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function Compute_Trend( HalfLife, ChanLen, startindex, Out_TrendUpArray,

Out_TrendDownArray, Out_Trend )

//Init required variables

TrendUp = VarGet( Out_TrendUpArray );
TrendDown = VarGet( Out_TrendDownArray );
trend = VarGet( Out_Trend );

shrink = 2 ^ ( -HalfLife );
shrink2 = 1 - shrink;

topChan[0] = High[0];
botChan[0] = Low[0];

HH = HHV( High, ChanLen );

LL = LLV( Low, Chanlen );

for( i = startindex; i < BarCount - 1; i++ )

topChan[i] = shrink * H[i] + shrink2 * topChan[i - 1] ;
botChan[i] = shrink * L[i] + shrink2 * botChan[i - 1] ;

if( HH[i] >= topChan[i] ) topChan[i] = HH[i];

if( LL[i] <= botChan[i] ) botChan[i] = LL[i];


Up = topChan;
Dn = botChan;
changeOfTrend = 0;
flag = flagh = 0;

for( i = startindex; i < BarCount - 1; i++ )


TrendUp[i] = Null;
TrendDown[i] = Null;
trend[i] = 1;

if( Close[i] > Up[i - 1] )

trend[i] = 1;

if( trend[i - 1] == -1 ) changeOfTrend = 1;

if( Close[i] < Dn[i - 1] )
trend[i] = -1;

if( trend[i - 1] == 1 ) changeOfTrend = 1;

if( trend[i - 1] == 1 )
trend[i] = 1;
changeOfTrend = 0;
if( trend[i - 1] == -1 )
trend[i] = -1;
changeOfTrend = 0;

if( trend[i] < 0 && trend[i - 1] > 0 )

flag = 1;
flag = 0;

if( trend[i] > 0 && trend[i - 1] < 0 )

flagh = 1;
flagh = 0;

if( trend[i] > 0 && Dn[i] < Dn[i - 1] )

Dn[i] = Dn[i - 1];

if( trend[i] < 0 && Up[i] > Up[i - 1] )

Up[i] = Up[i - 1];

if( flag == 1 )
Up[i] = topchan[i];

if( flagh == 1 )
Dn[i] = botChan[i];

if( trend[i] == 1 )
TrendUp[i] = Dn[i];

if( changeOfTrend == 1 )
TrendUp[i - 1] = TrendDown[i - 1];
changeOfTrend = 0;
if( trend[i] == -1 )
TrendDown[i] = Up[i];

if( changeOfTrend == 1 )
TrendDown[i - 1] = TrendUp[i - 1];
changeOfTrend = 0;

} //end for

VarSet( Out_TrendUpArray, TrendUp );

VarSet( Out_TrendDownArray, TrendDown );
VarSet( Out_Trend, trend );

SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );

_N( Title = StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g,
Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ) );
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Range Breakout Strategy 7.0" );

//SetBarsRequired( sbrAll, sbrAll );

SetOption( "InitialEquity", 200000 );
SetTradeDelays( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

PER = Param( "Select Range", 21 );

HalfLife = param( "Channel halflife", 5, 1, 20, 1 );
ChanLen = param( "Channel length", 21 , 1, 21, 1 );
minperiods = Param( "RWI Min Periods", 9, 1, 200, 1 );
maxperiods = Param( "RWI Max Periods", 40, 1, 200, 1 );

TrendUp = TrendDown = Null;

Trend[0] = 1;

Compute_Trend( HalfLife, ChanLen, 1, "TrendUp", "TrendDown", "Trend" );

BASE_SYMBOL = ParamStr( "Base Symbol?", "Nifty 50" );

VOLUME_THRESHHOLD = Param( "Volume Above ?", 500000, 0, 1000000, 50000 );
CAPITAL = Param( "Initial Capital", 100000, 50000, 500000, 50000 );
Risk_Per_Trade = Param( "Risk per trade", 1, 0.5, 2, 0.1 );
Risk = ( Risk_Per_Trade / 100 ) * CAPITAL;
TickSize = 0.05;

tslmultiple = Param( "TSL Multiple (ATR)", 4, 1, 10, 0.1 );

/*------------------- END --------------------------*/

/*------ Plot EMAs --------*/

Period1 = Param( "EMA Period 1", 10 );
EMA1 = EMA( C, Period1 );
EMA1_COLOR = ParamColor( "Color1", colorRed );
//Plot( EMA1, _DEFAULT_NAME(), EMA1_COLOR, styleLine );

Period2 = Param( "EMA Period 2", 21 );

EMA2 = EMA( C, Period2 );
EMA2_COLOR = ParamColor( "Color2", colorGreen );
//Plot( EMA2, _DEFAULT_NAME(), EMA2_COLOR, styleLine );

Period3 = Param( "EMA Period 3", 50 );

EMA3 = EMA( C, Period3 );
EMA3_COLOR = ParamColor( "Color3", colorBlue );
//Plot( EMA3, _DEFAULT_NAME(), EMA3_COLOR, styleLine );

/*------------------- END --------------------------*/

tn = TimeNum();
startTime = 92459; // start in HHMMSS format
endTime = 150000; // end in HHMMSS format
tradeEndTime = 152000;
timeOK = tn >= startTime AND tn <= endTime;

atrarr = ATR( 14);

range_hi = HHV( H, PER );

range_lo = LLV( L, PER );
range_hi = Ref( range_hi, -1 );
range_lo = Ref( range_lo, -1 );

rh= RWIHi(minperiods, maxperiods)*RWIHi(minperiods, maxperiods);

rl= RWILo(minperiods, maxperiods)*RWILo(minperiods, maxperiods);

//defining entry conditions

Buy0 = H > range_hi AND ( L > range_lo ) AND timeOK;
Sell0 = L < range_lo AND ( H < range_hi ) AND timeOK;

// Volume validation
VOL_PER = 5;
TimeFrameSet( inDaily );
VALID_VOLUME = TimeFrameExpand( VALID_VOLUME_DAILY, inDaily );


Buy1 = ( EMA( C, Period1 ) > EMA( C, Period2 ) AND EMA( C, Period2 ) > EMA( C,
Period3 ) );
Sell1 = ( EMA( C, Period1 ) < EMA( C, Period2 ) AND EMA( C, Period2 ) < EMA( C,
Period3 ) );

Buy1 = Buy1 AND Trend == 1;

Sell1 = Sell1 AND Trend == -1;
Buy1 = Ref(Buy1, -1);
Sell1 = Ref(Sell1, -1);

Buy0 = Buy0 AND Buy1;

Sell0 = Sell0 AND Sell1;

//inilitize buy, sell, short, cover

Buy = Sell = Short = Cover = Null;
tslBarr = tgtBarr = Null;
tslSarr = 99999;
bflag = sflag = 0;
longtrade_stoploss = 0;
longtrade_target = 0;
longtrade_entry = 0;
shorttrade_stoploss = 0;
shorttrade_target = 0;
shorttrade_entry = 0;

for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )

if( Buy0[i] AND bflag == 0 AND sflag == 0 )
Buy[i] = 1;
bflag = 1;
BuyPrice[i] = range_hi[i];
longtrade_entry = BuyPrice[i];

longtrade_stoploss = Max( tslBarr[i - 1], longtrade_entry - tslmultiple *

atrarr[i] );
//Set the position size for each trade..
trade_risk_price = ( longtrade_entry - longtrade_stoploss );

if( trade_risk_price > 0 ) PositionSize[i] = ( Risk / trade_risk_price ) *


if( bflag )
// Trailing stoploss for buy trades
if( Buy[i] ) tslBarr[i] = Max( tslBarr[i - 1], longtrade_entry -
tslmultiple * atrarr[i] );
else tslBarr[i] = Max( tslBarr[i - 1], H[i] - tslmultiple * atrarr[i] );

if( ( Sell0[i] OR L[i] <= tslBarr[i - 1] OR tn[i] > tradeEndTime ) AND bflag ==
1 )
Sell[i] = 1;
bflag = 0;
SellPrice[i] = C[i];

if( L[i] <= tslBarr[i - 1] ) SellPrice[i] = tslBarr[i - 1];

// Short conditions
if( Sell0[i] AND sflag == 0 AND bflag == 0 )
Short[i] = 1;
sflag = 1;
ShortPrice[i] = range_lo[i];
shorttrade_entry = ShortPrice[i];

shorttrade_stoploss = Min( tslSarr[i - 1], shorttrade_entry + tslmultiple *

atrarr[i] );

//Set the position size for each trade..

trade_risk_price = ( shorttrade_stoploss - shorttrade_entry );

if( trade_risk_price > 0 ) PositionSize[i] = ( Risk / trade_risk_price ) *


if( sflag )
if( Short[i] ) tslSarr[i] = Min( tslSarr[i - 1], shorttrade_entry +
tslmultiple * atrarr[i] );
else tslSarr[i] = Min( tslSarr[i - 1], L[i] + tslmultiple * atrarr[i] );

if( ( Buy0[i] OR H[i] >= tslSarr[i - 1] OR tn[i] > tradeEndTime ) AND sflag ==
1 )
Cover[i] = 1;
sflag = 0;
CoverPrice[i] = C[i];

if(H[i] >= tslSarr[i - 1]) CoverPrice[i] = tslSarr[i - 1];

tslSarr = IIf( tslSarr == 99999, Null, tslSarr );

Plot( tslBarr, "TSL Buy", colorYellow, styleDashed );

Plot( tslSarr, "TSL Short", colorYellow, styleDashed );

Plot( range_hi, "Highest High", colorGreen, styleLine );

Plot( range_lo, "Lowest Low", colorRed, styleLine );

PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorGreen, 0, L, Offset = -40 );

PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorLime, 0, L, Offset = -50 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset = -45 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, Offset = -45 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, Offset = 40 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorOrange, 0, H, Offset = 50 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, H, Offset = -45
PlotShapes( IIf( Cover, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBlue, 0, L, Offset = -45 );

Title = Name() + " " + Interval( 2 ) + " " + Date() + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) +
EncodeColor( colorWhite ) + " O: " + O + " " + "H: " + H + " " + "L: " + L + " "
+ "C: " + C + " " +
"\nRange Breakout Strategy 7.0" + " - Buy0: " + Buy0 + " Sell0: " + Sell0
+ " Range Hi: " + range_hi + " Range Lo: " + range_lo + " SL: " +tslSarr + " BL: "
+ tslBarr;


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