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Pregnancy Risk Categories Lactation Risk Categories

 A (controlled studies show no risk)  L1 (safest)

 B (no evidence of risk in humans)  L2 (safer)
 C (risk cannot be ruled out)  L3 (moderately safe)
 D (positive evidence of risk)  L4 (possibly hazardous)
 X (contraindicated in pregnancy)  L5 (contraindicated)
 NR: Not Reviewed. This drug has not yet
been reviewed by Hale.

Antikonvulsan, Obat Tidur, Sedatif, dan Migren

Nama Obat R.Hamil R.Menyusui

Sumatriptan C L3
Chloral hydrate C L3
Methyprylon - NR
Bromide D L5
Secobarbital D L3
Zolpidem B L3
Bishydroxycoumarin - NR
Warfarin D L2
Carbamazepine C L2
Ethosuximide C L4
Magnesium sulfate B L1
Phenytoin D L2
Valproic acid D L2

Obat TBC dan Malaria

Nama Obat Risiko Kehamilan Risiko Menyusui

Obat TB
Cycloserine C L3
Ethambutol B L2
Isoniazid C L3
Rifampin C L2
Obat malaria
Chloroquine C L3
Hydroxychloroquine C L2
Pyrimethamine C L4
Quinine D L2

Anti Hipertensi, Anti Aritmia, dan Diuretik

Nama Generik Risiko Kehamilan** RisikoMenyusui**

Acetazolamide C L2
Bendroflumethiazide D L4 (may inhibit lactation)
Chlorothiazide D L3
Chlorthalidone D L3
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) D L2
Spironolactone D L2
Disopyramide C L2
Flecainide C L3
Mexiletine B L2
Procainamide C L3
Quinidine C L2
Captopril D L3 (if used after 30 days)
Diltiazem/Diltiazem HCL C L3
Enalapril/Enalapril Maleate C (1st trim.) L2
D (2nd, 3rd trim.)
Hydralazine C L2
Labetalol C L2
Methyldopa C L2
Metoprolol B L3
Minoxidil C L2(topically)
L3 (orally)
Nadolol C L4
Nifedipine C L2
Oxprenolol - NR
Propranolol C L2
Sotalol B L3
Timolol C L2
Verapamil C L2
Digoxin C L2

Approved: (Table 6) Maternal Medication Usually Compatible With Breastfeeding* Per the AAP Policy
Statement The Transfer of Drugs and Other Chemicals Into Human Milk, revised September 2001.

Anti Jamur dan Anti Virus

Nama Generik Risiko Kehamilan RisikoMenyusui

Fluconazole C L2
Ketoconazole C L2
Acyclovir C L2
Interferon-alpha C L2


Nama Generik Risiko Kehamilan Risiko Menyusui

Amoxicillin B L1
Aztreonam B L2
Cefadroxil B L1
Cefazolin B L1
Cefotaxime B L2
Cefoxitin B L1
Cefprozil C L1
Ceftazidime B L1
Ceftriaxone B L2
Ciprofloxacin C L3
Clindamycin B L3
Erythromycin B L1
L3 early postnatal
Fleroxacin - NR
Gentamicin C L2
Kanamycin D L2
Moxalactam - NR
Nitrofurantoin B L2
Ofloxacin C L2
Penicillin B L1
Streptomycin D L3
Sulbactam - NR
Sulfisoxazole C L2
Tetracycline D L2
Ticarcillin B L1
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole C L3

Antasida, Laksan (Pelancar BAB) dan Obat Diare

Nama Generik Risiko Kehamilan Risiko Menyusui

Cimetidine (Antacid) B L2
Cisapride (GI tract stimulant) C L2
Domperidone (used for nausea & - L1
vomiting, stimulates lactation)
Cascara/Cascara Sagrada C L3
Danthron - NR
Magnesium sulfate B L1
Senna - L3
Loperamide B L2


Nama Obat AAP Risiko Menyusui**

Brompheniramine not L3 (moderately safe)
Chlorpheniramine not L3 (moderately safe)
(Chlor-Trimeton) CTM reviewed
Cetirizine (Zyrtec) not L2 (safer)
Dexbrompheniramine yes not reviewed
with d-isoephedrine
Diphenhydramine not L2 (safer)
(Benadryl) reviewed
Doxylamine not L4 (possibly hazardous)
Fexofenadine (Allegra) yes L3 (moderately safe)
Loratadine (Claritin) yes L2 (safer)
Terfenadine (Seldane) yes not reviewed
Triprolidine (Actidil, yes L1 (safest)

Obat Asma, Obat Batuk, dan Spray Hidung

Nama Generik Kategori Risiko RisikoMenyusui**

Dyphylline C L3
Terbutaline B L2
Theophylline C L3
Nama Obat Risiko Menyusui**
Codeine L3 (moderately safe)
Dextromethorphan L1 (safest)
Guaifenesin L2 (safer)
Phenylephrine L3 (moderately safe)
Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed, L3 (moderately safe) for acute use
Actifed) L4 (possibly hazardous) for chronic use due to potential for
decreasing milk supply
Beclomethasone (Vanceril, L2 (safer)
Beclovent, Beconase, Vancenase)
Cromlyn sodium (Nasalcrom) L1 (safest)
Fluticasone (Flonase) L3 (moderately safe)
Mometasone (Nasonex) L3 (moderately safe)
Phenylephrine (in some forms of L3 (moderately safe)
Sinex and Neo-Synephrine)
Triamcinolone Acetonide L3 (moderately safe)

NSAIDs dan Steroid

Nama Generik Kategori Risiko Kehamilan** RisikoMenyusui**

Azapropazone (apazone) - L2
Dipyrone - NR
Flufenamic acid - NR
Ibuprofen B (1st, 2nd trim.) L1
D (3rd trim.)
Indomethacin B (1st, 2nd trim.) L3
D (3rd trim.)
Ketorolac B (1st, 2nd trim.) L2
D (3rd trim.)
Mefenamic acid - NR
Naproxen B L3
Phenylbutazone - NR
Piroxicam B L2
Suprofen - NR
Tolmetin C L3
Methylprednisolone C L2
Prednisolone C L2
Prednisone C L2

Nama Obat Risiko Kehamilan Risiko Menyusui

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) B L1
C (1st, 2nd trim.)
Aspirin L3
D (3rd trim.)
Azapropazone (Rheumox) - L2
Butalbital (Fioricet, Fiorinal, Bancap, Two-
D L3
B (1st, 2nd trim.)
Butorphanol (Stadol) L3
D (3rd trim.)
Celecoxib (Celebrex)) C L2
Codeine (in Tylenol #3, #4) C L3
Colchicine D L4
Diclofenac (Cataflam, Voltaren) B L2
Fentanyl (Sublimaze) B L2
B (1st, 2nd trim.)
Flurbiprofen (Ansaid, Froben, Ocufen) L2
C (3rd trim.)
Hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin) B L3
Hydromorphone(Dilaudid) C L3
Ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, B (1st, 2nd trim.)
Pediaprofen) D (3rd trim.)
B (1st, 2nd trim.)
Indomethacin (Indocin) L3
D (3rd trim.)
B (1st, 2nd trim.)
Ketorolac (Toradol, Acular) L2
D (3rd trim.)
Meperidine (Demerol) B
L3 early postpartum
Methadone (Dolophine) B L3
Morphine (Duramorph, Infumorph,
B L3
Epimorph, MS Contin)
Nalbuphine (Nubain) B L2
Naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, Naproxen, L3;
Aleve) L4 for chronic use
Nefopam (Acupan) - NR
Oxycodone (Tylox, Percodan,Oxycontin,
B L3
Roxicet, Endocet, Roxiprin, Percocet)
Pentosan polysulfate(Elmiron) B L2
Piroxicam (Feldene) B L2
Propoxyphene(Darvocet N, Propacet,
C L2
Secobarbital (Seconal) D L3
Tolmetin (Tolectin) C L3
Tramadol HCL(Ultram, Ultracet) C L3
B (1st, 2nd trim.)
Butorphanol L3
D (3rd trim.)
Codeine C L3
Fentanyl B L2
Meperidine B
L3 (if used early postpartum)
Methadone B L3
Morphine B L3
Propoxyphene C L2

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