Chef Installation

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***** Chef-Server setup: (Linux)*********

- Chef-Server instance should have atleast 1GB RAM

- /etc/hosts should contain only one entry of IP address
- add hostname /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network
$sudo hostname
$hostname -f
- Please restart server once above hostname is setup.

- Login with normal user and this user should be in sudoer's

- Download chef-server rpm and install it with below commands

sudo rpm -ivh chef-server-core-12.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

- Run below command to create user

#sudo chef-server-ctl user-create scmaug scm aug scm123

--filename /home/vagrant/scm.pem
sudo chef-server-ctl user-create devopsan devops jan
devops123 --filename /home/vagrant/devops.pem

- Run below command to create organisation id

sudo chef-server-ctl org-create devops-aug "DEVOPSTraining Software, Inc."

--association_user scmaug --filename /home/vagrant/scmaug-validator.pem

- Install packaged
sudo yum update
sudo yum install opscode-manage
#sudo chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage
sudo opscode-manage-ctl reconfigure
sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

Try this way incase if you dont find opscode-manage in yum repository
Download the chef-manage-2.2.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm and instal it
sudo rpm -ivh chef-manage-2.2.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
sudo chef-manage-ctl reconfigure

- Verify the chef server by logging below URL in browser (sarahjohn/sarah123)

Use Chef management console to manage data bags, attributes, run-lists, roles,
environments, and cookbooks from a web user interface

*****Chef-Work station setup: ( Linux)*******

- Install the development kit with a normal user having sudoer access
- Download the chef SDK in a CentOS instace
- Install the above downloaded rpm file which will enable chef commands in
sudo rpm -ivh chefdk-0.10.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
verify the installation with chef --version
[vagrant@localhost vagrant]$ chef --version
Chef Development Kit Version: 0.10.0
chef-client version: 12.5.1
berks version: 4.0.1
kitchen version: 1.4.2

- Login to your chef server with above credentials (sarahjohn/sarah123)

- Navigate to Organisation -> Administration-> Click on start kit and you should
find a button to dowload the starter kit
- unzip the starter kit, this will create chef-repo directory at home location
- run below commands
cd ~/chef-repo
get the key from chef server at below location and copy to chef-
$knife ssl check
$knife ssl fetch
$knife client list

Login to ( harrypotter/harry123)
click on organisation-> starter kit -> Downlaod starter kit
unzip the starter kit, this will create chef-repo directory at home location
run below commands
cd ~/chef-repo
$knife ssl fetch
$knife client list

***** Working on Workstation to upload a cookbook to server and deploy on node ****
knife cookbook site download learn_chef_httpd
tar -zxvf learn_chef_httpd-0.1.0.tar.gz -C cookbooks
rm learn_chef_httpd*.tar.gz
mv learn_chef_httpd cookbooks/
knife cookbook upload learn_chef_httpd
kinfe cookbook list

knife bootstrap --ssh-user vagrant --ssh-password

'vagrant' --sudo --use-sudo-password --node-name node32 --run-list
Note: Make sure the node hosts file has the server dns pointed to the server IP
-- Install tomat
knife cookbook site download tomcat7
knife cookbook upload tomcat7
kinfe cookbook list

-- Important concepts/keywords
package- Used to manage packages on a node
service- Used to manage services on a node
user- Manage users on the node
group- Manage groups
template- Manage files with embedded ruby templates
cookbook_file- Transfer files from the files subdirectory in the cookbook to a
location on the node
file- Manage contents of a file on node
directory- Manage directories on node
execute- Execute a command on the node
cron- Edit an existing cron file on the node

-- Roles and Environments:
Nice explanation form digital ocean below

Chef's view of roles is almost entirely the same as the regular definition. A role
in Chef is a categorization that describes what a specific machine is supposed to
do. What responsibilities does it have and what software and settings should be
given to it.

- Create a role in two ways ( either json file DSL ruby file)

1) Json file below with

knife role create test
export EDITOR=vi
"name": "web_server",
"description": "A role to configure our front-line web servers",
"json_class": "Chef::Role",
"default_attributes": {
"nginx": {
"log_location": "/var/log/nginx.log"
"override_attributes": {
"nginx": {
"gzip": "on"
"chef_type": "role",
"run_list": [
"env_run_lists": {

"production": [

"testing": [

The above role with json will directly creates on server, so no need to
2) Using chef DSL script
vi web_server.rb
add below contents to the web_server.rb file
name "web_server"
description "A role to configure our front-line web servers"
run_list "recipe[apt]", "recipe[nginx]"
env_run_lists "production" => ["recipe[nginx::config_prod]"], "testing"
=> ["recipe[nginx::config_test]"]
default_attributes "nginx" => { "log_location" =>
"/var/log/nginx.log" }
override_attributes "nginx" => { "gzip" => "on" }
upload it using below command to chef server
knife role from file

-> Assign the role to a node

Check the list if nodes
knife node list
edit the node configs to assign role
knife node edit node32
"name": "node32",
"chef_environment": "_default",
"normal": {
"tags": [

"run_list": [
Thats it now instead of recipies we added a role to the node
-> To search list of nodes with given role, we can use below command
knife search "role:web_server AND chef_environment:_default" -a name

In some ways, environments are fairly similar to roles. They are also used to
differentiate different servers, but instead of differentiating by the function of
the server, environments differentiate by the phase of development that a machine
belongs to.

Create an Environments
mkdir ~/chef-repo/environments
cd ~/chef-repo/environments
Same as role we can create it with ruby DSL or json file using knife directly
on server

knife environment create development

"name": "development",
"description": "The master development branch",
"cookbook_versions": {
"nginx": "<= 1.1.0",
"apt": "= 0.0.1"
"json_class": "Cheff:Environment",
"chef_type": "environment",
"default_attributes": {
"override_attributes": {
"nginx": {
"listen": [
"mysql": {
"root_pass": "root"

we can upload it with the help of ruby DSL file as well

name "development"
description "The master development branch"
"nginx" => ">= 1.1.0",
"apt" => ">= 0.0.1"
override_attributes ({
"nginx" => {
"listen" => [ "80", "443" ]
"mysql" => {
"root_pass" => "root"
Upload it with below command to server
knife environment from file ~/chef-repo/environments/development.rb
--> Assign an environment to node
knife node edit node32

Apply the role to node and bootstrap the node:-

-> Make sure you have uploaded all required cookbooks to chef-server
knife cookbook site download apt
knife cookbook upload apt
there are few more dependent cookbooks required so upload all to chef server

knife bootstrap --ssh-user vagrant --ssh-password 'vagrant'

--sudo --use-sudo-password --node-name node32 --run-list 'role[web_server]'

Data bags:
A data bag is a collection of bits of JSON called data bag items, indexed by
an ID, that Chef allows us to use and search in our recipes. Let's use knife to
create our data bags
Type the following on your workstation to create a data bag called wp-sites.

$ knife data bag create wp-sites

now edit the databa with a name website1
knife data bag create wp-sites website1
"id": "website1",
"host": "",
"database": "website1",
"db_username": "website1",
"db_password": "212b09752d173876a84d374333ae1ffe"
How to use databags in recipies

sites = data_bag("wp-sites")
sites.each do |site|
opts = data_bag_item("wp-sites", site)

mysql_database opts["database"] do
connection ({:host => 'localhost', :username => 'root', :password
=> node['mysql']['server_root_password']})
action :create


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