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Portfolio 2018-19

Work Experience Outside of School

Describe the job(s) you have participated in outside of school.

I work at Papa’s Pizza Cafe and I make pizzas and sides there.

If this is a regular job, on average, how many hours do you work each week?
Since I play sports I only work weekends so I work 16 hours a week.

If this is an occasional job, how many hours do you estimate you have spent doing this activity?

Its not, it is a regular job.

Do you enjoy the work that you have done so far? Why or why not?

Yes I have enjoyed the work I have done so far because I have made new friends at work and I
developed skills on how to make pizzas and appetizers.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use in
your work?

I have used communication as a soft skill at Papas Pizza Cafe because I have to interact with the
customers and make sure they feel welcomed there. I always have to be positive and be kind to
make the restaurant welcoming.

What have learned about yourself so far by doing this kind of work?
I have learned that if you are kind to others, most people will be kind to you as well and
communicating with customers is not easy so working at Papas has helped me develop my
communication skills.
Portfolio 2018-19

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