Translet Buku

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2. If the principal is becoming a "functionary," what steps could

be taken to return the role to a more professional standing?
Outline such a plan for a single school system.
3. From the many alternative training models presented in this
chapter, develop a single model you believe would be most
effective for training future school leaders.


Burns, J. M. Leadership. New York: Harper and Row, 1978.

Creamer, Daniel, and Barbara Feld. Some Innovations in the
Training of Educational Leaders, report #576.
New York: Conference Board, 1972.
Owens, Rohm t G. Organizational Behavior in Education.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981.
Silver, Paula, and Dennis Spuck. Preparatory Programs for
Educational Leaders in the United States.
Columbus, Ohio: Council for Educational
Administration, 1978.
Weldy, G. R. Principals: What They Do and Who They Are.
Reston, Va.: National Association of Secondary
School Principals, 1979.


2. Jika kepala sekolah menjadi "pejabat", langkah apa yang bisa

diambil untuk mengembalikan peran ke posisi yang lebih
profesional? Buat garis besar rencana tersebut untuk sistem
sekolah tunggal.
3. Dari banyak model pelatihan alternatif yang disajikan dalam
bab ini, kembangkan satu model yang Anda yakini akan
paling efektif untuk melatih pemimpin sekolah di masa depan.

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