Original Switchword List 1

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Original Switchword List

To create new ideas-ON

To reduce smoking-COUNT

To get in mood for writing-GIGGLE

To stay young and to look young immediately-LEARN

To be a good mechanic-CONSIDER

To break a bad habit-OFF

To meet a deadline-DONE

To sigh-HO

To win in a competitive game-FIGHT

To upset an opponent in such a game-FIGHT

To achieve moderation in any field where tempted to excess-CUT

To display pep and sudden energy-MOVE

To turn a setback into an uplift-ELATE

To remember, in the sense of memorization-CARE

To remember something forgotten-REACH

To find lost or misplaced article-REACH

To solve a problem-REACH

To prevent a person or action from annoying one-CANCEL

To obliterate a negative thought-CANCEL

To dispel a worry-CANCEL

To sell-GIVE

To acquire a skill-WATCH
To love to read-JUDGE

To maintain good health-BE

To be kind-TINY

To invent-REACH

To relieve constipation-SWIVEL

To heal a scab-ALONE

To stop drinking-SAVE

To keep a resolution-DONE

To destroy remorse-TOMORROW

To cease regretting-THANKS

To secure transportation-ON




To cure hypersensitivity-DUCK

To prevent pouting streak-POSTPONE

To handle anything unpleasant-ADJUST

To dispel an attack of the blues-UP

To act on good impulse-NOW

To stop faultfinding-PRAISE

To build will power-DONE

To banish lonesomeness-BE

To get rid of inertia-MOVE

To avoid poverty or debt-CANCEL

To nourish ambition-ON

To eliminate procrastination-DO

To promote-FOR

To advertise-SCHEME

To secure publicity-RIDICULOUS

To retain good feeling or sense of well-being-STRETCH

To assume or carry a burden-ADJUST

To get something out of eye-CHANGE

To dispel ache or pain in any part of body-CHANGE

To turn on personality-CHUCKLE

To turn on politeness or courtesy-TINY

To convert another-TAP

To dispel nervousness-BLUFF

To dispel conscious fear-BLUFF

To call forth extra personal ability-DIVINE

To preserve personal safety-GUARD

To make yourself beautiful or handsome-PRAISE

To aquire good taste-COPY

To keep a secret-FOREVER

To subdue inner excitement-COVER

To get to sleep-OFF

To build-PUT

To dress better-SPEND

To find percentage-ADD
To learn a secret-WAIT

To improve your mental telepathy-BETWEEN


To withstand impatience-SLOW

To handle success-SUFFER

To handle prosperity-SUFFER

To avoid carelessness-ATTENTION

To improve perspective-AROUND

To build character-HOLD

To ward off apartness of the personality just as negative factor is entering-UNCLE

To develop or increase endurance-CONTINUE

To be wise-SLOW

To achieve peace of conscience-BE

To build, produce-ON

To develop leadership-TAKE

To build a fortune-FIND

To make money-COUNT

To develop courage-SWING

To read the future-LISTEN

To work miracles-DIVINE

To do anything-TOGETHER

To lose inferiority complex-UP

To become an orator-ACT

To publish a successful newspaper-PERSONAL

To publish a successful magazine-SOPHISTICATE

To make your children obedient-CROWD

To be compatible with others-WITH

To be soothing to others-SWEET

To be pious-SHOW

To complete a lot of detailed work-NEXT

To create appeal-HOLE

To design-SCHEME

To appear rich-WASTE

To create beauty-CURVE

To appear cultured-CLASSIC

To help others-GIVE

To bury your grudges-REVERSE

To reduce your bragging-DOWN

To lose pettiness-MAGNANIMITY

Master Switchword: TOGETHER

For more information please go to: www.ricandi.com/switchwords.html

EFT & Switchwords Experiment.

Your very first Switchword is the master Switchword which is:


Together is a master unifying Switchword. Use TOGETHER to do anything. It may be the most
important Switchword you use. During the day, be conscious of TOGETHER.

Whether you do it in the morning or evening, here's how we suggest using Switchwords with

1. Allow 5 to 10 minutes every day to do this.

2. Find a comfortable place where you won't be interrupted to gently concentrate on your
Switchword and do EFT tapping.
3. Set your intention and do rounds repeating your Switchword which is TOGETHER. Only say
your Switchword, TOGETHER, no other words.
4. Do EFT and the Switchword rounds of tapping for at least five minutes. Continue and stop
when it feels right to you.
5. Write down your results.

At other times during the day, say TOGETHER silently to yourself. Please note, this is not a
scientifically controlled experiment. It's a playful one.

Again, HKQUOC, your Switchword today is TOGETHER. Visualize the word. Feel it. Hear it
clearly. Embrace TOGETHER.



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