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Crisis has immense power to make you Successful!

When you are facing some important event which shapes your future, many times you become
very tense and afraid and start thinking of all adverse outcomes, your heart beats rapidly, you
feel uneasy, start thinking as if everything is lost! This is very normal and happens to most of
Actually it is our fight or flight mechanism created by god to help us face adverse situations. And
there lies a big secret to be successful!
We normally interpret the physical and emotional symptoms of crisis situations to be of intense
fear. However, your body is preparing you for facing the situation at hand. If you observe
minutely then you will find that you exhibit same physical symptoms when you are very afraid or
when you are very happy and excited! Your heart beats fast and all that.
Your body is making extra energy available to you so as to face the situation successfully by
fighting or flighting.
Your interpretation of the situation is the key to win! When you need to face the test, you
cannot afford to flee! Due to fear symptoms, many people interpret the situation as impossible
and start withdrawing, instead of fighting back! Your body then helps you to take that action and
provides you with appropriate emotions necessary for running away!

*You* hold the key to Win!

Your system is like a car, you can drive it to the desired destination! If you give away the
conscious control then it may drift and collide with something!
So when you face any crisis or challenge, do not consult your fears or the symptoms. Remind
yourself of the destination, the goal, the target! And decide that you will achieve the success!
The moment you decide this, a miracle happens and you start wondering about your extra
energy, your extra stamina and extra talent which you never imagined you have!! Yes, extra
talent! Your brain now works brilliantly to help you achieve your goals! Dr Maxwell Maltz
('Psycho Cybernatics') advises us to imagine success in such situations, he advises us to focus
on all positive results of our goals!!
Kiran Nandedkar

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