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Training Programme

A Sustainable Approach
to Enterprise Improvementt
Better Work Vietnam is supported through the International
Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) by the following key development partners
(in alphabetical order):

• Australia (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

• Canada (Employment and Social Development,
ESDC Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and
• Ireland (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)
• Netherlands (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
• Switzerland (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs,
• United States (US Department of Labor, USDOL)
A Sustainable
Approach to Enterprise
With extensive experience in factories in Vietnam
and building on best practice from around the
world, the Better Work Vietnam Training Programme
is designed to meet differing training needs of
supervisors, managers and workers in the Vietnam
garment industry.

The training programme offers both classroom and

in-factory trainings, delivered by leading experts
with practical experience in the industry as well as
advanced training and facilitation techniques. In
addition to technical inputs, trainers use a learner-
centred approach and paticipatory methodologies
including brainstorming, group discussions,
role plays, games and the like. Participants are
encouraged to share experiences and work together
on practical projects relevant to their daily work.
New Industrial Relations
Module 1: Introduction to Industrial Relations 6
Module 2: Grievance Mechanisms 7
Module 3: Collective Bargaining 7
Business Efficiency
Productivity 8
Quality Management 8
Introduction to 5S 9
Negotiation and Communication
Negotiation Skills 11
Workplace Cooperation 11
Management and Supervisory Skills
Supervisory Skills Training (Regular) 12
Supervisory Skills Training (Training of Trainers) 12
Management Skills for Middle Managers 13
New Worker Inductions (Training of Trainers) 13
Compensation and Benefits
Compensation and Benefits (Introductory) 14
Compensation and Benefits (Advanced) 14

Gender and Discrimination
Preventing Sexual Harassment 16
Labor Law for the Garment Industry 16
Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational Safety and Health 17
6 7

Industrial Relations

Module 1: Introduction to Industrial Module 2: Grievance Mechanisms - 2 Module 3: Collective Bargaining

Relations - 2 days (NEW) days (NEW) - 2 days (NEW)
Part of a three part series providing a roadmap to better This intermediate module on Industrial Relations Building on Modules 1 and 2, this final module
Industrial Relations, this first introductory module aims to enable management, worker, and trade union in the IR series is designed to promote better
offers factory participants the chance to deepen their representatives at enterprise level to recognize the understanding of the role of collective bargaining
knowledge and obtain practical tools necessary to start importance of developing a systematic approach in securing lasting improvements to working
transforming the IR culture and everyday practice in toward conflict resolution in the enterprise, conditions and workplace relations, and help key
their factory. investigate and resolve grievances at the lowest factory personnel develop the skills required to drive
possible level in the enterprise, evaluate current effective bargaining processes in their factories.
Learners in this course will be encouraged to reflect enterprise level grievance mechanism and identify
upon current IR practices in Vietnam and explore performance gaps for system improvement By the end of the course, learners will have a clearer
ways in which these can be improved these by and identify root causes of industrial disputes understanding of how to identify bargaining priorities
applying tools and techniques linked to four key and understand procedures for disputes under and approach bipartite negotiations in good faith.
principles: representation, communication, trust Vietnamese law. They will also gain new insights into effective
building and good faith negotiation. At the end of negotiation skills and tactics, and understand how
the course, worker and management representatives Target Participants are trade union leaders, worker they fit together into a due process for finalizing
should be better equipped to represent their representatives, staff with negotiation duties, and ratifying a high quality collective bargaining
respective constituencies effectively and work management representatives, and heads of agreement.
collaboratively with one-another to resolve both department, factory managers.
interest and rights-based issues in the workplace. Target Participants are trade union leaders, worker
representatives, staff with negotiation duties,
Participants will learn how to secure “win-win” Target Participants are trade union leaders, worker management representatives, and heads of
outcomes in workplace negotiations representatives, staff with negotiation duties, department, factory managers.
management representatives, and heads of
department, factory managers.
8 9


Productivity - 2 days Quality Management - 2 days Introduction to 5S - 1 day

Boosting labour productivity is a key goal of many Improving production quality and promoting a First formalized in Japanese factories in the 1970s,
businesses, and one that is particularly important culture of quality assurance is one of the major 5S has become a globally recognized methodology
in labour intensive industries where cost and determining factors of business success in the for workplace organization and improvement in the
production pressures are often acute. garment industry, particularly for firms exporting to manufacturing sector.
globally renowned clothing brands and retailers.
This specially designed course will give managers In Vietnam, 5S has emerged at the forefront of
and other factory personnel a clear overview of This course aims to support the development of business efforts to improve productivity and
productivity in the garment sector context, how it robust quality management systems. In addition competitiveness; although in practice many garment
is measured and what practical measures can be to defining the role and importance of quality in the firms continue to apply it in full. This introductory
taken in the workplace to enhance it. By taking this factor (including key quality objectives and the roles 5S training course is designed to assist factories in
course, participants will be able to identify their and responsibilities of management and workers setting up the key systems and processes required to
own productivity challenges, and identify ways to in the process), participants will be coached on implement 5S effectively.
develop workforce skills and workplace methods and how best to establish quality-oriented policies and
organization to enable (greater) productivity gains. systems-based approaches to quality, including The 5S – Sustain, Sort, Straighten, Shine, and
those pertaining to inspection and audit, product Standardize – approach will help factories to identify,
Target Participants are productivity managers, care and quality management, stock control and reduce and eliminate waste, enhance operational
quality control staff, maintenance staff, and factory quality manuals. effectiveness, and improve the working environment.
Target Participants are quality managers, quality Target Participants are productivity managers/
control staff, and productivity managers. staff, quality control staff, factory managers, and Summary findings
on Better Work’s
maintenance staff. direct impact on firm
performance (revenue-cost ratio)

Order sizes
when holding compliance
10 11

Negotiation and

Negotiation Skills - 2 days Workplace Cooperation - 1 day

Constructive and good faith negotiation are not just Effective workplace cooperation is essential in
an essential prerequisite to industrial harmony, but ensuring harmonious relations between workers
also a key foundation on which workplace conditions and management and a productive environment for
and productivity can rise together. business to prosper.

By taking this course, participants will learn how By taking this course, participants will both enhance
to prevent and overcome workplace disputes their understanding of the core principles of effective
through effective negotiation and conflict resolution workplace cooperation (the what, the why and the
techniques. Participants will be guided through how), and gain new tools and approaches that they
practical exercises which will demonstrate the can apply to improve relations among workers and
role and value of negotiation in reaching mutually between workers and management.
acceptable resolution of conflicts in day-to-day
factory settings. With a focus on developing essential communication
skills as the backbone of effective cooperation, the
The course covers key sessions on how –and in what course will explore the various communication styles
form- conflicts and disputes can arise, as well as their used in the modern garment factory, and examine
root causes, before exploring how proven negotiation how to overcome common misunderstandings and
techniques can bring win-win solutions for parties in barriers in communication and develop a systematic

“Workplace Communication training

was really useful for our factory.
conflict. Throughout the course, learners will interact
with practical and relevant case studies from the
industry for discussion and role play.
approaches to workplace cooperation.

Target Participants are trade union leaders, worker

Thanks to the training, we now know representatives, staff with negotiation duties,
how to better communicate with Target Participants are trade union leaders, worker management representatives, and heads of
representatives, staff with negotiation duties, departments.
staff and workers, and we are also
management representatives, and heads of
now encouraging top managers to
attend too.”
(Manager, Hansae Vietnam)
12 13

Management and
Supervisory Skills

Supervisory Skills Training (Regular) Supervisory Skills Training (Training of Management Skills for Middle Managers New Worker Inductions (Training of
- 3 days Trainers) - 2 days - 2 days Trainers) - 2 days
The most popular Better Work course, SST training This course blends core materials from the standard Often serving as the link between senior Quality induction training is the first and most
is specially designed for production managers and SST course with essential training tools and techniques management and the production workforce, middle important element in preparing new workers for their
supervisors who supervise the production workforce. so that participants can become SST trainers for other managers play a vital role in ensuring smooth new role and enabling them to integrate quickly and
supervisors in their own factories. This course is highly communication flows and building a positive, smoothly in the workplace.
Independent research has found that where recommended for factories who want to develop the productive and safe working environment for all.
supervisors are trained by Better Work, production internal capacity to deliver their own SST training. By helping workers to prepare for their new working
lines are as much as 22% more productive, as workers This course will help factories to boost the confidence environment, factories are also building a more
reach production targets more quickly. Target Participants are line leaders, supervisors and effectiveness of middle managers though productive and committed workforce for the long
and production managers. It is recommended that practical instruction and guidance –both for their own term. This training provides guidance and tools
This training will give current and aspiring supervisors participants have prior knowledge of the Supervisory personal development and for their role as mentors on the essential elements of an effective induction
the tools they need to transform the workplace Skills Training course who have previously attended and managers. Areas covered include management training programme, which will enable factories to
through improved supervision of and communication Better Work training on Supervisory Skills for styles and techniques, effective communication in a help improve team integration, reduce worker turnover
with workers. At the end of the course, participants Supervisors. managerial position, coaching skills, and managing rates and prevent workplace conflicts. The course will
will be more knowledgeable and adept in performing conflict. equip participants with knowledge and skills of how
their supervision duties in areas such as motivating to define appropriate training methodologies and
the workforce, maintaining discipline, delegating Target Participants are factory managers, heads of identify suitable facilitation skills for worker induction
tasks and providing constructive feedback. departments, management representatives, and training.
+22% trade union leaders.
Productivity Turnover, injury rates,
Target Participants are line leaders, supervisors and Target Participants are human resource managers/
through Supervisory unblanced lines
production managers. Skills Training
staff, compliance officers, production managers.
through Supervisory
Skills Training

Summary findings on Better Work’s direct impact

“ This Management skills for Middle Managers course made me think deeply about my roles and
responsibilities to our workers at our factory.”
on firm performance (Supervisor, Hansae Tien Giang)
14 15

and Benefits

Compensation and Benefits Compensation and Benefits (Advanced)

(Introductory) - 1 day (NEW) - 1 day (NEW)
Ensuring accurate and efficient systems for paying Building on the introductory C&B course, this
compensation and benefits are vitally important in advanced course offers participants an insightful
garment factories, where workforces often number knowledge of the Compensation and Benefits (C&Bs)
into the thousands and where legal requirements for system at factories. While the introductory course
leave, overtime and social security are complex. mainly provides the legal knowledge of the C&Bs
system, this course gives case studies of major
This popular course provides participants with challenges in the factory C&B and the guidance for
important knowledge of the roles and importance participants to resolve those challenges.
of an effective payment system, together with a
range of industry-relevant techniques to apply We also bring in discussions on the background
when developing one. By the end of the course of and the principles for setting the wage scale,
participants will have the skills and know-how to salary components and benefit packages so that to
establish base salaries, bonus schemes and benefit leverage worker and business performance. By end
policies, as well as review factory C&B practices, of the course, participants are expected to know how
to identify challenges and to design a suitable to process daily and monthly payroll as well as to
improvement plan to make the system work more resolve chronic shortcomings in the C&Bs system at
effectively in their factory. their factories.

Target Participants are human resource managers, Target Participants are lhuman resource managers,
personnel managers, management representatives, personnel managers, management representatives,
factory level union representatives. factory level union representatives.
16 17

Gender and Occupational Safety

Discrimination Law and Health (OSH)

Preventing Sexual Harassment - 1 day Labor Law for the Garment Industry Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
- 1 day - 2 days
With some one in five women experiencing some
form of sexual harassment in their daily life, there is Lack of understanding of the labour law is one of the Ensuring a safe workplace is critically important
a critical need for greater awareness and education leading causes of non-compliance in the garment for all factories, not just to ensure compliance with
to help eliminate it, especially in female-dominated industry, as well as a significant barrier to both national laws and international labour standards,
industries like garment manufacturing. productivity and improved working conditions on but also to ensure a safe and productive workplace
the factory floor. for their workers.
This specially designed course aims to help
participants to recognize there are different forms This training course helps shed light on some of Occupational Safety and Health is the single biggest
of sexual harassment in the workplace, understand the most problematic aspects of the labour law for area of non-compliance in the garment industry
why sexual harassment is prevalent in garment garment manufacturers, and provides a range of in Vietnam. Almost 90 percent of factories have
factories, its impacts on the working environment instruction and real life insight on how to understand failings in terms of emergency preparedness, while
and especially the factory’s productivity. Taking the and apply the law more effectively and ensure both more than 8 in 10 garment factories do not have an
training also helps participants to develop strategies compliance and good labour standards. Issues adequate OSH management system.
to address and prevent sexual harassment, steps to such as contracts, working hours, and payments are
deal with cases of sexual harassment at factories. covered by the course, together with all the latest This course will enable factories to develop responses
updates on new decrees and circulars and what they to these challenges by applying root cause analysis
Target Participants are human resource managers/ mean for businesses in the industry. and integrated prevention measures to a range of
staff, compliance officers, production managers. OSH hazards, including worker protection, chemical
Target Participants are factory owners, factory handling, machinery use, and fire and electrical

Productivity and
managers, human resource managers and union
safety. The course will also provide important
guidance and updates on the revised Work Safety
Law and its relevant decrees and instructions for the

I like this OSH course very much. The
trainer is enthusiastic and provides
profitability garment industry. many good materials, visual aids and
associated with a reduction practical examples during the training.”
Summary findings
in verbal abuse and Target Participants are factory unions, worker
sexual on Better Work’s (Staff in charge of Health, Safety and
direct impact on firm representatives, and management and staff with
harrasment OSH responsibilities.
Environment, My Viet)

Better Work Vietnam’s training in 2017:

2,416 1,643

208 20
Taking In-
Taking Public

115 242
Training Training Days
Courses Delivered
What do you get with Better Work training?
• Training by leading technical specialists and industry
• Specialized course materials including real case
studies and industry best practices
• Innovative “participatory” training style
• Accessing to Better Work training resources
• Certificate of completion at the end of each course

To register, or for further information,

please contact us:

Beter Work Vietnam Office

Ho Chi Minh City
Centre Point Building
Unit 104, 1st Floor, 106 Nguyen Van Troi St,
Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City

Handi Resco Building
12th Floor, Tower B, 521 Kim Ma, Hanoi City

Tel: (84-28) 73 050 363 - Fax: (84-28) 399 77877


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