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“Investigation of Early Stage Distresses and Their Formation Mechanism in Pavement Overlay of National Highway of Bangladesh”

2nd Research Trip Report

1. Introduction:
In second research trip to Bangladesh, the main
purposes were to collect information about actual
surface condition of FWD test locations, core
sample condition and interface condition of that
specific points. The survey conducted only on
National Highway N2. The chainage to start point
of survey was 74.2 KM, which part is blue circled
on besides figure. The length of survey was 5.0
km. Total 49 FWD data collected from left and
right lane of the road, but the sample numbers are
subsequently taken as single chronology for easy
identification. The typical deflection basin and
normalized deflection basin is presented in figure
1, which shows that deflection data and pattern of
the basin is not identical for cracked, uncracked,
bonded and de-bonded conditions.

2. Deflection Basin Parameter:

2.1 Identification of AC Layer Condition
Classically different basin parameters used for identifying the pavement layer conditions. D0 was the first parameter
which used to refer whole structure condition of pavement. Other basin parameters are showed in table 1. From the
survey, D0 value for uncracked surface ranging 422 – 737 µm and 534 – 871 µm was range for cracked surface. Another
objective of this research trip was to validate the previous result based modification of classical benchmark for AC layer

condition namely SCI and AUPP. Previous Table 1: Classical Benchmarking Ranges under 40 kN load
(FWD data should collect on Wheel Route)
collected data showed that the classical
benchmarks are over and under estimate the severe SCI BDI BCI RoC AUPP
condition of AC layer, refers as SCI>400 µm and = = = 𝑫 𝟔𝟎𝟎 − = 𝑳𝟐 𝟓𝑫𝟎 − 𝟐𝑫𝟑𝟎𝟎 − 𝟐𝑫𝟔𝟎𝟎 − 𝑫𝟗𝟎𝟎
𝑫𝟎 − 𝑫𝟑𝟎𝟎 − 𝑫𝟗𝟎𝟎 =
/ [𝟐𝑫𝟎 (𝟏 𝟐
AUPP>800 µm. The proposed modification was 𝑫𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝑫𝟔𝟎𝟎
SCI>300 µm and AUPP>1100 µm. Location and − )]
sample number based DBPs and surface conditions Condition AC Subbase Subgrade AC layer AC layer & Top of Base
are shown in Appendix-I. The condition of core layer & & Top of
& Selected Base
sample and interface conditions are presented in Top Layer
Appendix-II & III. Total cracked surface of FWD of
locations were counted 28 and 21 were uncracked. Severe >400 >200 >100 <50 >800
The validation of previous modification of DBPs
could be found in Table-2. In case of SCI, no any Warning 200- 400
100-200 50-100 50-100 400-800

station was found which exceed 400 microns, the Sound <200 <100 <50 >100 <400
maximum value was 384 µm. So, existing
benchmark over estimates. But if we fix it 300 microns, the percentage of false negative will be 53.6% where success
rate is 46.4%. In case of SCI>250 µm, 24 locations could be identified out of 28 and only 14.3% would be false negative,
though 47.6% false positive will be there, but false positive could be counted as inconclusive result. Under classical
benchmarking of AUPP for AC layer condition is 100% successful but quite high false positive 76.2%, so it could be
counted as under estimation. Previous prediction AUPP>1100 µm also not very convincing, because success and failure
rate are both 50%. AUPP>1000 µm would be optimum, considering false negative and false positive situation. Previous
research trip data was coherent with the situation of AC layer with RoC<50, AUPP>1100 µm and SCI>300 µm whereas
RoC value was obliged with classical marking. This trip summary suggest that RoC value should be less than 60.
Table 2: Validation of DBPs modification
SCI (µm) Identified False Positive False Negative RoC Identified False Positive False Negative
>300 13 (46.4%) 3 (14.3%) 15 (53.6%) <50 11 (39.3%) 4 (19%) 17 (60.7%)
>250 24 (85.7%) 10 (47.6%) 4 (14.3%) <55 16 (57.1%) 7 (33.3%) 12 (42.9%)
<60 25 (89.3%) 12 (57.1%) 3 (10.7%)

AUPP (µm) Identified False Positive False Negative Identified – DBP can predict successfully
>1100 14 (50%) 3 (14.3%) 14 (50%) False Positive – The prediction value is passed but AC surface remain uncracked,
>1000 21 (75%) 5 (23.8%) 7 (25%) false positive is considered an inconclusive result in this research because it could
>900 25 (89.3%) 12 (57.1%) 3 (10.7%) not be definitively determined that cracking would have occurred at the station or if
it was an error
False Negative – The prediction value is not passed but AC surface already cracked,
>800 28 (100%) 16 (76.2%) 0 (0%) this is problematic which means prediction is wrong

Sensor Position, cm Sensor Position, cm

Uncracked Surface, No
0 50 100 150 Body Crack & Good Bond 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 0

100 Uncracked Surface, No

Body Crack & Partial 0.2

Normalized Deflection by D0
200 Bond
Uncracked Surface, No 0.4
Deflection, µm

Body Crack & Debonded
400 0.6
Cracked Surface, Full
500 Body Cracked &
Cracked Surface, Full
Body Cracked & 1
800 1.2

Figure 1: Deflection Basin (left) & Normalized deflection (by D0) basin (right)
2.2 Identification of Interface Condition
In previous research trip, the investigation of core sample showed that more than 50% were de-bonded in between AC
layer interface which survey portion was maintained by overlay work at 2015-16 financial year. But in this research
trip, among 20 core samples, only one sample found delaminated in AC to base interface, other 12 sample are partially
to fully de-bonded at AC layer to base layer interface. Interface condition identification method is shown in Table-3.
Table-3: Interface Condition Identification Methodology
AC to Base

Interface Good bonding Partially de-bonded De-bonded

Identification Base materials (aggregate & fine particles) Base material (aggregate & fine particles) Base material (aggregate & fine particles) are
Parameter are attached with whole bottom of the AC are attached with part of the bottom of AC not attached with part of the bottom of AC
layer after core extraction layer after core extraction layer after core extraction
Only fine particles are attached with bottom
of the AC layer after core extraction
Number of 7 8 5
Core found
Different previous studies showed that D0, SCI and AUPP could identify the interface bond condition but Table 4 showed
that these three indicators are inconsistent like in case of debonding AUPP value varied 839 to 1437 and good bonding
value range from 810 to 991, SCI range 236 to 384 and 216 to 258 and D0 ranging 526 to 871 and 515 to 635 respectively.
Another effort from Guo et al. 2017 found that SCI/BCI and F1/F2 could have good correlation with friction coefficient
and subsequently interfacial bonding condition. And their suggestion was relatively smaller value reflect poorer bonding
condition. But this study output is contrary to that study. The ratio of SCI/BCI and F1/AI2 relatively higher value more
than 4.0 and 3.0 respectively represent de-bonded or partially de-bonded interface condition successfully. Though the
effort is unsuccessful for one sample marginally.
Table 4: FWD Deflection Basin Parameters for Core Sample Locations

Core Road Surface D0 SCI AUPP AC to Base Interface SCI/ F1/ AI1/ F1/ Comment
Sample No. Condition Condition BCI AI2 AI2 F2
3 severe cracked 871 384 1437 De-bonded 5.2385 3.56 1.9952 0.73 SCI/BCI
4 cracked 667 288 1077 De-bonded 4.2522 3.269 1.9287 0.77 ratio less
5 Un-cracked 627 258 978 Good Bonding 3.6949 2.879 1.847 0.79 than 4.0
6 cracked 707 309 1144 De-bonded 4.4724 3.325 1.9362 0.79 indicates
7 Un-cracked 635 257 991 Good Bonding 3.4886 2.85 1.8471 0.75 good
12 Un-cracked 422 190 683 Partially De-bonded 4.81 3.393 1.931 0.89 bonding
13 Un-cracked 594 274 981 Partially De-bonded 4.5673 3.617 1.9742 0.85 and same
14 Un-cracked 545 245 873 Partially De-bonded 4.2525 3.249 1.8947 0.92
15 edge cracked 547 243 885 Good Bonding (almost) 4.0583 3.324 1.9223 0.83
16 cracked 718 328 1197 Partially De-bonded 4.76 3.71 2.01 0.77
by F1/
17 Un-cracked 630 281 1004 Partially De-bonded 4.2606 3.2 1.8863 0.91
18 delaminated 668 365 1192 De-bonded 6.5777 5.359 2.2143 1.07
23 severe cracked 737 308 1163 Partially De-bonded 4.0047 3.009 1.8755 0.78
24 severe cracked 612 216 889 Good Bonding 3.1006 2.257 1.7305 0.72 Prediction
25 Un-cracked 503 209 789 Partially De-bonded 4.2176 2.968 1.8681 0.79 almost
28 Severe cracked 600 247 955 Good Bonding 4.039 3.061 1.9002 0.72 successful
29 Un-cracked 515 220 810 Good Bonding 3.9847 3.004 1.8604 0.85
30 Un-cracked 526 236 839 De-bonded 5.1541 3.278 1.9021 0.95
31 Un-cracked 458 204 735 Partially De-bonded 5.0588 3.297 1.9151 0.89
32 Un-cracked 600 246 917 Good Bonding 3.6901 2.722 1.8031 0.86
2.3 Identification of Interface Condition by Time History Response
National Centre for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University conducted a research on delamination of asphalt pavement
over higher thickness and strong sublayers with different NDT methods. They found that FWD time-history data has
higher possibility of detecting the presence of delamination in test sections, especially if there is an intact control section
to do comparisons. They also mentioned that deflections of delamination sections under unloading are quicker and higher
recovered. The time history of D0 of this investigation is also showed these two characteristics, de-bonded to partially de-
bonded sections either 1) deflection of unloading part dissipate quickly or 2) vertical upward (negative deflection in
Figure-2) deflection is higher than the bonded sections. Figure-2 showed that section 31 partially de-bonded satisfying
condition 1, de-bonded sections 3 and 6 are satisfying 2 and de-bonded section 4 is coordinate with both conditions. Only
two sections 28 & 30 contrary these conditions. Interestingly, these conditions are aligned with SCI/BCI and F1/AI2 ratio
referring condition of the interface of AC to base layer.
1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8
Deflection of D0, µm

Deflection of D0, µm
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 0 30 60 90 120 150
-0.2 -0.2

-0.4 -0.4
Time, ms Time, ms

3 4 5 6 7 28 29 30 31 32

Figure-2: Normalized Response Time History of First Sensor (D0)

3. Summary

Classical benchmark for identification of severe condition of AC layer, over estimates SCI and RoC value and
under estimate the AUPP value.
DBP benchmarking for identification of severe condition of AC layer could be modified as RoC<60, AUPP>1000
µm and SCI>250 µm.
The ratio of SCI/BCI and F1/AI2 relatively higher value more than 4.0 and 3.0 respectively could represent de-
bonded or partially de-bonded interface condition successfully.
FWD time-history data has higher possibility of detecting interfacial bond condition. The deflection time history
data of D0 could be utilized to validate SCI/BCI and F1/AI2 results to identify interface condition.
Falling Weight Deflectometer Data and Analysis:
Ch. D0 D20 D30 D45 D60 D75 D90 D120 SCI BDI BCI RoC AUPP SCI/ SCI/ F1/ AI1/ F1/ X2 Condition No
N2 Left Lane (Starting Chainage 74.2 KM)
200 618 459 347 222 156 119 95 67 272 191 61 50.6 996 1.4225 4.4918 3.288 1.9216 0.83 2.139 cracked 2
601 871 669 487 280 194 148 120 81 384 293 73 40 1437 1.3094 5.2385 3.56 1.9952 0.73 1.878 severe cracked 3
874 667 524 379 239 163 121 96 66 288 216 68 56.5 1077 1.3355 4.2522 3.269 1.9287 0.77 2.297 cracked 4
1000 627 482 369 244 170 127 100 66 258 199 70 55.6 978 1.299 3.6949 2.879 1.847 0.79 2.023 Un-cracked 5
1202 707 537 398 245 173 132 104 65 309 225 69 47.6 1144 1.3693 4.4724 3.325 1.9362 0.79 1.796 cracked 6
1413 635 496 377 247 171 126 97 60 257 207 74 58.1 991 1.2452 3.4886 2.85 1.8471 0.75 2.022 Un-cracked 7
1603 727 566 417 252 177 125 98 60 310 241 79 50.2 1175 1.2871 3.9337 3.23 1.9269 0.73 2.106 severe cracked 8
1863 637 470 364 245 174 130 103 68 273 190 71 48.4 1003 1.4358 3.848 3.015 1.8613 0.85 2.023 Un-cracked 9
2002 695 523 393 249 160 114 86 52 302 233 75 46.8 1141 1.2982 4.0513 3.418 1.9663 0.71 2.214 Un-cracked 10
2202 584 441 332 216 153 117 94 63 251 179 60 56.7 926 1.4041 4.2129 3.109 1.8854 0.83 1.923 cracked 11
2402 422 313 232 150 107 82 67 46 190 125 40 73.8 683 1.527 4.81 3.393 1.931 0.89 1.852 Un-cracked 12
2603 594 435 320 212 143 115 83 57 274 177 60 50.7 981 1.5482 4.5673 3.617 1.9742 0.85 2.308 Un-cracked 13
2803 545 387 300 205 146 112 88 62 245 154 58 51.1 873 1.5873 4.2525 3.249 1.8947 0.92 2.147 Un-cracked 14
3003 547 401 303 198 139 100 79 47 243 165 60 55.3 885 1.4788 4.0583 3.324 1.9223 0.83 1.900 edge cracked 15
3201 718 535 390 245 161 123 92 59 328 229 69 44.2 1197 1.43 4.76 3.71 2.01 0.77 2.07 cracked 16
3401 630 501 349 249 170 134 104 67 281 179 66 62.5 1004 1.5698 4.2606 3.2 1.8863 0.91 1.783 Un-cracked 17
3601 668 394 303 200 136 102 80 52 365 167 56 29.4 1192 2.1867 6.5777 5.359 2.2143 1.07 1.944 delaminated 18
3801 640 531 380 217 148 114 93 58 260 232 55 74.1 1025 1.1219 4.7056 3.133 1.9304 0.67 1.591 cracked 19
3999 766 598 462 310 226 174 141 92 304 236 85 48.1 1156 1.2857 3.5695 2.602 1.7849 0.82 1.754 Edge cracked 20
4200 683 506 381 244 170 127 100 67 302 211 69 45.6 1106 1.4299 4.356 3.342 1.9319 0.82 2.071 Un-cracked 21
4411 718 574 424 258 189 144 118 80 294 235 71 56.1 1123 1.2495 4.1595 2.925 1.8637 0.77 1.872 severe cracked 22
4600 737 593 429 271 193 147 116 74 308 236 77 55.8 1163 1.3056 4.0047 3.009 1.8755 0.78 1.830 severe cracked 23
4802 612 527 396 255 186 145 117 74 216 210 70 95.1 889 1.0286 3.1006 2.257 1.7305 0.72 1.642 severe cracked 24
5006 503 388 294 192 133 102 83 57 209 162 50 70.1 789 1.2912 4.2176 2.968 1.8681 0.79 1.879 Un-cracked 25
N2 Right Lane
5201 622 477 347 204 142 106 85 57 275 205 57 55.7 1024 1.3451 4.8594 3.531 1.9837 0.75 2.000 severe cracked 26
5401 650 490 359 217 155 118 94 62 291 204 60 50.3 1064 1.4227 4.8216 3.488 1.9636 0.81 1.854 severe cracked 27
5601 600 477 353 219 149 111 87 60 247 204 61 65.4 955 1.2101 4.039 3.061 1.9002 0.72 2.2 severe cracked 28
5806 515 388 295 194 140 106 85 56 220 155 55 63.5 810 1.4226 3.9847 3.004 1.8604 0.85 1.892 Un-cracked 29
6003 526 384 289 187 139 110 93 67 236 150 46 57 839 1.5729 5.1541 3.278 1.9021 0.95 1.758 Un-cracked 30
6202 458 345 255 164 118 93 77 55 204 137 40 70.8 735 1.4913 5.0588 3.297 1.9151 0.89 1.821 Un-cracked 31
6401 600 460 354 238 175 135 108 67 246 179 67 57.7 917 1.3751 3.6901 2.722 1.8031 0.86 1.596 Un-cracked 32
6600 647 508 381 241 174 129 97 60 266 207 76 57.9 1015 1.2883 3.4847 2.902 1.8535 0.76 2.065 severe cracked 33
6799 595 448 342 226 156 115 88 53 253 186 68 55.1 945 1.3571 3.6916 3.059 1.8802 0.79 1.977 Un-cracked 34
7002 587 447 338 221 159 121 101 72 249 178 59 57.6 920 1.3976 4.2401 2.989 1.86 0.85 2.028 edge cracked 35
7203 533 414 315 208 146 109 84 54 218 169 62 68.1 829 1.2921 3.5124 2.835 1.8379 0.78 2.053 Un-cracked 36
7404 579 455 345 227 157 115 90 59 234 188 67 65.2 900 1.2438 3.4645 2.813 1.8387 0.75 2.154 Un-cracked 37
7601 534 392 290 181 123 90 71 47 244 167 52 56.6 887 1.4593 4.6923 3.659 1.9942 0.8 2.167 cracked 38
7813 501 415 318 212 152 114 90 57 183 166 63 94 737 1.1066 2.9296 2.338 1.7417 0.73 1.902 39
8000 501 406 306 199 141 104 81 53 195 166 59 84.2 766 1.1782 3.3039 2.646 1.8078 0.74 2.114 Un-cracked 40
8207 658 500 379 247 175 131 101 63 278 205 73 50.9 1040 1.36 3.7906 3.024 1.8721 0.8 1.915 cracked 41
8406 746 578 441 287 202 151 117 73 305 239 85 48.1 1164 1.275 3.5869 2.866 1.847 0.77 1.944 severe cracked 42
8602 582 435 327 210 150 112 87 57 256 177 63 54.7 936 1.4457 4.063 3.238 1.908 0.83 2.135 Un-cracked 43
8811 670 517 392 256 184 141 111 71 277 209 73 52.6 1043 1.3287 3.8185 2.882 1.8441 0.81 1.820 severe cracked 44
9003 743 522 389 240 173 132 106 70 353 216 67 36.6 1241 1.6357 5.2676 3.861 2.012 0.9 1.867 severe cracked 45
9201 853 653 476 274 183 131 99 62 378 293 84 40.3 1425 1.29 4.5012 3.649 2.0173 0.68 2.261 severe cracked 46
9405 813 624 460 271 182 129 97 62 353 278 85 42.8 1341 1.2699 4.1695 3.473 1.9826 0.69 2.409 edge cracked 47
9602 780 586 427 249 168 124 94 60 353 259 74 41.5 1308 1.3611 4.7935 3.755 2.0282 0.72 2.140 severe cracked 48
9811 784 600 430 240 157 110 82 50 354 273 75 43.7 1333 1.2998 4.7297 3.902 2.069 0.66 2.317 severe cracked 49
10007 737 540 402 248 171 124 97 63 335 232 74 40.9 1222 1.4465 4.5437 3.625 1.9888 0.79 2.140 Un-cracked 50

*The bolded designates Core sample collected from these positions

Core Cutting Samples
Position of FWD Test Top View of Core Sample Side View of Core Sample Bottom Condition of the Core Thickness
o Severely
cracked surface
o 65-70 mm
o Whole body
o De-bonded
(AC to Base

o Cracked surface
o 65-70 mm
o Whole body
o De-bonded
o Uncracked
o 70 mm
o No crack
o Good bonding

o Cracked surface
o 65-70 mm
o One side crack
in full thickness
o De-bonded

o Uncracked
o 70 mm
o No crack
o Good bonding
o Uncracked
o 65-70 mm
o Crack initiated
from bottom
o Partially de-

o Uncracked
o 65-70 mm
o Hair line crack
initiated from
o Partially de-

o Uncracked
o 70-75 mm
o No crack
o Partially de-
o Edge cracked
o 70 mm
o No crack
o Good bonding

o Cracked surface
o 65-70 mm
o Crack initiated
from top
o Partially de-

o Edge cracked
o 70-75 mm
o Crack initiated
from top
& another crack
from bottom
o Partially de-
o Delaminated
o 70-75 mm
o Upper layer
o Debonding in
AC layer and
AC to Base

o Severely
cracked surface
o 65-70 mm
o Whole body
o Partially de-

o Severely racked
o 70-75 mm
o Crack
o Good bonding
o Uncracked
o 70-75mm
o No crack
o Partially de-

o Severely
cracked surface
o 65-70 mm
o Whole body
o Good bonding

o Uncracked
o 75 mm
o No crack
o Good bonding
o Uncracked
o 75 mm
o No crack
o De-bonded

o Uncracked
o 75 mm
o No crack
o Partially de-

o Uncracked
o 65-70 mm
o No crack
o Good bonding
Other Locations of FWD Test:

Cracked surface Severely cracked surface Uncracked Surface Uncracked Surface

Cracked surface Cracked Surface Cracked surface Uncracked Surface

Severely cracked surface Severely cracked surface Severely cracked surface Severely cracked surface

Uncracked Surface Cracked surface Uncracked Surface Uncracked Surface

Cracked surface Uncracked Surface Cracked surface

Severely cracked surface Uncracked Surface Severely cracked surface Severely cracked surface

Severely cracked surface Cracked Surface Severely cracked surface Severely cracked surface

Uncracked Surface

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