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The term QWL gained importance in the late 1960s as a way of concerns about
effects of job/work on health and general well-being and ways to positively influence
the quality of a person’s work experience. Up until the mid 1970s, employer’s concern
was on work design and working conditions improvement. However, in the next
decade of 1980s, the concept of QWL included other aspects that affect employees’
job satisfaction and productivity and these aspects are, reward systems, physical work
environment, employee involvement, rights and esteem nee (Cummings and Worley,
However the radical changes in the world of business, like factors such as
globalization, information technology, world business competitiveness, and scarcity of
natural resources have changed employee’s outlook of how a good company is
defined. The trend in past was to include, financial figures in defining “a good
company”. Latest trends like, ethics, quality of work life (QWL) and job satisfaction
are now considered important predictors of sustainability and viability of business
organizations. Quality of work life is a very broad concept with many different
perceptions about it and, therefore, difficult to define. There are authors who are of the
opinion that it is something that is defined by the people of the organization. Many
authors, psychologists and management consultants agree that it is difficult to give a
clear definition of the term quality of work life, other than that it has to do with the
well-being of employees (Lawler, 1975; Davis and Cherns, 1975; Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel
and Lee, 2001). In Davis and Cherns (eds.) (1975) all the authors agree that quality of
work life is not just job satisfaction, which is only one among its many aspects. All
accept that different people will have different perspectives on what makes for high
quality of work life. The impact of work life on the individual is the outcome of many
interacting factors, of which the importance of each can differ from group to group
and from time to time. However from the literature we can summarize that QWL may
be viewed as a wide ranging concept, Table,1 lists some of the components of QWL
as viewed by the scholars in various type of organization.
Quality of work life (QWL) the refers to the favorableness or unfavorablenes of
a job environment for people working in an organization. The period of scientific
management which focused solely on specialization and efficiency, has undergone a
revolutionary change. The traditional management (like scientific management) gave
inadequate attention to human values. In the present scenario, needs and aspirations of
the employees are changing. Employers are now redesigning jobs for better QWL.
Quality work life includes the following features:
 Voluntary involvement on the part of employees.
 Assurance of no loss of job as a result of the programs
 Training of employees in team problem solving.
 The use of quality circles where employees discuss problems affecting the
performance of the work and job environment.
 Encouragement of skill development.
 Skill training
 Responsiveness to employee concerns.
The Quality of work life involvement traditionally has been closely Identified
with the job redesign efforts based socio-technical systems approach. However during
the 1980’s the concept of Quality of work life has been broadened to include a number
of approaches aimed at join decision making. Collaboration and mutual respect
between management and employees, it autonomy at work place, and self
management. Thus the Quality Circles adopted by Japanese and indian industries as
well as democratization of work process through self-regulating autonomous group in
the Scandinavian and USA are all considered part of this movement.
 To evaluate and analyze Quality work life in FEMINA HOTEL
 To study the factors/determinants of Quality work life.
 To examine the impact of welfare measure on Quality work life
 To evaluate the aspects of Quality work life and suggest measure in
Improving Quality work life
 The aim and objective of the study is identify Quality work life and their
effectiveness on workers/ staff in manufacturing sector.
 To know whether Quality work life to an employee is of necessity in order
to achieve maximum productivity in manufacturing sector.
The term Quality work life in its broader sense covers various aspects of
employment and non-employment condition of work. The present study will aim
at studying various factors which influence Quality work life in FEMINA HOTEL
the study is dependent on the opinion expressed by the manager and staff of all the
departments of the components division that are working at Femina Hotel (FSM).
The QWL as strategy of Human Resource Management has assumed
increasing interest and importance. Many other terms have come to be used inter
changeably with QWL such as ‘humanisations of work’ ‘quality of working life,
‘industrial democracy’ and ‘participative work’.
There are divergent views as to the exact meaning of QWL.
The QWL as strategy of Human Resource Management has assumed increasing
interest and importance. Many other terms have come to be used interchangeably with
QWL such as ‘humanisations of work’ ‘quality of working life, ‘industrial
democracy’ and ‘participative work’.

There are divergent views as to the exact meaning of QWL.

1“QWL is a process of work organisations which enable its members at all
levels to actively; participate in shaping the organizations environment, methods
and outcomes. This value based process is aimed towards meeting the twin goals
of enhanced effectiveness of organisations and improved quality of life at work for
employees. ”—The American Society of Training and Development
2. “QWL is a way of thinking about people, work and organisations, its
distinctive elements are (i) a concern about the impact of work on people as well
as on organizational effectiveness, and (ii) the idea of participation in organizational
problem-solving and decision making. ” —Nadler and Lawler
3.The overriding purpose of QWL is to change the climate at work so that
the human-technological-organisational interface leads to a better quality of work
4. “QWL is based on a general approach and an organisation approach.
The general approach includes all those factors affecting the physical, social,
economic, psychological and cultural well-being of workers, while the
organizational approach refers to the redesign and operation of organizations in
accordance with the value of democratic society. ”—Beinum
From the definitions given above, it can be concluded that QWL is
concerned with taking care of the higher-order needs of employees in addition to
their basic needs. The overall climate of work place is adjusted in such a way that
it produces more humanized jobs.
QWL is viewed as that umbrella under which employees feel fully satisfied
with the working environment and extend their wholehearted co-operation and
support to the management to improve productivity and work environment.
The basic concept underlying the Quality work life is what has come to be
known as “humanization of work”. It involves basically the development of an
environment of work simulates the creative abilities of the workers generates co-
operation and interest in self growth”.
HERRICK AND MACCOBY (1975) have identified four basic principal which
summaries humanization of work. These principles are
Humanization of work implies freedom from anxiety, fear and the loss of
future employment. The working condition should be safe and there should be no fear
economic want. These pre-conditions will guarantee at most development of skills and
The equity principle require that there is a just way of revaluating the
condition of an employee. Another aspect of quality refers paying for knowledge and
skills to carry out the task. If work has to be humanized equity would also require
sharing in the profits of the organization according to the individual or group
Individual refers to the work environment in which employees are encouraged
to develop themselves to their almost competence, a system of work that facilitates
blossoming of individual potential. A basic precondition for this is the availability of
freedom and autonomy in deciding their own pace as activity and design of
Meaningful participation in decision-making also guarantees the ‘Right of
citizenship’. Quality of work life is a complex and multiphase concept implying a
concern for the members of an organization irrespective of the level. It includes job
factors like wages and hours of work and also the nature of work itself. With the
encouragement of international labour organization & achieve lead taken by national
of labour, Delhi, the quality of work life as a movement has started attracting the
attention of both academicians as well as in india.
In India, the concept of quality of work life seems to manifest itself in a variety
of operational systems like workers participation, job enrichment, quality circle etc.
Quality of work life is a border concept. BY TIME TO TIME Quality of work life
includes some other factors in it.
8 Important Scopes of the Quality of Work Life: by Walton
By Smriti Chand Employee Management
Some of the important scopes of the quality of work life, according to walton,
1. adequate and fair compensation
2. safe and healthy working conditions
3. opportunity to use and develop human capacities
4. opportunity to growth and security
5. social integration in the work organization
6. constitution in the work organisation
7. work and total life span
8. social relevance of work life.
The salary structure of employees should be just, fair and equitable.
It should ensure reasonable wages to employees so that they can keep a desirable
standard of life. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and Minimum Wages Act 1948
safeguard the interests of the workers regarding payment of wages.
It should be clearly understood that for QWL, cash payment is not the only
answer. However, hefty salaries are being paid to the knowledge workers so as the
meet their basic and higher level needs for improving their QWL.
In India, Factories Act 1948 contains a number of provisions relating to
safety and health of employees. Employers are increasingly trying to provide better
working conditions to their workers as compared to their competitors. Flexi-hours of
work, zero risk physical conditions of work and safety against noise, pollution,
fume, gases etc. go a long way in effecting the quality of work life.
The QWL will be better if the jobs allow sufficient antinomy and control to its
employees. The workers must be given an opportunity to use their skills,
abilities and initiative in planning and implementing the work. The senior persons can
keep a watch and a constant control and also provide immediate feedback to
the workers. Corrective measures can be taken immediately in the light of this
When employees are offered opportunities to grow in an organization by
providing promotion ladder, it helps in improving the QWL. There is an inner
desire in every employee for career progression. If the job is dead-end, it must be
made clear to the employee at the outset.
An employee develops a sense of belongingness to the organization where
he works. Discrimination among the employees on the basis of age, gender, cast,
creed, religion etc. can act as a hindrance in the way of social intergation. Workers
develop self-respect as a result of social integration and it improves the quality of
work life.
Every employee should be entitled to some privileges such as personal
privacy, right to expression, right to equitable treatment etc. These should be
governed by certain rules and regulations. In short, there should be the ‘Rule of
Law’ as per the constitution of the enterprise.
Certain employees are required to work for late hours or are frequently
transferred or have to do a lot of travelling as a part of their duty. This definitely
affects their QWL as they remain away from their families for a long period of
Those business enterprises which are engaged in discharging their social
responsibilities contribute to QWL. If a concern does not care for social obligation,
the employees of such organisation cannot expect a better QWL. Low quality
products, no control on pollution, bad employment practices are indicators of low
Author Component
1 Adequate And Fair Compensation, 2 Safe
And Healthy Working Conditions,
3 Immediate Opportunity To Use And
Walton (1975) Develop Human Capacities,4 Opportunity
For Continued Growth And Security, 5 Social
Integration In The Work Organization, 6
Constitutionalism In The Work Organization,
7 Work And Total Life Space And 8 Social
Relevance Of Work Life.
1.Autonomy or being independent; 2.Being
Stein (1983) recognized and prized;3. Belongings; 4.
Progression and development; 5.External
Levine, 1.Respect from supervisor and trust on
Taylor and employee’s capability;2.Change of work;
Davis(1984) 3.Challenge of the work; 4.Future development
opportunity arising from the current
work;5.Self esteem;6.Scope of impacted
work and life beyond work itself; 7.Contribution
towards society from the work
1. Job satisfaction, 2 job involvement,3 work
Baba and role ambiguity,4 work role conflict, 5 work
Jamal(1991) role overload,6 job stress,7 organizational
commitment and 8 turn-over intentions

Lau RSM, 1. Job security 2. Reward systems3. Training

Bruce EM(1998) 4. Carrier advancements opportunities5.
Participation in decision in decision making

Poor working environments, Resident

aggression, Workload, Unable to deliver
Ellis and quality of care expected, Balance of work
Pompli and family, Shift work, no involvement in
(2002) decision making, Professional isolation, non
recognition of work, unhealthy relationships
with supervisor/peers, Role conflict, absence
opportunity to learn new skills.
1.Fair Pay and Autonomy 2.Job security,
3.Reward systems,4.Training and career
advancements 5.opportunities,
G Nasl Saraji, H and 6.participitation in decision making 7
Dargahi(2006) Interesting and satisfying work. 8. Trust in
senior management.
9..Recognition of efforts 10. Health and
safety standards at work.11.Balance between
the time spent at work and
the time spent with family and friends
12.Amount of work to be done 13. level of
stress experienced at work
4.occupational health and safety at work
1 Health and well-being
Guna Seelan 2. Job security
Rethinam 3. Job satisfaction,
&Maimunah 4. Competence development and
Ismai(2008) 5. The balance between work non work Life

1. Fair and adequate pay and benefits

Seyed Mehdi rights, 2. Observance of safety and health
Hosseini, factors,3. opportunities to continue growth
Gholamreza and security of staff, 4. acceptance work
Mehdizadeh organization,5. work life and social dependence
Jorjatki(2010) on society and individual life, 6.
Governing the overall living space in the
7. Integration of social improved
human abilities
1. Adequate and fair compensation
2. Fringe benefits and welfare measures
3. Job security
4. Physical work environment
5. Work load and job stress
6. Opportunity to use and develop human
Stephen, A. capacity
(2012). 7. Opportunity for continued growth
8. Human relations and social aspect of work
9. Participation in decision making
10. Reward and penalty system
11. Equity, justice and grievance handling
12. Work and total life space
13. Image of organization
Femina hotel Pvt., Ltd., is a GOVT approved hotel group founded by Mrs. S.
MOHAMED IBRAHIM in the Year of 1986. It is a 3 star certified hotel.

Femina Hotel in Trichy is a downtown hotel located in an accessible distance

from all parts of the city. The location and hospitality offered at the Femina Hotel,
Trichy attracts the guests coming to the city. Femina Hotel in Trichy is among the
most popular Economy Hotels in Trichy.

In a femina hotel is main activities is first service then only profit. It is a

economical hotel. The Femina hotel, trichy offers additional amenities and services.

Femina Hotel in Trichy has beautifully decorated rooms which are furnished with
modern amenities to meet the need of the guests staying at the hotel. The rooms are
clean, well maintained, well lit and have soothing décor which makes the guests feel
comfortable and make their stay pleasurable. The rooms are fitted with amenities like,

 Attached bathroom with running hot & cold water

 Color television with satellite channels
 Direct dialing STD/ISD telephone facilities
 Exclusive room service


The in-house restaurant of the Femina Hotel in Trichy in Tamil Nadu in India
serves lip smacking multi-cuisine delicacies. The restaurant is known for providing
good quality and tasty foods at an affordable price.


The Femina Hotel in Trichy in Tamil Nadu offers business facilities to the
people visiting the city for some business purpose. The conference hall of the hotel is
equipped with modern audio visual equipments that are required to host business

Recreational facilities offered at the Femina Hotel in Trichy include the travel
desk that helps the guests to move around in the city with ease and comfort.


The Femina Hotel, Trichy offers additional amenities and services. The other
facilities and services that are provided at Femina Hotel in Trichy include:

 Medical Assistance
 Travel desk service
 Car Parking
 24 Hrs Reception
 Safe Deposit


Trichy is also called Tiruchirapalli and is situated in Tamil Nadu. Trichy is the
fourth largest city of the state. There are many old churches and missions of the 18th
century here in the city. These buildings lend an old world charm to the city.

Managing Director

Secretary (recruitment committee) General Manager

(Human Resource)

Assistant (HR)

Executive (HR)

In Femina Hotel, all the incident happenings in the work place were
spontaneously coming to the ears of the higher officials and they solve the problem
(or) quickly as possible. There is specially appointed mediators .since the femina hotel
management is the earliest approached management, there is no hebetation among the
staff and the Laborers to approach the management.There is a secrete bondage
between employee and employer. So I have not found not much incidents that the
manager is angry with his subordinates.In my point of view there is no enmity among
the employees. So the management information system is very effective in Femina
hotel. The accommodation and hospitality industry is one of the oldest in the world,
dating back thousands of years, as travelers have always needed accommodation. The
modern accommodation industry encompasses a range of facilities from luxury hotels,
offering the ultimate in comfort standards and facilities, to relatively humble bed and
breakfast establishments.

Nowadays, hotels face fierce competition and can generally only increase their
market share at the expense of their competitors. Twenty-first century travelers have
high expectations and premium hotels compete aggressively for these customers,
offering loyalty programs in the hope of retaining customers.

Hotels need to be able to recognize their ‘high-value’ customers, who are not
necessarily the ones that subscribe to loyalty programs. The most profitable customers
book accommodation in the more expensive rooms at premium locations, patronize
the hotel bar and restaurant and use room service.

To identify their most profitable customers, hotels have to both collect and
manage immense amounts of data in order to understand more about their customers’
behavior and target their marketing strategies accordingly. Customer Feedback and
Data Management (CFDM) must be customizable for each establishment. The table
below, for example, shows just some of the ways in which in site’s customer feedback
solutions can benefit the hospitality industry in terms of identifying the most
profitable customers, reinforcing brand loyalty and managing communications while
also measuring performance.
Customer Satisfaction

Understand and measure customer satisfaction for products and services, and
identify ways to improve customer-directed programs.


In Femina hotel only three of workers. These are as followed.

1. Trainees
50 workers there workers are given a chance to work for three month and their
skill are tested. Trainees in Femina hotel, it is three month.

2. Temporary
100 workers are temporary, after finishing training period Worker has been
appointed on permanent. Some of the workers not been changed regarding their
skills, attitutudes.

3. Permanent
100 workers are permanent (50 workers are work in above 25 years)

In Femina hotel there are 2 types of worker, on the basis of skills.

1. Skilled – supervising In charge of Dept.(starting salary 6000 for first 3 months)

2. Unskilled – Helper (Starting salary 3,500 for first 3- Months)

Cordial relationship with other competitor in order to stay in business.

Human Resource Management

There are many complexities involved in running a business including the

administration of human resources tasks and staying up-to-date on staffing,
technology and training, etc. Staying compliant with federal and state employment
laws as FLSA, FMLA, EEOC, I-9 regulations and more that can take your focus off of
your core business

One of the primary responsibilities of Hospitality HRO is to help manage these issues
for clients by providing Human Resources Services on an outsourced basis.

Hospitality HRO provides clients with access to a full suite of Human

Resources Outsourcing Services. These services include turnkey solutions in areas
that are critical to the success of their business. Our human resources specialists
understand the increasingly complex and ever-changing laws and regulations and will
help you reduce the time that you spend managing these issues.

The components of our Human Resource Management Services include:

Human Resource Administration

 Human Resource Forecasting / Planning assistance

 Employment Application updating / compliance
 Job Description writing
 Job Description updating
 ADEA compliance / guidance
 ADA compliance / guidance
 EEO compliance / guidance
 Employment Agreement design / writing
 Confidentiality Agreements
 Non-Competes Agreements
 Non-solicitation Agreements
 Orientation of New Employees
 DFWA compliance / guidance
 PRWORA compliance / administration
 IRCA – I-9 compliance / administration
 W-4 administration
 State withholding administration
 Insurance coverage acceptance / waivers
 Retirement Plan enrollment / waiver Employment
 Handbook review / receipt documentation

Record Keeping Technology-HRIS

 Human Resources forms resource

 Employee files – HIPAA compliance
 Employee File Retention tracking
 Employee File Destruction
 Employee anniversary date tracking
 HRIS – administrative maintenance time, IT Fees
 HRIS – employee access training
 HRIS – Manager web access
 HRIS – Employee Self Service Portal
 Management Reports via web-based HRIS

Separation & Termination

 Supervisor Training – Termination Procedures

 State(s) Unemployment Claims administration
 Attendance at Unemployment hearings
 COBRA administration and liability (ARRA requirements)
 HIPAA administration and liability
 Severance package design
 Exit Interviews
Performance Management

 Supervisor Training – Employee Counseling

 Disciplinary/Probation policies/procedure development
 Disciplinary/Probation assistance
 Complaint procedure policy development
 Complaint Procedures
 Employee Handbook development / printing
 Employee Handbook changes / compliance updating
 Company newsletter
 Suggestion System development
 Absenteeism frequency tracking

Recruitment & Retention

 Recruiting Strategy Assistance

 Help Wanted Ad Creation and Job Board placements
 Help Wanted Ad / Job Board Discounts
 Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
 Website Integration with ATS and Job Postings
 Applicant Resume Reviews
 Employment Phone Interviews
 Applicant Interview Coordination
 Pre-Employment Reference Checks
 Pre-Employment Background Checks
 Pre-Employment Behavioral Assessments
 Pre-Employment Cognitive Skills / Aptitude Testing
 Pre-Employment Education and Degree Verification
 Post-Offer Drug Testing
 Recruitment Research Campaigns / Cold Calling
 Job / Career Fairs
 Cost-per-Hire Analysis / Control
 Turnover Cost Analysis
 Retention Strategies / Compensation Plan Assistance
 Competitive Wage / Salary Consultation
 Performance-Based Incentive / Bonus Plans
 Executive Compensation Plans
 Executive Search Services for Management Hire

Staff Development

 Skills Training
 Performance Appraisal System Assistance/Training
 Supervisor Human Resource Training
 Supervisor Interviewing Training
 Team Building Workshops
 Goal Setting Strategies
 Employee Attitude Surveys

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