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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: math

Trainee: Bashayer Topic or Theme: ordinal numbers (1-10)

Class: 1/B Date & Duration: 18th of March 2019

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

• Differentiate between the student’s levels and activities.

• Divide the lesson equally and work on all parts I planned for.

• Use the time wisely and work equally in each part.

• Student’s behaviours by using class dojo, positive reinforcement.

Lesson Focus

• To identify ordinal numbers names from 1 -10.

• to construct student’s knowledge of ordinal numbers.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to identify ordinal numbers from 1-10.

Links to Prior Learning

Student was able to understand numbers from 1-10 (number name, represent it using manipulate.

21st Century Skills

• Collaboration and leadership:

- Students will be working in groups and share their answers together.

- Each group will have a leader; they are responsible for making everyone behave well, and they must be
fully participating.
• Communication:

- Teacher will be questioning the students in the model part and the students will be responding to her.

- Students will be communicating with their group members while doing the activity.

• Social skills: students will come to the board and participate with the teacher in front of the
whole class.

Key vocabulary

• First 1st
• Second 2nd
• Third 3rd
• Fourth 4th
• Fifth 5th
• Sixth 6th
• Seventh 7th
• Eighth 8th
• Ninth 9th
• Tenth 10th

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

• Students may have difficulty • Teacher will let the student practice saying the
pronouncing the words. words.
• Students may mix between using (st, • Teacher will explain the difference between (st,
nd and th).
nd and th) and why did we choose each one of

Resources/equipment needed

• Ppt.
• Ordinal numbers names cards.
• Dry erase classroom tunics.
• Group 1 activity (write a sentence).
• Group 2 activity (follow the number line).
• Group 3& 4 activity (build the ice cream).
• Extra activity (colouring).
• Website for closing and assessment
• Reinforcement gifts.

& Time
Hook & modelling Hook
15 minutes. • Teacher will start the lesson by asking (what is the date of today?) and then
she will choose any students randomly.
• Teacher will say (all of you repeat after me I am learning etc.……) the
objective of the lesson.
• Teacher will remind each group monitor to make sure each one in the
group are setting correctly and behave well.
• Teacher will open a ppt students will be seeing their faces, they will be ten
car racing. Each car refers to a student.
• Teacher will be visualized to the student’s which car comes first, second,

• Teacher will ask the ten students who was in the ppt to come to the front
of the classroom.
• Each student’s will be wearing (dry erase classroom tunics) and according
to the race result teacher will put (ordinal number cards) to each students.
• Teacher will let the students say the word and show it by their hands, so
they will have an idea.
• Teacher will ask the student’s as we move from a number to a number
(what do you think will come after second?) and the next question of the
teacher will be based on the student answer.
• Teacher will put the cards in the white board and ask the student’s (why do
you think we have some number has st, nd and th in the top?)

Main activities
& Time
Group 1 (write a sentence)
• Teacher will give each student a paper, they have a row with ten cars.
• Teacher will model one example to the students.
• Tr: you have ten cars, so you must choose a car and write a sentence
describing their place.
• Teacher has already 3 examples to the students in the paper.
• Students must write the sentences by their own, by looking to the cars and
the order of cars.
• Students will have the ordinal numbers name at the board, and the colors
so they won’t face any difficulties writing the sentences.

Group 2 (follow the number line)

• Students will be working independently but they can discuss with their
group members.
• Students will be having a number line from 1-10, of different items.
• Teacher will put a picture of any items and ask the students to write the
item position number.
• Teacher will model one example to the students. For example, teacher will
have a flower picture, she will look to the number line, read the position
and write it.

Group 3 & 4 (build the ice cream)

• Each student of group 3 and 4 will be working independently.
• Students must follow the order given in the paper to color the ice cream
• Teacher will model one example to the students. For example: teacher will
read the first sentence (first scoop red) and she will color the first scoop
• Teacher will provide the colors in the board, so it will help the students in
coloring the correct scoop.

Differentiation activities (Support)

• Ordinal numbers names cards.

• colours

Extra activity (all the groups)

• Students will have a worksheet, they must see the ordinal number asking in the question
and then colouring according to that.

Check list:

• Teacher will have a check list, it will represent students sitting chart.

• Teacher will check the students understanding while they are working on their centres.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

15 minutes • Teacher will use a website to recap the lesson.

• Students will watch a video about ordinal numbers.
• Teacher will be stooping the video and ask the students question to check
their understanding.
Homework Student’s will be taking their extra sheet home if they didn’t finish it in the class.

Assessment • As the students will watch a video after that students will play an online
• The game will be about the ordinal numbers. Their will be a picture and
choices students must choose the correct answer.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



The lesson was for grade 1, It took place in Shamma bint mohammed school. The learning
outcome was “Students will be able to learn the ordinal number”. This is was linking to the
student’s prior knowledge, before they were able to count the number . And in my lesson, they
have to order number using words like first, second…etc.I was trying to achieve my goal which is
working in differentiate between the student’s levels and activities, dividing the lesson equally
and work on all parts I planned for, to use the time wisely and work equally in each part. And as
the I have notice, each group did they activity, except for the .Each part took time as I planed The
student responded the way that I taught because the lesson was step by step. First, we had and
activity on the powerpoint, students had to order the racing cars. In addition, students had to
order students in the classroom. Second, we had our 3 cenrers activity. Third, we had an online
game, students had to select the first, second, third…etc. There are some strategies I have used,
and it worked well. Praising the good students. Use this strategy tr “class,class,class”, ss” yes yes
yes”. Using different level of voices. Using a bill in transition. Using timing. my lesson meets my
teaching goals, because As I noticed 1from 6 students were unable to complete the assessment,
and this is means 80% of the learning have been delivered. Most of the students were engaged
and motivated and they did their activity well, however, there were some students talking. In my
next lesson there are something I will fix it. I Will use classdojo, I will print out the direction
visually, I will use the checklist while the assessment part(closing)

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