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Developed by Avinash Rai

Vedang Radio Technology Pvt. Ltd
Operations Document

Vedang NMS
Version 0.1 draft

Prepared by Avinash

Vedang Radio Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Copyright by Vedang Radio Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Copyright by Vedang Radio Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Avinash Rai Draft 0.1


Copyright by Vedang Radio Technology Pvt. Ltd.


AGC Auto Gain Control

BW Bandwidth

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

DCS Digital Communication System
DL Downlink, a.k.a. Forward Link

GSM Global System for Mobile communication

UL Uplink, a.k.a. Reverse Link
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
LTE Long term evolution
PA Power Amplifier
Atten Attenuation
Start freq.
Stop freq.

Copyright by Vedang Radio Technology Pvt. Ltd.

1. About This Guide

About This Chapter

This chapter describes purpose of operations guide and organization of various chapters

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description
1.1 Purpose Introduces the purpose of this guide.
1.2 Intended Users Introduces the intended users of this guide.
1.3 Organization Introduces the organization of this guide.
1.1 Purpose

This guide describes how to operate and maintain the network equipment (Digital
Repeater). It includes the following key content: For ease of reading and ensure
user of manual gets fair idea about; how to get outcome from NMS. Each chapter
is divided into multiple subsections

 Repeater Registration Process: This is mandatory process to make Repeater visible in NMS.
Also repeater uploads all the default settings/parameters in the NMS

 Monitoring Repeater Alarms: Repeater push Alarm message to NMS as and when it occurred.
In-case of alarm closure, repeater sends alarm closure message

 Escalation Management of Repeater Alarms (SMS/Email): NMS supports three way

escalation 1, via telephonic call; 2, via SMS; 3 via Email. Two SMS gateway ensures reliability in
SMS delivery, In-case of failed SMS delivery by 1st SMS gateway, NMS will try to send SMS
alert after 30 minutes from second gate way. In-case of failed retry, info is stored in SMS failure
report. NMS operator can then use conference call escalation

 Managing Repeater Configuration information: Repeater can be configured on sight via local
maintenance terminal (LMT) or remotely via NMS. Always LMT changes will get precedence
over NMS data (At the time of data synchronization between NMS and Digital Repeater
(Periodicity 24 hrs.)

 Repeater Topography Management : Repeater can be relocated from one area to another or
from one circle to another in NMS data base, We can also change all associations like manager,
team lead, field maintenance engineer

 Report generation: There are many predefined user friendly reports that can be exported to
csv/test format. This can be opened in excel file for future processing and reporting.

 Upgrading the repeater software (Remote Firmware upgrade): Not regular used feature, as
our repeaters are completely integrated tested with Vedang NMS. Remote firmware upgrade uses
over the air (OTA) programming embedded application that works on TCP interface of GPRS
protocol module.

 Repeater NMS Backup & Restore: NMS allows complete backup. This procedure can be
automatic or manual. Backup can be performed on FTP server or shared drive, present on same
LAN environment.
 Import / Export of Repeater configuration parameter/data: This feature is useful for simple or
bulk configuration parameter changes in case of frequency planning, Repeater performance
optimization etc.

 NMS Administration: NMS admin has full access right. He/She can add/del/modify any
record. Can add/block user/users. User record can be deleted to maintain continuous history of
changes with repeaters

 User password management: Once user account is created, user can manage his/her own
password. In-case of password blocking dues to multiple wrong entry, user will have to approach
nms admin for opening of password

 Miscellaneous: These features are ( Measuring Signal Strength at SIM module, Measuring Cell
id Lat/Long , Getting SIM card MSISDN and Prepaid balance), Remote Repeater Reset , Bulletin
board, etc), distinct and quite useful in day to day running of operation.

1.2 Intended Users

The guide is intended for the following users:

 Network engineers
 NMS Shift operators

1.3 Organization

This guide consists of the following chapters/Sections/Subsections:

 "About This Guide" introduces the purpose, intended users, and organization of this guide.

 "Introduction to Vedang NMS" describes the key features & functionality that makes it
different from other commercially available off the shelf NMS

 “Procedures for logging in to the NMS” Provides clients related details

 "Digital Repeater registration and connection process" describes NMS configuration upload
process, relevant operation tasks, and the procedures for connecting Digital Repeaters
 "Alarm Management" introduces alarm management and describes relevant alarms and their
escalation mechanism. This section also describes Alarms History management for particular

 "Report Management" introduces Repeater performance, Configuration, Inventory and various

other reports. Describes relevant operation tasks and procedures.

 "Configuration Management" describes the procedures for configuring (Single and File based
NE Config.) and querying NE service/operation data.

 "Event Log" describes the display and storage of NMS, Repeater, LMT event

 "Backup Management" describes the operation tasks and procedures related to server data

 "NMS Admin Process" describes the handling suggestions for common faults that may occur
during operations on the client.

 “Remote Firmware Upgrade Process” Describes remove repeater version upgrade


 “Login Password Management Process” Describes how user can manage his password

 “Appendix” explains various functions of GUI tabs

2. Introduction to Vedang NMS

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description
2.1 Introduction to the Introduces the VEDANG NMS SYSTEM
2.2 Description about client
System Describes Web client and url link to access web server

2.3 User Login Describes list of features available with user log in
2.1 Introduction to Vedang nms system

VEDANG Digital Repeater Network Management System (VEDANG NMS SYSTEM for
short) is the network management system (NMS) for Vedang Repeater products. It works in
the widely used Client/Server mode. The VEDANG NMS SYSTEM contains cloud based /
standalone server and multiple clients connected to the servers. This agile and powerful
system support 50+ concurrent users and 100+ login users at any point of time

The VEDANG NMS SYSTEM server runs on the Unix Ubantu / Linux Red hat platform. The
server processes and stores Digital Repeater (NE) (Digital Repeater will be called as NE) data.
Widely used Postgress DBMS is used in backend data storage.

Software load balancer and multithread operation provides inherent application fault tolerance.
Application recovers automatically in case of any fault without coming in the knowledge of end

Vedang NMS IT architecture is flexible (support various back end data bases) modular and
scalable to meet server load and number of NEs requirement of operator. Hardware layer is
decoupled from application layer. NMS application can be ported

NMS scheduler provides automatic raw data back-up, complete application backup to
predefined destination, this helps operator to avoid any loss of data in case of hardware failure
also to meet operators requirement of business continuity and disaster recovery. Vedang’s
digital repeatershas provision to populate the data to standby server in-case of main NMS server

Vedang’s NE has http based south bound connectivity and SNMP-V3 based North bound
connectivity to umbrella management system. Http uses TCP (Transmission control protocol) to
ensure reliable communication between NEs & NMS.

Vedang NMS support restricted role based view of NE data,

The VEDANG NMS SYSTEM clients run on the Windows platform. The clients provide user
friendly graphical interfaces for operations and maintenance on the NEs. Recommended Client is
latest version of Google Chrome and Firefox.

Context based GUI allows easy operation of NMS.

NMS is integrated with Two SMS gateway and one Email server. To ensure reliable delivery of
alarm messages. In-case one SMS gate way fails or unable to deliver the alerts, other gateway
will be used after waiting period. This feature enables NMS to work in autopilot/standalone or
user attended mode.

Digtal repeater and NMS always time synchronized so that there will not be mismatch between
event occurred and event reported.

Operation can define alarm escalation management rules and backup schedule

On the fly repeater can be configured to new area in-case of area split

Repeater and NMS can work in plug and play mode. Default parameters gets uploaded in
repeater. With minor change repeater can be commissioned and bring in operation

NMS also has very powerful event log module that records all the action taken by NMS user ,
LMT (Local maintenance terminal) and repeater. This powerful feature helps to debug and
troubleshoot repeater performance

NMS has built in parser to check parametric error in-case of bulk upload

To track repeater displacement, repeater has lat/long based alarm; cell radius for alarm can be
defined at network level.

To make sure operator not to loose visibility of repeater visibility of repeater due to balance for
GPRS prepaid service, Daily balance report is generated, placing repeater with lowest balance on

For telephonic alarm escalation, operator gets ready reference of maintenance engineer phone
number. This feature is also available with SMS failure report (This report is generated in case
sms is failed to deliver to field maintenance engineer).

Google based map view helps NMS operator to guide field engineer about exact location of

NMS also collects repeater modem signal strength at operator’s pre -defined schedule to get an
idea about GPRS link connectivity.

NMS has many predefined reports. These reports can be can be generated on the fly based on
user date selection for given report.
2.2 Client / Web browser
List of Web browser supported Commented [A1]: Kashyap to fill

Google Chrome …
Firefox …..

2.3 Logging to the Vedang NMS System

Before logging into the Vedang NMS System operator ensures that Vedang recommended web
browser is installed on remote desktop and laptop. And hyperlink is set properly. User profile is
created and access rights are assigned. Web browser will adjust itself as monitor display size and
resolution. Recommended web browsers are Google chrome and Firefox. Vedang suggests to use
Google chrome for security reasons

Pre Requisite





To log in to the VEDANG NMS SYSTEM client, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Choose Start > Programs > Google chrome > Type

Step 2 Enter user id…

Will be provides By Vedang
Step 3 Enter Password…
Will be provided on request
After successful login the client obtains the required data from the server. After the data is loaded
Home /Dashboard view will be displayed

Step 3
In-case of login failure Commented [Savio2]: To be filled by Kasyab

Step 4

In-case of locking of account Commented [Savio3]: To be filled by Kasyab

3. Repeater Registration Process

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description
3.1 Connection of Repeater to Introduces how digital repeater is connected to NMS
3.2 Monitoring Connection Options provided to know the connection failure in-case
of NMS and
Status of NEs
3.3 Repeater Registration This section describes installation and commissioning
Process process, procedure and work flow
3.1 Connecting Repeater to the NMS
Repeaters are factory programmed with Operators url. However no communication is possible unless repeater
id of repeater is uploaded in NMS data base. NMS admin can upload repeater id before installation and
commissioning process starts. Registration process will fail in-case of no repeater id.


After repeater powered ON, repeater tries to contact NMS with factory defined url for operator. Incase
repeater id send by repeater matches with repeater id in DB, It uploads all the config info in DB. This is one
time process for given NMS. This cannot be repeated twice. Incase repeater is moved to some other circle, In
acting NMS, user will have to set withdrawal of service flag to initiate registration in some other circle


 Valid RID is loaded in NMS Commented [Savio4]: Added

 Repeater is installed
 Relevant operators SIM Card with required services are inserted into the repeater tray. Commented [Savio5]: added
 Repeater is Powered ON
 Field engg has entered some data through LMT


Step – 1

After installation of the repeater, insert SIM Card and connect Battery as procedure described in User

(Please note that the SIM card should be working with the required facilities activtated. Incase of Prepaid
SIM card, enough balance to be maintained all the time).

Step -2

Connect LMT and set the required frequency with optimum attenuation. Update all required information
and Save accordingly as per requirement. (Please update if any SMS or mail is sent) Commented [Savio6]: Kasyab Vineet Please Verify

On doing this the repeater will connect with the URL and update the information. Please update if any SMS Commented [Savio7]: Kasyab/Vineet Please Verify
or mail is sent)

Step -3

On receiving the required alert (SMS or email) The NMS person will verify the info. Commented [Savio8]: Kasyab/Vineet Please Verify

Correct if required and submit. NMS will connect with repeater and update corrected info.

3.2 Monitoring Connection Status of NE Commented [A9]: Kashyap to verify

Repeaters send periodic update info to ensure periodic connectivity (GPRS) is not lost. Incase info is not
updated in database, a report is generated.

User can also check connectivity by requesting info from repeater.


 Repeater is registered
 Repeater is powered up for last 24 hrs
 GPRS connectivity not blocked by user

3.2 Repeater Registration Process Commented [A10]: Kashyap to fill


3.2.1 Repeater id upload process


Step – 1

Step -2

Step -3


3.2.3 Repeater Installation process


Step – 1

Step -2

Step -3

3.2.3 Repeater commissioning process


Step – 1

Step -2

Step -3


3.3 Repeater registration work flow

Visio Diagram

Excel Explanation

4. Repeater Topology management process

About This Chapter

Topology management defines association of repeater with logical information e.g. Circle, Area, Manager,
Team Lead, also withdrawal of service for repeater.

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description
4.1 Creating Circle .
4.2 Creating Area

4.3 Creating NE Please refer RID upload process

4.4 Putting NE in MR
4.5 Withdrawal from service Check if these features are verified
4.6 Moving NE to other circle
4.7 Moving NE to other area
4.8 Filtering NE

5. Alarm Management Module

About This Chapter

In this section we have discussed alarm reporting to NMS, Open-Acknowledged-Closed alarm status, Storage
of alarm history for particular repeater, defining alarms severity level, Alarm alerts and escalations, exporting
alarms to file etc.

Below mentioned diagram is alarm work flow used for present NMS.

Alarm alerts and escalations are time based. Primary escalation is via SMS gateway and Email server.

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description
5.1 Introduction to Alarms This section describes various alarm messages send by
5.2 Alarm Statuses/Alarm Alarm Open and Acknowledged, and closure
5.3 Browsing and Filtering Describes how to browse and filter alarms


5.5 Collecting Alarm Statistics Describes how to get alarm history of each repeater
5.6 Coping Alarms to a Describes how to copy the alarms to a file.

5.7 Redefining the Alarm Describes how to redefine the alarm severity levels.
Severity Level
5.8 Alarm Addition/Deletion

5.9 Repeater Alarm history

5.10 Setting up alarm
notification by SMS & Email
5.1 Introduction to Alarms

.1.2 Alarm Types Commented [A11]: To be filled by kashyap

Alarm ID Alarm Type Alarm Definition

AL.PS.F Power Supply failed Alarm. Power Supply. Fail

AL.PS.R Power Supply Restored Alarm. Power Supply. Restore

AL.RF.L RF Low Alarm. RF Output. Low

AL.RF.R RF Restored Alarm. RF Output. Low

AL.LK.L Lock Loss Alarm. Lock. Loss

AL.LK.R Lock Restored Alarm. Lock. Restore

AL.SS.L Signal Strength Low Alarm. Outdoor Signal Strength. Low

AL.SS.R Signal Strength Alarm. Outdoor Signal Strength. Restored


AL.TP.H Temperature High Alarm. Temperature. High

AL.TP.R Temperature Restored Alarm. Temperature. Restored

AL.AG.H Automatic Gain High Alarm. Automatic Gain. High

AL.AG.R Automatic Gain Alarm. Automatic Gain. Restored


AL.IS.L Isolation Lost Alarm. Isolation. Low

AL.IS.R Isolation Restored Alarm. Isolation. Restored

AL.DL.S Downlink Shutdown Alarm. Down Link. Shut Down

AL.DL.R Downlink Restored Alarm. Down Link. Restored

AL.UL.S Uplink Sleep Alarm. Up Link. Sleep

AL.UL.R Uplink Restored Alarm. Up Link. Restored

5.1.1 Alarm Severity Levels

Alarm severity level indicates how severe a generated alarm is. Sorted in the descending order,
alarms have three severity levels: critical, major and minor. (Minor alarms are not defined in
the present version of digital repeater

Critical and Major alarms are service affecting

5.3.4 Displaying Alarms
Replace with Savios data

These alarms include:

 Current fault alarms

 Acknowledged alarms
 History fault alarms

The various Alarms sent by repeaters can be monitored from two locations of the page:-

 Dashboard
 Navigation Bar

5.1.1 The Dashboard Alarms Consist of the Following

 Alarms Open
 Alarms Acknowledged
 Critical Alarms (24 Hours)
 Non Reporting Repeaters Alarms Open:-
This page gives an overview of the open alarm which are existing in the network.
They are categorized into 3 groups namely:-
 Critical
 Major
 Minor Acknowledged Alarms:-

This Option gives a list of Acknowledged but not restored Alarms Critical Alarms
Image to be captured with Critical Alarm Non Reporting Repeaters
 In this option, we get a list of non-reporting alarms
 It provides us information of the date and time that the repeater lost contact with the NMS.
 It provides the total number of days the repeater was unmanaged by NMS
 It provides the signal strength of the Repeater Modem before losing contact.

5.1.2 The Navigation Bar Alarms are as shown:-

It can be accessed Via Alarm Reports option available on the Navigation bar Alarms open
This section as already explained before
This page gives an overview of the open alarm which are existing in the network.
They are categorized into 3 groups namely:-
 Critical
 Major
 Minor
This page displays:-

Alarm ID: - Each Alarm is given a unique alarm number

Downtime:- Gives us an instant idea about the aging of the alarm.
Severity: - This gives an idea about the .type of alarm
Description: - The nature of the fault is described.
Site:-The site name where the repeater has been installed
Area:-The name of the location in a particular circle.
Circle:-provides the name of the State/City where the repeater
Repeater ID:-Repeater ID is a unique number allotted to a particular repeater
Band:-This shows the module where the fault has occurred.
Opened on:-This shows the date of fault occurrence. Alarms Acknowledged

This page gives a list of the Alarms that have occurred and have been acknowledged by user.
The process of acknowledging alarms have been given in section 5.2. Alarms Closed

This page shows the alarms which have occurred and have recovered. Here the downtime column
tells us if the fault has been solved within the required SLA (Service Level Agreement) Repeaters with Alarms

This Page gives repeater information against as given below.
Firmware Version: - The firmware version of the respective repeater
Commissioning Date: - The date of commissioning of the repeater.
Parameter Verified: - Parameter Verified shows that the selected repeater has been installed. Commissioned Repeaters with Alarms (Recheck for definition)

This page displays the repeaters which have been commissioned but have an alarm due to some
5.2Alarm Status

Open Alarm

5.2.1 Acknowledged Alarms

The alarm acknowledgement function helps to identify alarms. After you acknowledge an
alarm manually, the NMS displays the alarm as acknowledged. In this way, you can easily
distinguish between the alarms processed manually and those to be processed.
This status, however, only indicates that the alarm is currently acknowledged. It does not
indicate that the alarm is cleared. Or it tells Alarm is acknowledged by NMS operator for
further processing/ownership for closure.
Please Reffer

5.2.2 Cleared Alarms

When a fault alarm is cleared, the NE returns to normality and reports the alarm clearance
information to the NMS Commented [A12]: To be filled by Savio
This is the Process by which a fault alarm changes to a history fault alarm Commented [Savio13]: I am not clear about the logic
used to update cleared alarms
5.2.3 Changing Alarm Status

The alarm status changes in the following two cases:

 When you manually acknowledge an alarm on the NMS

For details, see part 5.2.1 "Acknowledged Alarms." After the alarm is acknowledged, the
status of the alarm changes to acknowledged.
 When you operate a faulty NE and clear the fault.

In this case, the status of the alarm changes to cleared. The cleared status applies only to
fault alarms.

Reporting Alarms

When an alarm is generated, the NE reports the alarm to NMS via http-TCP interface Commented [A14]: How we ensure that automatic
closure happens, check with kashyap
Saving of alarms
Alarms are saved automatically to DBMS Commented [A15]: Savio asked if closed alarms vanished
from display
5.4 Searching Alarms


To query current fault alarms, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Choose Fault > >

Dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure: Querying current fault alarms

Step 2 Click Current Fault Alarm Query n tab. Two methods are available for querying the current
alarms. The number n is represented by 1, 2, 3, and so on, indicating that you can perform Commented [A16]: I am not sure, I feel this is how query
multiple queries. works

Method 1: Set the query conditions ……….

 1 window, and then click ……

 For example, select an NE to query the fault alarms related to the NE. Select an
alarm severity (level) to query the fault alarms of this severity (level). Set a start
time to query the fault alarms generated after this time point.
 By default, the system displays all the fault alarms stored

----End Commented [A17]: Write multiple methods, if it is

accessible by otherways

5.8 Copying Alarms to file



5.8.2 Displaying History Fault Alarms


Display history fault alarms associated with repeater

Issue 02 (2006-10-31)
5-17 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 02 (2006-10-31)
apply to current fault alarms. After being acknowledged and cleared, current fault
This task alarms become history fault alarms, and then can be displaced. Commented [A18]: Please check with aditya, if it is
does not implemented in this way

Issue 02 (2006-10-31)
5-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 02 (2006-10-31)
Setting the Alarm Notification by SMS/Email

Set the cell phone number for receiving alarm SMS and set the alarm to be sent.

When the set alarm occurs, the alarm SMS is sent to the mobile phone with this number.

Setting the Alarm Notification by Phone No



Setting the Alarm Notification by Email



Issue 02 (2006-10-31)
5-19 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 02 (2006-10-31)
6. Event Log Notification
 From LMT
 From NMS

Two views (Out side summary, Inside repeater)

7. Configuration Management
About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description

7.6 Display NE config With each para explained

7.1 Searching NE Describes how to query the NE configuration.

7.2 Synchronizing NE Describes how to synchronize the NE configuration.
7.Import NE Describes how to export the NE configuration.
Configuration file
7.4 Saving NE Configuration to a Describes how to save the NE configuration to a file.
7.5 LMT based configuration
7.1.1 Configuration Types

When you add a physical NE in the NMS, NMS automatically synchronizes the NE to obtain
the NE configuration, and then saves the NE configuration to the NMS server. When the NE
configuration changes, the NE reports the changed configuration to the NMS to update the
NE configuration stored on the server.

The NE configuration consists of two categories of information:

 Physical information, such as the information (RF Parameters); used for normal functioning of repeater

Freq Band GSM 900 Sub band 1 Sub band 2 ………

Freq Band GSM 1800 Sub band 1 Sub band 2 ………

Freq Band WCDMA Sub band 1 Sub band 2 ………


Freq Band WCDMA Sub band 1 Sub band 2 ………



Gain settings


 Logical information, These information’s are used for establishing relations and generation of reports as well as
guiding field engineer & managing inventory.

Repeater ID Repeater Mobile No. Circle Area

Site Site Address Site Identification Sending Modem

Mobile No.

GPS Latitude GPS Longitude Height of Pick up Antenna Azimuth


Contact No. Engineer Contact No. Team Lead Contact No. Manager
Email id Engineer Email id Manager Email id Team Lead

7.1.2 Querying NE Configuration


Query the NE configuration, composed of the physical and logical information, through the
NMS browser.


Before querying the NE configuration

 You have logged in to the NMS client.

 The NE communicates with the NMS is well.


Synchronizing NE Configuration

7.2.1 Synchronizing NE Configuration Manually


Synchronize the NE configuration manually if the NE configuration changes during the

process when a physical NE is disconnected and then reconnected to the NMS.

Power ON synchronization

Periodic update

Change event based update: Triggered by LMT update

7.3 Importing NE Configuration


Import the configuration of a physical NE manually.

Explain rules that are put in for wrong parameter update

7.4 Saving NE Configuration to a File
User Management

Overview of NE Users

The NMS manages two classes of users:

 NMS admin

To log in to the NMS, you must have an NMS user account and the corresponding
password. NMS user accounts are endowed with different operation privileges . The
NMS administrator authorizes privileges to the other NMS user accounts.

 Circle users

7.7.2 Principles for NE User Authorization

The NE users are authorized to execute different commands.

Explain with example

7.7.3 Creating NE Users

Before creating NE user accounts, ensure that:

 You have logged in to the NMS client.

 You have the authorized operation privileges.

7.7.4 Modifying Privileges for NE Users



To modify privileges for NE users, perform the following steps on the NMS client:
System Requirements Specification for NMS Page 13

7.7.5 Blocking NE User Accounts

Report Generation

Describe all the reports

Scheduled task management

The scheduled task management is to regularly trigger common, configuration, alarm and performance
tasks according to the setting of users. As well as by shell scripts

Procedure by Savio, Description by kashyap

1.1.1 Data Backup

1.2 Modem receive level display

Repeater Reset

Repeater time synchronization with NMS

Repeater URL admin

Repeater prepaid balance collect

13 | P a g e In Commercial Confidential VRT

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