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1. Based upon an inventory of needs across the College, provide annual college
professional development opportunities designed to support faculty in 1)
incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in their teaching,
2) designing curricula informed by an evolving equity and social justice
framework, 3) ensuring that syllabi and teaching materials re ect current
guidelines on accessibility, and 4) continuing to develop their own critical
consciousness concerning issues relevant to their role in higher education. (by
Spring 2022)

2. Incentivize faculty teaching in D1 and D2 courses to participate in annual

professional development related to curriculum development and facilitation
of classroom conversations and interactions related to diversity. (by Spring

3. Advance annual priorities of the CESS and Student Accessibility Services

(SAS) Work Group:
a) Partner with SAS to offer annual in-service opportunities and resources
access (orientation, faculty meetings, etc.) to increase faculty members'
understanding of accessibility services, compliance, and accommodations.
(beginning in Fall 2019)
b) Work with University SAS and the Center for Teacher and Learning
(CTL) to review data and develop means of better incorporating
commonly needed supports into curriculum. (beginning in Fall 2019)

4. Form a working group to examine approaches to incorporating explicit

diversity and inclusion criteria into annual evaluations for faculty and staff
within the college, and evaluate using instruments designed for this purpose
(e.g., for faculty, revised course evaluations that allow students to evaluate
instructors’ awareness to diversity and inclusion). (by end of Spring 2020)

5. Create, vet, and pilot CESS equity related questions for course
evaluations.  Consider language that addresses classroom conversations,
valuing student identities/presence, and ability of professor to cultivate
critical spaces for learning and growth as it relates to equity and diversity. (by
Fall 2019 and Spring 2020)

6. In the process of considering these changes, ensure that the proposed

solution minimizes the potential for evaluations of courses to negatively affect
faculty teaching these courses, and in particular, faculty teaching D1/D2
courses, faculty of color and women. (by end of Fall 2019)

7. Examine and analyze aggregate students of color evaluation responses and

trends to identify opportunities and obstacles as it relates to diversity and
equity. (by end of Fall 2020)

8. The CESS Strategic Innovation Fund program and other internal grants will
include speci c criteria around inclusive excellence and will have the option to
give preference to proposals that demonstrate impact on inclusive excellence.
(begin in 2019-2020) 
9. Establish two to four external formal MOU CESS accessible pathway
partnerships to foster recruitment, enrollment, and retention of students of
color and other underrepresented backgrounds (e.g., rst generation, low-
income, English Language Learners, individuals with developmental
disabilities, learners who do not have a four-year degree, learners who have
degrees in other countries) towards CESS undergraduate, graduate, and
certi cate programs. Activation and fostering of these partnerships should
result in a minimum sustainable annual increase of 2% (10 to 14 students). (by
Spring 2021)

10. Create a mentorship and retention program for CESS undergraduate and
graduate students who self-identify as students of color and other
underrepresented identities. Program design and outcomes should be created
in collaboration with CESS colleagues advancing retention, students
representing underrepresented ethnicities/races and identities, campus
partners, and in accordance with current research and best practices of
mentoring and retention programs. (by end of Fall 2019)

11. Create space/structure/time for faculty-, staff-, and student-led

discussions about issues of climate, discrimination, and race open to CESS
students, faculty, and staff. Use exit surveys to monitor and evaluate impact
for participants and leaders. (begin in Spring 2020)

12. Develop an inventory of current diversity and equity curricular, co-

curricular and professional development initiatives within CESS including
availability, use and partnerships; identify gaps, opportunities, and resource
allocations. (Spring 2020)

13. Offer and provide resources for an annual CESS diversity lecture series
hosted by the Committee for Equity Action and Diversity (CEAD) Committee.
(Spring 2019)
14. Acknowledge ongoing work to improve digital and physical accessibility
within the college. (Spring 2020)

15. Determine and implement communication plans for accessibility

issues. Utilize expertise of the CESS Business Of ce, CDCI, and the university
ADA Coordinator to determine and implement communication plans for
accessibility priorities. (begin rst phase of plan by Fall 2019)

 What resonates with you about the statements of Programs, and

what feedback would you like to offer?

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