Update: A Journey of 12 Years or 144 Months or 624 Weeks or 4383 Days!

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U P D AT E June
A journey of 12 years or 144 months or 624 weeks or 4383 days!
Mike writes…
12 years ago, we all looked a bit different, well actually I looked pretty much the same
as I do now. But pretty much everything else in my life has changed dramatically in the
last 12 years. God has weaved a journey of tremendous excitement, learning and wonder
and I am truly thankful for where I am. Let us begin with the obvious changes which is
that now I have a stunning and wise wife and an awesome and joy-filled son in my life,
something I, and maybe some others, believed would never happen!! Thankfully we
believe in a God of miracles!
As 267 began I was just a few months from meeting Kirstie, and a few years from
meeting Zach, but as I look back both of them have been significant in shaping me as a
leader. The things I have learnt as a husband and father have been vital in my growth and
in the way I serve people. My wife teaches me daily about empathy and care and my son
teaches me about adventure and expressing love.
12 years ago, 267 employed just me and we had around £15,000 to cover our first year.
We had around 6 churches who I had links with and the plan for the future was sketchy
but full of adventurous vision. If I were to think of two elements that have been key to
the 267 journey, I would say they are people and timing. Firstly people, God has brought
the right people to walk with us just when we needed them. Particularly the trustees
have all brought something we needed for the stage of life 267 was at. As I look
back I know the initial years were a struggle for the ‘less flexible Mike’ but those ...
people who helped build the foundations of 267 I will never forget. And in recent
years we have developed a different flavour of trustees, they are I think ‘wise
risktakers’, willing to be bold but to hold in tension the responsibility we have
to supporters, donors and the churches we serve.
So now our budget is a little bigger than £15,000, our team is a little bigger
than just me with 5 of us in the office, and the churches we serve number
around 35. We have been encouraged by the impact we have had on
churches, on kids, on young people and on the leaders that serve them.

There are many stories that encourage me and remind me that this calling
that some call a job is exactly where God wants me. This week I had coffee
with a friend called Louise, around 8 years ago we spent time encouraging
Louise in her gifts, offering her the chance to preach at Fuel and be involved

in 267 events. Louise struggled with a stammer and sometimes this affected
her confidence. Last month Louise preached at Hillsong London in front of 2000
about how God has worked in her life. We played a tiny part but it was a big
enough part for me to never stop doing what I am doing.

4 5
1 6 7
2 3
l This month, due to some very generous donations and the gift of an interest-
free loan, we have been able to purchase a new 267 van. Thank you to those
who have made this possible and for those who prayed about this. God is good.

l The Haven ministry continues to thrive and grow and more schools are
wanting to access the ‘Haven in Schools’ resource.

l In March we ran our first ReFuelled Conference for young leaders. Katherine
headed up this event from beginning to end and it was a significant day in the
company of 23 inspiring young leaders.

l There has been a great response from some churches regarding our ‘shared
worker initiative’ - (see the front of the last newsletter for more info on this).
Pray for continuing conversations and for God to lead us to the right people.

l Our team continues to work really well

together and I am thankful for the joy with
which they serve.

l Our time at the 267 Breakfasts are such

a joy and last month 20 leaders gathered
together for some yummy food and to
share stories and cheer one another on.
As our supporters you are welcome to join
us for breakfast any 1st Wednesday of the

l We celebrate and give thanks because

on 12th May we will begin our 13th year of
ministry. 267 has changed and grown and
learnt a lot along the way. Pray for us as
we strive to serve, support and encourage
churches in their youth and children’s
ministry. Thank you to those people who
Alex, a legend and in Year 12, were there 12 years ago when we launched
leads worship at FUEL and 267 and who continue to be such a source
shows that all the best people of encouragement and support.
buy a 267 travel mug!
Drop us an email if you’d like a
mug, £10 each.
l After being part of the 267 family for almost 2 years Katherine has decided
it is time to explore the wider world and move onto something new. We have
been so blessed having Katherine’s tenacity, joy, wise planning and general
all-round energy as part of 267, we shall miss her. Pray also for Ben as he
comes to the end of his intern year with us is heading to Uni. Ben has been
vital in improving our online communications as well as pioneering a mentoring
scheme and starting to record 267 Podcasts.
l Pray for Katherine and Ben as they prepare for their mission trip to Uganda
at the end of July and also for their new term in new places. There are also a
bunch of young people who attend FUEL going on this trip so please pray for
them too.
l Pray for those taking exams. Pray for peace, for clarity of thought, for good
health and for an eternal perspective.
l We believe that by launching the ‘shared worker initiative’ we can help the
church have a real impact on youth and children’s ministry in the area. But with
anything bold, new and adventurous there is often a financial cost involved.
Pray for the 267 team and trustees as we consider how to wisely invest our
limited finances. We trust God with all we have and we do truly believe that
this idea is part of what God is calling us to. If you’d like to know more about
how you can support this venture then Mike would love to buy you a coffee 😊
l On 17th-19th May we have our last residential of the year and this time we
are taking away Year’s 6,7 & 8. Currently we have 34 booked in. Our speaker
is Ben Cutting from Youthscape and he will be speaking on ‘from fearful to
fearless’ using the stories of the early church from the Book of Acts. Pray for
leaders to come with their kids as we are a couple short at the moment, pray
for God to move and change lives and pray for stunning weather so we can get
outside. Thank you
l LOVE Welwyn Garden City is happening again this year. Pray for Katherine
as she starts putting plans together and as we work with Christ Church Baptist
WGC to run this event. Last
year was a significant time Some scripture that is encouraging us
and we had so many amazing at the moment:
conversations while out and Psalm 94:18-19. When I said, ‘my foot is
about in town, pray for the slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported
me. When anxiety was great within me, your
same again and more! consolation brought me joy.
l Thursday 9th May – Xsite St Albans l Saturday 22nd June – LOVE Welwyn
planning team Garden City. 12.00pm – 6.00pm. All are
l Thursday 9th May – The Haven at High
St Methodist Church Harpenden, 4.30pm- l Sunday 23rd June – FUEL at Christ
6.00pm Church St Albans. 7.00pm – 9.00pm
l Saturday 11th May – Xsite Harpenden l Wednesday 3rd July – 267 Breakfast,
at High St Methodist, 5.45pm – 8.00pm 9.30am. Venue TBC
l Monday 13th May – 267 Trustees meet
Some important dates to pray for
l Thursday 16th May – The Haven at St next term...
Paul’s Church St Albans, 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Friday 26th July – 267 Van Summer
l Friday 17th – Sunday 19th May – Year Fundraiser with BBQ
678 Weekend Away at Felden Lodge
l Tuesday 21st May – ‘The Gospel for
GenZ’ event at Christ Church St Albans,
The Gospel fo
9.30am – 2.00pm




l Sunday 26th May – FUEL at High St




Methodist, 7.00pm – 9.00pm




l Wednesday 5th June – 267 Breakfast,


9.30am. Venue TBC WATCH

l Saturday 8th June – Xsite St Albans at St

Luke’s Cell Barnes Lane, 5.45pm – 8.00pm
– 21st May
ology Morning
l Sunday 9th June – Mike preaching at St Practical The
, Christ Churc
h St Albans, AL
3 6DJ
9.30am - 2pm per person. To

Luke’s Bricket Wood of Tickets cost £15 ect.com

nge he267proj
le with the challe please email pa@t
267 as we wrest ation that questions below:
Come and join
l truth to a gener or follow the link ajX9
presenting Gospe jFi1wFR4z7w8n
the possibility
of absolute truth. the https://forms.gle/
Trevor Withe rs will give us
h leader can
Network Churc how the church

l Monday 10th June – 267 Fundraising

of research into think of
insight of six years e, helping us to
changes in cultur ming death
best respond to e the redee
to communicat
new vibrant ways we serve.
postmodern youth get hands-on,

Golf Day at Porters Park Golf Club

of Jesus for the to
the opportunity useful
We will also take out ideas into
that help us flesh other
with workshops ries, alongside
gies for our minist - of course!
tools and strate feed you too
s. And we’ll

l Wednesday 12th June – 267 Trustees at

even t lo ok in g
meet O ur up co m in g to th is
g th e G os pe l
l Thursday 13th June - The Haven at High co m m un ic at in e.
ll ar e w el co m
St Methodist Church Harpenden, 4.30pm- ge ne ra ti on ! A
l Thursday 20th June - The Haven at St
Paul’s Church St Albans, 4.30pm – 6.00pm

If you would like to volunteer with

the267project then drop us an email –
director@the267project.com or
pa@the267project.com Thanks

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