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Manila * Makati * Malolos

Record of Practicum Activity (ROPA)

Name of Student Required Number of Hours

Practicum Agency/ Establishment Number of Hours Completed
ZOOMANITY GROUP 82 hours and 30 minutes

Date Activities Conducted Number of

For this day, I was assigned to Advertising
Department. Ms. Clarice assigned me to count a
1000 flyers for the Pet Story. The flyers will
Be given on Friday December 8, 2017. After coun
-ting over 1000 and separate it by 5 envelopes
I was assigned to Marketing Department and Ms.
Camille orient me about the Business of Mr.
Yupangco in Century mall. She discuss about the
New ideas and strategies that we needed to be
Applied in the Unli City before taking my lunch
My supervisor Ms. Abby assigned me to call Ms.
Florence the supplier of the photo paper that
We needed to print out some flyers and deliver
It to Advertising Department. After my lunch I
Was assigned again in Advertising Department to
Help them to cut a wristband and to write the
Serial number of the Unli City Discount voucher
Then, I checked an email regarding the Event at
Zoobic Safari this event will be held at Zubic
Next year. And for my last task me and my co-
Interns went to Century Mall to help Ms. Sassy
And Mr. Chico to organize the venue for the big
Event on Wednesday. The event is all about the
Partnership of the Unli City we put some design
In the venue after that Ms. Jhoye discussed to
Us about the importance and strategies where
Going to do for the upcoming event.

Total number of hours

Certified by: Date: Attested by: Date:

Practicum Trainor
Copies to: Student and Practicum Coordinator
AAF 020
06/30/2010 Page 1 of 1
Manila * Makati * Malolos

Record of Practicum Activity (ROPA)

Name of Student Required Number of Hours

Practicum Agency/ Establishment Number of Hours Completed

Date Activities Conducted Number of

Today my boss Mr. Yupangco asked me to join the
Meeting. The meeting is about the event at Cen-
Tury Mall Unli City. Mr Yupangco discussed all
The things we needed for the upcoming events he
Told us to be prepared enough for the event and
He also mentioned that he was planning to buy
A lot around Makati for his new business. After
The meeting with the boss my supervisor Ms.Abby
Assigned me to HR department and Ms.Sassy asked
me to print out the quotation that she send to
Me via email, the quotation is about the total
Of the expenses of Jinsei and Samgyupsalamat.
After my lunch break Ms. Jewel asked me to re-
Write the Net Expense to November 01 to 30,2017
And she asked me to compute the Daily Sales of
Zoocolate Thrills, it took me a lot of time to
Finish this task because I compute not just the
Total Sales but also the Net Sales, Expenses,
And the cash on hand till November 1-30,2017.
After the non stop computation, my Supervisor
Assigned me to compile all the receipts of the
Expenses of Paradizoo, Zoocobia and Zoori. And
For my last task for this day Ms. Jewel asked
Me to help her to account and write the serial
Number of the vouchers, the vouchers will be
Given to the business partners of Mr. Yupangco.

26 hours and 30
Total number of hours

Certified by: Date: Attested by: Date:

Practicum Trainor
Copies to: Student and Practicum Coordinator
AAF 020
06/30/2010 Page 1 of 1
Manila * Makati * Malolos

Record of Practicum Activity (ROPA)

Name of Student Required Number of Hours

Practicum Agency/ Establishment Number of Hours Completed

Date Activities Conducted Number of

My first task for today was prepare a request
Letter to Ms. Florence to send a quotation for
The ordered papers, films and photo papers, And
I called her to follow up the quotation letter.
Me and my co-interns assigned to Advertising
Department and Ms. Karen Assigned us to count a
Vouchers of Night Safari, Unli City and Zoobic
And write the serial numbers to 0001-2000 and
After counting over 6000 vouchers we separated
It into 10,20 and 5 and put it on a white enve-
Lope. And my second task was I contacted almost
36 person and send them a letter. The 36 person
are the person who was applying in the company.
Before my lunch we had a meeting with Mr. Yupa-
ngco the meeting is all about being attentive
And active in the office. And after my lunch my
Supervisor assigned me to encoded and compute
the products purchased that will also be used
In theupcoming project. I compiled and arranged
the documents for Wax Muzeum and Pet Story. I
also answered inquiries through phone regarding
the Zoomanity Theme Parks, Rides and room rates
Zoori zoo Residence Inn. Ms. Jhoye assigned me
To purchase order regarding the ordered product
Of a client in Yamaha. The purchase order will
Be delivered to Mr. Lester and for my last task
Me and my co-interns was assigned to go to Cen-
Tury Mall to check the venue for the event on

Total number of hours

Certified by: Date: Attested by: Date:

Practicum Trainor
Copies to: Student and Practicum Coordinator
AAF 020
06/30/2010 Page 1 of 1

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