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Keiyana Jones

Dr. Holly Wells


Self - Evaluation

Camelback Resort and Lodge’s mission and vision of this company is to have fun in life,
embrace their fun side in any way possible. We want to create one of the most interactive
adventure resorts and properties in the country.

There are many things that separate me from other employees. For instance, Communication
skills are on point, Adapting to my environment and ready for any type of change, and always
using my time at work efficiently. Communications skills are well appreciated at the
workplace. I say this because I have gotten so many appreciation conversations for my proper
communication skill being able to help the customers need.
If there is a special event, I’m one of the first people they inform because I welcome the
customers in, so if there is a slight change, they show me, and I catch on right there at that
moment. While at work I’m always on my feet. Even when I’m not at my post I’m off cleaning
something to make sure the restaurant looks efficient and welcoming. I'm always a hard worker
and it shows. I’ve even overheard my boss saying, “I really like her, she’s a hard worker, we
need those.” So that helped me understand that I have a good standing where I’m at.

I'm not going to say I started out like the perfect employee. I had to learn a few little things upon
starting. Since I’ve been there my knowledge of how things are ran or if I have no manager in
sight, I know how to maneuver in the situation. I learned how to accommodate the customers
to the best of my abilities. At times I did fumble a little because I was unsure, or I honestly did
not know about something. It didn't stop me from asking for help, and when I kept asking it
helped me become more confident and advanced in what I was doing.

Every employee has those work qualities that can be improved. I can honestly say that
patience is only one area that needs to be improved. I don’t have low patience, but it isn't high
either. The way that I plan to improve this is just being more mindful with customers, take deep
breaths, be courteous to the customers around me because I’m in their shoes when I want to go
out to eat. So those are the things that I take into consideration while working on my patience

From now until the next review I would say that the skills that I have now will improve way more
than what I notice now. The areas that need more work will improve as well. They won't be
perfect, but they will be better than what it is now. I honestly don't want to change anything, and
I say this because I like how I do things and the only thing left to do is leave space for

Working at this job has boosted my experience and knowledge in certain aspects. I believe that
I’ve improved a tremendous deal from how I started out. Going through this evaluation just
showed me my future goals and things that I want to be. This just shows me what I can work on
to become better and more confident. I'm honestly excited for what the future holds for me.
Things are looking up for and I’m proud of that.

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