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August 2011
This document contains information that was exported directly from Konica Minolta's SSD
Support knowledge base. Some solutions may contain hyperlink references which originally
contained links to graphic or text files. If you wish to view these files, you must access the
solutions via SSD CS Expert Support on Konica Minolta's website, www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us.

Legal Notice

This document is designed as a diagnostic tool, primarily for Konica Minolta's support personnel, and authorized
service representatives. Konica Minolta recommends that all service be performed by an authorized service
representative. Users are responsible for seeking advice of a Konica Minolta authorized service representative
regarding the information, opinion, advice or content of this document.


Copyright 2010, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.

bizhub PRO 950 Breakage, damage, malformed, removed part
Solution ID TAUS0901626EN* Solution Usage

Section M9 of the fusing section will not close properly.

CAUSE: The swing plate (p/n A0Y5 7355 00) is out of position.

SOLUTION: Open section M9 andverify the swing plate moves freely from front-to-rear. Reseat the swing plate if necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000006EN* Solution Usage

TU-501 Entrance Guide Plate mstakenly installed on TU-502.

Entrance Guide Plate (p/n 20AM4015) was a part used in the TU-501 andis not used in the TU-502.By mistake, on earlier productionTU-502s,the Entrance
Guide Plate was installed. Please removethe Entrance Guide Plate. If not removed,you cannot set conveyance plate/1. Refer to the figure below.

This applies to serial number: A110WY100001-A110WY100080

Note : TU-502 installationinstructionsare correct.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Solution ID TAUS0900085EN* Solution Usage 19

Unable to scan to E-mail using a Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007.

CAUSE:The Microsoft® Exchange Server is not set up correctly.

SOLUTION:Please use the attached settings to set up scan to E-mail on the Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download
a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

CAUTION : The following instructions to create an Anonymous SMTP Receive Connector are not to be attempted by a technician. They are provided only
for use by an experienced Microsoft Exchange 2007 Administrator, as failure to follow these instructions in any way may have a detrimental effect on E-mail
flow in Exchange 2007. The instructions provided have been tested numerous times and are known to work. They are currently in production use in-house at
Konica Minolta and several customer environments.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byIan Lynch/Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD and Jim DiSarro/Jim Behrends, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901973EN* Solution Usage 4

When using key counter mode, the MFP will go offline if the counter is unplugged

CAUSE: When the Windows printer driver is configured to obtain status of the MFP and key counter mode is enabled, the driver will report that the MFP is
offline if the counter is unplugged.

SOLUTION:Install version 20-GU0 firmware on thecontroller.This version hasa new switch to correct operationwhen key counter is pulled out.

DIPSW9-1=0 (Ignore).When the key counter is not installed, theWindows print queue will show the device offline.
DIPSW9-1=1 (Stop printing).When the key counter is not installed, the MFP does not show an offline condition; however, the machine is unable to receive
any print jobs even though the data LEDblinks as though it were receiving a print job.

The firmware is available from the download selector under Bizhub PRO 950 -> special firmware.Look for file 950us_GU0_20.exe.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001708EN* Solution Usage 4

C-A101 with "No response from control. Please power off" message. There are no controller menus.

CAUSE: Failed controller CF card.

SOLUTION: Replace the CF card (p/n A0Y5 R730 00).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901979EN* Solution Usage 3


CAUSE:The controller memory switch SW11* was set to an incorrect value at the factory.
Incorrect: SW11=1
Correct: SW11=0 (default)

* Memory switch SW11: The tray selection in the driver is ignored andthe tray is
selected automatically on machine. (The tray selected on the main body or ATS
has higher priority.)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup

WhenSW11=0, the tray selected in driver has priority.

WhenSW11=1, the following symptom may occur.

Because the tray selection on the printer driver is ignored if the SW-11 was set to 0, the document isn't printed on the desired paper.This function is not
suitable for most of customers.

Affected Machines: Machines where the controller firmware version is "A0Y50**-00P1-G00-10" or "A0Y50**-00P1-G00-11".

SOLUTION:When setting up a bizhub 950, reset the controller memory switch to the default usingthe following procedure.

If the machine has already beenset up,confirm thedefault setting of SW11 for the customer;returnthe value of SW11 to the default, if necessary.

1. On the operation panel, press [Controller]- [08 Administrator Setting]- [02 Default Setting]- [Start]. --> Memory switch is reset to default.
2.On the operation panel, press [Controller]- [08 Administrator Setting]- [02 Default Setting]- [01 Software Switch Setting] and confirm that the value of SW11
is "0".

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS/BSE

Solution ID TAUS0903061EN* Solution Usage 3

Duplex and Simplex (Mixplex) printing from the SAP applicationpages out of order.

CAUSE:This is caused by a bug inthe IC-Controller firmware which makes itunable to properly process mixplex PCL print data from SAP. This resultsin
incorrect print placement on pages resulting in pages out of order.

Example of issue with incorrect page order with a 5-page mixplex job:
Front Back
Page 1 Page 2
Page 3 Page 4
Page 5 -Blank-

The correct page placement should be:

Front Back
Page 1 Page 2
Page 3 -Blank-
Page 4 Page 5

SOLUTION:Special IC Controller firmware is available to correct this issue. This firmware is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the
Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.

bizhub PRO 950:version GC1-20

bizhub PRO 1200/1200P/1051:version GC2-10

The following controller software switch must be set to enable to correction:
SW22=0: Default
SW22=1:Enable correction
Note : Please refer to the attacheddocument for complete controller software switch list. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0652386EN* Solution Usage 2

Machine pauses between print jobs.

CAUSE: Continuation Print is not enabled.

SOLUTION: To enable Continuation of Print, perform the following:

1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Administrator Setting and enter the password.
3. Press Copier/Printer Setting.
4. Press Continuation of Print and press the ON icon.
Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
5. Press Exit to resume operations.

Solution ID TAUS0902138EN* Solution Usage 2

"Can't use this function in the current authentication mode" message when you try to log in through the engine NIC via a web browser and enter Machine
Manager Setting a Account Track Setting.
Note : Please see attachment for message. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

CAUSE: Account Authentication or Account Name Input is turned OFF on the engine.
(Account Track and User Authentication)

SOLUTION: Turn ON Account Authentication or Account Name Input. (There is no need to turn the engine OFF when this feature is enabled.)
How to enable Account Track
Enable Account Track on the engine using its control panel.
1. Utility/Counter.
2. Administrator Setting.
3. User Authentication.
4. General Setting.
5. User Authentication.
6. User Authentication = OFF
7. Account Track = ON
8. Account Name = OFF
9. Account Distribution Number = 1000
10. Account Track.
11. Copier/printer = USE
12. Scanner = USE m. OK, Close, Close, Close.

How to enable Account Track (bizhub PRO1050/1050e)

1. Utility/Counter.
2. Machine Manager Setting.
3. User Auth./Volume Track.
4. Authentication Method.
5. Authentication Setting:

User Authentication: OFF

Section Authentication: ON

Section Name Input: ON

User/ Section Auth. Connect: ON

Section Distribute Number: 1000

6. Select OK.
Note : Please see attached photo for reference.

How to enable Account Track ( bizhub PRO 950)

1. Utility/Counter.
2.Administrator Setting.
3. User Auth./Account Track.
4. Authentication Method.
5. Authentication Setting:

User Authentication: OFF

Account Authentication: ON

AccountName Input: ON
AccountDistribute Number: 1000
6. Select OK.
Note : Please see attached photo for reference.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Solution ID TAUS0902622EN* Solution Usage 1

C-A002 error code at power up.

CAUSE:Poor connection on the PCI interface boardin the controller.

SOLUTION: Reseat the PCI interface board connectionin the controller.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100224EN* Solution Usage 1

Unable to print to a Secure Folder when a key counter is not installed.

CAUSE: Firmware bug

SOLUTION: install firmware version GU8-22. After installing the firmware, set the DIP switches as follows:
DIP Sw 9-1 = 1
DIP Sw 28-5 = 1
The user will now be able to print to a Secure Folder without needing to have a key counter enabled.

Note: The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1103615EN* Solution Usage 1

Transfer Error when scanning to E-mail.

CAUSE: Machine Administrator E-mail address is not entered.

SOLUTION: Enter the Adminstrator E-mail address byfollowing this procedure.

1. Enter the Administrator mode.
2. Select Admin/Machine Settings.
3.Select Register Administrator.
4.Enter the name and administrator E-mail address and hit OK.
5. Exit back to Copy mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902192EN* Solution Usage 0

FILE SIZE IS TOO LARGE message when scanning over 250 pages to E-mail.The E-mail server has no limit setfor the file size.

CAUSE:The controller NIC MAX SERVER SIZE is not set for NO LIMIT.

SOLUTION:Browse to the controller NIC and sign in as administrator. Select Network => E-mail => E-mail TX SMTP=> NO LIMIT for the MAX
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902903EN* Solution Usage 0

Controller NIC speed setting does not hold;revertsto AUTO after cycling power.


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
CAUSE:This is caused by a firmware bug.

SOLUTION:Updates areavailable for the IP controller firmware and the 950 Image firmware tocorrect this issue. Upgrade the firmware to the following levels:

bizhub Pro 950 IP controller firmware:v.GC2-20

950 Image firmware (I-ROM):v.22-00

NOTE: System code, firmware, and drivers are available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1000189EN* Solution Usage 0

Performing LDAP search for email addresses via Netware

Cause:Curently LDAP search is not supported. This issue has been escalated to Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan.

KMBS/SSD is working with our partners in support in Japan to obtain a resolution for this issue as quickly as possible.

Note: If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the SSD hotline center at 1-800-825-5664. Once a ticket
has been established an E-mail will be sent when the solution is updated. For phone advisors, please attach to this solution for an automatic email that will be
sent to the technician when this solution is updated. End the call with call code "escalated to Japan".

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1000155EN* Solution Usage

The macro data included in a PCL file is not printed.

CAUSE: Controller firmware requires updating.

SOLUTION: Pleaseinstallthe attached Special firmware version GC2-20. This firmware is also available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access
the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.


Current Version

New Version

Program File Name


firmware (IC-Unit)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup





Checksum for ISWTrns

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1001083EN* Solution Usage

When upgrading firmware, the following code may be displayed: ISW Error 12.

A. Controller tried to delete the old backup data in IC HDD, but failed.
B. Controller tried to create the directory for the backup data in IC HDD, but failed.
C. Controller tried to backup the current firmware data of CF to IC HDD, but failed.

Escalated to Konica Minolta Japan. Escalations System Support has escalated this issue to the Engineering Center in Japan for review and possible

Japan is asking for Controller logs to investigate issue. If the situation occurrs, please use the attached procedure to obtaina controller log and attach it to
the ticket; then we will sendit to Japan for anaysis.

In the attachment below, there is a procedure to follow and a file to be copied to a USB stick, please do this or the'syslogall' file will not be copied to the USB

Thank you for your cooperation.

Note: If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the contact center at 1-800-825-5664. Once a ticket has
been established an E-mail will be sent when this solution is updated.
For phone advisors, please attach to this solution so that an automatic E-mail will be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. End the call with
call code "Escalated to Japan".

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001930EN* Solution Usage

Cannot use special characters for PageScope Web Connection login.

CAUSE: Special firmware required.

SOLUTION: Install special print controller firmware, ver. GU3-20, which enables special characters to be entered for PageScope Web Connection (PSWC)
Administrator and User Mode login.

After writing this firmware, enable the special characters function with DipSW 20-5.
DIPSW 20-5 = 0: Disabled (default)
DIPSW 20-5 = 1: Enabled
Refer to the attached file DLBT1001919EN02.pdf for additional details.

Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100128EN* Solution Usage


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Unable to scan to a Microsoft® Windows 2008 R2 share.

CAUSE: TCP requests (AD resource names) were handled by NetBIOS Protocol. Microsoft® Windows 2008 R2 prefers that TCP requests are handled by

SOLUTION: Install special firmware version GC7-20.

This new firmware supports the Direct Hosting function. Set the controller software switch as indicated:
Controller Software Switch 44 =0: Direct Hosting function Disabled (Default Setting)
=1: Direct Hosting function Enabled
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100181EN* Solution Usage

Cannot print to a User Box.

CAUSE: Printer driver is using the Standard TCP\IP printer in Microsoft® Windows and is set to RAW.

SOLUTION: In the bizhub PRO 950 print driver, for Standard TCP\IP printer,select the LPR port. Change the print driver to use an LPR port:
1. Right-click on the printer and select the printer Properties.
2. Select the Ports tab.
3. Select Configure Port.
4. Change the protocol to LPR and the Queue Name of print and press OK.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100381EN* Solution Usage

Machine indicates "The controller is abnormal". The TCP/IP address defaults to and the MAC address defaults to 00:00:00:00:00:00.

CAUSE: IC2101 (IC for network controller) has failed.

SOLUTION:Replace the Controller Control Boardassembly (p/n A0Y5 H100 01).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KM Australia (BAU)

Solution ID TAUS1103690EN* Solution Usage

Unable touse TWAIN driver when key counter mode is enabled. When the MFP is in Key Counter Mode, the TWAIN driver reports that the MFP is busy.

CAUSE: Incorrect DIP switch setting.

SOLUTION:Change DIP switch 9-1 to "0".This will allow the TWAIN driver to work in Key Counter Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1103777EN* Solution Usage

When printing a PCL file, the prints will not go to the correct output tray.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup

CAUSE: The print job has both PJL and PCL OUTBIN commands in it.

SOLUTION: Remove all of the PCL OUTBIN commands and leave the PJL OUTBIN command in the print file.
Note : Thecontrollers only support the PJL OUTBIN commands. They do not support OUTBIN PCL commands. Ifa controller receivesthe OUTBIN PCL
command, it will ignore both the PCL and PJL command.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Randy Marquardt, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1103838EN* Solution Usage

“Scanning is unavailable now in this mode and start print” is indicated when scanning a large number of originals into the machine using Program Job.

CAUSE: The limit of Program Job is exceeded. A maximum of 100 JOBs can be programed for an output job. This is a machine specification (see attached
page from Users Guide).

SOLUTION:Program lessthan 100 JOBs.

Note : To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KM Australia (BAU)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
Solution ID TAUS0701529EN* Solution Usage 11

Marks, streaks or smudges on copies/prints.

1. Toner builds up in the recycle pipes/hoses due to failure of RC-501 recycle pipe installation. Toner spills from lower casing of the drum carriage
(developing section), accumulates in the developing unit and the lower casing of the drum then falls onto the guide plate of the Transfer/Separation unit.
Clean and reconfigure the recycle pipes/hoses. There are two steps to the procedure:
a. Shorten the pipe to the recycle tank (see the photos below).
b. Pinch the recycle pipe with fingers and check the toner clogging.If the toner is clogged in the recycle pipe, clean it. Please seeattachedBulletin Number
6626for the cleaning procedure.

bizhub PRO 1050:

bizhub PRO 920:

2. The developing unit may need to be replaced and the firmware updated. (bizhub PRO 950 ONLY)
Iftoner spillage is a continuing problem:

Replace the current Developing Unit (p/n A0Y5 R70300)with the modified unit (p/n A0Y5 R703 11).
Update engine firmware to version 20 or later.
Installthe RC-501and mounting kit
IMPORTANT : Please be aware that the modified Developing Unit may not be readily available as this is a recently released modification by Konica Minolta
Japan. In the interim, order current available Developing Unit and update the firmware. Please refer to the attached documentation prior to ordering/installing
the parts/firmware.To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS1103552EN* Solution Usage 1

Dark background or shading approximately 5cm/2 incheswide.

Appears on rear side of print/copy.

Only appears at certain times of day.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
CAUSE:Sunlight entering cooling fan opening behind the bypass tray and striking the drum.

SOLUTION: Adjust machine position or find a way to block the light.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KM Australia (BAU)

Solution ID TAUS0902543EN* Solution Usage

Paper edge has toner on it.

CAUSE: ADU reversing section guide plate has toner build-up which transfers to paper edge.

SOLUTION: Replace current style guide plate with redesigned ADU reversing section guide plate (p/n A0Y5 8111 00). Please refer to the attached Part
Change document for illustration ofguide plateand the attached replacement procedure. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader®
can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Serial Number Cut-in
Since A0Y5011000430 U.S.
Since A0Y5012000006 U.S. GSA
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Other image quality failure
Solution ID TAUS1002288EN* Solution Usage

How to program the scanner compression method to MMR or MH compression.

To program the scanner compression method to MMR or MH, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop, 0, 0, Stop, 0, 1.
3. Touch [07 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Press the left down-arrow until [43] is displayed as the dipswitch.
6. Press the right down-arrow as necessary until [0] is displayed as the bit number.
7. Touch [ON(1)] to set the compression method to MH or touch [OFF(0)] to set the compression method to MMR. The default compression method for the
machine is MMR.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Image blank or solid color
Solution ID TAUS0901929EN* Solution Usage

Black image printed on tab section when printing from Microsoft® Word.

CAUSE: A blank page is created in Microsoft® Word using only an inserted page break. This page is then selected as the page to be printed using tabandthe
"Text on Tab" option is applied.

SOLUTION: Insert a space before the page break or remove the blank page from the document and use the "Insert Blank After" option in the driver. The
"Text on Tab" option can be applied to tab sheets set as "Insert Blank Before/After".
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Image delay, advance, shift or skew
Solution ID TAUS1002380EN* Solution Usage 7

Incorrect image rotation of prints after updating to Macintosh® OS 10.6.5.(image outputs as portrait direction on landscape sheet)
This issue may only occurwith Adobe® applications, especially InDesign®, but can occurwith any application.

CAUSE:The Macintosh® OS 10.6.5 update modifies the CUPS filter. Thisis an industry-wide issue and is notrelated to any issues with Konica Minolta drivers
and/or software.

SOLUTION: Apple® has identified the root cause of the issuewhichis resolvedwith the version 10.6.6 update. Please update to Macintosh® OS 10.6.6.
Note : To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1000129EN* Solution Usage

Landscape originals are copyingside 2upside-down.

CAUSE:Incorrect duplex settings.

SOLUTION:Make these settings are indicated on the duplex screen:

1. Original direction upside down.
2. Right\left binding.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002124EN* Solution Usage

When scanning mixed originals to E-mail, the PDF image opens upside down and has to be manually rotated 90°to be viewed correctly.

CAUSE: Image rotation on the IC scanner is restricted for mixed originals.

SOLUTION: Set software DIPSW 40-7 to 1 to allow rotation when scanning mixed originals.

Procedure for bizhub PRO 920

1. Enter the Tech. Rep. mode.
2. Press the [System Input] key. A sub menu appears on the right side of the screen.
3. Press the [Software Switch Setting] key on the sub menu.
4. Press the [+], [-] key or the numeric keys to select DIPSWnumber (in this case, 40 ) and Bit number (in this case, 7 ).
5. Press the [On (1)] or [Off (0)] key to set the selected bit number ON/OFF.
Note : Image Control firmware version 40 or later must be installed.

Procedure for bizhub PRO 950

1. Access the Service Mode andpress [07 System Setting].
2. Press [01 Software DIPSW Setting].
3. Press the [?], [?] or the numeric keys to select DIPSWnumber (in this case, 40 ) and Bit number (in this case, 7 ).
4. Press [On (1)] or [Off (0)] to set the selected bit number ON/OFF.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Image voids or deletions
Solution ID TAUS1002087EN* Solution Usage 4

Copy quality issues, streaks, dots, lines, uneven density on copies.

CAUSE: Premature wear of coronas and drums in production print environments caused by the blanket and roller wash usedto cleanoffset presses. Washes
withhigh VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) may have an adverse affect on copy quality.

SOLUTION:"Removes It #15195" blanket and roller wash is a recommended product (no V.O.C.). Manufacturer: Pacific Products, 91 Church Street, Sutter
Creek, CA. 95685 http://pacificproducts.webs.com/
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001087EN* Solution Usage 0

DF-606/DF-616, when copying a custom size original through the document feeder, part of the image is cut off.

CAUSE:Standard size original is selected.

SOLUTION: Use the following procedure for custom size originals:

1.On the Copy screen select Original Settings.
2. Select Custom Size.
3. Select Full Area.
4. Select OK.
5. Insert customsized originals in the DF and make copies.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Solution ID TAUS0702513EN* Solution Usage 28

How to install/connect an Equitrac© device.

There are 2 different methods for connecting the device.

Key counter connector = 4-pin

Vendor connector = 8-pin
Please note that Production models only support the Key Counter Only 4-Pin Connector (Plug and Play).They DO NOT support Vendor 2 connections.
To install/connect Equitrac© :
1.Equitrac©must have thesupply cable (Item #CABX0094)along with any adaptersfor the product.
2.Move the control panel up and then left.
3.Remove the curved, beige/white cover/panel (two screws) behind the control panel (noticea 4-pin connector).Depending upon the Equitrac©cable, the
adapteron top of it may have to be removed.
4. Remove the black cover on the right side of the platen glass and break off the cut-out nearest the control panel/front.
5.Connect the Equitrac©cable referenced in step 1 into the to cable behind the control panel.
6.Run the cable through the outlet that was broken off.
7.Replace all the covers and powerON the machine.
8.Go to the Tech Rep mode, then billing mode (stop-9).
9.Select "management function choice" toenable the counter.
10. Select "key counter only" tab.
11. Select "End".
12. Select "Exit".
13. There should be a red box on the main screen that indicates "Insert Plug-In counter".Thismeans thatthe device is ready.End user codecan now be entered
to activate the Equitrac© device.

Vendor Connector
1. Equitrac© must have the supply cable (Item #CABX0813) along with any adapters for the product.
2. Remove Back Cover.
3.Connect the Equitrac©cable referenced in step 1 into the to cable behind the control panel.
4.Run the cable through the outlet that was broken off.
5.Replace all the covers and powerON the machine.
6.Go to the Tech Rep mode, then billing mode (stop-9).
7.Select "management function choice" toenable the counter.
8. Select "Vendor 2 (+Key Counter)" tab.
9. Select "End".
10. Select "Exit".
11. There should be a red box on the main screen with a Vendor Message. Thismeans thatthe device is ready.End user codecan now be entered to activate
the Equitrac© device.
Note :The Production Models do not have a Billing Mode. Once you connect the cable (connector) the appropriate message will be displayed automatically.
Please see the attached connector documents and attached Marketing Bulletin 08-GB-028 for more details.
To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Earnest Newson - KMBS/Carrollton, TX and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0801706EN* Solution Usage 28

Paper Test requirements.


For initial test the dealer/branch must supply 1000 sheets of the media paper. Once the paper is received the ticket is transferred to ESS.

If the initial test does not have any issues then a second test can be done. The dealer/branch must supply enough media to cover 1/3 of a PM cycle. There is
a charge involved to cover labor and supplies. The dealer/branch will be notified byESS before the test to communicate the charges.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0900736EN* Solution Usage 24

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
How to load a 32-bit driver on a 64-bit operating system.

Please follow this step-by-step procedure and refer to the attached video.
1. Load the 64-bit driver on the server and share it out.
2. Load a 32-bit driver on a workstation locally.
3. From the workstation perform the Run command to connect to the server (example: \\ and press enter. This should bring up the server.
4.Navigate to the previously shared out printer on the server.
5. Right-click on the shared out printer and select properties.
6. Select the sharing tab and then click on the Additional Drivers button.
7. Select or check-off the 32-bit driver to be added to the 64-bit system.
8. Select OK and then browse to the folder that houses the 32-bit driver to be installed and select OK. The Additional Drivers window should now have the
32-bitand 64-bit checked off.
9. Check the Additional Drivers of the Server to make sure that the 32-bit has been pushed up (right-click on the shared out printer of the server
=>Properties =>Sharing Tab =>Additional Drivers).
Notes :
a.This was tested on like versions of 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.
b.To viewthis procedure, Apple© QuickTime®should be installed.It can be downloaded for free at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0603169EN* Solution Usage 16

Can NCR PAPER® be used as copy paper?

NCRPAPER® has only been approved for use in the bizhub PRO C500/920/1050.
Konica Minoltarecommends an NCR PAPER® named Xero/Form® II fromAppleton Papers in Wisconsin. Xero/Form® II is a vegetable-based product
that works extremely well.
Note : For the bizhub PRO C500 and 920, refer to Bulletin #5349 . For the bizhub PRO 1050 series see Marketing Bulletin #05-GB-014 .
To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .

Solution ID TAUS0658074EN* Solution Usage 16

CS Remote Care/vCare E-mail Setup Instructions.

Attached are the zipped CSRC E-mail Setup Instructions:

bizhub PRO 1050/1050P/1050e vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.8.5

bizhub 200/250/350/222/282/362 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.3.0

bizhub 360/420/500/600/750 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.2.1

bizhub PRO 920 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.8.2

bizhub C451/C550/C650/C203/C253/C353/C552/C652/361/421/501 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail (One-Way) Setup Instructions version 1.3.0

bizhub PRO 950 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail (One-Way) Setup Instructions version 1.3.2

bizhub C200 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.2.0

bizhub C450/C351/C250/C352/C300 CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.3.8

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
bizhub C451/C550/C650/C203/C253/C353 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail (Two-Way) Setup Instructions version 1.0.0

bizhub PRO C500/8050/IP-901/IP-921/IC-405/IC-302 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.8.3

bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500/C5501/C6501/C65hc/Main body NIC vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.4.0
Notes :
1. To open the file WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The file can
either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view.
2.This vCare documentation can also be found by using the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert
Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'. Please see attached procedure. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed.
Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .

Solution ID TAUS0648640EN* Solution Usage 15

Key Counter location (4-pin connector).

Please see the attacheddocumentation to see the various Key Counter (4-pin) locations. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe

Note : Equitrac© must have the supply cable (Item #CABX0094) along with any adapters for the product.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0657371EN* Solution Usage 15

Citrix® compatibility.

Citrix® has published a list of KMBS products and their compatibility with different versions of Citrix® . These are known as Citrix® Ready™ products.
KMBS has also done some testing that might notdocumented on theCitrix® Ready™ products web page.Attached is a document with additional information
on Konica Minolta's Citrix Ready Certified products.
Also, refer to the attached Citrix® compatibility list for additional information.Some products not listed below arelisted in the attached document.It covers
other MFPs like the bizhub 600/601/750/751/360/361/362/420/421/500/501/162/180/210/222/282, the bizhub C350/C353/C253/C203, the bizhub PRO
1050/920 and controllers like theIC-303 and IC-409.
To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Note : The test resultsfor

bizhub C652DS/C552DS and C360/C280/C220with XenApp® 6.0 are included.

bizhub 652/602 for XenApp® 5.0 are included.

bizhub C20 for XenApp® 5.0 are included.

Konica Minolta Universal Printer Driverare included.

Tested in both the Citrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix® Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft®
Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version 1.0.1, the Adobe® PostScript driver version 1.0.0 or
the PCL driver version 1.01 the print controller can be used without restrictions.

Tested in both the Citrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix® Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Word 2003/Excel 2003 and
Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version 2.0.28, the Adobe® PostScript driver version 2.0.28 or the PCL
driver version 2.0.0, the print controller can be used without restrictions.

Tested in both theCitrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and theCitrix® Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft®
Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the GDI driver version 1.00 or the PCL driver version 1.00 the print controller can be used
with the following restrictions:
1. Cancelled print jobs may stay in queue when using the GDI driver.
2. The printer icon may disappear when cancelling a print job when using the GDI driver.
3. Print jobs may hang when printing from two or more workstations simultaneously using the GDI driver.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Tested withCitrix® Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 1.1.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The only restrictions found were that Owner Information functions were
not available.

Tested in both the Citrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix® Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel
2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6 applications loaded. Testing has been performed with the PostScript driver version 1.0.
The following restrictions:
1. The mixed media function may not be used.
2. Enabling the "Delete pending print jobs at logout" on the Metaframe™ server does not result in the print jobs being deleted.
3. Print job access codes should not be used.

Tested withCitrix® Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 1.0.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The following are restrictions that were found:
1. Custom Size setting is not available.
2.Owner Information, Lock Job and Copier store print functions are not available.
3. The client default settings are not saved.

Tested withCitrix® Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 2.0.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The only restrictions found were thatMedia Mixed function is not
available by network printer.

Tested in both the Citrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix® Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft®
Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version, the PostScript Adobe® driver version
or the PCL driver version 1.0.1 the print controller can be used with the following restrictions:
1. The watermark function will not function when using the PCL driver.
2. The PostScript Visual driver is not available with Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server.
3. Booklet mode may not function when called within Adobe® Acrobat®.

Tested withCitrix® Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 1.1 and 2.1.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The only restrictions found were that Owner Information functions were
not available.

bizhub C350 Standard Controller

Tested in both the Citrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix® Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel
2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6 applications loaded. Testing has been performed with the PCL driver version 1.0 with the following restriction:
The watermark feature will not be available on a locally installed printer.

bizhub 200/250/350 Standard Controller

Tested in both the Citrix® Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix® Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft®
Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version 1.0.1 or the PCL driver version 1.0.2 the print
controller can be used with the following restrictions:
1. The custom paper size setting is not available.
2. The default selections made on client workstations will not be reflected on the printer properties screens.

bizhub C650/C550/C451/C450/C352/C351/C300/C252/C250
Tested withCitrix® Metaframe™.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.No restrictions were found in testing.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS0900739EN* Solution Usage 13

How to load a 64-bit driver on a 32-bit Server system (Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server/Vista™).

Please follow this step-by-step procedure and refer to the attached video.
1. Load the 64-bit driver on the client.
2. Load the 32-bit driver on the server and share it out.
Note : If you receive a pop-up indicating “COPY ERROR”, setup cannot copy this file. Example: KOZJA_.PP_. This could possibly be a file path length
limitation. Try reducing this limitation by pulling out the specific driver needed and placing it on the desktop.
3. From the 64-bit client perform the Run command to connect to the 32-bit server (example: \\ and press enter.
4. Double-click on the shared out printer.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
5. Select printer and then properties.
6. Select the Sharing tab and click on the additional drivers box.
7. Select or check-off the 64-bit (x64) driver to be added to the 32-bit server.
8. Select OK and the 64-bit driver should be pushed up to the server.
9. Check the additional drivers of the client and server to confirm that the x86 (32-bit) and x64 are both installed.
Notes :
a.This was tested on like versions of 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.
b.To viewthis procedure, Apple© QuickTime®should be installed.It can be downloaded for free at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901640EN* Solution Usage 13

How to perform a file capture.
Note : IC-601 will support bizhub PRESScolor MFPsin April of 2011.

Pleaseunzip the attached WinZip® file to accessthe procedure.WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website:
http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm .The file can either be saved to disk or opened.It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local
computer to view.
To viewthe zipped PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Thedocument addresses the topics:

USB memory
Key files for log acquisition
Setting of the controller
Situation of needed controller log and captured files
Procedure of acquisition of the controller defective log
Procedure of acquisition of the controller capture
The required key files (showalllog and getcapture) are also included.

Key file for acquisition of the defective log of the controller: showalllog
Key file for acquisition of the controller capture: getcapture
Store either key filein the USB memory.If both key files are stored in the USB memory at the same time, the files may not be captured correctly.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0649664EN* Solution Usage 12

What is the user ID and password to access the Machine Manager (Administrator) section of the main body NIC?

The user ID is: admin (lowercase) and the password is: 00000000 .
Note : If this password is changed and or forgotten, the main body allows for a new password entry in Tech Rep mode/Admin Setting/Admin Password
Setting. Enter the new password and press OK.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0654653EN* Solution Usage 11

RC-501 Parts Manual.

See the attached RC-501 Parts Manual. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Note : Some of the parts listed:

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

Waste toner collecting box (p/n 14RT -970 2)

Recycle pump (p/n 14RT R701 00)
RCDB (p/n 14RT R702 00)

Solution ID TAUS0655764EN* Solution Usage 11

What is the item number for the RC-501 recycle unit?

RC-501 recycle unit (Item #14RU).
Note : The Mounting Kit for the bizhub PRO 920/950 (p/n 57GA -K01 1) is also required. Please refer to attached RC-501 Installation Manual as an
additional reference. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS0703092EN* Solution Usage 11

MFP devices supported by eCopy™ ShareScan™ version 4.3

Please refer to attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Notes :
1. The latest version firmware is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by
clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
2. The latest printer drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from theKMBS public site
(http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers,
Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byBill Hall, Workgroup/SSD and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0700218EN* Solution Usage 10

When should the RC-501be installed?

The RC-501 should be installed under the following conditions:

Low coverage originals under 3% average (Black Ratio Data). Coverage based on average black ratio data collected by machine.
High coverage original over 15% average (Black Ratio Data). Coverage based on average black ratio data collected by machine.
Low coverage originals under 3%.
High volume of small size copies (postcard) where Black Ratio is 1% or less.
High volume of cover sheet insertion from PI to small number of page jobs (10 or less pages w/Cover).
Original Coverage above 3% that the customer complains the density is too low during large runs.
Environments where excessive paper dust is generated.
Environments where pre-printed stock containing blocking powder is used.

Solution ID TAUS0902131EN* Solution Usage 9

ICP list.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

In order to enhance the safety of the product, ICPs are implemented. An ICP is IC protection and it works as fuse. If current to a board, motor or the other
device exceeds the rated value, the ICP is OPEN to protect circuitry.See attached document for the ICP (fuse)list for main body and peripherals. To viewthe
PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0648443EN* Solution Usage 8

How to remove print drivers from Macintosh® OS X, 10.2x, 10.3x, 10.4x, 10.5x.

Follow the How to remove Macintosh OS X drivers instructions to correctly remove driver files prior to installing a new or updated version of the driver. This
is highly recommended to avoid driver conflict.
Completely deleting/removing the PPD plug-ins for the loading of the driver will NOT overwrite the previous versions.
Notes :
1.See attached screenshot for reference.
2. To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bill Ehmke, ESS and Freddie Burnham/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0701396EN* Solution Usage 8

How to remotely Create, Import and Export Account Track accounts using a browser.

To create a large number of accounts in Account Track using an internet browser, follow these steps. This is faster and easier than creating them through the
engine control panel. It has been tested with up to 200 accounts. You can use this method to transfer Account Track Information from one engine to another.
1. Enable Account Track on the engine using its control panel.
a. Utility/Counter
b. Administrator Setting
c. User Authentication
d. General Setting
e. User Authentication
f. User Authentication = OFF
g. Account Track = ON
h. Account Name = OFF
i. Account Distribution Number = 1000
j. Account Track
k. Copier/printer = USE
l. Scanner = USE m. OK, Close, Close, Close.
2. Create at least one account using the control panel.
3. Export the account list from the engine to a local computer.
a. With a browser, connect to the engine. (Not the controller)
b. Using the web browser, go to Machine Manager Setting.
c. Login to the engine. Login Name = admin ; Password = 12345678 .
d. Setting Data Import/Export.
e. Account Track Data (Tab Separated).
f. Export.
g. Save the resulting file (vt_tab.txt).
4. Edit the exported file using Microsoft Windows Notepad or another text editor.
a. Add users as follows: password [TAB] username [TAB] 0 [Enter].
b. Repeat step (a) for each user.

c. Save the file.

Note :You canview an edited file on page 5of the attached Import/Export document.
5. Import the edited file back to the engine.
a. Click Import.
b. Browse to the edited file on the local computer.
c. Click Import.
Note : The transfer is in real-time without the need to reboot the engine. Please see the attached sample txt output and Import/Export procedure. To

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902479EN* Solution Usage 8

How to set up Scan to SMB on Microsoft® Windows 2008 Server.

Please see the attached video for the procedure. The video should be played on Microsoft® Windows Media Player version 9 or later. The latest Media
Player can be downloaded at: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/default.mspx .

NOTE: Video is only for the settings on the server. Settings on the main body vary by model.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0800473EN* Solution Usage 7

Is GBC® pre-punched paper a supported paper type?

At this time GBC® pre-punched paperis not a supported papertype.
If attempting to run this stock and jamming occurs, it may be possible to lessen jamming by:

Feeding paper in the 8.5x11Rdirection.

Rotating the output image and aligining the paper to feedwith the punched holes on thetrail edge (non-feed side).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0801272EN* Solution Usage 7

Support for Account Track, Secure Print, and User Authentication from Unix/Linux environments.

The Konica Minolta Print Utility v1.8,whichsupports Account Track, Secure Print, and User Authentication from Unix/Linux environments, has been released.
Details are included in the attached PDF document.

The Konica Minolta Print Utility v1.8 supports the following Unix and Linux platforms;
Sun Solaris 7, 8, 9, and 10 (Sparc,x86)
IBM-AIX 5L v5.1 and above (Power)
HP-UX 11.11 and above (PA-RISC, Itanium2)
Red Hat Linux 8 and 9 (x86)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, 3, 4, and 5 (x86)
SuSe Linux Professional 9.2 and 9.3 (x86)
SuSe Linux 10 (x86)
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 and 4.0 (x86)

The Konica Minolta Print Utility v1.8 supports the following KM products;
7145 (IP-432)
7155, 7165 (IP-511)
7075, Force75 (IP-601/601M)
7085 (IP-602)
bizhub 7222, 7228, 7235 (IP-424)
7255, 7272 (IP-511A)
bizhub PRO 1050/1050P
bizhub PRO 920
bizhub 750, 600
bizhub 500/420/360
bizhub 350 (embeddedcontroller)
bizhub 501/421/361
bizhub C450, C450P (embeddedcontroller)
bizhub C351(embeddedcontroller)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
bizhub C352/352P/C300 (embeddedcontroller)
bizhub C250, C250P
bizhub C252
bizhub C650/C550 (embeddedcontroller)
bizhub C451 (embeddedcontroller)
bizhub C353/C353P/C253/C203 (embeddedcontroller)
magicolor 8650
* bizhub C652DS/552DS/652/552/452 (embeddedcontroller)
* bizhub PRO 1200/1200P/1051 (embeddedcontroller)
* bizhub C360/280/220
* bizhub PRO 950 (embeddedcontroller)
* bizhub 362/282/222
* bizhub 601/751

* - The PPD's for these KM MFP's are not part of the initial Konica Minolta Print Utility v1.8 (KMPU1.8) install package.
These additional PPD's as well as the complete Konica Minolta Print Utility v1.8 are available
for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.

Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902253EN* Solution Usage 7

Part Number for actuator in finisher stapler unit.

Actuator (p/n 15SJ P720 00). This actuatordetects the remaining quantity of staples and may come off whenreplacing the staple cartridge.
Notes :
1.This part iscompatible with the following:
Mass production models

ColorMFP FS-608/FS-607 - bizhub C650/C550/C451 and bizhub PRO C5500/C5501/C6500/C6500P/C6501/C6501P/C65hc

B/WMFP FS-602/FS-604/FS-611 - bizhub 600/750 and bizhub PRO 920/950
Discontinued model

FS-110(13QE)/FS-210(13QJ) - 7155/7165
FS-110(14JS)/FS-210(14JT) - 7272/7255
FS-108 - 7085/7075
2. Installation of Actuator
Using tweezers (or something similar), please install the actuator in the position shown in theattached photo. Ensure to set the two pins on the side of the
actuator andpay attentiontothe direction of the actuator.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001525EN* Solution Usage 7

Setting up Scan-to-SMB (Microsoft® Windows File Sharing) with Macintosh® 10.5.8, Macintosh® 10.6.3 and Macintosh® 10.6.7

The attacheddocumentation will guide you on whatis required in order to share a folderthen make it available on the network, andwhatsettings must
beentered on the various machines via a web browseror as a walk-up. To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Related Topics
Macintosh® 10.5.8, Macintosh® 10.6.3 and Macintosh® 10.6.7setup procedure:
Confirm the User and available Shared Folders

Verify the network information of the Workstation

Create and Share a Folder

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Checkthe firewall
Check from another computer
Procedure via a Web Browser oras a walk-up
Scan to a Sub-Folder (Web Browser and walk-up setup)
Create a Favorite
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by SSD Printer Support and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902476EN* Solution Usage 6

How to default to 3-hole punch rather than 2-hole punch; the bizhub PRO 950 defaults to 2-hole punch when the Hole Punch feature is selected.

Firmware is available that willallow the punch default of the bizhub 950 to be set for three-hole punch.Please installfirmware version G00-23 (print control)
and version G00-21 (image control).This firmware isavailable from the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
To change the default setting of hole punch setting:

DIPswitch 24-2 = 0: Current setting.

DIPswitch 24-2 = 1: When the hole punch holeis 2/3 or 2/4, and Punch function is never used, the "Left of 3-Hole Punch" or "Left of 4-Hole Punch" is
Refer toattached Release Notes prior to installing the firmware. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.
Note : Also installimage control Special firmware version I0-GM4-21if the following functions are required:

Mixed paper size printing for the Program Job.

Bundling jobs for stapling in the Program Job.

Bundling “file combination” jobs in HDD for stapling.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gabe Smith, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001661EN* Solution Usage 6

Setting up Scan-to-E-mail using a ® account.

Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Gmail® settings are:

pop.gmail.com in the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) field

smtp.gmail.com in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) field

Gmail® uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Port 465 SSLin the Outgoing mail (SMTP)

Port 587 START TLS in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) (if SSL is unavailable)
Port 995SSL in the incoming mail (POP3)
Gmail® also requires POP download to be enabled. This is located under settings, Forwarding and POP/IMAP. Make sure Enable POP for all mail is
selected. Be sure to save changes.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Note : For for setting up Scan-to-E-mail, please see the following solutions:

How to scan to E-mail using Emperon controller.

The Start button is amber when attempting to scan to E-mail.

Scan to E-mail is not working; Start button is amber (orange).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0702294EN* Solution Usage 5

How to configure LDAP access on a Lotus® Notes R5 or R6 server.

Performing a LDAP Search using an Anonymous Connection via Lotus Notes.

(supportedLDAPVersion) not enabled.

LDAP Production R5/R6 server setup :
1. Edit Notes.ini and add LDAP task. ServerTasks = Router, Replica, Update, Amgr, AdminP, CalConn, Event, Sched, Stats, HTTP, POP3, maps, LDAP.
2. Create a new Configuration document for LDAP to control Anonymous Access.
3. Create a new Configuration doc, call it Allservers in the Group or Server name, then save and close the doc.
4. Now open the Allservers doc. Note that the Basics tab has changed.
5. Select Use these settings as the default for all servers. Note that Group or Server name is now *-Default-. Also there is now an LDAP tab.
6. Click on the fields that you want to be accessible button.
7. Set it to show First Name InternetAddress and LastName only. Do this so only limited info is available.
Notes :
a. If you upgrade a server from a previous release to Lotus® Domino 6, the LDAP service uses the LDAP anonymous access configuration from the previous
release. If you create or edit the domain Configuration Settings documents after updating the directory with the Lotus® Domino 6 PUBNAMES.NTF design,
the list of attributes allowed for anonymous access include the following attributes (attached - ldap1.pdf)not listed in the previous release:
b.The Allservers configuration doc will only affect the servers running LDAP. It will also allow the MFPs to access LDAP without using an authentication
account and password. This is the method that all users are using according to Lotus® Incident 1632724.
c. Please refer to the attached document for more detail.
d. To view the document(s), Microsoft® Word® or Word® Viewer must be installed. Word® Viewer 2003 (11.7MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at
the following URL; http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&FamilyID=95e24c87-8732-48d5-8689-ab826e7b8fdf .
e. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0800600EN* Solution Usage 5

How to createone-touch addressesfrom the main body NIC.

To configure the main body NIC to allow creation of one-touch addresses,pleaseperform the following:
1. Enter Admin mode.
2. Press Machine NIC Settings.
3. Enter the TCP/IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
4. Connect the main body NIC to the Network.
5. Browse to the machine NIC TCP/IP address.
6. Select Machine Manager Setting.
7. Enter user name, admin and password, 00000000 .
8. Select Scan Transmission Settings.
9. Enter the E-mail data into the Scan to E-mail settings and press Registration.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001264EN* Solution Usage 5

How to set up Scan-to-SMB (file sharing):

in a Domain environment.
in a Workgroup (Peer-to-Peer environment).

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

The attacheddocumentation will guide you on whatrequired in order to share a folderthen make it available on the network, andwhatsettings must beentered
on the various machines via a web browseror as a walkup. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Related Topics
Microsoft® Windows XP setup procedure:
Confirm the User and available Shared Folders

Verify the network information of the Workstation

Create and Share a Folder
Checkthe firewall
Check from another computer
Procedure on a Domain via a Web Browser oras a walkup
Scan using a Host Name
Set up a hidden Share
Scan to a hiddenShare (Web Browser and walkup settings)
Scan to a Sub-Folder (Web Browser and walkup setup)
Create a Favorite
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001452EN* Solution Usage 5

How to set up Scan-to-SMB (file sharing)for Microsoft® Windows Vista™ andMicrosoft® Windows 7:

in a Domain environment.
in a Workgroup (Peer-to-Peer environment).

The attacheddocumentation will guide you on whatrequired in order to share a folder, make it available on the network, andwhatsettings must beentered on
the various machines via a web browseror as a walkup. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Related Topics
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ andMicrosoft® Windows 7 setup procedure:
(Ultimate and Home Premium Editions)
Confirm the User and available Shared Folders

Verify the network information of the workstation

Create and Share a folder
Checkthe firewall
Check from another computer
Procedure on a Domain via a web browser oras a walk-up
Scan using a Host name
Set up a hidden Share
Scan to a hiddenShare (web browser and walk-up settings)
Scan to a sub-folder (Web Browser and walk-up setup)
Create a Favorite
Note: The information in the attached document also applies to models not specifically identified in the document due to dates of product introduction. The
information applies if the machine is listed in the applicable models for this solution.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Solution ID TAUS1001830EN* Solution Usage 5

When using the Emperon controller, print job output is delayed approximately 90 seconds after the touchscreen mode has changed from [COPY] mode then
back to [COPY].

CAUSE:The Printer Prohibit Timer has been programmed to [90 Seconds].

SOLUTION:To program the Printer Prohibit Timer, perform the following:

1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [[02 Function Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the touchscreen. Printer Prohibit Timer will be displayed on the left side of the touchscreen and the
programmable options will be displayed on the right side of the touchscreen.
4. Touch [OFF] on the touchscreen which will eliminate any delay after the touchscreen mode has changed from [COPY] mode and then back to [COPY]. If,
the customer desires a delay touch [15 Seconds], [30 Seconds], [60 Seconds] or [90 Seconds] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contributed by Matthew Bonvie, KMBS/Boston Metro

Solution ID TAUS0647939EN* Solution Usage 4

How to print the account data (Account Track, ECM, EKC) counter list from the machine.

To print the data list from the machine, perform the following:
1. Press the [Utility Counter] key.
2. Select [06 Administrator Setting].
3. Select [01 System Setting].
4. Select [04 Management List Print].
5. Select [03 Use Management List].
6. Select [Copy].
7. Select the desired output paper tray.
8. Press OK.
9. Press [Start].
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0701663EN* Solution Usage 4

Printgroove supported models.

The followingare supported by Printgroove version 1.5.0:

bizhub PRO 1050/1050P/1050e/1050eP(embedded)

bizhub PRO 950(embedded)

bizhub PRO 920(IC-203)


bizhub PRO C500/8050(IP-901/IC-302/IC-405)

bizhub PRO C500(IC-301)

bizhub PRO C6500(IC-303/IC-305/IC-408/IC-304)

bizhub PRO C6500P(IC-303/IC-305/IC-304)

bizhub PRO C6501(IC-305/IC-408)

bizhub PRO C6501P(IC-305)

bizhub PRO C65hc(IC-305)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

bizhub PRO C5500(IC-408)

bizhub PRO C5501(IC-305/IC-408)

bizhub PRO C650(IC-409)

bizhub PRO C550(IC-409)

bizhub PRO 1051/1200/1200P(embedded)

bizhub PRO 1600PwithSmart Imager R11

bizhub PRO 2000P withSmart Imager R11

bizhub PRO 2500P withSmart Imager R11

Xerox DocuTech 6100 seriesDocuSP4.x
Note : Please refer to the attacheddocument for additional information on Printgroove supported models. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a
free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902105EN* Solution Usage 4

How to determine the print data stream of a spool file on an AS/400®.

To determine the print stream that a spool file has been created in, use the command: wrkoutq
1. On the resulting screen, locate the queue that contains the spool file. Useoption 5 to display the spool files.
2.On the resulting list, enter option 8 beside the desired spool file. The attributes for the spool file will be displayed.
3. Page Down to the next screen and locate Printer device type. To the right, you will see the data stream type: *SCS, *IPDS *AFPDS,*USERASCII, or
This information is important to determine which print server to use in orderto print the spool file.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE

Solution ID TAUS0902480EN* Solution Usage 4

How to set up Scan to FTP on Microsoft® Windows 2008 Server.

Please see the attached video for the procedure. The video should be played on Microsoft® Windows Media Player version 9 or later. The latest Media
Player can be downloaded at: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/default.mspx .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0603556EN* Solution Usage 3

Power consumption data.

Please see attachedpower consumption data for warm-up, standby, and running modes.

To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Solution ID TAUS0647205EN* Solution Usage 3

What is the username and password for Extension for Maintenance (Web Utilities) when browsing to the mainbody NIC?

The user ID is: ce (lowercase) and the password is: 92729272 .
Note : The user namecannot be changed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio/Jim Behrends/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0657055EN* Solution Usage 3

Part numbers for the Punch Kit (PK) Driving Board assembly (PDB).

PK-2/PK-110/PK-502 Punch Driving Board assembly (p/n 13QR -931 2E)
PK-503 Punch Driving Board assembly (p/n 15KJ -901 1E)
PK-504 Punch Driving Board assembly (p/n 15KA -901 1E)
PK-505 Punch Driving Board assembly (p/n 15KY H010 00)

Solution ID TAUS0700396EN* Solution Usage 3

PostScript printer PPD files for LINUX (CUPS) printing and for OpenOffice application.

The PostScript printer PPD files for LINUX environments using CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) and for OpenOffice (Word Processor application) are
available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com .
2. Select the "Service"tab locatedat the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
6. Select Product Group, Product, File Type (Drivers) and OS (Linux).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0900083EN* Solution Usage 3

How to default the opening scan size of a scanned document from Adobe® Acrobat® 7/8/9.

To default the opening scan size of a scanned document via Adobe® Acrobat® 7/8/9 perform the following:
1.Open a PDF.
2.Select Edit and then Preferences (see attached photo).
3.Click on Page Display => Magnification. Zoom to Scroll and select the desired opening size.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio/Ian Lynch/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901729EN* Solution Usage 3

How to determine the MAC address of the mainbody NIC or the controller NIC.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
The easiest method to determine theMAC address is to type the following line of text from a DOS prompt: arp <space> TCP/IP address of the
mainbodyNIC <space> - a <carriage return>
The screen will display theTCP/IP address followed by the physical address (MAC address).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902852EN* Solution Usage 3

GP-501 compatibility.

The GP-501 GBC Punch Unit iscompatible with the bizhub PRO 950 after installing version 20 firmware (G00-20 - filename: 950us 20.exe ). The latest
version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Notes :
1.The GP-501 itself does NOT include any punch dies. At least one die set (DS-501 through DS-506) must be ordered along with the GP-501.






GBC Punch Unit - Inline GBC punching with selectable die sets. Dies not included.



3-hole Punch Die Ring Binder 3-hole, 5/16 diameter



19-hole Cerlox Punch Die Plastic bind Cerlox Standard 19-hole



32-hole Wirebind Punch Die WireBind square 32-hole



21-hole Wirebind Punch Die WireBind rectangular 21-hole

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous



44-hole Color Coil Punch Die Color coil round 44-hole



11-hole Velobind Punch Die Velo Bind round 11-hole

2. Unlike the bizhub PRO 1200/1051 and bizhub PRO C65xx series, attachment of the GP-501 to the bizhub PRO 950 does NOT require an RU-506 Relay
Unit. Instead, you must order an MK-724 Mount Kit (Item #A1AYWY1) to connect the GP-501 to a bizhub PRO 950.
3. Please see attached Release Notes prior to installing the firmware. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS0701254EN* Solution Usage 2

Part number for the mounting kit needed for the installation of the RC-501 toner recycle unit.

RC mounting kit(p/n 57GA-K011).
Note : The Clamp, Nylon clamp and TP screw M4x8are including included withtheRC mounting kit. See attached document. To view a PDF, you may need
to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS0901873EN* Solution Usage 2

Item number for PS-504 Adobe PostScript Option.

PS-504 Adobe® PostScript Option (Item #A10R011).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000015EN* Solution Usage 2

Drum cleaning blade position detection.

Firmware is available that will improve the detection of erratic operation of cleaning blade. The detectingsensitivity ofthe blade position detection sensor is
increased. C-2206 malfunction code will be displayed when aproblem is detected (this code is not new).
Please installfirmware version G00-23 (print control) and version G00-21 (image control).This firmware isavailable from the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Refer toattached Release Notes prior to installing the firmware. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.
Note : Also installimage control Special firmware version I0-GM4-21if the following functions are required:

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

Mixed paper size printing for the Program Job.

Bundling jobs for stapling in the Program Job.

Bundling “file combination” jobs in HDD for stapling.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1000446EN* Solution Usage 2

How to set the default screen.

To set the default screen follow these procedures:
1. Press Utility.
2. Select System Settings.
3. Select Default Screen Setting.
4. Select from Copy screen, Machine screen orJob List screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001042EN* Solution Usage 2

Troubleshooting no power/no display.

Please use the attached document as a guide when the bizhub PRO 950 does not power ON.
To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001696EN* Solution Usage 2

How to set up Scan-to-SMB (file sharing)for Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server.

The attacheddocumentation will guide you on whatrequired in order to share a folder, make it available on the network, andwhatsettings must beentered on
the various machines via a web browseror as a walkup. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Related Topics
Microsoft® Windows2003 Serversetup procedure:
Confirm the User and available Shared Folders

Verify the network information of the Server

Create and Share a folder
Checkthe firewall
Check from another computer
Procedure on a Domain via a web browser oras a walk-up
Scan using a Host name
Set up a hidden Share
Scan to a hiddenShare (web browser and walk-up settings)
Scan to a sub-folder (Web Browser and walk-up setup)
Create a Favorite
Note : All Server Settings should be performed by the customer's Network Administrator only.
For more information please see the Microsoft® KB Article ID: 887429 - Overview of Server Message Block Signing .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001933EN* Solution Usage 2

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
How to enable/disable jam code display on the touchscreen.

To enable/disable jam code display on the touchscreen, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop, 0, 0, Stop, 0, 1.
3. Touch [07 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Repeatedly press the left up-arrow until the selected dipswitch is 11.
6. Repeatedly press the right up-arrow until the selected bit number is [7].Touch [On(1)] to enable jam code display on the touchscreen or [Off(0)] to disable
jam code display on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002204EN* Solution Usage 2

How to set up Scan-to-SMB (file sharing)for Microsoft® Windows 2008 Server.

The attacheddocumentation will guide you on whatrequired in order to share a folder, make it available on the network, andwhatsettings must beentered on
the various machines via a web browseror as a walkup. To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

To view the video, you may need to download a free copy of Windows® Media Player.

Related Topics
Microsoft® Windows2008 Serversetup procedure:
Confirm the User and available Shared Folders

Verify the network information of the Server.

Create and Share a folder
Checkthe firewall
Check from another computer
Procedure on a Domain via a web browser oras a walk-up
Scan using a Host name
Set up a hidden Share
Scan to a hiddenShare (web browser and walk-up settings)
Scan to a sub-folder (Web Browser and walk-up setup)
Create a Favorite
Note : All Server Settings should be performed by the customer's Network Administrator only.
For more information please see the Microsoft® KB Article ID: 887429 - Overview of Server Message Block Signing .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0654368EN* Solution Usage 1

"Server Connect" error message when scanning to E-mail. Both locations can see users in LDAP look up. The first location there were no issues when
sending E-mail. The second location would give Server Connect error.

CAUSE: Two locations are connected via 100MB metro ethernet WAN. The timeout was set to max. The customer has two E-mail servers; one at each site.

SOLUTION: Change the SMTP mail server address to the local mail server.

Solution ID TAUS0657054EN* Solution Usage 1

PK-505, part number for the Size Detect Board assembly (PS305).


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
PS305 (p/n 13NK -961 1).

Solution ID TAUS0702534EN* Solution Usage 1

How to install a printer using LPR (IP Printing) under Macintosh® OS9.

Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached document.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0800946EN* Solution Usage 1

How to find/display a MAC address.

To find the MAC address of a specific device in a Microsoft® Windows environment, such as a main body internal NIC, access the command prompt,PING
the TCP/IP address of the device and then perform the command, arp –a .
The attached procedures are for Microsoft® Windows 98/NT/2000/2003/XP, DOS/Microsoft® Windows 3.11/Microsoft® Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft®
Windows Vista™ and Macintosh® OS X. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe®
web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Note : Also attached is the Technitium MAC Address Changer© freeware program. This software is not supported by Konica Minolta and is to be used at
your own risk.
To open the ZIP file, WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The file
can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0802376EN* Solution Usage 1

Pagescope Data Administrator compatibility.

TheMFP is not compatible with Pagescope Data Administrator.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by John Miller, Workgroup/SSD and Rich Raynor, ASG/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901238EN* Solution Usage 1

How to print to a User Box from Microsoft® Windows Vista™ using the PostScript plug-in (SOFHA) driver.

Install the driver using the self-installer. Download and double-click PrinterInstaller.exe . Do not extract files and use Add Printer feature. The printer will be
listed as KONICA MINOLTA xxxx PS(Plug). From the document application:
1. Select File g Print.
2.Select printer if it is not the default.
3.Select Preferences/Properties depending on the application that you are printing from.
4.When the window opens select the bizhub PRO 920/950/1050 tab.
5. Scroll to the right on the tab icon barand select Workflow.
6.Select Output Method inlowerleft corner; make desired setting.
7. Enter user box number and file name.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
8. SelectOK twice to close the 2 new windows.
9. Click print.
Note : Please seethe attachedphoto for a screenshot of the settings. Also refer to attached PostScript Plug-in document. To viewthe PDF, you may need to
download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902445EN* Solution Usage 1

Using the "Delete All Data" function.

The function of "Delete All Data" for the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) has beenadded to the "Administrator Setting" of the bizhub PRO 1200/1200P/1051/950.

bizhub PRO 1200bizhub PRO 950

This function is designed to use ONLY when discarding (scrapping) the machine. Purpose of this function is to delete personal/confidential dataon the
HDDin one action. It is enabled by changing the value of DIPswitch 40-1 to 1 . (default is 0 )
The followingis performed:

HDD1 and HDD2are overwritten by the selected overwrite mode.

Data in the memory board (NVRAM) is deleted.

The performed function is memorized by the MFP.

Do NOT execute this function unlessthe machine is being discarded. After performing this function, the machine will NOT work.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS0902492EN* Solution Usage 1

How to set up tandem configuration.

Tandem mode enablesthe primary (master) machine to work in tandem with the
secondary (tandem) machine for the purpose of providing faster completion of large
printing jobs. Two units working in tandem distribute a job in half the time of non-tandem
A tandem printing system includes two printers. The system's two input/output terminals are controlled to act as one high-speed print engine. With this
arrangement, improved productivity is realized if one printer is not functional (i.e., 50% instead of 0%).
Example: You havetwo (2) bizhub PRO 1050e machines (Machine A and Machine B). You place 50 sheets (originals) in the document feeder and you select
2 sets (thisequals a total of 100 sheets); 50 sheets will printto Machine A and 50 sheets to Machine B. Instead ofone 105ppm machineyou now havetwo
machines acting as one 210ppm machine.
The two machines should be connected in one of eithermethods:
1. Connect the two machines directly using a crossover cable. In this case, other network functions provided to the machine will be unavailable.
2. Connect each of the two machines to the hub in a network using straight-through cables. Therequired configuration for both machines:

Usestraight-through or crossover cables of Category 5 orlater standard to connect the machines.

Have the same optional configuration (finishers) for each.
Selectidenticalsoft switchsettings for each.
Installthe same firmware versions in each.
Security Strengthen modemust be deactivated to use tandem.
1. Set DIPswitch 20-7 to1 on both machines(Service Mode ? System Setting ? Soft Sw. Setting).
2. Enter the tandem TCP/IP address. You enter the TCP/IP address of the opposite machine.Perform this on both machines (Utility ? Machine Manager
Setting ? Network Setting ? Machine NIC Setting ?TCP/IP address - tandem).
3. Useone crossover cable or two straight RJ45 cables with a hub connected to the network
connection on the main body.
4. The machine that you enable as tandem first will become the Master (Copy ? Output Application ? Tandem).

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902500EN* Solution Usage 1

Is User Authentication via Active Directory or External server supported or available?

User Authentication via Active Directory or External server is not supported on the bizhub PRO 950.

Solution ID TAUS0902530EN* Solution Usage 1

How to delete Mode Memory keys.

To delete Mode Memory keys:
1. Select Utility/Counter.
2. Select Administrator Settings.
3. Select System Setting.
4. Select Prohibit User Operation ( bizhub PRO 920 )or Restrict User Access Setting ( bizhub PRO 950 ).
5. Select Lock/Delete Mode Memory.
6. Select the Mode Memory Key you want to delete.
7. Select Delete.
8. Select YES.
9. Select OK.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902634EN* Solution Usage 1

How to program Automatic Image Rotation.

To program Automatic Image Rotation, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [06 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [05 Copy/Printer Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [05 Automatic Image Rotation]
5. Touch [On – Always], [On – APS/AMS Only] or [An – APS/AMS/Reduce Only] as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902827EN* Solution Usage 1

How to program the Original Scan Area Setting.

To program the Original Scan Area Setting, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [06 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [06 Expert Adjustment] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [01 Orig. Scan Area Setting] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Erase Outside of Original], [ON – APS/AMS Only] or [Except Orig. Glass (1:1) as desired by the customer.
7. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Solution ID TAUS0902851EN* Solution Usage 1

Multifunctional products and printers supporting bizhub vCare and/or Total Counter Notification.

Download the attached document, which lists MFPs and printers compatible with vCare\CSRC (CS Remote Care) or Total Counter Notification in the engine
administrator mode.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0902967EN* Solution Usage 1

How to set up Scan to E-mail.

Please perform the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader®
can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902992EN* Solution Usage 1

How to enable/disable Needless Tab Paper Exit.

To enable/disable needless tab paper exit, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [02 Function Setting] on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the touchscreen.The touchscreen will display [Needless Tab Paper Exit] as a programmable option.
4.Touch [ON or [OFF] as desired by the customer.
5.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0903107EN* Solution Usage 1

How to identify the stopper roll of developing unit.

There are differenttypes of stopper rollsusedon the developing units. Pleasedo notinstall the incorrect stopper roll.
There are four types of stopper rolls.The difference among the four typesis COLOR. Pleaserefer tothe following:
bizhub PRO 1051/1200/1200P :
Stopper roll/Front (p/n A0G6 3751 00)
Stopper roll/Rear(p/n A0G6 3752 00)
Color: Blue
Incuse (stamp):58UA
Diameter: 21.94
Note : Some machines have natural color (white):
44units are installed in the machines, others seem to be for spare parts.Serialnumbers for white stopper roll:
bizhub PRO 1051 :
From A0G9011000001 to 000031 (31 units)
bizhub PRO 1200 :
From A0G6011000001 to 000008 (8 units)
bizhub PRO 1200P :
From A0GA011000001 to 000005 (5 units)
CAUTION : Identify the above stopper rollby the incuse (stamp) to prevent confusion because the color is also white for bizhub PRO

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
1050/1050e/1050P/1050eP/920 (incuse is different).

bizhub PRO 1050/1050e/1050P/1050eP/920:

Stopper roll/B (p/n 56GA 3071 0)
Stopper roll/A (p/n 56GA 3070 0)
Color: White
Incuse (stamp):56GA
Diameter: 22.2

bizhub PRO 1050e (revival):

Stopper roll/Front (p/n 56UA 3751 00)
Stopper roll/Rear (p/n56UA 3752 00)
Color: Black
Incuse (stamp):58UA
Diameter: 21.9

bizhub PRO 950 :

Stopper roll/Front (p/n A0Y5 3735 01)
Stopper roll/Rear (p/n A0Y5 3736 01)
Color: Yellow
Incuse (stamp):58UA
Diameter: 22.06
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1000445EN* Solution Usage 1

Part number of the LU-407/LU-408 paper feed weight plates.

LU-407/LU-408 paper feed weight plates (p/n 13FG 4062 1). This partis not listed in either of the Parts Manuals.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000751EN* Solution Usage 1

How to program the platen Original Size Search preference.

To program the platen Original Size Search preference, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [06 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [07 Size Setting] on the touchscreen. Original Size Search will be displayed on the screen with the possible programming choices listed.
5. Touch [Metric A/B], [Inch Series], [Only Metric A] or [Full Size] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen to return to the normal screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001173EN* Solution Usage 1

Life expectancy of the GP-501 Die set.

The GP-501 Punch Die sets have a minimum life expectancy of 500K cycles (sheets of paper punched). With periodic lubrication and optimum paper types,
life can exceed this number.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001548EN* Solution Usage 1


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
How to store and recall Forms and Overlays.

For a more efficient workflow, it is possible to send a form or other image data to the MFP’s HDD one time using the Pagescope Data Administrator Font
Management Utility plug-in, and then call the form/overlay as a Macro for each name and address. This workflow results in the printer driver only sending the
macro call, name, and address information across the network, using the stored form data at the MFP. This saves time, space, and network bandwidth.

This type of workflow can be advantageous for processing tax forms, shipping forms, invoices, brochures and any other single- or multiple-page form that
uses variable data. The explanation below presents the simplified concept of storing and retrieving forms.

Store the form

To store the form or overlay data permanently on the MFP HDD, use Konica Minolta's Font Management Utility (FMU). This utility is part of the Pagescope
Data Administrator (PSDA) application suite. PSDA must be installed first; theninstall the Font Management Utility plug-in.
An advanced programmer could use the Macro command to write the file to the MFP’s HDD, but this solution only addresses storing the file on the MFP’s
HDD using the Font Management Utility due to the convenience the utility offers.

Call the form

To ‘call’ the form or overlay, insert a PCL Macro command in the actual data file.

This workflow solution was confirmed using theseapplications:

Pagescope Data Administrator Version 4.1.11000 (includes DeviceSet-up)

Pagescope Font Management Utility Version 2.6.01000
The applicationsare available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" tab located at the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located to the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located to the left.

1. For a complete list of MFP models and OS versions supported, refer to the attached file DLBT0902062EN00.pdf.
2. The application requires Microsoft .NET Framework. See the attached file DLBT0902062EN00.pdf for details.
3. For explicit instructions, refer to the attached file 'How to Store and Recall Forms and Overlays.pdf', which includes screen shots.
4. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Stu Dern, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001921EN* Solution Usage 1

How to enable/disable printing when the PM count is reached.

To enable/disable printing when the PM count is reached, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [07 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Repeatedly press the left up-arrow until the selected dipswitch is [01].
6. Repeatedly press the right up-arrow until the selected bit number is [4]. Select [On(1)] to disable printing when the PM count is reached or [Off(0)] to enable
printing when the PM count is reached.
7. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002467EN* Solution Usage 1

Support for SNMP version 3 with the printer driver.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

The original printer driver did not support SNMP version 3. To add this capability, install PostScript Plugin version 2.0.265.The driver is available via the
Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the KMBS public site ( http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from
SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Notes :
1. This driver ONLY supports SNMP version 3; itdoes not work with any other versions of SNMP.
2.After configuring the MFP and printer driver for SNMP version 3, it is necessary topower the MFP OFF/ON.
3.The SNMP v3 configuration setting for the "Context Name" entry field is limited to 33 characters.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Stu Dern, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100234EN* Solution Usage 1

HDD TWAIN driver with Adobe® Acrobat® X support.

TWAIN driver version has been released. The new version supports TWAIN scanning from Adobe® Acrobat® X. This is an upgrade to the HDD
TWAIN version 3.x driver. Refer to the attached release notes for complete details.
Notes :
1.The latest printer drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the KMBS public site (
http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) "Support" tab and click on Printer Drivers & Firmware Downloads or from Technical Support Home page and click on
"Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware" under Support Quick Links.
2. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100558EN* Solution Usage 1

Non-GUI TWAIN driver version for eCopy™ ScanStation™ support.

Attached is the special TWAIN driver that was changed to support bizhub 652/552 and it is based on Real-time TWAIN driver version
Currently this TWAIN driver is also supported for eCopy™ ShareScan® version 4.3.5.

Supported Operating Systems

Microsoft® Windows XP Home Edition (SP3 or later) *

Microsoft®Windows XP Professional (SP3 or later) *
Microsoft®Windows Vista Home Basic (SP2 or later) *
Microsoft®Windows Vista Home Premium (SP2 or later) *
Microsoft®Windows Vista Business (SP2 or later) *
Microsoft®Windows Vista Enterprise (SP2 or later) *
Microsoft®Windows Vista Ultimate (SP2 or later) *
Microsoft®Windows 7 Home Basic **
Microsoft®Windows 7 Home Premium **
Microsoft®Windows 7 Professional **
Microsoft®Windows 7 Enterprise **
Microsoft®Windows 7 Ultimate **
* Support for 32-bit (x86) OS
** Support for 32-bit (x86) / 64-bit (x64) OS
Note : To open the ZIP file WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: http://www.winzip.com/downwz.htm. The
file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0646448EN* Solution Usage 0

MSDS information for drum, developer and toner.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

Attached are the Material Safety Data Sheets for the bizhub PRO 920/950 drum, developer and toner.
Notes :
1. The MSDS documentation is also available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the the KMBS public site (
http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers,
Firmware and more'.
2. To open the ZIP file, WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The
file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
3. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS0703062EN* Solution Usage 0

RC-501 compatibility.

The RC-501 can only be installed on the bizhub PRO 920/950/1050/1050P/1050e/1050eP.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0800374EN* Solution Usage 0

RC-501, installation caution.

CAUTION : To prevent the possibility of the RC-501 waste toner hose from becoming plugged with toner, the following should be performed:

Inspect the routing of the hose from the machine to the toner collection container. The hose should be in a straight path downwardfrom the machine to the
collection container with no loops that will force the waste toner to travel in an upward direction. If necessary, cut the hose to remove excess length so
thatthere is a straight downward path from the machine to the collection container.

Inspect the hose and ensure that it is not clogged with waste toner.
Please seeattachedBulletin Number 6626for the cleaning procedure. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902999EN* Solution Usage 0

Part numbers for the Punch Kit (PK) Driving BoardROM assembly.

PK-503 PDB ROM assembly (p/n 15KJ R701 00)
PK-504 PDB ROM assembly (p/n 15KA -951 0)
PK-505 PDB ROM assembly (p/n 15KY H510 00)

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

Solution ID TAUS1000016EN* Solution Usage 0

Drum cleaning blade binding motion suppression control.

DIPSW 23-3 was provisionally set to 1 at the factory for the following machines.

Serial Number A0Y5011: 001069-001477 (USA)

Serial Number A0Y5012: 000001-000025 (Canada)
Please change the setting of DIPSW 23-3 to 1 when firmware version G00-23 (print control) and version G00-21 (image control) is installed. Ifcontinually
used without changing the dipswitch setting to 1, theoccurrence ratio of drum cleaning failure may increasedue to an excessive accumulationof paper dust.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1001544EN* Solution Usage 0

Supported paper types and sizes for punching in the GP-501.

The attached PDF file contains the supported paper types and sizes for punching using the GP-501.

Some service documentats indicate that the information can be found in Appendix D of the manual; however, there is no Appendix D. The information
actually appears in Appendix B or Appendix C of the the documentation.

Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD and by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1002290EN* Solution Usage 0

How to enable/disable spooling of print jobs in the HDD before RIP.

To enable/disable spooling of print jobs in the HDD before RIP, perform the following:
1. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
2. Touch [Controller] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [04 Spool Print Jobs in HDD before RIP] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [Auto], [Enable] or [Disable] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [COPY] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0657888EN* Solution Usage

What is the Konica Minolta PostScript (Plug-in) print driver?

The Konica Minolta PostScript (Plug-in) printer driver is an additional PostScript driver that is available for both Microsoft® Windows and Macintosh®
environments. This PostScript (PS) driver is developed by SOFHA GmbH for Konica Minolta Business Solutions. The key reason for the release of this driver
is its additional capabilities that are availablefor Macintosh® environments. This driver offers many of the same print options that were previously only
available for Microsoft® Windows environments.
Notes :
1. This driver is not to be considered a replacementfor the Konica Minolta drivers but just another option for the customer.
2. Please refer to attached driver User's Guide for information on installation and operation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
3. This driver is available for download from the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the the KMBS public site (

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers,
Firmware and more'.

Solution ID TAUS0700734EN* Solution Usage

How to make a screen shot on Macintosh® OS X.

Creating a screen shot on Macintosh® OS X:

Taking a picture of the whole screen: Command-Shift-3

Taking a picture of part or region of the screen: Command-Shift-4 , and then drag the crosshair pointer to select the area.When you lift your finger from the
mouse button, Macintosh® OS X will record that real estate and place a PNG file on your desktop.
Note : Please see the attacheddocument for details. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0801713EN* Solution Usage

The 500K PM Kit part number.

The 500K PM kit part number listed in the bizhub PRO 920 Parts Catalog (p/n 57GA-PM5 0) or the supply item number (Item #D57GAPM500) are no longer
valid.To order the 500K PM Kit, useItem #DA0Y5PM500 for both the bizhub PRO 920 andbizhub PRO950. Please refer to attached Marketing Bulletin
#09-GB-013. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901235EN* Solution Usage

How many scanning destinations can be programmed?

For E-Mail/FTP/HDD/SMB, as many as 500destinations can be registeredin total. This information can be found in the attached bizhub PRO 920 or 950
Network Scanner User Guide, sections 6.2,6.3, 6.4and 6.5.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901271EN* Solution Usage

What are the power requirements for the bizhub PRO 950?

The bizhub PRO 950 requires 208V AC - 240V AC, 16A, 60HZ (dedicated line). Please see attached documentation for additional detail. To view a PDF,
Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901318EN* Solution Usage

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
How to reprogram the electronic counters after replacing the NVRAM.

The counters cannot be reprogrammed. Please track the counts from the current count onward.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901440EN* Solution Usage

Is there a 15-character limit for the SMTP authentication password as on the bizhub PRO 920?

The bizhub PRO 950supports SMTP authentication passwords of more then 15 characters.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901501EN* Solution Usage

What power cord plug and outlet are required?

The bizhub PRO 950 needs a 208V AC 20A dedicated line. The power plug is NEMA part number 6/20P andthe outlet is NEMA part number 6/20R. Please
see attached document and photo for plug and outlet details.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901512EN* Solution Usage

Information on the hard and soft upper fixing (fusing)rollers.

The Hard Upper Fixing Roller (p/n 57GB 5304 0) comes standard on the bizhub PRO 950. A Soft Upper Fixing Roller (p/n A0Y5 7304 01) can be installed in
the Fixing Unit.
To install the Soft Upper Fixing Roller, the two Pressure Springs (p/n 55VA 5344 1) need to be replaced with the modified Pressure Springs (p/n 56UA 5471
With the Soft Upper Fixing Roller installed, set DIPsw 27-1 to OFF (0). You can determine which Fixing Roller you haveits color; the Hard Roller is black and
the Soft Roller is red. Please see the attached Parts Modification Notice and installation procedure for further details. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must
be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901618EN* Solution Usage

User Guides.

Please see attached file which contains the following User Guides:

Copier User's Guide

Network Scanner User's Guide
POD User's Guide
Printer Quick Guide
Printer User's Guide
Printer (PostScript3 Plug-in Driver User's Guide
Security User's Guide
Notes :
1. Toaccess the zipped files,WinZip®should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
.The file can either be saved to disk or opened.It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
2. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .

Solution ID TAUS0901619EN* Solution Usage

Configuration sheet, Specification sheet and Specification and Installation Guide.

Please see attached documentation:
1. Configuration Sheet which shows option configurationwith:

2. Specification Sheet which lists the General Specifications.
3. Specification and Installation Guide which addresses topics such as:

Duty Cycle
Space Requirements
Environmental Requirements
Electrical Requirements
Paper Information
Product Specifications
How to Build a System for the bizhub 950 Printer/Copier/Scanner (from start to finish)
Accessory Options for bizhub 950 Printer/Copier/Scanner
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .

Solution ID TAUS0901622EN* Solution Usage

How to exit the Running Mode test menu.

To exit the Running Mode test menu, the sub switch must be turned OFF/ON.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901627EN* Solution Usage

How to create a booklet when copying off the glass.

To create a booklet off the glass, perform the following:
1. Place originals in the ADF.
2. Select the paper size for the booklet; Letter R or 11x17.
3. Select Application.
4. Select Booklet.
5. Select Left Bind.
6. Press OK.
7. Press Start.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Solution ID TAUS0901835EN* Solution Usage

How to program the Unit Setting.

To program the Unit Setting, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Unit Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [mm], [inch (decimal)] or [inch (fraction)] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901848EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable ATS.

To enable/disable ATS, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [02 Function Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [01 Feed Tray Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [02 ATS Permit] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [ON] or [OFF] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901864EN* Solution Usage

MicroPress® version support for the bizhub PRO 950.

MicroPress® version supports the bizhub PRO 950. MicroPress® version does not support the bizhub PRO 950.
Note : Pleasesee attached MicroPress Marketing Bulletin 309-GB-018. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can
be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902008EN* Solution Usage

Is 12x18 a recognized size for use in the bypass tray?

The Service Manual indicates that 12x18 paper is not a recognized paper size on the bizhub PRO 950. You must select "Custom Size" to allow 12x18 paper
to feed from the bypass tray.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902119EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable Original Glass Auto Size Selection.

To enable/disable Original Glass Auto Size Selection, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [03 Copy Setting] on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the touchscreen. Orig. Glass Auto Size Select will be displayed as a programmable option on the touchscreen.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
4.Touch [ON] or [OFF] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
5.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902291EN* Solution Usage

How to program the Auto Reset time.

To program the Auto Reset time, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [06 Auto Reset Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [OFF], [60 Seconds], [120 Seconds], [180 Seconds], [240 Seconds], [300 Seconds], [360 Seconds], [420 Seconds], [480 Seconds] or [500
Seconds] as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902383EN* Solution Usage

When selecting custom size as the original size on the PostScript (Plug-in) driver, it is impossible to output with Auto tray setting on the driver.

CAUSE: Incorrect driver setting.

SOLUTION: When selecting custom size as the original size on the driver,you need to select the Paper Tray.

Solution ID TAUS0902488EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable ADF Auto Size Select.

To enable/disable ADF Auto Size Select, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [03 Copy Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the touchscreen. ADF Auto Size Select will be displayed as a selectable option on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [On] on the touchscreen to enable ADF Auto Size Select or [Off] on the touchscreen to disable ADF Auto Size Select as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen to return to the default screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902759EN* Solution Usage

FS-611, paper sizes compatible with the tri-fold.

The FS-611 will tri-fold only 8.5x11R sizepaper.No other paper sizes are supported.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902978EN* Solution Usage

How to set up theMFP to require a password for Administrator mode.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

To set theMFP to require a password for Administrator mode, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode and select Administrator Setting.
2. Select Admin. Authentication and set it to ON.
3. Press OK.
4. Select Administrator Password and enter an 8-digit number. The default is 00000000 .
5. Press OK.
6. Press Exit 3 times.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902989EN* Solution Usage

How to program the Auto Reset Time.

To program the Auto Reset Time, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [06 Auto Reset Setting] on the touchscreen.
4.Touch [OFF], [60 Seconds], [120 Seconds], [180 Seconds], [240 Seconds], [300 Seconds], [360 Seconds], [420 Seconds], [480 Seconds] or [500 Seconds]
as desired by the customer.
5.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0903075EN* Solution Usage

How to set the controller to convert paper sizes from A4/A3 to 5.5x11/11x17.

To set the controller to convert paper sizes from A4/A3 to 8.5x11/11x17, perform the following:
1. Select the Controller icon on theMFP control panel.
2. Select Basic Settings.
3. Select Convert Paper Size and choose A4/A3 to 8.5x11/11x17.
4. Select OK.
5. Select Return 2x.
6. Select the Machine icon to return to theMFP control panel.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000031EN* Solution Usage

How to program the Key Response Time.

To program the Key Response Time, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [07 Key Response Time] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [Normal], [0.5 Seconds], [1 Second], [2 Seconds] or [3 Seconds] as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000060EN* Solution Usage

How to program the document delete time.


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
To program the document delete time, perform the following:
1. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
2. Touch [CONTROLLER] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [07 Scan Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Auto Delete Document] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [Save], [12 hours], [1 day], [2 days], [3 days], [7 days] or [30 days] as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [COPY] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000238EN* Solution Usage

Standard controller software switch list.

Attached is the standard controller software switch list. To view the attached document use Microsoft® Excel® or the free Excel® Viewer .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1000330EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable Auto Copy Reserve.

To enable/disable Auto Copy Reserve, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [03 Copy Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [Next] on the touchscreen. Auto Copy Reserve will be displayed as one of the programmable options on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [ON] or [OFF] next to Auto Copy Reserve as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen to return to the normal screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000447EN* Solution Usage

Part number of the Toner Recycling assembly.

Toner Recycling assembly (p/n 57GA -230 3).
Note : Please refer to attached Bulletin Numbers 7133 and 7151. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS1000498EN* Solution Usage

How to extend the tray limitation for stapled set on the FS-528.

To extend the tray limitation of staple sets on the FS-528 please reference the attached documentconcerningtheDIP switches to be setwhich will extend the
limitation of the amount of stapled sets that can be handled by the finisher.
Also setthe following DIP switches accordingly:
37-2 (FS bypass control)
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
37-3 (Tab paper + punch)
0 = Disabled

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
1 = Enabled
Note : To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000529EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable Fixing Pre-Rotation.

To enable/disable Fixing Pre-Rotation, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [06 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Input the administrator password (default password is 12345678).
4. Touch [05 Copy/Printer Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [04 Fixing Pre-rotation Set] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Rotation On(Base + 30 sec)], [Rotation On(Base + 10sec)], [Rotation On(Base)] or [Rotation Off] as desired by the customer.
7. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen to return to the normal screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000600EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable the buzzer or adjust the buzzer volume.

To enable/disable the buzzer or adjust the buzzer volume, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [03 Buzzer Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Buzzer On/Off, Volume Set] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [On] or [Off] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
6. Repeatedly press [High] or [Low] on the touchscreen to adjust the volume of the buzzer.
7. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000711EN* Solution Usage

Part number for the Exit Sensor (PS61).

Exit sensor (p/n 56GA 8553 1).
Notes :
1. If you are having difficulty locating a part in the Parts Manual, perform a PDF search for the part designation (in this case, PS61 ).The search is not
case-sensitive but spaces and hyphens mustmatch the format in the Parts Manual.For example, if you search for PS 61 rather than PS61 you will notfind
the photosensor.
2. Attached are pages from each Parts Manual showing the photosensor location. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Solution ID TAUS1000729EN* Solution Usage

How to program Interrupt Suspend functionality.

To program Interrupt Suspend functionality, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [06 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [05 Copy/Printer Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [06 Interruption Suspend] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [When Current Set Completed] or [Stop Immediately] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000771EN* Solution Usage

Are envelopes a supported media?

Envelopesare not a supported media.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000895EN* Solution Usage

Caution when removing/replacing the Overall Control Board.

CAUTION : When removing the Overall Control Board, be aware that the ribbon cable from the CCD connects to the rear of the Overall Control Board
(CN110) and is not visible.Removing the board without first disconnecting the cable may result in damage to the ribbon cable. Remove the top right rear cover
of the machineto allow access to the connector on the Overall Control Board.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000948EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable ADF Auto Zoom.

To enable/disable ADF Auto Zoom, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [03 Copy Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the Touchscreen. Auto Zoom (ADF) will be displayed as a selectable option on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [On] on the touchscreen to enable ADF Auto Zoom or [Off] on the touchscreen to disable ADF Auto Zoom as desired by the customer.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen to return to the default screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001039EN* Solution Usage

How to lock the paper traysto preventunauthorized use.

KMBS does not offer this solution directly.Marketing Data Solutions has developed a universal cable lock product.Please contact MDS directly for this type of

Jeffrey W. Rasa
Marketing Data Solutions, Inc.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Office Direct: 508-528-7323
Fax Direct: 508-553-0925
email: jeff.rasa@marketingdatasolutions.com
Web: www.marketingdatasolutions.com
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001043EN* Solution Usage

How to delete a Registered Overlay.

bizhub PRO 950
1. Utility/Counter.
2.Administrator Settings.
3.System Settings.
4.Restrict User Access Settings.
5. Change Registered Overlay - Permit.
6. Select OK.
7.Select the Copy Screen.
8.Then Select Applications.
9. Select Stamp/Overlay.
10.Select Reg. Overlay.
11.Highlight the Overlay one-touch.
12.Select Delete.

bizhub PRO 1200

2.Administrator Settings.
3.System Settings.
4.Restrict User Access Settings.
5.Change Registered Overlay - Permit.
6. Select OK.
7.Select the Copy Screen.
8.Then Select Applications.
9. Select Stamp/Overlay.
10.Select Registered Overlay.
11.Highlight the Overlay one-touch.
12.Select Delete.
Note : Please see attachment as a reference. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001049EN* Solution Usage

The engine’s NIC (required for bizhub vCare communication) does not respond to a ping request when connected to a Cisco Linksys device.

CAUSE: The engine’s network card (NIC) settings or the switch are not configured properly.

SOLUTION: Refer to the steps listed Linksys_engine_troubleshooting.pdf attached to this solution.

Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001193EN* Solution Usage

How to print without authentication when authentication is being used for copying/scanning.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

To print without authenticating when user authentication is being used for copying/scanning, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Select Administrator Setting.
3. Select User Authentication/Account Track.
4. Select Non Register/Output Set and select ON.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001536EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable DF auto skew adjustment.

To enable/disable DF auto skew adjustment, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [07 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Repeatedly press the left up-arrow until selected dipswitch is [04].
6. Repeatedly press the right up-arrow until bit number is [0]. Select [On(1)] to disable DF auto skew adjustment or [Off(0)] to enable DF skew adjustment.
7. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001626EN* Solution Usage

Machine NIC setting and Controller NIC setting screens are grayed out when viewed on the touchscreen.

CAUSE: Machine NIC settings has been programmed to disabled.

SOLUTION: To program the machine NIC settings to enabled, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [07 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch the left up-arrow until DIPSW 22 is displayed.
6. Touch the right up-arrow until Bit 0 is displayed.
7. Set DIPSW 22 Bit 0 to [On (1)].
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001996EN* Solution Usage

Part number for the CCD Unit.

The original CCD Unit (p/n 57GA -630 2E) has been modified to improve reliability.If the modified CCD (p/n A0Y5 A262 00) is installed, please ensure to
upgrade the image control program to version 22 or greater.

Solution ID TAUS1002024EN* Solution Usage

How to set mode memory presets and one-touch buttons as mode memory buttons.


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Steps for mode memory setup:
1. Set Copy screen to desired settings.
2. Mode Memory.
3. Store - OK after reviewing settings.
4. Select an available slot - OK.
5. Name setting - OK.

Steps to create one-touch from mode memory button:

2. (01) System settings.
3. (09) Function Key setting.
4. Select Mode Memory button desired.
5. Select the "F" box for one-touch.
6. Select "Entry" - OK.
This will create a one-touchat thebottom of Copy screenas apreset.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002064EN* Solution Usage

How to install a printer in Linux.

Installation procedure
1. Copy PPD file for Linux CUPS to:
2. Select [Terminal] from Main Menu a [System Tool].
Note : For SuSE Linux, go to [Computer] a [More Application] a [System] a [GNOME Terminal]
3. Input:
/etc/init.d/cups restart
4. Quit Terminal.
5. Activate the browser.
6. Input http://localhost:631 as theURL and click [Manage Printers] a from [Administration].
7. Click [Add Printer] to add printer. (or select Add This Printer if thePPD is already installed)

When printing with OpenOffice, the following needs to be set as well.

1. Copy PPD file for OpenOffice to:
2. Select [OpenOffice.org Printer Setup] from Main Menu a [Office].
3. Click [New Printer].
4. Make sure [Add a printer] is selected then click [Next].
5. Click [Import] on [Choose a driver] screen.
6. Input /usr/share/cups/model in the driver directory and select [KONICA MINOLTA *** OpenOffice PPD] for the driver.
7. Click [OK].
8. Select [KONICA MINOLTA *** OpenOffice PPD] and click [Next].
9. Add the printer name registered on CUPS to the command line and click [Next]. (e.g., lpr -P "KONICA MINOLTA 1050 PS(P) )
10. Set the printer name and click [Finish].

How to check version

Open the PPD file with a text editoror similarand file version is displayed next to * File Version . (e.g., *File Version: 30000.0000 )

Operation environment
For Linux CUPS: CUPS version 1.1.17 or later
For Linux OpenOffice: OpenOffice version 1.0.2 or later

Operation confirmed OS
Red Hat Linux 9
SuSE Linux 8.2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS Standard version 4

Additional Information
1.The attached video shows how to add a Linux printer. To view the video, you may need to download a free copy of Windows® Media Player.

2. Also, please refer to attached documentation. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002161EN* Solution Usage

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
Which models are ISO 15408 compliant?

The official security-based certification standard for digital office products is the international standard generally known as Common Criteria. The official
international designation for this security standard is ISO 15408.
Refer to the attacheddocument listing all Konica Minolta models that have achieved the ISO 15048 EAL 3 certification as of October, 2010. The list does not
include devices that may be in the certification process.
Note : To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Stu Dern, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1002304EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable the controller banner page.

To enable/disable the controller banner page, perform the following:
1. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
2. Touch [CONTROLLER] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Printer Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Basic Settings] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [16 Banner Option] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Off] or [On] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer.
7. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
11. Touch [COPY] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002386EN* Solution Usage

ISWTrns version 3.80E - support for Microsoft® Windows 7 x64.

Attached is the ISWTrns utility version 3.80E, Program Release Information, Installation Procedure and ReadyDriver Plus (for automation).To view a PDF,
you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Note : To open the ZIP file WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: http://www.winzip.com/downwz.htm . The
file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100001EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable controller full bleed output.

To enable/disable controller full bleed output, please perform the following:
1. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
2. Touch [Controller] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Printer Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Basic Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [Next] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [23 Full Bleed] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [On] or [Off] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous
11. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
12. Touch [Copy] on touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100094EN* Solution Usage

Support for IEEE 802.1x port-based Network Access Control (PNAC).


bizhub PRO 950/1051/1200/1200P

The bizhub PRO 950/1051/1200/1200P do not supportIEEE 802.1x port-based Network Access Control (PNAC).
KMBS is expecting support forIEEE 802.1X port-based Network Access Control (PNAC) with release ofthesuccessors to theMFPs.

bizhub PRESS 6000/70hc/7000/7000P

The IC-413/Fiery E100 70-60C-KM does support IEEE 802.1x port-based Network Access Control (PNAC).
Please refer to theattached IC-413 documents whichshow the support for IEEE 802.1x port-based Network Access Control (PNAC). To view a PDF, you may
need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100098EN* Solution Usage

New die set for GP-501.

The following new die set for the GP-501 has a 300K punch life for the ProClick® Automatic Binding machineis available.

DS-507 for Letter size - 32-Hole (Item #A0NHW11)

Notes :
1.Please update the Control program of the MK-724 toversion G00-40 whenusing this die set with GP-501 + bizhub PRO 950. The latest version firmwareis
available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
2.When this die setis used, it is also necessary to update the firmware for the GP-501. Please update the firmware according to the attached Program
Release Information. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1100341EN* Solution Usage

bizhub vCare/CSRC Toner Coverage/Gas Gage support.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

The attached document provides a table showing bizhub vCare/CSRC support for the Toner Coverage/Gas Gage (Gauge)functions via the vCare/CSRC
Web Application Portal. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100403EN* Solution Usage

How to enable/disable count of the key counter in printer mode.

To enable/disable count of the key counter in printer mode, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [07 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Repeatedly press the left up-arrow until the selected dipswitch is [16].
6. Repeatedly press the right up-arrow until the selected bit number is [3]. Select [On(1)] to disable count of the key counter in printer mode or [Off(0)] to
enable count of the key counter in printer mode.
7. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100512EN* Solution Usage

How to program the Banner Tray default paper source.

To program the Banner Tray default paper source, perform the following:
1. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
2. Touch [CONTROLLER] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [01 Basic Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [17 Banner Tray] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [Auto], [Bypass Tray], [Tray 1], [Tray 2], [Tray 3] or [Tray 4] as desired by the customer.
6. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [MACHINE] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [COPY] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1103953EN* Solution Usage

Macintosh® 10.7 "Lion" Server: Enabling the FTP service.

Use the following steps (you must use Terminal).
Note : In the steps 1 and 2, the example local administrator's short name is ladmin . Change it to your own local admin account's short name.
1.Create an Access Control List (ACL) group:
dseditgroup -o create -n /Local/Default -u ladmin com.apple.access_ftp
2.Enter your password when prompted.
3.Add users and groups to the ACL group.

For example, to add a user named jacob :

dseditgroup -o edit -u ladmin -a jacob com.apple.access_ftp

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Miscellaneous

For example, to add a group named teachers :

dseditgroup -o edit -u ladmin -a teachers -t group com.apple.access_ftp
4.Repeat the example commands above for any additional users or groups that need FTP access.
5.Configure the FTP service to load on demand:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist

Additional Information

"Lion" Server uses tnftpd by default. For more information, type man ftpd in Terminal.

"Lion" Server: Enabling the FTP service

Solution was released by Apple: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4704
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Original jam, no-feed, multi-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution ID TAUS1000636EN* Solution Usage

Cannot 3-hole-punch tab paper when printing.

CAUSE: The SOPHA driver does not permit 3-hole punching of tab paper.

SOLUTION: Uninstall the old driver through the server properties; then install the new special PS Plug-in Printer Driver 2.0.257.

Note: The firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert
Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution ID TAUS0801765EN* Solution Usage 22

FS-xxx, first page not aligned properly/not stapled in stapled sets.

CAUSE:Static build-up onalignment plate which causes the first page to stick.

SOLUTION:Wipe affected are with anti-static compound (Brillianize®, Pledge®, dryer sheet, etc.).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901882EN* Solution Usage 13


when the PK-505 is connected with the FS-528 or FS-611.

when feeding from the LU-407/LU-408 with hole punch selected.

when using the GP-501+FS-528/FS-611+PK-505 configuration and paper lengthin the feed-direction issmaller than 216mm (including letter size).

When the PK-505 is connected with the FS-528 or FS-611
1. Incorrect "machine code" and "destination code" for the PK-505 (Serial Numbers). If the PK-505 was connected previously to a bizhub PRO 920 and the
punch mode was used, a paper jam will be indicated.
Confirm the Machine code and Destination code (Serial Numbers). Enter the correct information:

Main Body= A0Y5011

Option Tray = A0Y7WY1
Finisher = A10VWY
You will then need to access:

Service Mode

System Setting

M/C Serial Number Setting

When feeding from the LU-407/LU-408 with hole punchselected
2. The LU paper guides are not set to match the paper setting in the machine causing the hole punch unit to adjust to the incorrect position.
Set the physical position of the paper guides in the LU to match the paper size setting entered in the machine to correct the problem.

When using the GP-501+FS-528/FS-611+PK-505 configuration and paper lengthin the feed-direction issmaller than 216mm (including letter size)
3. FS-528 control programupdate is required.
Please install Base firmware version G00-22 or later which includes the updated FS-528 control program (paper timing from GP to FS has been optimized).
The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD; Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD and Felix Burgen, ESS

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling

Solution ID TAUS1002173EN* Solution Usage 11

FS-611, intermittent J-7218 jams.

CAUSE: Possible bad paper curl.

SOLUTION: Visually inspect the FS-611 while in operation to see if the curled paper in the stacker holding unit rides up and over, or gets caught on the
Paper Exit Regulating Plate (p/n 13QE 4313 2E) while exiting. If so, close the gap of the regulating plate/exit by placing a mylar on the back side of the
regulating plate, approximately ? to ¼ of an inch above the plate. This will help guide the curled paper out of the stacker unit.
Extend the length of the guide plate with the mylars just enough so there is still clearance when opening the finisher staple unit (FN6) in case of a jam, and so
the mylars do not catch and tear causing additional problems or jams.

Paper exit Sheet/1 (p/n15JL 4343 00 - one long piece of mylar that wouldextend the length of the plate); order 1 per machine.

Paper exit Sheet/2(p/n 15JL 4346 00- short pieces of mylar that are positioned vertically on the ends of the longer horizontally positioned mylar); order 2 to 4
per machine.
Note : As a reference,look atthe FS-504 or FS-528 finisherwhich already has these mylars in place, or the Parts Manual for location and approximate
positions of the mylar.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Scott Mason, JJR Enterprises, Inc.

Solution ID TAUS0902255EN* Solution Usage 10

Intermittent J-7217

when punching (PK-504/PK-505) or when paper is exiting to the main tray. Paper exit roller drive may appear to slow down.
when exiting to main tray.

When punching (PK-504/PK-505) or when paper is exiting to the main tray. Paper exit roller drive may appear to slow down.
CAUSE: Incorrect adjustment of the Paper Exit solenoid (SD4) on the FS-528/FS-611 orthe solenoid is binding.

SOLUTION: CleanSD4 then adjustit to the standard value according to the attached procedure. If using the standard value does not correct the jamming, try
moving SD4more toward the exit side of the finisher. This will increase the downward pressure from the white plastic exit rollers when SD4 is
actuated.Replace the Paper Exit solenoid (p/n 13QE R704 00)if deemed necessary.
Note : To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

When exiting to main tray.

CAUSE: The paper exit guide plate is bent or damaged.

SOLUTION: Reform or replace the paper exit guide plate (p/n 15JK 4510 1F).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solutions contribution by Joseph East, KMBS/Anaheim and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902857EN* Solution Usage 8

J17-01 (bizhub PRO 920) or J-1701 (bizhub PRO 950). The jam may also occur intermittently when duplexing.


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
1. A failed ADUDB (ADU Drive Board assembly).
Replace the ADUDB (p/n 57GA -907 2E for bizhub PRO 920 or p/n A0Y5 H070 02 for bizhub PRO 950 ).

2. The manual feed drive gear is slipping on the manual feed drive shaft.
For bizhub PRO 920 : Replace the manual feed drive gear (p/n 55VA 7718 1, quantity=2) and the manual feed drive shaft (p/n 55VA 1536 1).
For bizhub PRO 950 : Replace the bypass gear (p/n A0Y5 2105 00, quantity=2) and the by-pass drive shaft (p/n 55VA 1536 1D).

3. Possible aged or failing clutches.

Replace CL9 and CL10 (p/n 57GA 8201 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jamie Schaefer, Bauerfeind Business Technologies, Inc./Marshfield, WI and Gary Scimeca/Freddie Burnham,
Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902884EN* Solution Usage 7

FS-611, J-7224.Symptoms include:

When making booklets.The jam may occur every time a booklet is made or only whenmaking booklets of 7 or more pages.
The first set will staple, fold and exit correctly.
The side guides will moveoutward,jitter and never return to the proper position for jogging paper.
Paper will feed into stacker for the second set. As the second to last sheet of the second set enters the stacker, the machinewill stop and display the jam
When copying a Fold & Staple job using large number of originals, machine will jam after completing a first set.

1. The paper is curling and riding over the top of the FS-611 paper regulating plate (p/n 15JM R705 00).
Attach a piece of mylar to the paper regulating plate. This willguide the paper into the correct position for stapling. The attached samples display the output
prior to the modification and the location of the mylarwith regard to the paper regulating plate.

2. The "Fold and staplepitch adjustment" is set for a value of 132, 133 or 134.
Set the "Fold and staplepitch adjustment" for a value other than this.To access this adjustment, enter the Service Mode ( Utility a Stop, 0, 0, Stop 0, 1
),select"Finisher Adjustment", then "Fold andStaplePitch Adjustment" and enter a value other than 132, 133 or 134.

3. The max amount of folded/stapled pages is 3 by default. If more then 12 single-sided originals are used or 6 double-sided originals are used the sheets to
be folded will be greater then the max allowed, thuscausing a jam.
Please note the machine can be set up to 5 sheets by setting DIPSW 39, bit 2.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD, Lance Baker, SSD District Service Manager/Midwest Region, Rob Sutter,
Perry Corporation and Dale Coleianne, SSD District Service Manager/East Region

Solution ID TAUS1100211EN* Solution Usage 4

When using the GP-501, J-7594 is displayed.

CAUSE: The punch flag sensor (S9) does not turn OFF within a specified period of time after it turns ON.

SOLUTION: A number of things might contribute to the jamming.

1. The S9 sensor isfaulty due to plugging in the connector on the GP-501 control board with the GP main switchON. Replacethesensor (p/n 7300567).
2. The wiring harness is damaged or loose,or the wire tie at the loop near the sensor is too tight.Replace or repair the damaged harness, ReseatCN P34 in
the connector on the GP-501 control board and on the S9 sensor, Cut wire tie and verify that the wiring harness will not catch in anydrive belt/pulley
3. Confirm the centering adjustment.If the dieset positioning assembly (p/n 7706640) is too far to the front or rear, the dieset will bind becausethe punch unit
assembly will be pressing more to one side of the dieset, causing it to bind.
4. Confirm the position of the aligner exit driveguide plate (LTR)(p/n 7706449) as shown in the attached document.To viewthe PDF, you may need to
download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100367EN* Solution Usage 4


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
J-3102 with paper wrapping around the drum.

CAUSE: Incorrect DIP switch setting.

SOLUTION: Check Service Mode DIP switch settings of 7-4 and 7-5 (drum claw contact release control) for the correct default setting of 0.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000958EN* Solution Usage 3

GP-501, J-7590 or J-7595 and paper may be skewed.

1. The paper is not being guided correctly to the alignment plate after punching. By carefully observing the paper passage through the GP-501 (with the
GP-501 left cover removed, it is possible to see the paper passage by printing with the RU-506 front door open), it is evident that the paper exits from the
lower alignment area and rides over the bottom of the alignment guide. The position of the Aligner, Exit Idler Weldment (rear side bottom corner) is not in
contact with the frame (it can be pushed inwards 3 - 4mm). The front side, bottom corner is OK.
The position of the Aligner, Exit Idler Weldment can be checked from the front side of the GP-501.If the Aligner, Exit Idler Weldment can be moved 3 - 4mm
by inserting a screwdriver, it is not in the correct position.
The Aligner, Exit Idler Weldment has to be removed from the GP-501 and bent into position. To do this, remove Latch Assembly, Aligner) and then remove
the Aligner, Exit Idler Weldment.
Note : Please refer to attached documentation for more detail. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

2. Failed (broken)flexible shaft. (see attached photo)

Replace the flexible shaft (p/n 7706468).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KM Europe (BEU) and Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002292EN* Solution Usage 2

GP-501, intermittent jam code J-7594.

CAUSE: The Exit Idler Aligner guide plate (p/n 7706525) is either bent or misaligned.

SOLUTION: Check that the Exit Idler Aligner guide platealignment is ?" or larger as shown in the attached document. If the measurment is less than ?" the
plate is bent and should be replaced.
Note : To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution ID TAUS0901071EN* Solution Usage 1

ZU-602/ZU-607, Paper Edge sensor (PESB)sometimes does not detect paper.

CAUSE: Sensor sensitivity of the PESB (p/n 13NK -961 1)is low.

SOLUTION: First, clean the sensor. If the problem persists, the sensor light reflection label may become fogged with moisture from paper, deteriorating the
light receiving sensitivity. To correct it, perform the following:
1. Rotate the sensor volume (VR) on the paper edge sensor board (PESB) fully clockwise.
2. The corresponding LED will turn OFF.
3. Slowly rotate the VR counterclockwise.
4. When the LED turns ON, rotate the VR further by about 10 degrees and stop rotating. With the VR at this position, the sensitivity increases.
Note :For standard adjustment, itinstructs to rotate the VR counterclockwise and stop rotating when the LED turns ON.
CAUTION :If this action is taken, paper detection margin increases for thin paper. Tracing paper, thin paper may be seen through and not detected.If paper
is not detected at all after the above action and adjustment, the sensor light reflection label may have detached. Please check it.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS0902041EN* Solution Usage 1

ZU-605/ZU-607, J-7245 (J7245).

CAUSE: Burr on the top of Guide Plate 3 in ZU-605/ZU-607.

SOLUTION: To remove the burr on Guide Plate 3 (p/n 13NQ 4505 1):
1. Put curled paper into the entrance of guide plate.
2. Rotate knob and confirm whether burr is on the guide plate or not.
3. If the burr is removed, use the ZU-605/ZU-607 to see if the jam returns.
Note : Please refer to attached document for details and procedure. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1000753EN* Solution Usage 1

FS-528, J-7220 jam code.

CAUSE: FS-528 control programupdate is required.

SOLUTION: Please install Base firmware version G00-22 or later which includes the updated FS-528 control program (paper conveyance timingof roller/A
has been optimized from 109.5ms to 199.5ms). The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access
the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001609EN* Solution Usage 1

Intermittent J-7230.Paperdoes not always exit the FS-611.

1. Conveyance timing isincorrectas paperexits the FS-611.FS-611 main tray exit sensor (PS6)is failing or has failed.
Replace PS6 (p/n 08AA 8551 2).

2. Alignment of actuator and notch on belt detection gear is out of position.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Perform attached FS-611 Position Adjustment.To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100075EN* Solution Usage 1

Inconsistent punching. Holes being miscentered from front-to-rear.


bizhub PRO 950 with FS-528/FS-611/PK-505

CAUSE:The finisher entrance guide (Conveyance guide plate 1) is damaged, or one or both of the idler roller tension springs are missing which causes the
paper to drift to the point where the PK unit cannot compensate for the paper being miscentered.

SOLUTION:Remove the finisher entrance guide and inspect. On the underside of the guide there should be 2 springs providing tension to the white idler
rollers.If one or more of the springs are missing, replace the springs(p/n 13QE 4539 0).If the tabs on the guide plate that hold the springs are broken, replace
the finisher entrance guide (p/n 15JK 4501 0).

bizhub PRO 920 with FS-516/FS-604/PK-505

CAUSE: The finisher entrance guide (Conveyance guide plate 3) is damaged, or one or both of the idler roller tension springs are missing which causes the
paper to drift to the point where the PK unit cannot compensate for the paper being miscentered.

SOLUTION: Remove the finisher entrance guide and inspect. On the underside of the guide there should be 2 springs providing tension to the white idler
rollers. If one or more of the springs are missing, replace the springs (p/n 13QE 4539 0). If the tabs on the guide plate that hold the springs are broken,
replace the finisher entrance guide (p/n 13QE 4503 1).
Note : Please see attachment for a visual reference. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100137EN* Solution Usage 1

FS-528, J-7218.

CAUSE: Paper is being caught by an indentation on the rib of Conveyance Guide 8.

SOLUTION: Either smooth the surface of the rib indentation (if minor) or replace the guide (p/n 15JK 4508 1). To prevent further jamming due to the guide
being worn:

Cut part of neutralizing brush.

Check the paper conveyance state and correct any centering error and skew.
Note : Please see attached instructions. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1002329EN* Solution Usage 0

GP-501, unable to GBC punch. Paper passes through the GP-501 without being punched.

CAUSE: Firmware bug with GP-501 version 30.

SOLUTION: Flash GP-501 firmware to version 10.

Notes :
1.The GP-501 firmware is currently unable to be flashed when connected to a bizhub PRO 950. To flash the GP-501 firmware, remove the GP-501 Control
Board and install it in a GP-501 connected to a bizhub PRO 1200.
2. These problems have been reported to KMBT in Japan.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling

Solution ID TAUS0808074EN* Solution Usage

Cannot hole punch from some trays. Hole Punch is an available option, but sheets output without being punched.

CAUSE: Tray paper setting is set at punched paper.

SOLUTION: De-select Punched as the paper type.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000327EN* Solution Usage

J-1151 or J-3255 in idle.

CAUSE:The printer control board has failed due to ICP3 OPEN.

SOLUTION:Replace the printer control board (p/n A0Y5 H020 03).

Note :Before installingthe replacement board, inspect the wiring in the vertical conveyance area and the fuser area for pinched wiring.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000601EN* Solution Usage

Punch scraps are scattered inside the GP-501.

CAUSE: The manufacturer of the punch unit (GBC) has stated that this cannot be prevented.

SOLUTION: The operator and service technician need to vacuum the bottom of the machine regularly. The instructions for areas to vacuum are inside the
GP-501 front door at the bottom.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001422EN* Solution Usage

J-7240 (J72-40).

CAUSE: The Finisher CB (FSCB) has failed.

SOLUTION: Replace the FSCB.

FSCB Part Numbers

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling

bizhub 950 (FS-528/FS-611) - (p/n A10U H010 00)

bizhub 920 (FS-604) - (p/n 15SJ -901 1F)

bizhub 920 (FS-509/FS-516) - (p/n 15SF -901 1E) SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Randy Marquardt, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002242EN* Solution Usage

When corner staple is selected the staple is placed horizontally rather than diagonally in the corner.

CAUSE: All shipping brackets were not removed at set up.

SOLUTION:Ensure that all brackets are removed.Check for screws with red markings which must be removed.
Note:Please refer to the attached FS-528 Installation Manual. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002519EN* Solution Usage

FS-611, message indicates maximum number of staples is 30; staple feature will be deactivated.

CAUSE: Incorrect software DIPSW setting or incorrect paper weight.

SOLUTION: Check software DIPSW setting 15-1 and 15-2 in Service Mode under System Settings for allowable staple limit settings.
Note : Paper weight will affect staple limitation.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100361EN* Solution Usage

FS-528, J-7216 when outputting copies/prints with high toner coverage.

CAUSE:The main body exit sensor (PS6) is contaminated or has failed.

SOLUTION: Remove the main body exit unit and clean PS6 and the surrounding area.If the problem remains, replace PS6 (p/n 56GA 8553 1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1103781EN* Solution Usage

Finisher jam codesmay be displayed (e.g., J7308, J73-08). Paper mayexit skewed or have folded or torn edges. Finishers affected:



Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
CAUSE: Paper catches on the Stacker Neutralizing Brush attached to the Paper Exit Regulating Plate.

SOLUTION: Remove any jammed paper and please install or replace (if damaged)Guide Sheet/2 (p/n 20AK 4319 0).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS1103811EN* Solution Usage

PRINTING IN PROGRESS message is continually displayed when attempting to feed from the LU-407.

CAUSE: The Pre-Registration sensor (PS107) and/or LU Exit sensor (PS106) is dirty or has failed.

SOLUTION: Remove and thoroughly clean the Pre-Registration sensor and the LU Exit sensor. The position of the two sensors should be switched since
they have the same part number. Replace the two sensors (p/n 56AA 8552 1) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
Solution ID TAUS0701860EN* Solution Usage 14

HTTP 400 - Bad Request error. Unable to view the printer web browser (PageScope Web Connection).

CAUSE: The reason for the error:
1. A bad request.The browser sent a request that the server could not understand.
2. An attempt to communicatewith plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port. Instead, use the HTTPS scheme to access the URL.
3.The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
Note : The first digit of the status code specifies one of five classes of response.

1xx Informational

2xx Success

3xx Redirection

4xx Client Error

5xx Server Error

SOLUTION: The error can be eliminated by:

1. Checking for any enabled Pop-up blockers and reconfiguring them.
2. Checking for Internet security software that may be blocking Web access and disabling the service. Example: Norton© Internet Security.
3. Installing Microsoft® .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1. Microsoft® has confirmed that this is a problem inMicrosoft® products that are listed in the
"Applies to" section. This problem was first corrected in.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1. Please refer to Microsoft® Article ID: 826437 - FIX: "HTTP 400 -
Bad request" error message in the .NET Framework 1.1 .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0900989EN* Solution Usage 5

How to obtain spool files from an AS/400 for analysis by the lab.

Because of the complexityand types of issues betweenMFPs and the AS/400, the Lab may occasionally require that a spool file be provided so that the exact
issue can be re-created by the lab. There aretwo methods to follow, depending upon the OS version on the AS/400.

Follow these steps to obtain the spool file.

1. Obtain the version of the OS/400 that is installed the AS/400 by issuing the following command:
(The user will need appropriate rights in order to do this.)

2. When the Work with Licensed Programs menu is displayed, type option 10 to display installed licensed programs.
3. After the list is displayed (it may take awhile), press F11 to display the release version. This will appearunder the Installed Release column.
4. Use theattached instructions to obtain the spool file.
If the OS version is V5R4M0 or higher, then use instructions called
Backing up Spool files System i V5R4Mx.pdf

If the OS version is lower then V5R4M0, then use instructions called:

Instructions to copy spool files off AS400 V5 using FTP-final.pdf

5. After thefiles are obtained,attach them to the SSD ticket.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE

Solution ID TAUS0701267EN* Solution Usage 4

When installing the ISWTRNS utility on a Microsoft® Windows Vista™ PC, the USB selection is greyed out.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related

1. Earlier ISWTrns version is being used.
The USB feature is available in ISWTrns utility version 3.73E and newer.

2. Incorrect setup procedure.

Correct procedure:
a. With the utility closed, plug in USB connector into PC and MFP in the power ON idle state.
b. When prompted to install the correct Konica Minolta USB driver, select YES, install.
c. Once installed correctly, right-click the ISWTRNS icon on the desktop.
d. Select Properties/Compatibility tab.
e. Under Compatibility mode, check "Run this program in compatiblity mode for Windows XP (SP2)".
f. Then check "Run this program as an administrator". Press Apply.
g. Select "Show settings for all users".
h. Select Continue.
i. Under Compatibility mode, check "Run this program in compatiblity mode for Windows XP (SP2)".
j. Then check "Run this program as an administrator". Press Apply.
k. Open the ISWTRNS utility and select Allow.
l. In the utility select the Setting button and set communication. The USB selection should now be available for use.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD and Felix Burgen, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0901104EN* Solution Usage 4

When Email Communication fails while configuring a bizhub PRO 950 for vCare, email error codes will be displayed differently, depending on what mode the
technician was in.

Refer to the attached document "Explanation of bizhub Pro 950 vCare Email Error Codes.pdf", which clarifies the 950's vCare email error codes.

This document explains the difference between vCare Email error codes that occur when performing a [CSRC Communication Test] through the IP Controller
and the vCare Email error codes that occur when accessing the vCare/CSRC settings through Tech Rep Mode.

Additionally, the procedure to print out a “Communication List” through “Tech Rep” Mode - List Output is documented.

1.When SMTP reply codes occur (200 to 554), it is necessary to look up what the actual SMTP error refers to.
2. If the “Communication Log List” button does not appear, in [Service Mode] > select [System Setting] > [Software DIPSW Setting] and set [30-1] to
3. When printing out a vCare Communication log, regardless of the errors that occur in the vCare/CSRC “Tech Rep” Mode settings, the Communication Log
will print all error codes in the same format as displayed in the [CSRC Communication Test].

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ASG/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000242EN* Solution Usage 4

Images scannedinto eCopy™ ShareScan® version 4.3 for ScanStation® are displayed180° upside down.

CAUSE:Incorrect software DIP switch (DIPSW)setting on the bizhub PRO 950.

SOLUTION: Change software dipswitch (DIPSW)40-7 to"1" to allow proper rotation of the scanned image. Refer to the attacheddocument forinformation on
the bizhub Pro 950 software DIP switchsettings. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Verification of the problem and confirmation of the correction was performedin the following environment;

eCopy™ ShareScan® version 4.3 for ScanStation®

Konica Minolta Non GUITWAIN driver version

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
bizhub Pro 950
-Image firmware version -GU0-20
-Printer Control firmware version -G00-20
-IC Controllerversion - GC1-20

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902808EN* Solution Usage 3

Driver indicates "Out of Paper" or "Offline" after printing a few jobs.The mainbody or the workstation must be rebooted to clear the message, but issue returns
after printing a small number of jobs.
The "Out of Paper" message will appear if any tray is empty and will switch to "Offline" if paper is added.
If all trays have paper when condition occurs, only the "Offline" message appears.

CAUSE:SNMPis set to"Enabled"for the printer port.


1. In the printer folder, right-click on the affected printer.
2.Select [Properties]
3. Select [Ports] tab.
4.Select [Configure port]
5.Uncheck [SNMP status enabled].
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001543EN* Solution Usage 3

How to perform a Mail Merge using Microsoft® Word 2003.

The attached documentation outlines procedures to:

divide Mail Merge into separate jobs based on name or address

separate a file that has already been merged into Microsoft® Word 2003. In other words, you only have a Word file with all the variable data incorporated. No
need to add recipients from a spreadsheet.
Notes :
1.The instructions are for both scenarios using Microsoft® Word 2003 and attached are the files used in the instructions. Pleaseremember to check pages
2. To view the attached DOC file, you may need to download a free copy of Microsoft® Word® Viewer (24.5MB).

3. To view the attachedXLS file, you may need to download a free copy of Microsoft® Excel® Viewer (74MB).

4. To viewthe attachedPDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002524EN* Solution Usage 3

When attempting to install firmware for the GP-501 using ISWTrns, the GBC is not selectable in the Board pull-down menu under Select Type section if
Machine selected is 950.

CAUSE: Bug in ISWTrns utility.

SOLUTION:Please updateISWTRNS utility to version 3.81E.The utility can bedownloaded from the Konica Minolta Download Selector.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
Note : Supported 32-bit OS: Microsoft® Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT 4.0/XP/Vista™
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Felix Burgen, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1103727EN* Solution Usage 3

Unable to print from Macintosh® 10.6.8 after performing an update orafter performing a Security Update.

The printer is paused.

The printer is automatically paused.

Job Message: /usr/libexec/cups/backend/socket failed .

The printer is in Printer Ready, but unable to print.

Job Message: "The printer software was installed incorrectly. Please reinstall the printer's software or contact the manufacturer for assistance."

CAUSE: There is a bug in the security settings of the OS of Macintosh® 10.6.8.

SOLUTION: Please apply the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Supplemental Update .

From the Apple menu choose Software Update .

Install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Supplemental Update .

Printers that were " Paused " work again after Resuming print.
For some reason, if the update does not resolve the problem, as a provisional workaround please turn OFF SNMP on the Konica Minolta equipment. DO
NOT manipulate the customer's MAC®. For a Fiery® that is unable to print, please install the Mac_10.6_Driver_Patch (356KB) .
Note: With SNMP disabled , bi-directional communication is not available, the machine consumablescannot be read andNet Care/Command
WorkStation™/WebTools/SNMP-based tools/PageScope NDPS Gateway/Peer-to-Peer Printing/RightFax®/PageScope Enterprise Suite/ PageScope
Router/Copy Protect Utility are affected.


B/W Production Products

bizhub PRO 1050 series
[Utility/Counter] g [Machine Manager Setting] g [Network Setting] g [Controller NIC Setting] g [SNMP Setting: Not Use] g Save g Reboot the

bizhub PRO 920

[Utility/Counter] g [Administrator Setting] g [Network Setting] g [IP NIC Setting] g [SNMP Setting: Not Use] g Save g Reboot the Machine.

bizhub PRO 950/1051/1200

[Utility/Counter] g [Administrator Setting] g [Network Setting] g [Controller NIC Setting] g [SNMP Setting: Disable all settings] g Save g Reboot
the Machine.

Color and B/WProducts

bizhub C220/C280/C360/C451/C550/C650/C452/C552/C652/C552DS/C652DS/
[Utility/Counter] g [Administrator Setting] g [Network Settings] g [SNMP Settings: Turn settings OFF] g Save g Reboot the Machine.

B/W Products
bizhub 200/250/350/222/282/362
[Open a Web Browser] g [Type in the TCP/IP address of the machine] g [Administrator Mode] g [Network Tab] g [SNMP Setting: Disable] g Save
g Reboot the Machine.

Printer Products:
magicolor 1600W/1650EN/1680MF/1690MF/4690MF
[Admin Management] g [Network Settings] g [SNMP: Disable] g Save g Reboot the Machine.

magicolor 4690MF/C20/C35
[Admin Management] g [Network Settings] g [Ethernet] g [TCP/IP] g [SNMP: Disable] g Save g Reboot the Machine.

Access via a Web Browser

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
[Open a Web Browser] g [Type in the TCP/IP address of the machine] g [Administrator Mode] g [Network Tab] g [SNMP Setting: Disable] g Save
g Reboot the Machine.
Notes :
1. To open the ZIP file WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website .The file can either be saved to disk or opened.
It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view.
2.Please refer to attached documentation for additional information. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0802060EN* Solution Usage 2

When printing AS/400® forms, the print does not line up with the form.

CAUSE:The AS/400® isconverting the forms based on an HP® LaserJet 5si (this is by design).The margins are not set correctly and produces the offset.

Some hospitals print face sheets that are a combination of downloaded forms and patient data. These forms do not print properly from any laser based-PCL5

SOLUTION:This is the onlyway to line up the forms and the data correctly.
1.Create or obtain a new WSCST (Workstation Customization Object)with the following keyword in it.
2. Replace the line with the following:
Thiswill tell HPT (Host Print Transform)to rasterize the form and data together instead of converting it.
3.Compile the new WSCST.
4. To activate the new WSCST, you must apply the WSCST to the device description for that printerwith the writer ended and device description varied.
5.After applying the WSCST, vary ON the device description and start the Writer.
6. When the job is sent, the form should be in-line with the text.
Note : Attachedis an uncompiled WSCST that has the above command alreadychanged along withtray calls Drawer 1 mapped toAuto Tray Switching and
Drawer 2 mapped to Tray 2. These are the normal mappings needed for customers that use face sheet forms.This can be installed on the AS/400® and
compiled to the OS version on the AS/400®. Please refer to attachedinstructions on how to accomplish this.
To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byJohn Miller, Workgroup/SSD and Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0802412EN* Solution Usage 2

Slow printing issue when utilizing Macintosh® OS 10.4.x.

CAUSE: Issue with the CUPS daemon configuration file on Macintosh® OS 10.4.x. being corrupt.

SOLUTION: The old CUPS daemon configuration file must be deleted and a new one created. Please see the attached document for instruction on how to
remove and re-create the daemon configuration file.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tim Blevins - KMBS/Cleveland

Solution ID TAUS0901223EN* Solution Usage 2

The first print job always prints slow with the PCL driver.

CAUSE: Early version PCL driver installed.

SOLUTION: Download and install the latest PCL driver. The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector
from the the KMBS public site ( http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on
'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related

Solution ID TAUS0902084EN* Solution Usage 2

How to push driver properties down to clients from a Netware server.

Bcause of the nature of how drivers are installed in the NDPS database, driver properties can not be saved.

Novellacknowledged this limitation; inNetware 6.5 and above there is a function called the Driver Profile.Use the following instructions to allow driver
properties to be downloaded from the client when the printer driver is downloaded from the NDPS database.

Before creating the profile, the following items must be installed on the Netware 6.5 server:
1.SP5 or above, including all patches.
2.iPrint version 4.2.8 or higher.
3.TheiPrint LIB files must be updated.

These files can be found at http://www.novell.com

To install:
1.In Novell iManager, click iPrint > Print driver profile.
2.Browse to and select the print manager where you want the driver profile stored and made available to the printers on that manager
3.Select an operation and click OK (create, delete, modify)

After creating a printer driver profile associate it with a printer:

1.In Novell iManager, click iPrint > Manage printer.
2.Browse to and select the printer you want to modify.
3.Click drivers > printer_driver_operating_system.
4.Select the printer driver from the list of available printers.
5.Select the profile you want associated with this driver from the list of available driver profiles for the selected driver
6.Select OK to save the changes.

Note:If you experience winsock 11004 issues when creating the driver profile, update the local HOSTS file on the workstation with the IP address of the server
and its DNS entry.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE

Solution ID TAUS1001498EN* Solution Usage 2

In some cases, it may be desirable to tri-fold many single sheets using the PI-506 in manual mode, effectively using the PI-506/FS-611 as a simple folder. The
current specification is that the PI-506 will feed up to three sheets and combine them into one document.

To use the PI-506 in the manner described above, install special finisher firmware version GU2-21for the FS-611. This firmware permits continuous feeding
and tri-folding of single sheets offline (multi letter fold) using the lower PI tray; this continues until the tray is empty. The upper tray continues to operate
Note : The firmware is available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support)
by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001752EN* Solution Usage 2

How to delete Plug-in Forms when the password is unknown.

The default password for Plug-in Forms is password (lowercase).

If the Plug-in Forms password has been changed and is unknown, it can be resetusing theattached file passwordReset.prn.By simply sending this file to the
controller, it will reset the Plug-in Forms password to password .

Use this procedure tosend this file to theprint controller:

1.From a PC on the network, opena DOS prompt.
2. Input the following command:
lpr-S i paddressofprinter -P print /pathtofile/ passwordReset.prn

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
3. Press Enter.

The attached file has a screenshotof a real-world lpr command. Note that your ipaddressofprinter will be different from the example.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0655341EN* Solution Usage 1

In Microsoft® Publisher 2002/2003, publications/records are not individually collated and stapled when duplexing and using the Mail Merge feature.

CAUSE: Registry edit required.
WARNING : In Microsoft® Windows, system configuration information is centrally located in the registry. While this simplifies the administration of a
computer or network, one incorrect edit to the registry can disable the operating system. The following list provides some best practices for using the registry
and Registry Editor safely:

Before making changes to the registry, make a backup copy.

Back up the registry by using a program such as Backup. After making changes to the registry, create an Automated System Recovery (ASR) disk. For
troubleshooting purposes, keep a list of the changes you make to the registry. For more information, see System State data.
Do not replace the Microsoft® Windows registry with the registry of another version of the Microsoft® Windows or Microsoft® Windows NT-type operating
Use reliable tools and programs other than Registry Editor to edit the registry.
Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage the system. Use tools and programs that provide safer methods for editing the registry.
Never leave Registry Editor running unattended.
Konica Minolta is not responsible for any system errors that may result from using a registry editor incorrectly.

SOLUTION: Microsoft® Publisher can be enabled to individually collate, staple and duplex publications/records when using the Mail Merge feature of
Publisher through a registry edit. This can be done either manually or by a script.
To manually edit the registry
Open the Registry Editor by clicking Start, click Run, type regedit , and then click OK. Go to:
1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\ \Publisher\Printing
2. Right-click on the Printing folder, select New => String Value.
2. Create new "string value" called: NumberOfRecordsPerBatch
3. Double-click and set the Value Data to 1 . Instead of grouping records together into groups of 10to send to the printer (Publisher default), the records are
now sent in groups of 1 (i.e., each document is sent separately).
Note : A value for this size setting can be set between 0 and 99999.

To update the registry "automatically" from a script

1. Download the scriptfrom http://ed.mvps.org/20031Rec.reg and save the REG file to the Desktop (script is also attached in case the URL cannot be
2. Double-click on the icon, and then click on Yes to the question, "Are you sure you want to add the information in C:DOCUME~1\administrator account
\Desktop\20031Rec.reg to the registry?"
3. The new value will be added to the registry.
Note :Refer to Windows registry information for advanced users ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986 ) for additional registry editinformation.

Solution ID TAUS0802656EN* Solution Usage 1

CS Remote Care is grayed out in Service mode when setting up vCare.

CAUSE: CS Remote Care recognition has been disabled.

SOLUTION: In Service mode enable CS Remote Care by changing Software Switch Setting 15-5 to ON (1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Don St. Onge and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901089EN* Solution Usage 1

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
Microsoft® Word does not return to the default printer when closed and reopened.

CAUSE: Microsoft® Outlook is open and is using Microsoft® Word asthe default program for editing messages.

SOLUTION: To change the default mail message editing program perform the following:
1. Go into Microsoft® Outlook and select Tools from the tool bar.
2. Scroll down to Options.
3. Click on the Mail Format Tab.
4.Make sure the Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages checkbox is selected.
Note : In versions before Microsoft® Outlook 2003, the text reads Use Microsoft Word to edit e-mail messages . In Microsoft® Outlook 2007, there is no
longer an Outlook editor. The default is Microsoft® Word and cannot be changed.
5. Close the dialog.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902460EN* Solution Usage 1

How to perform a Mail Merge using Microsoft® Word 2007.

The attached documentation outlines procedures to:

divide Mail Merge into separate jobs based on name or address

separate a file that has already been merged into Microsoft® Word 2007. In other words, you only have a Word file with all the variable data incorporated. No
need to add recipients from a spreadsheet.
Notes :
1.The instructions are for both scenarios using Microsoft® Word 2007 and attached are the files used in the instructions. Please don't forget to check pages
2. To view the DOC file, Microsoft® Word® or Word® Viewer must be installed. Word® Viewer 2003 (11.7MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at the
following URL; http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&FamilyID=95e24c87-8732-48d5-8689-ab826e7b8fdf .
3. To view the XLS file, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at the
following URL; http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c8378bf4-996c-4569-b547-75edbd03aaf0&displaylang=EN .
4. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000048EN* Solution Usage 1

"Login in Error" when scanning to a Microsoft® Windows2003/2008 Server.

CAUSE: The default setting for SMB is NTLM 1 which is not supported by Microsoft® Windows 2003/2008 Server.

SOLUTION:NTLM 1and NTLM 2 should be selected (see attached photo).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Victor Miranda, SSD District Service Manager/East Region

Solution ID TAUS1001541EN* Solution Usage 1

When printing text on tabs, additional fonts added to theMac OS are not available in the Font List of the PS plug-in driver.

KMBS has confirmed with Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan that the ability touse any additionalfonts in thetab settings of the PS Plug-in
driveris not supportedforMac OS environment.
This is the specification of the PS plug-in driver for Macintosh environments.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
Solution ID TAUS1001992EN* Solution Usage 1

A list of all the addresses added to a Scan group list is not displayed on the 950 LCD when choosing to view members of the group list.

CAUSE:This is caused by a firmware bug.

SOLUTION:Install special Image Control firmware v.GU4-22to correct this issue.

NOTE: System code, firmware, and drivers are available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100204EN* Solution Usage 1

Cannot update firmwarefor the GP-501 when usedwith the bizhub PRO 950/1051/C6501/C6501P.

CAUSE:Firmware cannot be written due to a utility program error.

SOLUTION:Please updateISWTRNS utility to version 3.81E.The utility can bedownloaded from the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Note : Supported 32-bit OS: Microsoft® Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT 4.0/XP/Vista™
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1103809EN* Solution Usage 1

When printing the image/document from QuarkXPress® 7 and 8, printer settings (e.g., copies, Duplex, Booklet etc.) do not work with Macintosh® OS

CAUSE: This issue occurs in relation to the QuarkXPress® 7 and 8print process (a restriction of QuarkXPress®) andMacintosh® OS 10.4.x/10.5.x.
The application calls "pstops" filter (PostScript to PostScript filter) to reflect the print settings that were set within the printer driver. The driver settings are
converted to the PostScript command with this filter.
However, QuarkXPress® calls the "quarkpstops" filter (original filter of Quark) instead of the "pstops" filter. QuarkXPress® stores the driver settings in
"JobTicket" then this "JobTicket"is converted to the PostScript command by "quarkpstops".
When receiving a large JobTicket, "quarkpstops" filter cannot process it.
At this time, driver settings are processed as a default settings. As a result, driver settings do not work.
Both thebizhub PRO 1051/1200/1200P and bizhub PRO 950 PS Plug-in driverscreate a large JobTicket because these PPDs have many printer features.

SOLUTION: For QuarkXPress® 7 and 8withMacintosh® OS 10.4.x/10.5.x environments you will need to utilize the Konica Minolta PS(P) driver to be able to
print with all features.

bizhubPRO 1051/1200/1200PPS(P) driver version 2.1.0

bizhubPRO 950PS(P) driver version 2.1.0

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
Notes :
1. The latest printer drivers areavailable via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
2. Testing performed by ESS has found that the bizhub PRO 1051/1200/1200PPlug-in driver version 2.0.272 and bizhub PRO 950 Plug-in driver version
2.0.255 functioned correctly with QuarkXPress®8 in Macintosh® OS 10.6.x environment.
3.It is important that you fully uninstall the PS Plug-in driversfrom the Macintosh® OS prior to installing the Konica Minolta PS(P) drivers. Please refer to that
attached documents for instructions on how to uninstall the PS Plug-in drivers. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)and by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0801980EN* Solution Usage 0

"Device can not print in accordance w/guidelines pick another printer" message when trying to print postage from Stamps.Com.

CAUSE: Driver incompatibility.

SOLUTION: Stamps.com states that they will not work with Konica Minoltadrivers.The only thing they will do is print labels, and you have to purchase the
labels from Stamps.com.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001540EN* Solution Usage 0

The fontsize of the text printed on atab sheet is incorrect (too large). This happens when printing with the PS plug-in driver. For example,13 pointtext willl
printon the tab at approximately 16~18 pointsize.
This does NOT occur when using the PCL driver.

CAUSE:This is caused bya bug in the Windows 950 and 1200/1051 PS Plug-in drivers.

SOLUTION:Installspecial950 or 1200/1051 PS Plug-in driver version 2.0.263 tocorrect this issue.

Refer to the attached PDFs for further details on this driver:
950: PRI_DLBT1002591EN00.pdf
1051/1200: PRI_DLBT1002589EN00.pdf

System code, firmware, and drivers are available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
NOTE 2: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001694EN* Solution Usage 0

The following messages may be indicated when performing Scan-to-SMB.

Not enough server storage is available to process this command.

Folder is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access
permissions. The network path was not found.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related

CAUSE: The registry needs to be edited.
WARNING : In Microsoft® Windows, system configuration information is centrally located in the registry. While this simplifies the administration of a
computer or network, one incorrect edit to the registry can disable the operating system. Konica Minolta or Microsoft® cannot guarantee that problems
resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

SOLUTION: Please have the customer's Network Administrator perform the following Registry change to increase the value of the IRPStackSize registry
1. Click Start .
2. Click Run .
3. Type regedit , and then click OK .
4. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
If the IRPStackSize entry is not present in this subkey, follow these steps:
a. Click Edit,point to New , and then click DWORD Value.
b. Type IRPStackSize , and then press ENTER.
Note : Type IRPStackSize exactly as it appears. The value name is case sensitive.
5.Click IRPStackSize , click Edit , and then click Modify .
6.In the Data Value box, type a larger value, and then click OK .

If the problem persists aftercompleting theprocedure, increase the value of IRPStackSize.

Note : Values may range from 0x1 to 0xC. These values are equivalent to 1 to 12 in decimal notation. For more information, please see the Microsoft® KB
Article ID: 106167 - Error message: "Not enough server storage is available to process this command" .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001754EN* Solution Usage 0

How to change the Plug-in Form password.

The default Plug-in Form passwordis "password"(lowercase).
The Plug-in Form password can be changed directly from the MFP.
Tochange the password on the MFP, use this procedure:
1. On the MFP's LCD, press Machine -> Controller -> 06 Plug-in Form Password. A screen will come up asking to "Input Current Password".
2. Input the current password.After the current password has been input, the next screen will come upto "Input New Password".
3. Enter the new password.

Refer to the attached pdf for instructions with screen shots.

Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001995EN* Solution Usage 0

Scan groups are deleted when additional e-mails are added from the copier web utilities. This occurs in the process of exporting the ip_email.txt file, then
adding the e-mails to the file, and then importing it back to the 950.

CAUSE:This is caused by a firmware bug.

SOLUTION:Install special Image Control firmware v.GU4-22to correctthis issue.

IMPORTANT: This correction requires the following:

DipSW 5-6 must be setto "1", and

the "ip_email.txt" file tag name located on the top line of the file (not file name)must be changed from #IP_EMAIL to #IP_EMAIL_ADD .

Refer tothe attached example of "ip_email.txt" filewherehe tag name (top line) is changed. When this file is modified in this manner, the previously created
scan groups will not be deleted.

NOTE: System code, firmware, and drivers are available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100026EN* Solution Usage 0

Microsoft® Office PowerPoint 2007 locks up when printing using Konica Minolta PostScript or PCL drivers.

CAUSE: "PopUP Authentication Dialog When Printing" is selected.

SOLUTION: Disable "Print in background" in PowerPoint 2007.

1.Click onthe OfficeButton on the top left-hand corner.
2. Select PowerPoint Options at the bottom.
3.Click onAdvanced on the left pane.
4. Deselect “Print in background” under the "Print" section.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Victor Miranda, SSD District Service Manager/East Region

Solution ID TAUS0901139EN* Solution Usage

How to Secure Print using the PostSript plug-in (SOFHA) driver.

Install the driver using the self-installer. Download and double-click PrinterInstaller.exe . Do not extract files and use Add Printer feature. The printer will be
listed as KONICA MINOLTA xxxx PS(Plug). From the document application:
1. Select File=> Print.
2.Select printer if it is not the default.
3.Select Preferences/Properties depending on the application that you are printing from.
4.When the window opens select the bizhub PRO 920/950/1050 tab.
5. Scroll to the right on the tab icon barand select Workflow.
6. In lowerleft corner select theAutoprint drop down, choose desired output.
7. Enter Secure Print ID and Password.
8. SelectOK twice to close the 2 new windows.
9. Click print.
Note : Please refer to attached PostScript Plug-in document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901162EN* Solution Usage

Cannot print to a user box from MicroPress®.

CAUSE: This is not an available function with the MicroPress® sytem.

SOLUTION: To print to a user box, a standard bizhub PRO 1050 driver must be installed. This will allow printing directly to the bizhub PRO 1050 bypassing
the MicroPress® system. SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901171EN* Solution Usage

Accessories are not shown or not available in the MicroPress® shared driver.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
CAUSE: Options are not enabled in the driver on the MicroPress® server.

SOLUTION: To enable the driver options:

1. On the MicroPress® server, access the Printers & Faxes menu.
2.Right-click the desired printer.
3. Select Properties.
4. Select the Device Settings tab.
5.Scroll down to the Installable Options section; expand the section.
6.Select desired paper source and finishing options thenselect Apply.
The options will now be available for all workstations with the shared driver loaded. Please review the attached document for detailed view of option setting.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902136EN* Solution Usage


While upgrading the firmware on a MPI LinkCom™ III print server using Microsoft® Windows Vista™, the update may fail.

CAUSE: Anomalywhen attempting firmware install using Microsoft® Windows Vista™.

SOLUTION:The only known solution is to use Microsoft® Windows XP and recycle the print serverbefore performing the upgrade again.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902600EN* Solution Usage

The bizhub PRO 950 is not sending the meter count information vCare/CSRC (CS Remote Care) at the correct interval.

CAUSE: The CSRC Schedule for Monthly and Daily were reversed because of a firmware bug prior to version 20. The vCare/CSRC system would not list the
daily meter count under the Maintenance Application => Counter Info button => Past Data button => Total button.

SOLUTION: Upgrade the engine firmware version to G00-20 (filename: 950us 20.exe ). The firmware is available from the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
If the bizhub PRO 950 was configured to communicate with vCare/CSRC System before the firmware is upgraded to version 20, perform the following steps
after the upgrade is finished.
1. Enter Tech Rep Mode (Service Mode) by pressing Utility/Counter => STOP, 00, STOP, 01.
2. Press [09 CS Remote Care].
3. Press [ID Code].
4. Enter a 7-digit Tech ID number in [ID Code].
5. Press [Detail Setting].
6. Press [Periodic Transmission Setting].
7. Press [Every day]. Change the hour and minute to a random time.
8. Press [OK] to save the changes.
9. Press [Return].
10. Press [Maintenance Comp] at the CS Remote Care setting window.
11. Exit Tech Rep Mode (Service Mode).
Note : Please see attached Release Notes prior to installing the firmware. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS.

Solution ID TAUS0902962EN* Solution Usage

Some PDF files won't print

CAUSE: Security restrictions preventing printing.


1. Open the file in question on a PC and select "File"

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
2. Click "Document properties"
3. Click "Security"
4. View if there are any restrictions for printing.

This feature can be viewed with all versions of Acrobat reader but can be changedwith Acrobat standard or higher.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by John Miller, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000606EN* Solution Usage

When printing from Adobe® Acrobat® on a Macintosh® 10.6, the job does not output. The job will be shown in the "Job List" under "Incomplete" with a status
of "Cancelled"

CAUSE: "Auto Rotate & Center" is selected in the Adobe® Acrobat® print dialog screen.

SOLUTION: Select File ? Print ? ensure "Auto Rotate & Center" is not selected ? apply booklet settings and finishing options as desired.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001506EN* Solution Usage

Codes C-8407 and C-8408are not listed under the Trouble tab in the Web Application.

CAUSE:bizhub vCare\CSRC (CS Remote Care) version 2.5.0 or below did not continue this specification.

SOLUTION: Upgrade bizhub vCare\CSRC System to version 2.5.1 or higher.

To access the error code listing in the Web Application, perform the following:
1. Login into the Web Application.
2. Click on the Maintenance button.
3. Click on the Filter button.
4.To select one bizhub PRO 950 and perform the following:
a.Click on the[ Serial Number ] check box.
b.Enter machine serial number.
c.Click OK .
d.Go to step 6.
5. To select all bizhub PRO 950s associated with the login account, perform the following:
a. Click the [ Product Name ] checkbox and select 950 from the drop down menu.
b. Select 950 from the drop-down menu.
c. Click OK.
6. Click the bizhub PRO 950 fromthe Device Entry field (above [Machine Details] button).
7. Click on the[ Past Data ] tab, then the Trouble tab.
8. Scroll to bottom of the meter count field using the right hand slider (refer to attached document).
Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1001972EN* Solution Usage

Some MS Word documents intermittently do not print when using the 950 PCL driver "Popup Authentication Dialog when printing" feature.

CAUSE: This is caused by abug in the bizhub PRO 950 PCL driver v. The print job fails to print on the 950 and is listedas an "Incomplete job".
This issue only seems to occur with some specific word documents and only after document is firstopened and printed for first time. The job will print correctly
thereafter as long as document remains open.

SOLUTION: Installspecial 950 PCL driver v.2.0.0.EIT1_01to correct this issue.

Refer to the attached PDF for additional details.

Note1: System code, firmware, and drivers are available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
1. Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
Note 2: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1002073EN* Solution Usage

Removing printer drivers and Fiery® PCL drivers.
•Unable to remove the driver.
•Unable to delete the printer.
•Unable to delete the port.
•The computer CPU goes to 100%.
•Selecting the printer Properties and the computer locks up.
•The Print Spooler stops.
•Unable to delete/remove a PCL driver.
•For Fiery®, using the Fiery Printer Delete Utility does not remove the driver. (example: PCL driver)

The printer is located here:

The drivers are located here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NTx86\Drivers\Version-3

Note : Please follow these recommendations.

Let the customer (Network Administrator)know first before attempting.

Delete the printer first via Printer and Faxesunder Control Panel.

Use this procedure when the conditions described are present.

Please see the attached video for exact location. To view the video, you may need to download a free copy of Windows® Media Player.

WARNING : In Microsoft® Windows, system configuration information is centrally located in the registry. While this simplifies the administration of a
computer or network, one incorrect edit to the registry can disable the operating system. Konica Minolta is not responsible for any system errors that may
result from using a registry editor incorrectly.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002090EN* Solution Usage

"Acquire Tray and Paper Data" or "Acquire Device Information" features result in 'Failure' to Acquire Settings.

CAUSE:It is possible that theMFP is installed in a SNMPv3 environment;the base release of the plug-in driver does not support SNMPv3.

SOLUTION:Install the PS plug-in driver listed below for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Server 2008 and Windows 7.
1051/1200:version 2.0.265
950:version 2.0.265

These drivers support the same Read User content as the SMNPv3 functions on the MFP main body.
Important :This driver is only for SNMPv3 environments; it will not work with SNMPv1 or SNMPv2.

Note: The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD
Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Stu Dern, ESS

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related
Solution ID TAUS1100416EN* Solution Usage

Konica Minolta TWAIN driver support for 64-bit Microsoft® Windows 2008 Server.

KMBS (US) has been informed by KMBT (Japan) that the latest Konica Minolta TWAIN driver will function in Microsoft®Windows 2008 Server 64-bit
KMBS/ESS has performed a brief test with the KM TWAIN driver version and the KM HDD TWAIN driver version on a Microsoft®Windows
2008 server 64-bit system using the Microsoft®Document Imaging program with no issues.
Notes :
1.At this time, the ReadMe documents for the KMTWAIN drivers do notlist support for Microsoft®Windows Server OS environment. KMBT (Japan) doesplan
to perform their normal QA for Microsoft®Windows Server OS 64-bitand then update the ReadMe documents accordingly.
2. Please refer to the attached Readme documents forfurther detail.To viewa PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100495EN* Solution Usage

Cannot print on tabs using the 64-bit PostScript plug-in driver.

CAUSE: Driver is set up incorrectly. In a server/client environment, the driver is configured to be pulled down to the Client from the server; the driver needs to
be configured correctly.

SOLUTION:Follow these steps to configure the driver.

1. On the server, go to Printing Preferences and select the Advanced tab.(This is not the Advanced tab located in Printer Properties.)The Printing
Preferences section will only have two tabs: the Name/Path of the driver, andAdvanced.
2. Under the Advanced tab, find a setting called Advanced Printing Features and disable the setting.
3. Click OK and close the driver.
4. Go to the Microsoft® Windows 7 client and perform the same function.At this point, any tab setting you previously set upwill be gone, soset up the tabs
again.This time the tab should print.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1103527EN* Solution Usage

"Error Validating PPD file" message when trying to install a PPD on an AIX® server.

CAUSE: The downloaded PPD file was not decompressed correctly.

SOLUTION: Use the program WinRAR© to extract the PPD. Other programs like WinZip® do not decompress the file correctly.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Randy Marquardt, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1103939EN* Solution Usage

Macintosh® OS 10.7 "Lion" - current print and scan limitations.

Scan to SMB

Scan to FTP

Printing with Konica Minolta 10.6 driver

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related

Printing with EFI® Fiery® driver 10.6

Installation of TWAIN driver KMC35 version is not possible

In the new Macintosh® OS 10.7 "Lion" some network protocols are no longer supported or were changed. Additionally there are some changes regarding
rights management for print drivers and their plugins.

Scan to SMB
Apple® has changed from SAMBA to their own SMBX.
SMBX supported SMB 1.0, SMB 2.0 and assume Unicode.
SMB Scan from Konica Minolta MFPs no longer works.


Scan to FTP
The GUI for the FTP Server was removed, so far using Scan to FTP you have to activate FTP Server via the Terminal first.

(SOLUTION) "Lion" Server: Enabling the FTP service

Solution was released by Apple®: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4704

Printing with Konica Minolta 10.6 driver

Most print driver functions are available.

NoWORKAROUND necessary

Printing with EFI® Fiery® driver 10.6

EFI® printer drivers for Macintosh® OS 10.6 cannot be installed on "Lion" and are not working. This is due to incompatibilities with the core printing system of

(SOLUTION) EFI ® has released a Fiery ® Express Driver which is a universal driver that can be used with any Fiery ® . The driver will provide basic
feature support for Fiery ® printing. The Fiery ® Express Driver is a solution that can be installed on any Macintosh ® using Mac OS X 10.7 to provide basic
feature support for Fiery ® printing. Macintosh ® OS X 10.7 users who want to print using Fiery ® features should print to the Fiery ® “Held” queue then use
Command WorkStation™ 5.x to edit the Job Properties.

The Fiery® Express driver will support the following features for Fiery® printing:
• Duplex
• Stapling
• Output Paper Size
• Color Mode
• Composite Overprint
Please see the attached driver and Fiery® Express Driver Setup Guide for additional information.

The following are known issues when using the Fiery® Express Driver:
a The Fiery® Express Driver will not provide access to Fiery® features. The PPDs installed by the
FieryExpressMacDriver.pkg are the only supported PPDs for use with the Fiery® Express Driver. OEM-specific PPDs are not supported.
a Fiery® Software Uninstaller for Macintosh® does not recognize the "Fiery® Express Driver".
a QuarkXPress® 8.0 crashes when launching the “Print Dialog” using the Fiery® Express Driver.
See “FAQs for QuarkXPress 8 & 9” http://forums.quark.com/t/21811.aspx for additional
information regarding this issue.

This driver is intended to provide users with basic print capabilities only. For access to Fiery®
features you may use Command WorkStation™ 5.x which is available as a free download on
www.efi.com .

For more details please see Fiery® Forum from EFI®

Thread: EFI has released a universal Mac OS X 10.7 Fiery Print Driver

Installation of TWAIN driver KM C35 ver. is not possible

Pkg installer is not prepared for Macintosh® OS 10.7

(SOLUTION) Use the modified pkg which is attached to this Solution.This pkg is for the bizhub C35 only.

Notes :
1. To open the ZIP file WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website .The file can either be saved to disk or opened.
It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view.
2. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Software/Driver related

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution ID TAUS0902555EN* Solution Usage 10

The HTTP Communication protocol is newly supported for bizhub vCare.
Major advantages of HTTP communication include the ease of configuration and the utilization ofthe widely accepted HTTP protocol.
MFPs registered in the vCare system as of 9/15 are to be configured via the new vCare HTTP protocol.

All supported MFPs will be configured for one-way HTTP communication:

•bizhub C220, C280, C360

•bizhub C452, C552, C652, C552DS, C652DS
•bizhub PRO 950
•bizhub PRO 1200, 1200P, 1051
•bizhub PRO C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501

Setup instructions for vCare HTTP can be downloaded from http://www.mykonicaminolta.com . Navigate to Products " Product Reference
Materials. Select Application Solutions " bizhub vCare " Manuals " Installation Manuals. Choose the vCare HTTP setup instructions from the list of
documents presented.

For assistance configuring MFPs for HTTP communication,call the SSD Hotline at 800-825-5664.

The attached “vCare HTTP Guides ver 1.5.zip” contains the vCare HTTP Setup Instructions for the currently supported models.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0654952EN* Solution Usage 8

C-4707 (SC46-01) shortly after power up.

CAUSE: Failed Writing assembly(Write unit).

SOLUTION: Replace the Writing assembly (p/n 57GA -650 0).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution provided by Rashid Saboor, KMBS Los Angeles and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0800687EN* Solution Usage 8

FS-509/FS-516/FS-528/FS-604/FS-611, finisher not recognized.

1. The wiring for the PK-505 (punch kit) is pinched or the PK driver board (PDB)has failed.
To isolate the PK, remove CN61 and CN62 from the finisher control board and powerON the machine.If the finisher is recognized and operates, the PK
iscausing the problem.Inspect all PK-related wiring (p/n 15KA 9201 0 - FNS Drive Wiring 1 and p/n 15KA 9202 0 - FNS Drive Wiring 2) for any pinched wires
andcheck that all connectors are in their correct locations on the PK driverboard.If necessary, replace the PK Driving Board assembly (p/n 15KY H010 00) or
damaged wiring harness.

2. The serial number of the finisher must be entered in Service Mode (Tech. Rep. mode).
To enter the finisher serial number, perform the following:
bizhub PRO 920
1. Enter the Tech. Rep. mode.
2. At he "Tech. Rep. mode menu screen" press the [System Input] key.
3. A sub menu appears on the right side of the screen. Press the [Serial No.Input] key on the sub menu.
4. At the "Serial number setting mode screen" press the key for the option to be set and enter the serial number through the numeric keys.
5. Press the [OK] key to register data.
Note: Press the [Cancel] key to cancel the setting entered.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up

bizhub PRO 950

1. Enter Service Mode.
2. Select System Setting.
3. Select M/C Serial Number Setting and enter the serial number of the finisher.
4. Press OK.
5. Press Exit.
6. Recycle poweronthe MFP.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca and Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000477EN* Solution Usage 7

Constant error C-2703.

CAUSE:The ADU driver board has failed.ICP17 on the ADUDB is open. ICP17 (24V DC) is located next to CN526 on the ADU driver board.
Note : The error may occur after a separation or transfer corona wire has broken.

SOLUTION:Replace the ADU driver board (p/n A0Y5 H070 02).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0702533EN* Solution Usage 6

The PK-505 is not selectable on the control panel after installation.

1. Incorrect DIP switch settings.
To enable the PK-505, please refer to the attached PK-505 Installation Manual page. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe

Notes :
a. If DIP switch 4-2 is set to 0 (OFF), the Punch Unit may work correctly when printing from the driver, but it is not available on the MFP front panel. Ensure
that DIP switch 4-2 is set to 1 (ON).
b.When enablingany DIP switch setting, confirm that the SET button is pressed after eachDIP switch change.

2. Failed Punch Driving Board assembly.

Ensure that DIP switches 19-4 and 19-5 are set to 0 (Faulty Part Isolation = NORMAL). If the DIPSW settings are correct then replace thePDB (p/n 15KY
H010 00).

Solution ID TAUS0903076EN* Solution Usage 6

Error 05-93 when performing first call using CSRC.

CAUSE: Communication error due to incorrect settings.

SOLUTION: Set DIPSW 16-7 to 1. This enables themain bodyNIC for CS Remote Care.
1. Press [Service mode] ? [System Setting] ? [Software DIPSW Setting] and enter [16-7].
2. Specify the NIC that is used.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
ON (1): Main body NIC

OFF (0): Controller NIC

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0801415EN* Solution Usage 5

No display with main power and power save lights ON. Fan noise is heard. Machine does not initialize.

CAUSE: Open fuse (F1) on DCPS2 or failed DCPS2.
Note : DCPS1 fans, FM19 and FM20 are still running.

SOLUTION: Replace the fuse andif problem persists, replace DCPS2 (p/n 57GB 8452 0).
Note : Please see the attachedphoto for location of F1 andDCPS2.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byGreg Heinrich - Global Imaging Systems, Inc.
and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0900230EN* Solution Usage 5

All print jobs print without any user logged into Equitrac©.

CAUSE: Incorrect software switch settings.

SOLUTION: Set the Software Switches 9-0 to0, 9-1 to 1 and 16-3 to 1:
1. Enter Tech Rep Mode.
2. Select System Input.
3. Select Software Switch Setting.
4. Select eachswitch as listed above.
5. Enter the appropriate value for each switch as listed above.
6. Exit Tech Rep Mode and cycle the machine power.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001748EN* Solution Usage 5

Options cannot be recognized. System configuration display is without options.

CAUSE: If replacingan option unit and the large connector is disconnected immediately after the main power is OFF, the control board of that option unit may
be damaged. If this occurs, the operation panel displays the system configuration without the faulty option.

SOLUTION: Disconnect the large connector LAST when you detach the option unit and connect the large connector FIRST when you attach the option unit.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS0800952EN* Solution Usage 3


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Unable to access the main body NIC remote panel operation.

CAUSE:The TCP/IP address of the PC has not been added to the NIC to allow this feature.

SOLUTION:Add the PC TCP/IP address to the Main BodyNIC by performing the following:
1.Browse to the main body NIC, selectMachine Manager and enter the user name and password.User name is lowercase admin and the password is
00000000 .
2.Select Remote Panel Setting/Job History.
3.Input the TCP/IP address of the PC into the remote panel registration box.Press registration and back to main menu.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio and Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901560EN* Solution Usage 3

On a vCare-enabled MFP, the Start button continually flashes amber (orange).

CAUSE: Thisoccurs if a technician did not press the "Maintenance Completion" button when exiting the MFP vCare/CS Remote Care settings in Tech Rep
Mode. This isa normal function which alerts the vCare system that vCare settings have been configured at the MFP, but may not have been fully completed.

SOLUTION: If the blinking Startbutton is related to vCare/CS Remote Care settings, use this procedure:
1.Enter the MFP Tech Rep mode:
a. Press theUtility/Counter button.
b. Press the[Details] button
c. Press Stop, 0. 0,, Stop, 0, 1.
2. Press [CS Remote Care].
3. Press the "Maintenance Completion" button.
4.Exit Tech Rep mode.
Note : For certain MFP models, this symptom also canoccur when it necessary to replace a board.Consult the Field Service Manual and this
Knowledgebase if the symptom is not related to vCare/CSRC settings.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ESS and Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0800094EN* Solution Usage 2

EXCHANGE TIME OF TONER COLLECT BOX message on RC-501 equipped machines.

CAUSE:The message appears based on copy/print count and not on the amount of toner in the collection box.When the predefined count is reached, the
message will appear.
The amount of collected toner depends on printing environment. The Waste Toner collection box is set to a capacity of 500,000 prints for bizhub PRO
920/950 and 750,000 prints for bizhub PRO 1050 series. Neglecting replacement of the box may cause toner scattering in the machine.

SOLUTION:To clear the message, reset the appropriate parts counter.

If the waste toner box and the joint section on the backside of the main body are removed, perform the following steps after installing the unit.
1. Access [Service mode].
2. Enter “56-00“ on IO check. (bizhub PRO 1050/920)
Note : Enter “54-02“ for bizhub PRO 950.
3. Press the start button to activate the recycle motor, keep it running for 30 seconds to 1 minute then press the Stop button.
4. Check that toner is not stuck by pushing on the pipe.
CAUTION : The Waste Toner collection box contains a mechanism, including the second filter. Opening the cap may damage the mechanism. Do not open
the cap unnecessarily. Never attempt to discharge collected toner from the Waste Toner collection box to reuse the box.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901681EN* Solution Usage 2

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
DF-616, RADF not recognized.

CAUSE: The RADF has been isolated with software switch settings.

SOLUTION: Access the software switch setting using the following procedure:
1. Access the service (tech rep) mode - Press Utility/Counter, stop, 0, 0, stop, 0, 1.
2. Touch System Input.
3. Touch Software Switch Setting
4. Use the + - selections to scroll to 18-4
5. Use Set Bit Data and set to OFF (0)
6. Power the machine OFF/ON to insure that the data is accepted.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000742EN* Solution Usage 2

During the image stabilization control conducted at power up and at certain intervals when printing, “Now correcting. Please wait.” message is indicated on the
engine operation panel, the machine continues adjustment and does not stop.

CAUSE: Printer control program anomaly.

SOLUTION: Please install attached Special Print Control firmware version C2-GC5-21. The firmware is also available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Note : Prior to firmware installation, please refer to attached Release Notes and DIP switch settings. To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy
of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)

Solution ID TAUS0900743EN* Solution Usage 1

PostScript driver not working.

CAUSE: PostScript kit has not been installed.

SOLUTION: Install the PostScript 3 Upgrade kit.

bizhub PRO 920 - PS-503 (Item #15RL)

bizhub PRO 950 - PS-504 (Item #A10R011)
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901804EN* Solution Usage 1

Press Start to Restart is displayed when printing more than 1 set of a booklet with a cover using a paper setting of 106 gsm or higher.

CAUSE: Firmware bug.

SOLUTION: Install special firmware version GC1-10. The latest firmware or printer drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access
the Selector from the the KMBS public site ( http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Service & Support and click on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware
and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902726EN* Solution Usage 1

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
“System Information: This machine uses GPL/LGPL applicable software please refer to the machine manual for the details" message when trying toperform
the LCD adjustment.

CAUSE: The machine may display the messageif Touch Panel adjust is pressed on the LCD.

DSOLUTION: When the message is indicated pleaseperform the LCD adjustment using the following steps:
1. Press Utility on the control panel.
2. Press the number 5 on the 10-key pad.
3.Contiue withthe LCD adjustment.
4. Press the number 1 on the 10-key pad to exit the Adjustment mode.
5. Press Close to exit the Utility mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902771EN* Solution Usage 1

Unable to hole punch with tab paper.

CAUSE: DIPswitch setting.

SOLUTION:Check DIPswitch setting 37-3 and set to 1 (Tab paper + punch enabled).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001507EN* Solution Usage 1

When the SCAN mode is selected, the machine returns to the COPY screen immediately upon completing a scan operation.

CAUSE: The scan screen setting is programmed to NOT HOLD.

SOLUTION: To program the SCAN screen to remain displayed, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [02 Function Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Individual Function Change] on the touchscreen. Mode Hold After Scanner Update will be displayed as a programmable option.
4. Touch [Hold] on the touchscreen to program the machine to remain displaying the SCAN screen after completing a scan operation.
5. Touch [OK] to return to the normal screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001932EN* Solution Usage 1

Machine functionality is not working correctly even though certain features/settings/modes are enabled/disabled.
Example: Anything that requires the operation touch panel screen, User settings, passwords, defaults, adjustment settings, main body software DIP switches,
controller DIP switch settings, etc.

CAUSE: Touch Panel out of adjustment.

SOLUTION: Perform the Touch Panel adjustment.

1. Press the Utility/Counter button and select #5 Touch Panel Adjustment.
2. Calibrate the screen according to the instructions.
3. Start by touching the upper right corner, then the lower left corner, followed by the lower right corner and then, finally, the upper left corner. Each time the
coordinates are touched you should hear a beep. If you do NOT hear a beep for each corner touched (total of 4 beeps), perform the procedure again.
Note : Anytime you are in the Touch Panel Adjustment screen it MUST be performed. Once it is performed, disable the adjustmentin Service Mode by
selecting #07 System settings, #01 Software DIPSW Setting (21-5=1). Once disable, you can still perform this adjustment if needed by pressing the
Utility/Counter button followed by the #5 key on the panel. While in the Touch Panel Adjustment mode, pressing the #1 button will exit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up

Solution ID TAUS1002243EN* Solution Usage 1

FS-528, C-1106 immediately after installation.

CAUSE: All shipping brackets were not removed at set up.

SOLUTION:Ensure that all brackets are removed.Check for screws with red markings which must be removed.
Note:Please refer to the attached FS-528 Installation Manual. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901237EN* Solution Usage 0

Cannot PING the main body after entering the TCP/IP address.

CAUSE: The main power switch on theMFP must be turnedOFF/ON to save the change made to the network setting.

SOLUTION: Turn the main power switchOFF/ON. Once theMFP comes to idle, verify it answers thePING command.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901805EN* Solution Usage 0

When a job is canceled while the printer is receiving the job, the next print job cannot be received.

CAUSE: A firmware bug.

SOLUTION: Please install special firmware versionGC1-10. The latest firmware or printer drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Access the Selector from the the KMBS public site ( http://www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Service & Support and click on 'Download MSDS, Drivers,
Firmware and more'.

Solution ID TAUS1000786EN* Solution Usage 0

GP-501, incorrect operation.

Initialization sequence may not start properly when power is applied, opening and closing the front doors does not help.

If a jam has occurred, opening and closing the front doors does not clear the jam status and the jam indication remains on the display.

The display indicates "Ready To Print" even though the front door is open.

CAUSE:Faulty GP-501 door switch harness.

SOLUTION:An improved wiring harness is available for affected GP-501s within the serial number range.

A0N9W11000017 - A0N9W11000034

A0N9W11000036 - A0N9W11000039

A0N9W11000042 - A0N9W11000046
Installationand ordering procedures are includedin attached Bulletin Number7404. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1001937EN* Solution Usage 0

Security Strengthen Mode is grayed out.

CAUSE: Incorrect settings.

SOLUTION: BeforeSecurity Strengthen Mode can be enabled certain machine conditions must exist:
1. In Service Mode, [Administrator Authentication] must be enabled.
2. In Service Mode, [CE Authentication] must be enabled.
3. CS Remote Care should not be enabled (DIPSW 15-5=0).
4. The machine should not be configured to use the main body NIC (DIPSW 22-0=0).
5. Exit Service Mode and cycle the machine power using the main power switch. Security Strengthen Mode should now be available.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0808085EN* Solution Usage

The CS Remote Care tab is grayed out in Service mode.

CAUSE: Incorrect software SW setting.

SOLUTION: Set software SW 15-5 = 1 (ON). To set the software DIPSW, perform the following:
1.Enter Service Mode.
2.Select System Setting.
3.Select Software SW Setting.
4.Set software SW 15-5 = 1 (ON).
5.Exit Service Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD and Rick Veale, ESS

Solution ID TAUS0901679EN* Solution Usage

LU-408 greyed out; not recognized.


CAUSE:Machine has isolated the LU-408 from operation due to a technical problem by setting Software Switch 18-3 to1.

SOLUTION:To set Software Switch 18-3 to0, perform the following procedure:
1. Enter Tech Rep Mode.
2. Select System Input.
3. Select Software Switch Setting.
4. Select Switch 18-3.
5. Select 0, then select Return.
6. Exit Tech Rep Mode and cycle the machine power.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901773EN* Solution Usage

The driver is not communicating with the engine and is unable to acquire device information.


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE: Early version firmware is installed.

SOLUTION: Install the latest version firmware. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access
the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901812EN* Solution Usage

'Press Start to Restart' message will not clear when making booklet with a cover inserted from the bypass tray.
One book will be made normally but the second book does not start to print. The ‘Press Start to Restart’ message is then displayed. When the job is
restarted, the machine cycles, the display changes to ‘Copying in Progress’ and the ‘Press Start to Restart’ message is again displayed.

CAUSE: Firmware bug.

SOLUTION: Install firmware version GC1-10 to correct this issue.Versions should display as:
I1 : A0Y50Y0-00I1-GC1-10
I2 : A0Y50Y0-00I2-G00-10
I3 : A0Y5011-00I3-GC1-10
I4 : A0Y5011-00I4-GC1-10
Note : This version of firmware is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by
clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ASG/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0901959EN* Solution Usage

Switch settings under the controller tab are not listed in the documentation.

Japan has released information on these settings, which are contained in the attached file. A request is being made to Japan that this information beincluded
in the POD Administrator's user guide.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS/BSE

Solution ID TAUS0901985EN* Solution Usage

Blank touchscreen with red power button on panel side. Amber power save button flashing ON/OFF.

CAUSE: Machine powered down incorrectly. Corrupted image firmware.

SOLUTION: Re-flash image firmware. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the
Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902004EN* Solution Usage

When using User Authentication, a password is required after every job is completed.

CAUSE: Password Input Timing is set to "At Job Complete".

SOLUTION: Set Password Input Timing to "Auto Reset".

1. Press Utility/Counter.
2. Select Administrator Settings.
3. Select User Authentication/Account Track Setting.
4. Select Authentication Method.
5. Select Authentication Setting.
6. For password input timing select At Auto Reset.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
7. Exit Administrator mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902118EN* Solution Usage

COPYING IN PROGRESS message continually after pressing the START key. The machine sounds like it starts the copy cycle, but paper does not feed.

CAUSE: The drum motor cycles OFF/ON and the paper feed motor never energizes because firmware is corrupt.

SOLUTION: Re-flash the machine firmware. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access
the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902659EN* Solution Usage

After long runs,little orno toner is in the RC-501 and the toner pipes are mostly blocked with toner. Toner may be on copies/prints.

CAUSE: Poor toner flow.

SOLUTION: For a better toner flow, and to avoid toner pipe blockage, please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6626.
Note : The first time toner pipes are blocked with toner, it is better to replace them. Often after cleaning, the toner pipes are blocked again with toner after a
short period of time. Refer to attached RC-501 Parts Manual for part numbers.To view a PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

Solution ID TAUS0902682EN* Solution Usage

When the machine is equipped with an Equitrac, the machine will jam if the customer logs off the Equitrac before printing is finished.

CAUSE: Incorrect soft switch setting.

SOLUTION: Set soft switch 9-0 to off to correct the problem.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902966EN* Solution Usage

Equitrac© is not counting/incrementing when copying. Scans and prints are counted properly.

CAUSE:The ACDB (AC Driving Base Panel Assembly)has failed.

SOLUTION:Replace the ACDB (p/n 6GB -908 2E).

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS0902982EN* Solution Usage

C-3503 at power up.

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE:The fuser temperature isolation switch was tripped to the ON position.

SOLUTION: Turn the fuser isolation switch to OFF by performing the following procedure:
1.Enter Service mode.
2.Select System Settings.
3.Select Softswitches.
4.Scroll to switch 3-1 and set it to OFF.
CAUTION : Please check that the fuser is operating normally and replace any suspected faulty parts or the isolation switch may trip again.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1000014EN* Solution Usage

Finisher not recognized.

This may occur when returning from the Power Save mode.
Paper jam appearsat thefinisher entrance. In the Service menu and after switching the system OFF/ON with the main switch, the finisher isrecognized.

1.Firmware update is required to have FS-528 or FS-611 recognized when coming out of Power Save mode.
Please installfirmware version G00-23 (print control) and version G00-21 (image control).This firmware isavailable from the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Refer toattached Release Notes prior to installing the firmware. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.
Note : Also installimage control Special firmware version I0-GM4-21if the following functions are required:

Mixed paper size printing for the Program Job.

Bundling jobs for stapling in the Program Job.

Bundling “file combination” jobs in HDD for stapling.

2. Firmware update is required if paper jam appears at the finisher entrance. Then, in the Service menu and after switching the system OFF/ON with the main
switch, the finisher is recognized.
Please install Special firmware version GM2-20. Please refer toattached Release Notes prior to installing the firmware.

3. Incorrect DIPswitch setting. If DIPSW 15-5 is set to 0 from 1 when CSRC is waiting for transmission, this phenomenon may occur.
Perform the RAM clear of CSRC.
a. Enter the Service mode.
b. System Setting => Software DIPSW Setting => DIPSW 15-5 is set to 1 .
c. CS Remote Care => perform the RAM Clear by Detail setting.(When the "Detail setting" button is greyed out, touch the "ID Code" button twice.)
d. System Setting => Software DIPSW Setting => DIPSW 15-5 is set to 0 .
e. Exit the Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and KM Europe (BEU)

Solution ID TAUS1000077EN* Solution Usage


CAUSE: One or both of the DC Power Source/1 (DCPS1) cooling fans (FM30 or FM31) has failed. This may be due to a simple fan failure or a failed DCPS1.

SOLUTION: Replacinga cooling fan is not an option. In either case, DCPS1 must be replaced (p/n A0Y5 M451 00).

Solution ID TAUS1000250EN* Solution Usage

The machine indicates "Please Remove Copies From Finisher" when no copies are present.


Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE: The finisher alarm stop is enabled.

SOLUTION: Disable the finisher alarm stop by performing the following:

1. Enterthe service mode.

2. Select [system] then [dip switch setting].
3. Enter switch 15-4 and set it to 1 (on).
4. Touch [set] and then [ok].
5. Touch [exit]
6. Reboot the machine.

SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002045EN* Solution Usage

Copy screen “Simplex/Duplex”, 2 to 2, 2 to 1 or 1 to 2 will not reset back to 1 to 1 when the Reset key is pressed.

CAUSE: Incorrect setting of the Individual Function Change Setting.

SOLUTION: To check or change the status of this function, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key on the operation display panel.
2. Select #3 Copy Setting.
3. Select #2 Individual Function Change.
4. Select the Next key.
5. Set or change the Status Hold When Auto Rest to NOT HOLD.
6. Select OK and then exit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002401EN* Solution Usage

Jobs stored on the HDD will not tandem print.Copying and printing will output in tandem.

CAUSE:Outputting in AutoOutput mode from the HDD.

SOLUTION:Job must be output in WaitOutput using the following procedure:

1. After selecting the file to print from the box, select WaitOutput as the method and select OK .
2. Enter the Print Quantity and select OK .
3. Select Yes for Continue to Read .
4. Select Proof Stop in the upper left corner to enter the setup screen.
5. Select Tandem followed by Change .
6. Select On on the Tandem selection screen that opens then OK .
7. Select Exit if all other settings are OK and then press the Start button.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1002407EN* Solution Usage

C-0401 when the GP-501 is installed. No code when GP-501 is disconnected.

CAUSE: GP-501 connectors are reversed.

SOLUTION: Connectors J15-1 and J15-4or J38-1 and J38-4 may be reversed. Please reference the attached document to view the correct connector
location. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100120EN* Solution Usage

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up

CAUSE: M11 (Toner Supply motor) has failed or is binding causing ICP12 on the PRCB to OPEN.

SOLUTION: Check for the cause of binding in the Toner Supply Unitand replace any suspect parts (i.e., worn or broken gears, malformed fixing plate, etc.).
After resolving the binding, replace M11 (p/n A0Y5 M104 00) and the PRCB (p/n A0Y5 H020 03) at the same time.
Note: Please refer to the attached Parts Guide Manual pages for the location of the gears and fixing plate. To view a PDF, you may need to download a
free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Christopher Bernet, KMBS/Long Island Metro and Alonzo Smith, Workgroup/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1100161EN* Solution Usage

When using the bizhub PRO 950 PostScript (Plugin) printer driver, "Failure" is displayed (see attached) when the end user tries to Acquire Device Information
to configure the printer options due to lost SNMP Services.

CAUSE:Firmware bug.

SOLUTION:Install firmware version GC2-20.The firmwareis available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Note : Please Refer to attached Release Notes prior to firmware installation. To viewthe PDF, you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader®.

SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Stu Dern, ESS

Solution ID TAUS1100184EN* Solution Usage

C-0412 shortly afterpower up.

CAUSE: Transfer assist lamp failure caused byOPEN ICP1 on the ADUDB.

SOLUTION:Check ICP1 near CN520 under the fan.If it isOPEN, and after verifying that there are no shorts in the wiring toPS1 (p/n A0Y5 R723 00) or EL2
(p/n A0Y5 R732 00), replace the ADUDB (p/n A0Y5 H070 02).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Randy Peterkort, Imagetec, LP

Solution ID TAUS1103555EN* Solution Usage

When storing a job using the STORE feature none of the finishing options are saved.

CAUSE: Incorrect workflow.

SOLUTION:Please perform the following steps to store a job to the HDD along with finishing options:
1. Setup the job with all finishing options selected.
2. Select output settings on the copy screen.
3. Select HDD STORE.
4. Select the user box you would like to store the job to.
5. Give the job an appropriate file name.
6. Select OK. This should bring you back to the main copy screen.
7.Press the start button to store the job. One copy of the job will need to be made.
Note : When recalling the job the copy count may not be able to be modified. If you run into this situation please verifyDIP switch 38-2 is set to 1 .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Stephen Schmelcke, Workgroup/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011

bizhub PRO 950 Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up

Solution ID TAUS1103571EN* Solution Usage

When viewing the Collecting Data Screen some data categories are not displayed on the touchscreen.

CAUSE: Improper setting of main body DIP switch.

SOLUTION: To enable display of all data categories when viewing the Collecting Data Screen, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [7 System setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software DIPSW Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Repeatedly, touch the left up-arrow on the touchscreen until [30] is displayed as the selected switch number.
6. Touch the right up-arrow on the touchscreen until [1] is displayed as the bit number.
7. Touch [On (1)] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD

Solution ID TAUS1103649EN* Solution Usage

When two machines are connected in Tandem Mode, CSRC (vCare)does not function.

CAUSE:Incorrect DIPSW settings.

SOLUTION: A requirement of Tandem Mode is that DIPSW's (and firmware)on both engines must be identical.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KM Australia (BAU)

Solution ID TAUS1103958EN* Solution Usage

The Auto Image Shift (Tab Print) does not move the tab image 12.5mm when copying.

CAUSE: Unsupported feature.

SOLUTION:The Auto Image Shift (Tab Print) function works only when printing and will not function when a copy from the ADF/platen glass is performed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Stephen Schmelcke, Workgroup/SSD

Copyright , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. August 2011


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