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Lesson Plan Template

LESSON PLAN LESSON: Hands on, Add tens

LO. Draw a model to add tens

Teacher: Maryam Nabeel Subject: Math

Grade: 1/A Unit: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction Date: 27/2/2019


At the end of this lesson students will be able to add tens in certain way using base-ten blocks or
connecting cubes.
Link to prior learning: (what they have known before)

Student already know how to count and add use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word

21st Century Skills:

21st Century skills are 12 abilities that today’s students need to succeed in their careers during the
Information Age.
1. Critical thinking: The student will think critically while identify, exploring, reasoning,
analyzing to solve mathematics problems.
2. Creativity: There will be creativity because I will bring a puppet (Fofo) to engage the
3. Collaboration: There will be collaboration in my lesson because there will be group activity.
4. Communication: There will be communication between the students because I will ask them
to solve a word problem as a team.
5. Information literacy: There will be reading a writing in my lesson because the students will
read the questions and write the answers.
6. Media literacy: There will be media literacy in my lesson because I will use YouTube.
7. Technology literacy: There will be technology in my lesson because I will use laptop and
8. Flexibility: there will be flexibility in my lesson because
9. Leadership: -
10. Initiative: The students will participate to answer the teacher questions.
11. Productivity: -
12. Social skills: The students will develop their social skills by interacting with the teacher and
with another student.
Key vocabulary: Sum, add, tens, model, draw, total
Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these
 Some of the student make mistakes
between the ones and the tense, and in  By show the student that we should to Stop searching
addition some of the student add the for the “Answer” – it’s not about the answer; it’s
tense before the ones! about the process, because if they know it right the
answer will be absolutely correct.
 By recognize the importance of estimating before
calculating and teach this to students.

Resources/equipment needed:

1. Whiteboard
2. Whiteboard markers
3. Worksheets
4. Tens-blocks
5. Plates
6. Markers for each pair
7. Pencils
8. Erasers
9. Spin Wheel (
10. Online timer (


Resources & Time Starter (warm up) engage the students

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Welcome the student.
15m to 20 m  Sing the ones and tense song  Student welcome me
with the puppet. back.
The puppet  Ask the student general  The student will answer
questions before going deep the questions and show
to the main topic of the me the answer by
lesson. pointing into the
 To make that more attractive numbers.
to the student I will use a  Student will response
puppet instead of asking them back with the puppet.
immediately to attract them
especially at the first lesson.
 Who can show me where is
the tense and the ones using
the ten/ones blocks?
The song  Can any one point into the
ones in number 25, and point
to the tense in number 32?
 Who can show me how many
tense in 30 and how many
ones? In this question, the
student will see the different
between the numbers that
have ones and number with
no ones.
 Do you have another way to
say 30? 3 tens, 0 ones
 If you know that 6+2=8, then
what is 60+20=?
 How the tens blocs are
different than the ones, and
Online spin wheel can we make the ones into
& online timer one ten block?
 Start to ask question related
to the lesson, using the
puppet and the spinner wheel
-picker-wheel/) ,
 for example: let’s see who
will spin the wheel and give
us the first number, then one
student comes out and spin
the wheel and write the
number then other student
comes and do the same,
10+30= 40, I will let the
student to use the ten blocks
and the plates and works as
Plate , markers and
pairs to but the numbers in
tens-blocks for each the plate and tens in the sides
pair of the plate and add them to
give the sum.
 Gives or show to more
questions then let the student
to solve the work sheets.
Resources & Time Main activities

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Explain each activity to the  Student should to listen to the

student according to their teacher instructions.
levels I will pass the
Differentiation activities (Support): low level

 The first level will take a work sheet that include the ten-blocks picture
and they should to count the blocks and add them up to find the sum.
 The student can ask for help if the face any problem while they are

Differentiation activities (Stretch): high level

 High level student will get advance questions which are they problem
solving questions.
 Student can use ten-blocks or model the answer using their own

Differentiation activities (Support) medium level:

 This group will get a worksheet with adding questions I will let them to
solve one said only after they finish I will give them the other said to
don’t let them feel it’s too much and hard to do it.
 Student can use ten-blocks or draw or any way that could be easy to
them to figure out the answer.
Resources Plenary (closing , ending)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 At the end of the lesson we will
play a game.  Will read the question and figure
 I will pass a card to each out the answer before they raise
student. their card that include the answer.
 The student should to listen first
to the puppet because she will
start the game.
 The cards include a number and
question, so each student should
to listen to the student before
him to check if the sum of the
question with him/her, and so in
tell the end card.
Homework - Nothing to give

Learning styles catered for (✓):

 Visual Auditory  Read/Write  Kinaesthetic

Assessment for learning opportunities (✓):

 Observation Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

Quiz Student presentation Written work and Verbal feedback


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