Keaslian Penelitian: No. Judul Karya Ilmiah & Penulis Variabel Jenis Penelitian Hasil

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No. Judul Karya Ilmiah & Penulis Variabel Jenis Penelitian Hasil
1. Psikoneuroimunology Approach - terapi zikir Quasi eksperimen Ada pengaruh yang
To Improve Recovery Motivation, - motivasi sembuh pasien DM signifikan antara
Decrease Cortisol and Blood tipe 2 terapi zikir terhadap
Glucose Of DM Type 2 Patients - pengurangan kortisol pasien motivasi sembuh,
With Dhikr Therapy (Pahlevi, DM tipe 2 pengurangan kortisol
Putra, dan Sriyono, 2017) - gula darah pasien DM tipe 2 dan gula darah
2. Part II: The Effects of - aromaterapi Literature review Ada pengaruh antara
Aromatherapy and Guided - guided imagery aromaterapi guided
Imagery for the Symptom - ansietas pasien kritis imagery terhadap
Management of Anxiety, - nyeri pasien kritis ansietas, nyeri, dan
Pain, and Insomnia in Critically Ill - insomnia pasien kritis insomnia pada pasien
Patients: An Integrative Review of kritis
Current Literature (Meghani dkk,

3. Guided Imagery for Pain - guided imagery Literature review Ada pengaruh antara
Management in Postoperative - nyeri post operasi ortopedi guided imagery
Orthopedic Patients: An terhadap
Integrative Literature nyeri postoperasi
Review (Carpenter, Hines, Lan, orthopedic

4. Investigating the Effects of the - guided imagery Sistematik review Ada pengaruh antara
Progressive Muscle Relaxation- - relaksasi otot progresif Kombinasi ROP dan
Guided Imagery Combination on guided imagery
Patients with Cancer Receiving terhadap
Chemotherapy Treatment: A Pasien yang
Systematic Review of menerima
Randomized kemoterapi
Controlled Trials
(Kapogiannis, Tsoli, and
Chrousos, 2018)
5. Effectiveness of integrative - guided imagery Kualitatif
imagery-and trance-based
psychodynamic therapies: Guided
psychotherapy and
(Sell, Möller., Taubner, 2018)
6. The Effectiveness of Guided - fatigue Quasy eksperimen Ada pengaruh antara
Imagery in Treating Compassion - ansietas pekerja kesehatan guided imagery
Fatigue and Anxiety of Mental mental terhadap
Health - guided imagery pekerja kelemahan dan
Workers kesehatan mental ansietas pekerja
(Kiley dkk, 2018) - kesehatan mental

7. Differences between Supportive - musik suportif Quasy eksperimen Ada perbedaan

Music and Imagery and Music - imagery antara music,
Listening during Outpatient - mendengarkan musik suportif, imagery,
Chemotherapy and Potential dan
Moderators of Treatment Effects mendengarkan music
(Burns dkk, 2018) selama kemoterapi
dan potensial efek
8. The effects of guided imagery on - guided imagery Quasy eksperimen Ada pengaruh antara
state and trait anxiety and sleep - ansietas hemodialisa guided imagery
quality among patients receiving - kualitas tidur hemodialisa terhadap tingkat
hemodialysis: A randomized ansietas kualitas
controlled trial tidur pasien
(Afshar, Mohsenzadeh, Gilasi, hemodialisa
Sadeghi-Gandomani, 2018)
9. The Effects of Guided Imagery on - guided imagery Quasy eksperimen Ada pengaruh antara
Comfort in Palliative Care - kenyamanan pasien paliatif guided imagery
(Coelho, dkk, 2018) terhadap
kenyamanan pasien

10. Feasibility of a Relaxation Guided - guided imagery Quasy eksperimen Ada pengaruh antara
Imagery Intervention to Reduce - stress ibu di NICU guided imagery
Maternal Stress in the NICU terhadap stres ibu di
(Howland, dkk, 2017) NICU

11. Guided Imagery and Music with - guided imagery Kualitatif

female military veterans: An - musik
intervention development study
(Story., Beck, 2017)
12. Feasibility of trauma-focused - guided imagery Ada pengaruh guided
Guided Imagery and Music with - music imagery dan music
adult refugees diagnosed with - PTSD terhadap orang
PTSD: A dewasa dengan
pilot study diagnose PTSD
(Beck dkk, 2018)
13. The effect of guided imagery on - guided imagery Literature review Ada pengaruh guided
physiological and psychological - fisiologi pasien dewasa di imagery terhadap
outcomes of adult ICU patients: A ICU fisiologi dan
systematic literature review and - psikologis pasien dewasa di psikologis orang
methodological implications ICU dewasa dengan di
(Hadjibalassi dkk, .2018) ICU
14. Guided imagery targeting - guided imagery Ada pengaruh guided
exercise, food cravings, and stress: - latihan imagery terhadap
a multi-modal randomized - stress latihan, dan stress
feasibility - makanan Makanan
(Giacobbi dkk, 2018)
15. Randomized Trial of a Group - grup music Quasy eksperimen Ada pengaruh guided
Music and Imagery Method - guided imagery imagery dan grup
(GrpMI) for Women with - wanita dengan fibromyalgia music terhadap
Fibromyalgia (Torres, 2018) wanita dengan

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