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Describing people UNIT 3.1 LOOKING GREAT!

 Vocabulary: physical appearance
 Vocabulary: adjectives of personality
 Personalisation

A. Puzzle: What do they look like?

Read the text and label the picture with the names.

1. Sean 2.________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________

Jane is between Sean and Betty. She’s got dark hair. Sean is next to Jane and he’s got
fair spiky hair. Sue is between Mark and Daniel. She’s got shor t dark hair and glasses.
Betty is between Jane and Mark. She’s got long fair hair. Mark is next to Sue and he’s
got short straight hair and a beard. Daniel is next to Sue. He’s tall and has got glasses.

B. What are they like?

Put the letters in order to form adjectives of personality.
1. Jane is very ________ (tesew).
2. Sean is ________ (mtars).
3. Sue is very ________ (nyfun).
4. Betty is very ________ (reifnyld).
5. Mark is very ________ (levcer).
6. Daniel is ________ (hys) and ________ (lamc).

C. What about you?

1. What do you look like? ________________________________________.
2. What are you like? ___________________________________________.
Possessive case UNIT 3.1 LOOKING GREAT!

 Possessive: ’s and ’
 Possessive: of
 Personalisation

A. Our stuff!
Write sentences with the possessive ’s or ’. Follow the example.
Example: my / dad / bike / is / new.
My dad’s bike is new.
1. My / mum / computer / is / old.
2. My / parents / new car / is / great!
3. Jim / skateboard / is / very dirty.
4. Those / are / our / friends / bikes!
5. Mary / grandparents / are / very sweet.

B. Possessive: of
Complete the sentences with the possessive of the words in brackets.
Example: (the cover / the book) The cover of the book is very beautiful.
1. What’s (the title / the song) _____________________________ on the radio?
2. I think (the number / her house) ______________________________ is 168.
3. I love (the colour / your dress) ________________________! It’s very pretty.
4. What’s (the name / your school) ___________________________________?

C. Me and my friends!
Complete the sentences.
1. The name of my best friend’s favourite song is ________________________.
2. My English teacher’s name is _____________________________________.
3. My History teacher’s hair is _______________________________________.
4. The title of my English book is _____________________________________.
5. My friends’ favourite types of music are _____________________________.

D. An interview
Write the questions for the following Beyoncé’s answers.
1. _____________________________? I’m from Texas, USA.
2. _____________________________? 4 September 1981.

3. _____________________________? I’m a singer and dancer.

4. _____________________________? Yes, a sister. Her name’s Solange.

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