BSCE Building Science

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BSCE Building Science

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, emphasis in Building Science

 The Viterbi School of Engineering and the School of Architecture offer an

interdisciplinary four-year program in Building Science leading to a B.S. in Civil
Engineering — Building Science. This program, which combines architecture and
structural engineering, was developed in response to the demand for professionals trained
in both disciplines.

 Building Science involves all stages of designing a building, from formulating the
original conceptualization to creating drawings for construction. Many factors are to be
considered, such as the basic structural integrity in relation to the qualities of the
environment it will create, social ramifications, cost efficiency, environmental impact,
special safety problems, availability of materials, energy conservation, earthquake
stability soil structure, etc.

 The introduction of new materials, fresh approaches to building design, digital computer
techniques, earthquake loadings, new construction methods and management techniques,
improved noise control and need for thermal comfort and conservation of energy all serve
to escalate the demand. In response, this program prepares graduates to fulfill the needs
of this industry—one of the largest in the nation.

 This amalgam of engineering and architectural skills is achieved by a curriculum that

combines courses selected from both schools. This degree program covers the general
area known as architectural engineering with an emphasis in the following technical

o Graphic construction and communication

o Architecture history and theory
o Environment and society
o Architectural design studio
o Architectural design of buildings
o Computer-aided building design
o Site preparation and foundation design
o Soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering
o Structural mechanics and structural analysis
o Structural design of steel buildings
o Structural design of reinforced concrete buildings
o Timber and masonry design
o Earthquake engineering and design for dynamic loads
o Construction technology and management
 During the first two years, students take a core curriculum involving basic courses that
are necessary to deal with the architectural and engineering aspects of building

 In their junior and senior years, students specialize and take electives which are
appropriate building technology related courses.

 The architectural portion of the program is taught in a standard studio type environment
and emphasizes graphic communication, rendering and design through models.

 The civil engineering part of the program is taught in a normal lecture style with an
emphasis on the development of basic physical principles and design procedures based on
these principles.

Learn more about this exciting program

Student Views of the Building Science Program

Pre-Major Requirements

 Chemistry Requirement
o CHEM 105aL: General Chemistry (4), or CHEM 115aL: Advanced General
Chemistry (4)
 Math Requirement
o MATH 125: Calculus I (4)
o MATH 126: Calculus II (4)
o MATH 226: Calculus III (4)
o MATH 245: Mathematics of Physics and Engineering I (4)
 Physics Requirement
o PHYS 151L: Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (4)
o PHYS 152L: Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (4)
 Other Requirements:
o GEOL 305Lx: Introduction to Engineering Geology (4)

Major Requirements

 Engineering
o ENGR 102: Engineering Freshman Academy (2)
 Civil Engineering
o CE 106: Design and Planning of Civil Engineering Systems (2) or CE 110:
Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3)
o CE 107: Introduction to Civil Engineering Graphics (3)
o CE 108: Introduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering (2)
o CE 205: Statics (2)
o CE 207L: Introduction to Design of Structural Systems (2)
o CE 225: Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (3)
o CE 309: Fluid Mechanics (3)
o CE 325: Dynamics (3)
o CE 334L: Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3)
o CE 358: Theory of Structures I (3)

o CE 408: Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering (3)

o CE 456: Design of Steel Structures (3)

o CE 457: Reinforced Concrete Design (3)
o CE 458: Theory of Structures II (3)
o CE 467L: Geotechnical Engineering (4)

 Architecture Courses
o ARCH 114: Architecture: Culture and Community (2)
o ARCH 214b: History of Architecture (3)
o ARCH 205abL: Building Science I (4-4)
o ARCH 305abL: Building Science II (4-4)
o ARCH 405abL: Building Science III (4-4)
 Major Electives
o Elective in Civil Engineering (3), selected from the following:
 CE 451, CE 453, CE 460, and CE 471.

BSCE Structural
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, emphasis in Structural Engineering

 Structural engineers design safe and efficient structures.

 Structural engineering is a field of Civil Engineering practiced by both
o private consulting companies
o large civil engineering organizations.
 The program in structural engineering
o combines elements of the general Civil Engineering degree with a curriculum
focused on structural engineering.
o is well-aligned with professional practices.
o includes aspects of structural design, structural analysis, and experimental
investigation of structural performance.

The program includes the following technical areas:

 Basic civil engineering principles

 Structural engineering and structural mechanics
 Geology and geotechnical engineering
 Water resources engineering
 Construction engineering
 Computer aided design
 Design of steel structures
 Computer methods in engineering
 Reinforced concrete design
 Timber and masonry design
 Advanced structural analysis and structural dynamics

Pre-Major Requirements

 Chemistry Requirement
o CHEM 105aL: General Chemistry (4), or CHEM 115aL: Advanced General
Chemistry (4)
 Math Requirement
o MATH 125: Calculus I (4)
o MATH 126: Calculus II (4)
o MATH 226: Calculus III (4)
o MATH 245: Mathematics of Physics and Engineering I (4)
 Physics Requirement
o PHYS 151L: Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (4)
o PHYS 152L: Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (4)
 Other Requirements:
o GEOL 305Lx: Introduction to Engineering Geology (4)

Major Requirements

 Engineering
o ENGR 102: Engineering Freshman Academy (2)
 Civil Engineering
o CE 106: Design and Planning of Civil Engineering Systems (2) or CE 110:
Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3)
o CE 107: Introduction to Civil Engineering Graphics (3)
o CE 108: Introduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering (2)
o CE 205: Statics (2)
o CE 207L: Introduction to Design of Structural Systems (2)
o CE 225: Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (3)
o CE 309: Fluid Mechanics (3)
o CE 325: Dynamics (3)
o CE 334L: Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3)
o CE 358: Theory of Structures I (3)
o CE 402: Computer Methods in Engineering (3)
o CE 408: Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering (3)
o CE 451: Water Resources Engineering (3)
o CE 456: Design of Steel Structures (3)
o CE 457: Reinforced Concrete Design (3)
o CE 458: Theory of Structures II (3)
o CE 459: Introduction to Structural Dynamics (3)
o CE 460: Construction Engineering (3)
oCE 467L: Geotechnical Engineering (4)
oCE 473: Engineering Law, Finance and Ethics (3)
 Capstone Courses

o CE 480: Structural System Design (3)

o CE 482: Foundation Design (3)
 Courses from Other Engineering Departments
o EE 202L: Linear Circuits (4) or EE 326L: Essentials of Electrical Engineering (4)
 Major Electives
o Elective in Civil Engineering (3): either CE 409a or CE 478.

Building Engineering/Building Science

Full-time/Part-time Master of Applied Science

Program delivery
The program will be delivered in a face-to-face format in classroom and research laboratories,
seminars and supervisor/student meetings.

Note: Applicants with no industry experience are also required to complete the BLDC 3060 Building
Envelope Laboratory course.

Students have the flexibility to complete the program either full-time or part-time. Please see the
Program Length section for additional information.

Full-time Program Map [PDF]: Master of Applied Science in Building Engineering/Building


Part-time delivery:

Program matrix

Check current availability of courses for this program.

1. Required Core Technical Courses (9.0 credits required): Credits

BSCI 9000 Building Science 1

Taking the interdisciplinary nature of the program and its diverse intake
into account, this levelling course is designed to introduce the basic and
advanced building science principles with a focus on heat, air, and
moisture transfer in buildings. Topics include heat conduction,
convection and radiation, psychrometric chart, airflow through building
components due to combined forces, and moisture transport in air and
porous materials including vapour diffusion, convection, and capillarity.
The theory is illustrated through the application of analytical methods
such as the thermal network in solving typical heat and mass transfer
problems through building envelope components and heat and mass
balance within buildings. Concepts such as surface heat and mass
transfer coefficients, equivalent solar-air temperature, clear sky long-
wave radiation, thermal and moisture storage, psychrometrics and
condensation due to vapour and airflow are covered.

course outline
BSCI 9020 Building Materials 3.0

This course provides advanced understanding of major building

materials used in the construction industry. The course will discuss
typical manufacturing and processing, structure, properties,
performance, end uses and maintenance requirements of each material.
A term project evaluates the progress of materials related knowledge
used in our built world. The course will be split into the following topics:
1. Materials science, including the primary material classes, material
properties and testing. 2. Primary building materials - Wood; Stone;
Cement and Concrete; Brick and Block; Ferrous Metals; Non-Ferrous
Metals. 3. Secondary building materials - Board Materials; Plastics and
Fabrics; Insulation Materials; Composite Materials; Glass and Structural
Glazing; Sealing Materials; Coatings and Finishes; Membranes; Fire
and Smoke Resistant Materials; Sustainable Materials; New and
Innovative Building Materials. The course will enable the student to
select and specify appropriate materials and testing for use on buildings.
In addition, the student will be able to assess the condition of building
materials, propose possible causes of deterioration, evaluate if
maintenance is required, and plan remediation.

course outline
BSCI 9110 Building Envelope 1 3.0

This course will cover the design and performance of above grade Wall
and Fenestration assemblies. The remaining building envelope
assemblies of the building envelope will be covered in the Building
Envelope II course. Topics include: a) Introduction to the “building
envelope”, and its relationship with the structure, service systems, and
fabric of the building. Introduction to the four primary sets of functions
(support, control, finish and distribute); b) Overlapping interests of the
building envelope consultant, architect, structural engineer, mechanical
and electrical engineers, and other building professionals during the
design and construction phases of the building envelope; c) Exterior and
interior environmental Loads, as well as loads from the building
envelope itself; d) Design and performance aspects of the Wall
assemblies with respect to the control of rain penetration, heat loss,
vapour diffusion, air leakage, condensation, as well as improving long
term durability. Manual and computer-based hygrothermal analysis of
the Wall assemblies; e) Design and performance aspects of the
Fenestration assemblies (windows, curtain walls, window walls, store
front, & skylights) with respect to the control of rain penetration, heat
loss, vapour diffusion, air leakage, condensation, as well as improving
long term durability aspects; f) Designs that minimize thermal bridging at
Wall and Fenestration assemblies, as well as their transitions with
adjacent building envelope assemblies; g) 2D and 3D building envelope
details pertaining to moisture, air, and heat management, with the
specific focus on the “continuity” of the building envelope control layers
(rain penetration control, thermal insulation, air barrier, and vapour
retarder/barrier) at the field of the Wall and Fenestration assemblies, as
well as their transitions with adjacent building envelope assemblies; h)
Overview of the requirements of the applicable Building Codes and
Standards (National Building Code of Canada, British Columbia Building
Code, Vancouver Building By-Law, Ashrae 90.1, NAFS, etc.) with
respect to moisture, air, and heat management at Wall and Fenestration
assemblies. Prerequisites: BSCI 9000 and BSCI 9020

course outline

2. Technical Electives (9.0 credits required): Credits

Complete THREE courses from the following list of technical electives. Or, upon Graduate Program
Director approval, students may complete TWO courses (6.0 credits) from the following list and ONE
course (3.0 credits) of approved technical electives from outside of the program.
BSCI 9060 Advanced Acoustics 3.0

The acoustical theory introduced in the Building Science prerequisite

courses will be advanced through the measurement, prediction and
evaluation of the acoustical environment. Through lab work and a major
design/evaluation project, to be conducted in parallel with lectures, the
site level acoustical environment which impacts the building layout,
building envelope and mechanical system design will be characterised.
Sound behaviour in rooms will be investigated through research in
reverberation and propagation theories, sound absorption and materials,
and speech intelligibility. Performance criteria for the acoustical
environment, defined in policies, guidelines and current green building
design and rating systems will provide the context for the major project.
The project goal will be to optimize the integrated design solution of all
building systems to meet acoustical performance targets.

course outline
BSCI 9100 Building Science 2 3.0
This course is a continuation of Building Science 1 and focuses on
environmental conditions and human factors relevant to building
performance. Topics include solar time, solar geometry, and solar
radiation; the atmosphere, oceans, and land; the large scale weather
context for buildings and the influence of small scale circulations; human
thermal comfort; indoor environmental health; human responses to
sounds and odours; urban factors; and climate change. Students will
apply mathematics, science, and technology to analyze and discuss
problems and solutions related to fundamental aspects of passive solar
design, wind and rain on buildings, natural ventilation, off-gassing and
pollutants, environmental sustainability, and auxiliary inputs. The course
is delivered through lectures, assignments, and seminars.
Prerequisites: BSCI 9000

course outline
BSCI 9130 Building Energy Performance 3.0

The course is presented as lectures and assignments, with a major

design/evaluation project to be conducted in parallel with lectures. The
course is broken into seven segments: 1. Energy Loads in Buildings –
heating and cooling loads (includes envelope transmission losses and
gains, solar gains, internal gains, lighting and appliance loads, and
climatic and operating considerations). 2. Passive Solar Design
Concepts – solar heating and cooling, thermal mass, natural ventilation,
daylighting, building orientation. 3. Operation of HVAC Equipment –
various types of heating, cooling and ventilation equipment and controls.
4. Energy-efficiency Measures – appliances and fixtures, lighting,
envelope modifications, window performance. 5. Whole-Building Energy
Models – simplified calculations, peak-load calculations, annual energy
models. 6. Evaluation of Results – simple and complex payback, life-
cycle costing and present-value analyses. 7. Regulatory and Voluntary
Programs – ASHRAE 90.1 and 90.2, Model National Energy Codes,
LEED, CBIP. Each week's lesson will comprise a preparatory learning
session (online), including one ½-hour lecture, and a two-hour lab
period for project work. The sensitivity of the design to local climate will
be discussed during the course. Prerequisites: BSCI 9000 and BSCI
9020 and BSCI 9110** (**may be taken concurrently).

course outline
BSCI 9150 Mechanical Systems and Control 3.0

This elective course will benefit students who want to specialize in

mechanical and energy performance. Topics include the theory and
practice of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for
buildings and optimal control strategies for indoor environmental quality
and energy. For each of these systems, operating theories will be
introduced and equipment classifications and their features will be
addressed, along with the concepts of local control and supervisory
control. In addition, the course will examine renewable energy systems
and compare them with conventional systems in terms of their technical,
economic, and environmental strengths and limitations. Practical case
studies will enable students to understand how to design systems and
develop control strategies to optimize the systems’ energy efficiency.
Prerequisites: BSCI 9000 and BSCI 9130** (may be taken

course outline
BSCI 9170 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality 3.0

This course introduces students to the most important indoor air

contaminants and their respective emission sources, including building
materials, occupants of spaces, and ventilation systems. Students will
learn how to measure typical indoor air contaminants and assess their
impact on the built environment and health. Strategies to improve IAQ,
by building material selection, modelling low-emitting materials, and
ventilation are addressed. The following topics are covered: Emissions
from indoor environment sources (construction materials) with impact on
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); Bio-effluents from human beings, animals and
plants with impact on IAQ; Strategies of improving Indoor Air Quality,
including typical ventilation types and IAQ modelling; Behaviour of
indoor air contaminants and the formation of health-relevant by-
products; Mould growth and detection, and mould refurbishment;
Relationship between occupants’ behaviour and moisture and other
pollutant productions; Health effects of relevant indoor air contaminants
and the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS); Guidelines in respect to IAQ;
Design and purpose of air handling (HVAC) systems and their impact on
IAQ, including an excursion; Analytical methods for determining typical
IAQ parameters. Prerequisites: BSCI 9000

course outline
BSCI 9210 Building Envelope 2 3.0

In the Building Envelope 1 course, the design and performance of the

Wall and Fenestration Assemblies were covered. In the Building
Envelope 2 course, the design and performance of the remaining
building envelope assemblies will be covered, including Roof, Roof
Deck, Balcony, Foundation Wall, Slab on Grade, Basement Slab, and
Crawlspace. By the end of the course, the students will have developed
a good knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the design
and the likely performance of the whole Building Envelope. Topics
include: a) Design and performance aspects of Roof (slope & flat), and
Roof Deck assemblies with respect to the control of rain penetration,
heat loss, vapour diffusion, air leakage, condensation, as well as
improving long term durability. Computer-based hygrothermal analysis
of these assemblies. Maintenance and retrofit aspects of these
assemblies; b) Design and performance aspects of the Balcony
assembly with respect to the control of rain penetration, as well as
improving long term durability; c) Design and performance aspects of
the Foundation Wall, Slab on Grade, Basement Slab, and Crawlspace:
with respect to the control of surface water, ground water, heat loss,
vapour diffusion, air leakage, condensation, as well as improving long
term durability aspects. Computer-based hygrothermal analysis of these
assemblies; d) Designs that minimize thermal bridging at Roof, Roof
Deck, Balcony, Foundation Wall, Slab on Grade, Basement Slab, and
Crawlspace assemblies, as well as their transitions with adjacent
building envelope assemblies; e) 2D and 3D building envelope details
pertaining to moisture, air, and heat management, with the specific
focus on the “continuity” of the building envelope control layers (rain
penetration control, surface & ground water control layer, thermal
insulation, air barrier, and vapour retarder/barrier) at the field of Roof,
Roof Deck, Foundation Wall, Slab on Grade, Basement Slab, and
Crawlspace, as well as their transitions with adjacent building envelope
assemblies; f) Overview of the requirements of the applicable Building
Codes and Standards (National Building Code of Canada, British
Columbia Building Code, Vancouver Building By-Law, Ashrae 90.1, etc.)
with respect to moisture, air, and heat management at Roof, Roof
Decks, Foundation Wall, Slab on Grade, Basement Slab, and
Crawlspaces; g) Innovations and research pertaining to building
envelope assemblies and components with the focus on moisture, air,
heat management, and durability. Prerequisites: BSCI 9110

course outline
BSCI 9240 Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Buildings 3.0

This course leads students to proficiency in the mathematical and

numerical modelling of heat and mass transfer for the hygrothermal
design of buildings, building zones and building components. Some
applications include ventilation flows, thermal stratification, interior
moisture buffering, interstitial condensation, and driving rain absorption.
The course covers the mathematical models for discrete/continuum,
steady-state/transient, and potential/non-potential heat, air and moisture
transfer. Through the translation of physical phenomena into
mathematical equations, students are exposed to the underlying
limitations and simplifications of numerical modelling. Control volumes
and finite elements for spatial discretisation and finite differences for
temporal discretisation are presented. Their accuracy, reliability,
efficiency and suitability are discussed. Linearization approaches, such
as the Picard and Newton-Raphson methods, are introduced and
complemented with exercises in convergence criteria. Verification of
developed code by comparison to analytical or other numerical solutions
are addressed, along with model validation by comparison to
experimental data. Students practice implementation and application of
numerical models and discuss efficient programming. Some ready-
made numerical simulation platforms are introduced. Prerequisites:
BSCI 9110

course outline
BSCI 9250 Advanced Energy Simulation 3.0

This elective course will allow students to build models to simulate the
energy performance of building systems. Starting with commonly used
energy simulation tools and their features, students will apply basic
principles and typical methods for model development and identification
to HVAC systems. Through simulation models students will learn to
optimize various systems such as lighting, HVAC, and renewable
energy systems for comfort and energy performance with consideration
for the impact on life-cycle costs. The course will address energy
simulation in building and systems design phase as well as during the
operation phase. Prerequisites: BSCI 9130 and BSCI 9150

course outline

3. Research Courses (18.0 credits required): Credits

BSCI 9050 Research Methods 3.0

This course introduces the issues, principles and procedures that are
fundamental in scientific research. It introduces research methodologies
and techniques for identifying research problems and goals. Topics
include scientific approaches for developing research design including
data gathering, literature survey, experimental designs, measurement
strategies, statistical analysis of data, database searches, the use of
available analytic software resources, and presentations of findings.
Various information resources will be explored including emerging
resources such as technical society publications and the internet.
Students will be expected to understand and develop profiles of
research approaches and share, compare and contrast them with other
students in the course.

course outline
BSCI 9650 Research Proposal 3.0

The Research Proposal course prepares the students to define a

research problem, develop a viable research methodology, and publish
or present their results. They are expected to demonstrate their
understanding of the subject matter, define a research problem through
analysis of relevant literature and defend the appropriateness of their
research design during their research proposal examination.
Prerequisite: BSCI 9000 Building Science 1, BSCI 9020 Building
Materials, BSCI 9050 Research Methods and Supervisor approval.

course outline
BSCI 9850 Research Thesis 12.0

Students are required to submit their thesis as partial fulfillment of the

Master of Applied Science degree program requirements. Their thesis
should be based on original investigation and must demonstrate
scholarship and critical judgement, as well as familiarity with methods of
research and relevant literature in the chosen building science topic.
The thesis should be at a high level of originality and examine a problem
in depth. Elements of the thesis that are considered to constitute original
scholarship and an advancement of knowledge must be clearly
indicated. Prerequisites: BSCI 9650 Research Proposal.

course outline

4. Graduate Seminar Courses (required but no credit given): Credits

BSCI 9054 Graduate Seminar Orientation 0.0

The course is a one two-hour session to orient students to the

requirements of the Graduate Seminar series, BSCI 9055. The
Graduate Seminar series is a required, non-credit course for graduation
which will include invited experts from within and outside BCIT, and
visits to construction sites and building materials manufacturing plants.

course outline
BSCI 9055 Graduate Seminar Series 0.0

The Graduate Seminar series is intended to expose students to current

development and issues related to their fields of specialization. The
seminar format will include invited experts from within and outside BCIT,
and visits to construction sites and building materials manufacturing
plants. The topics covered in this course are expected to widen
students' professional outlooks and increase their efficiency in carrying
out tasks. Possible topic areas include: construction processes,
construction management including setting up contract agreements,
quality assurance, regulatory affairs (including national and international
standards), intellectual property, market assessment, risk assessment,
professional skills (for example, teamwork, and conflict resolution),
prototyping, product evaluation and testing, technology transfer, project
management and time management. Students are also expected to
communicate their research/project findings to their peers through oral

course outline

Total Credits: 36.0

Building Science Research Database

The Building Science Research Database is a comprehensive listing of books, reports and research articles
with a focus on the design, construction, performance and maintenance of the building envelope. It also
includes relevant research topics on current trends in the industry such as green buildings, sustainability
and durability. It is an excellent resource for anyone in the residential construction industry.
The bibliography contains approximately 3000 article references and 340 books and research reports
selected from electronic interdisciplinary engineering databases, engineering journals, conference
proceedings, research reports, building codes, standards and building envelope best practice guides.

This enhanced bibliography was prepared for the Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) by the Building
Science Centre of Excellence, School of Construction and the Environment, British Columbia Institute of
Technology. It builds on a previous listing published by the HPO in 2004, prepared by Linda Brock, MAIBC
and Associate Professor with the University of British Columbia, School of Architecture.

Main Subjects + Categories

The Building Science Research Database is organized by main subjects/categories, as follows:

 General References: Building Science, Building Envelope and Durability

 Environmental Loads: Wind, Rain and Sun

 Building Codes and Standards

 Construction Materials: Air/Vapour Barriers, Membranes, Sealants, Thermal Insulation and


 Walls and Windows: Claddings, Rainscreen Systems, Thermal and Moisture Performance

 Roofs and Attics - Thermal and Moisture Performance

 Foundations, Basements and Crawlspaces: Thermal and Moisture Performance

 Ventilation, Indoor Moisture Loads, Humidity Control, and Energy Efficiency

 Green Technologies in Building Envelopes

 Maintenance and Renovation

 Mould and Decay

 Earthquake Resistance, Acoustics and Fire Control

Building Science Graduate Program

Master of Engineering in Building Science1

Master of Applied Science in Building Engineering/Building Science 2

Graduate Certificate in Building Energy Modelling3

Sustainability + Innovation

The Building Science Graduate Program has a unique, interdisciplinary approach that combines the
theory and practical skills needed to deliver durable, healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient
buildings. If you are a student interested in sustainability and innovations in building technologies,
consider one of these 3 credentials:

A Master of Engineering in Building Science1 degree which combines an intensive set of

courses with an applied research project, to be completed in 16 months on a full-time basis;
A Master of Applied Science in Building Engineering/Building Science2 degree requiring a
smaller set of courses and a more in-depth research thesis, to be completed in a minimum of
24 months on a full-time basis. Both degrees can also be taken on a part-time basis to be
completed within 3 to 5 years.
A Graduate Certificate in Building Energy Modelling3 consisting of 8 courses: 3 in
building science; 3 in building energy; and 2 in management and communication skills. This
certificate can be fast-tracked to be completed within 12 months.

Criteria for Excellence in Building

Science Curricula
Task Group: Following the 2012 Annual Meeting of the University Consortium, a task group was
formed to develop the criteria for excellence in building science education curricula. Current leaders
of the task group include:

 Pat Huelman (Chairman) – University of Minnesota

 John Straube (Co-chairman) – University of Waterloo

Development of Criteria Metric: Criteria for excellence in building science education curricula
and associated content are being developed to define, and set the expectations for, building
science education. The criteria will provide a metric against which universities can assess
building science curricula, key courses, teaching methodologies, and learning outcomes. The
criteria will help guide the development of such teaching materials. The metric would also
support the work of accrediting organizations and licensing and certification programs. Further,
it will support the annual award for “excellence in building science education” and the student
competition programs for quality, high performance buildings.

“Building science” is broadly defined, is broadly defined, for the purposes of the Task Group, to
include the building science (physics) and technologies, and advanced design and construction
management practices required to routinely plan, design, analyze and build quality, high
performance buildings that durable, safe, healthy, comfortable and very energy efficient. The
Task Group also adopts a requirement for a “quality, high performance home that is very
energy efficient” as meeting or exceeding the requirements of the DOE Challenge
Home. Further, the Task Group recognizes that the student’s business model requires
proficiency in the design and construction of both residential and commercial buildings, and
that housing ranges from small, single family homes to large, multifamily structures which could
include retail and office space.

The criteria will address the following areas:

 building science curricula;

 key courses and teaching methodologies, and
 requirements for acquired knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s).

The initial focus of the criteria is university level courses. A matrix of curricula is being developed
against different disciplines supporting the design/construction industry:

 Engineering (e.g., Mechanical, Civil, Architectural);

 Architecture (skilled in building performance);
 Construction Management; and
 Other (Material Science, Building Physics (EU).

The Criteria might include:

 Education that supports the expansion of a certified, professional workforce that routinely
designs and builds quality, high performance homes that are healthy, safe, durable, comfortable,
and energy efficient.
 Curriculum that addresses both specialized courses in building science and building
performance along with standard courses which integrate advances in building science and
quality management, e.g., construction management, construction documentation, etc.
 Technical basis for the curriculum is traceable to currently accepted, peer-reviewed research.
 Possible recommended curricula could include:
 Building science for building enclosures
 Optimization across various building performance parameters, including trade-offs for fire,
moisture, constructability, strength, cost, etc.
 Hygrothermal analysis for building enclosures
 Characterization and performance of building materials, components, and assemblies
 HVAC system performance
 Whole building mechanical system analysis (including loads, flows, and pressures)
 Advanced ventilation
 Fundamentals of indoor environmental quality, including pollutant sources
 Heating and cooling load analysis (ASRHAE, ACCA, etc.)
 Installed performance of equipment and systems (dehumidification performance, part load
efficiency, diagnostics and sensors, etc.)
 Construction Management
 Critical path analysis and process control
 Advanced quality management principles (see ToolBase, etc.)
 Commissioning
 Design/Construction Documentation (advanced detailing, quality scopes of work, etc.)
 Design Process (Integrated Design Process, Codes & Beyond Codes, etc.)
 Building Performance Analysis and Documentation
 Diagnostics
 Commissioning
 Systems Engineering
 Sustainability

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