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Academic Portfolio

Field Study 5

Submitted by:
Danielle Erlin G. Rayos

Submitted to:
Mrs. Perey Gemma
Mrs. Sagubo Elizabeth
Table of Contents
My Educational Philosophy
Each and every one of us has a philosophy or a set of fundamental beliefs
on how we think schools should be run. This is very important as a guide in
planning quality learning.

I learned that we need to consider the individual differences of our students so

we can determine the best models we can use to teach them. Choosing a
certain philosophy might direct them and motivate them to learn more about
the subject matter.

The teacher’s priority is the teaching method and strategies that befits the
student in order for them to face the challenges of the world.

“Teachers affect eternity, he can never tell when the influence stops.”

This quote rings a bell to my ears. As a future teacher, my philosophy would be

of significance if I am able to carry out my vocation and mission
wholeheartedly to a worth classroom environment in a decent society.

These experiences may not be realized in a moment’s time but I know I can
make it

Happen thanks to my critiques.

My critique teacher taught me how I can guide my students. She was very
competent and an expert in the methods of inquiry. The lesson is not directly
from her but it comes out from her students.

I want to be like that in the near future.

I want my students to also think critically,

initiate plans during activities, and carry out projects individually.

I learned to be process oriented

considering holistic development or whole student orientation.
My Best Lesson Plan

Semi-detailed lesson plan in

Science 2

By: Danielle Erlin G. Rayos

I.Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. describe the clouds formation;
b. differentiate the 4 main kinds of clouds through pictures;
c. create a model of the different kinds of clouds using cottons

II. Learning Content

A. Subject matter
Types of clouds
B. References
Real-Life Science 2; page 374
C. Materials
D. Skills
To develop one’s imagination and creativity
E. Value
Cooperation and attentiveness
F. Concept
Clouds- A mass of water drops or ice crystals suspended in the
atmosphere. Clouds form when water condenses in the sky.

III. Learning procedure

A. Preparation
1. Motivation
● The teacher will introduce a song to the class, entitled “The cloud song”
by Cythia Sherwood.

B. Presentation
● The teacher will use the lyrics of the song to her discussion.
● Explains the details/ lyrics with the help of the visual aids.

►Cumulus clouds- are puffy clouds that sometimes look like pieces of floating cotton.
►Cirrus clouds- These delicate clouds are wispy with a silky sheen or look like tufts of hair.
►Stratus clouds- They look like a huge gray blanket that hangs low in the sky.
►Nimbus Clouds - often mean that a thunder storm is brewing: there may soon be thunder
and lightning.

C. Generalization
► What are the 4 main types of clouds?
► What is a cumulus cloud?
► What is a cirrus cloud?
► What is a stratus cloud?
► What is a nimbus cloud?
D. Application
● The class will have an activity that will allow them to make a model of the
different kinds of clouds out of the cotton balls provided by the teacher.
● The teacher will show her own output so that the pupils will have an idea
about it.
Cleanliness- 4
Total: 20/20

IV. Assignment
● The teacher will provide an activity sheet, and the pupils will

answer it at home and will bring it tomorrow.

My School Campus

Metropolitan Baguio Christian Academy Camp 7, Woodsgate,

Baguio City. The school is located at the outskirts of Baguio City.
The school is perfect for a conductive teaching environment. It is
quiet and surrounded by nature.

The philosophy of the school lies in its Christian roots. We can

say that their actions are modeled from being godly-making a
hypocritical display of virtue.

From a moment that we are born, we must be built

to god’s likeliness. We are being influenced by our environment
and by his will. The school models itself to become a unique
individual for a specific purpose in god’s plan.

Religion has to be an integral part of the process. Religion

allows us to embrace teaching and assessment of entirely
new skills that are very important not only for the 21st century
but also the development of human character
that you cannot develop in a kind of
traditional environment.

But morality and ideals has to work through teachers.

It can leverage great teaching enormously. But great morality
doesn’t replace poor teaching.
The challenge is to bring Christian morals into the
picture in ways that translate into good
teaching and learning.

This requires sophisticated public policy,

a long-term commitment, and a systematic approach.
In addition, the school is also known for its
extensive music program.

Their model focused on music takes advantage of the

adaptive curriculum resources that gives rigorous
information on the learner’s progress.

Their learner focused educational initiatives produces impact

that extend beyond a high test score.
They enable their students to demonstrate higher
levels of critical thinking, analysis, communication
and other transversal skills.

They make sure that in their school culture, students

have high engagement to activities,
improved communication between the church, school,
parents, and their stakeholders.
“Transformation is a process, not a destination.”

Outreach Program)

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