shape of a
crescent (referring to the symbol on the Turkish flag) as a symbol of mockery if Turkey was
conquered by Austria. After the event, the king of France, Louis XVI, married the royal
daughter of Austria, Marie Antoinette. The empress is known as a lover of kipferl and often
presents the cake from her country to the guests. From that point on kipferl became known in

Gradually the name kipferl began to change in French to a croissant or crescent. This
pastry is made from folding fat dough, bread dough with a layer of fat. When baked it will
expand and form crunchy, savory layers. Then croissants are topped with chocolate, almonds
and cheese. The form is small and also given various entries. Even so people in the world
know croissants as French pastries.

B. Why The Name Is Baguette & How To Eat ?

Have you ever seen French bread? bread that has a long shape like a stick with a hard
outer texture. Maybe you have seen it all along, but don't know what the name of the bread is.
Now, this is the time for us to find out information about this unique bread!

Baguette, it might sound strange to our ears. This term is used to refer to the name of
a famous French bread. In English, we often refer to it as 'French Bread', while in Indonesia it
is often called 'baget'. In addition, this bread also has a unique and brilliant history!

The term "baguette" was first born in 1920. Previously this term was used to refer to
"sticks", so this bread is also shaped like a stick. Currently, the baguette symbol is used as a
French country cultural icon alongside the Eiffel Tower, Croissant bread, and others.

Reported by, baguette bread was deliberately created in such a way

that napoleon soldiers did not bother carrying too much stock on the battlefield. Its long
shape makes it easy for them to put it in their pants pockets. That said, the idea was inspired
by the Napoleon himself before rushing to invade Russia.

Bread from France is usually used as a daily meal. Usually this bread has a round
shape with a diameter of about 5-6 centimeters and a length of 65 centimeters. Because the
shape is longer than the usual bread, in Indonesia Baguette bread is called a stick bread.

How to eat it
How to eat it The taste of this fresh Baguette bread with the outer texture of the bread
is quite hard. However, the inside feels soft like the plain bread we usually eat. Because the
taste is similar to plain bread, Baguette bread is often eaten in various ways. As roasted with
butter and garlic. This bread can also be eaten with ground beef or tuna.

Although it sounds trivial, eating baguette bread should not be haphazard. French
people usually eat this bread as a breakfast or lunch menu. Delicious Baguette is eaten
directly but can also be processed food with the addition of other ingredients. It's not
impossible that baguette is made into a sandwich

C. The origin of crepes

In France, crepe is also transformed as a main dish. This is where modern buckwheat
crepe dishes are commonly served, besides flour crepe is also easy. Crepe can be filled with
cheese, vegetables, meat, and sometimes eggs. Both the crepe shop in the country or in the
United States, enjoy variety, for customers to order food either as a main dish or dessert,
which is a whole crepe The creative chef has also created a number of famous desserts that
use crepe. Mille Crepe is a cake made from a pile of crepe plus a filler in the middle. The
other type is Crepes Suzette, this crepe is probably the most popular crepe.

There are various versions of history

When viewed from its history, the age of Crepes is very old. According to several
sources, crepes were known thousands of years ago. In the past people have enjoyed crepes in
various forms. Crepes are known as pancakes cooked on a flat pan. Europe claims to be the
cradle of crepes. While a text from Celtic, Ireland called the habits of the people there to eat
crepes since the 18th century.

Meanwhile, some sources say that crepes recipe was first discovered in France in
1390. Indeed, there are many theories that mention the history of crepes, even with various
recipes. But in practice the process of making crepes is not as easy as many have written.

Eating Bread is their Culture

French people love baguette bread, and they often admit this without hesitation.
Because of their love for this one bread, it is not surprising that in the afternoon after work
you will see them walking with one with two baguette breads in hand, with a small portion
already bitten. Eating the bread is another thing.

They will not immediately eat the bread, but they will usually tear a small portion of
the bread with their hands to devour, and repeat the process until the bread runs out. They
also serve bread on a table and not on a plate. Speaking of dishes, if you eat food with a
delicious sauce, the Frenchman's habit is to tear a piece of bread and mix it with your sauce
as your dessert.
In our opinion, the development of baguete and creppes croissants is quite rapid and
will not grow because in all corners of the world, you know these foods and in one of the
French countries have also applied these foods as staple foods and in our opinion Indonesia
can also make croisat, baguet and crepes as a meal main or changing rice. or can be used as
additional food or snacks

Oleh Kelompok :

Muhlis Cahya Nugraha (216 139 4744)

Kevin Favianda (2161394739)

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta


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