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SICKNESS BENEFITS SSS GSIS of pensionable age under

Eligibility 1. Inability to work due 1. Employee must be: this Act but who opted to
to sickness or injury,  In service at the retire under a different
confined in a hospital time of disability; law.
or at home for a  If separated, he
period of 4 days has rendered at DEATH BENEFITS SSS GSIS
2. Have used up all least 3 years of Eligibility At least 36 monthly Primary beneficiaries are
sickness leaves service; contributions prior to the entitled to only one of the ff:
3. Employer had been 2. All sick leave credits semester of death
notified within 5 including CBA sick Survivorship pension
calendar days after leaves for the current a. If he was in the service
the sickness or injury year has been used when he died; or
up; b. Even if separated from
Required Number of At least 3 months paid At least 6 monthly the service, he has at
contributions within the 12-month contributions in the 12- least 3 years of service
period immediately month period immediately and has paid 36 monthly
preceding the semester of prior to disability contributions within the
sickness 5 years immediately
Limitation May not be availed of if Maximum of 120 days per preceding death; or
beyond 120 days per year one calendar year c. Even if separated from
the service, he has paid
Sickness confinements is 180 monthly
240 days for 2 consecutive contributions prior to
years death.
Amount of Benefit 90% of average salary 75% of the current daily
credit compensation for everyday Survivorship pension plus
or fraction thereof of cash payment of 100%
disability average monthly
compensation for every
year of service [essentially,
FUNERAL BENEFITS SSS GSIS pension plus total
contributions made]
Required Number of At least 1 month a. If he was in the service
contributions contribution when he died; and
Benefit P20,000 – P40,000, Shall not be less than b. With 3 years of service
depending on the P12,000.00 and shall be
member’s contributions increased to at least Cash payment equivalent
P18,000.00 after 5 years to 100% average monthly
Who are entitled 1. Beneficiary (a) An active member compensation for each
2. Any 3rd person who (b) A member who has year of service he paid
spent for the funeral been separated from the contributions or 12,000,
service, but who may be whichever is higher
entitled to future benefit a. With 3 years of service;
(c) a pensioner and
(d) A retiree who at the b. He has failed to qualify
time of his retirement was in the prior 2 schemes.
Benefit Ranging from P1,000- o Survivorship pension, One right finger 5 (ii) Any toe
P2,400/month but only after the 5 year One little finger 3 (iii) One arm
guaranteed period. One big toe 6 (iv) One hand
If he has not paid the One hand 39 (v) One foot
required 36 monthly o If the deceased member One arm 50 (vi) One leg
contributions, opted for the 5-year One foot 31 (vii) One or both ears
beneficiaries shall be lump sum benefit – 60 One leg 46 (viii) Hearing of one or
entitled to a lump sum monthly pensions One ear 10 both ears
- Dependent child will Both ears 20 (ix) Sight of both eyes
receive 10% of the o If the member opted for Hearing of one ear 10
pension immediate pension – 18 Hearing of both ears 50 (2) Such other cases as
- 13th month pension monthly basic pension, Sight of one eye 25 my be determined by
every December up to the death of the the GSIS
retiree Required Number of To qualify, pensioner must Exceptions:
contributions have at least 1-month Grave misconduct,
o In case the deceased contribution. Notorious negligence,
member failed to Habitual intoxication, or
indicate in his retirement At least 36 monthly Willful intention to kill
option, it shall be contributions prior the himself or another
computed as if he opted semester of disability
for immediate pension. PTD/PPD
Employee is:
DISABILITY SSS GSIS 1. In service at the
Permanent Total 1. Complete loss of sight of Accrues or arises when time of disability; or
Disability both eyes; recovery from the 2. Even if separated,
he has paid at
2. Loss of two limbs at or impairment mentioned
above the ankle or wrists; in Section 2(Q) is least 36 monthly
contributions within
3. Permanent complete medically remote
paralysis of two limbs; the 5-year period
4. Brain injury resulting to Sec. 2(Q) Disability — immediately prior
to disability OR
incurable imbecility or insanity; Any loss or impairment
and of the normal functions has paid a total of
5. Such cases as determined of the physical and/or at least 180
and approved by the SSS. mental faculty of a
member which reduces contributions prior
or eliminates his/her to disability; and
3. Member is not
capacity to continue
with his/her current enjoying old-age
gainful occupation or retirement benefit.
engage in any other
TTD: shall be treated
gainful occupation
the same as sickness
Permanent Partial Complete and permanent loss (1) Complete and
of use of/Number of Months permanent loss of the
Duration Lifetime, except: If PTD/PPD – Lifetime,
One thumb 10 use of:
One index finger 8  If the pensioner equal to the basic
One middle finger 6 (i) Any finger recovers, monthly pension
 Resumes Duration Lifetime, except:
employment, or If member is in service  If the pensioner
 Fails to report for at the time of disability recovers,
annual physical and he has paid at least  Resumes
examination 180 monthly employment, or
contributions, in addition  Fails to report for
to the monthly income annual physical
benefit, he shall receive examination
an additional cash Benefit o Monthly pension (from o 60 x [basic
payment of 18 times P1,000) monthly pension]
basic monthly pension. o 13th month pension paid lump sum
Benefit o Monthly pension (from every December payment at the
P1,000) o Dependent’s pension time of retirement
o Dependent’s pension (10% of the monthly PLUS basic
(10% of the pension) pension) monthly pension
o Monthly supplemental payable monthly
allowance (PHP 500) for life after expiry
o Additional benefit (PHP of the 5-yr
1,100, as per E.O. 54) guaranteed period
o 13th month pension paid which is already
every December covered by the
o PhilHealth hospitalization lump sum; OR
benefits o Cash payment
equivalent to 18 x
RETIREMENT SSS GSIS [basic monthly
Eligibility 1. 120 monthly 1. 15 years service pension] PLUS
contributions; 2. 60 years of age; monthly pension
2. 65 years old OR a and for life immediately
member who has 3. Not receiving but with no 5-yr
reached 60 years may pension benefit guarantee.
also avail if he is already from permanent Note: subject to
separated from total disability. periodic adjustment
employment or has
ceased to be self- Note: Retirement is UNEMPLOYMENT SSS GSIS
employed. compulsory for /SEPARATION
employees 65 years of Eligibility 1. He is not over 60 1. Employee
age who have rendered years of age separated from
at least 15 years of 2. Has paid 36-month service due to
service; if employee contribution, 12 abolition of office or
has less than 15 years months of which shall position; and
of service, he may be be included in the 18 2. Employee has been
allowed to continue in months preceding the paying integrated
accordance with Civil termination. contributions for at
Service laws. 3. Laid off from work least 1 year prior to
due to merger, separation.
reorganization, or 2. Below 60 yrs. of
bankruptcy of the age, but at least 15
employer. On the yrs. of service
other hand, if rendered.
unemployment is
voluntary—resigned Duration
from work, the SSS Benefit 1. For 60 years of
won’t give you age or separated
unemployment from service with
benefits. 3-15 years of
service: cash
Duration Up to 2 months only, and 2 to 6 months, depending payment of 100% of
claiming of such shall be on the employment average monthly
once every 3 years schedule compensation for
Benefit o Monthly pension Monthly cash payments each year of service
(from P1,000) equivalent to 50% of [essentially, total
o 13th month pension average monthly amount of
paid every December compensation contributions], or
o Dependent’s pension 12,000, whichever
(10% of the monthly is higher
pension) Below 60 yrs. of age and at
least 15 yrs. of service: cash
MATERNITY BENEFIT SSS GSIS payment equivalent to 18x
monthly pension at the time of
Eligibility 1. Has paid 3 monthly N/A
resignation or separation plus
contributions in the
an old-age pension benefit
12-month period
equal to basic monthly
preceding the
semester of her
childbirth/miscarriage LIFE INSURANCE GSIS
2. Had properly notified BENEFITS
3. For first 4 deliveries or All employees except for members of the AFP and
miscarriages PNP. It shall automatically take effect as follows:
Duration 60 days for regular delivery; 78 1. For those employed after the effectivity of
days for caesarean this act - on the date of their employment;
Benefit 100% of the average salary 2. For those whose insurance will mature after
credit the effectivity of this Act - shall be deemed
renewed on the day following the maturity or
SEPARATION BENEFIT SSS GSIS expiry date of their insurance;
3. For those without any life insurance as of
Eligibility N/A 1. 60 years of age, or the effectivity of this Act - shall take effect
separated from following said effectivity.
service with at least
3 years but not over DIVIDENDS
15 years served;
An annual dividend may be granted to all members of
the GSIS whose life insurance is in force for at least 1
year in accordance with a dividends allocation formula
to be determined by the GSIS.

A member may apply for insurance and/or pre-need
coverage embracing life; health, hospitalization,
education, memorial plans, and such other plans as
may be designed by the GSIS, for himself and/or his
dependents. Any employer may likewise apply for
group insurance coverage for its employees. The
insured or his employer and/or any person may make
the payment of the premiums/installments for optional
insurance and pre-need products acceptable to the

GSIS may reinsure any of its interests or part thereof
with any private company or reinsurer whether
domestic of foreign: Provided, That the GSIS shall
submit an annual report on its reinsurance operations
to the Insurance Commission.

Note: Judiciary and Constitutional Commissions are

entitled to life insurance only.

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