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Submitted By:

Nandini Agarwal

“Analysing the Growth of Women Entrepreneurship in India”- Thomas Asha

Thomas Asha E. (2016) in the article “Analysing the Growth of Women Entrepreneurship in India”
speaks about the major factors leading to the growth of women entrepreneurship in India and why
should women be encouraged to carry out business ventures.
She speaks about the constant rise in the economic and social welfare of India because of the rise
in women entrepreneurs. Women are now not only doing business but are also alleviating poverty
in our country effectively. For women entrepreneurs to grow in India we need to make sure that
there is a well-planned, structured holistic approach where equal responsibility is taken by the
society and government.

The government has stated that any business owned by a woman or group of women with at least
51 percent of capital and gives minimum of 51 percent of employment to women can be called as
a business owned by woman. The author in this article has also mentioned a few main driving
forces for women entrepreneurship in India, which are as follows:
 They act as change makers in their families and inspire people to become more self-reliant.
 Women get more confidence and feel accomplished
 It bridges the gap between urban and rural areas by rural development.
 It promotes gender equality.

Later in the article the author talks about the current scenario of women entrepreneurs in India
which stated that there was no official government record exhibiting the growth of women
entrepreneurs in the country until All India Report of Sixth Economic Census in March 2016
brought into light the growth of women entrepreneurship in the country slowly. The study
indicated that Tamil Nadu was the Indian state having the maximum number of women
entrepreneurs in the country followed by Kerala. It was also discovered that almost 13.76 percent
of the total entrepreneurs are women and rest are all men.

Seeing the difficulty faced by women entrepreneurs in India, one of the major challenges they face
is getting funds for their business as people do not usually have confidence in them. Their major
source of income is their own capital. It was also noticed that financial institutions are hesitant to
grant them loans due to their inability to get a collateral for their loans which is the main reason
why there are such less business undertakings under women nowadays.
The author also mentions the various means by which we can promote women entrepreneurship
in the country which are as follows:
 Culture and Society
To make a sound business condition for encouraging women businesses what is required is a
functioning social and social conduct of the populace, a proficient economy, significant
arrangements, and rules that rouses an agreeable and productive condition for women.
Moreover, women in India generally have a protected life. So this has consistently reduced
their risk taking ability. Risk bearing capacity is an essential requirement for successful
entrepreneurship. Therefore, culture and society can be a great influence to women all over
 Education/Training
As per the recent statistics there is around sixty percent illiteracy still prevailing among women.
This illiteracy is the main reason for majority of the socio-economic problems. To overcome
education of women should be given utmost importance. There should be a well-designed and
dedicated structure within the University for promoting entrepreneurship which works in
collaboration with faculty and students. An incubation center with help from external faculty
is also very important for women.

To conclude, the author states that the role of women in economic development of the country is
commendable. Due to the increased help from government and the various organizations, women
are getting the wings that they require to soar high and achieve success. To encourage more women
to take up their dream job and earn for themselves, a holistic approach adopted by the regulators
and the society is the key.

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