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A film by Charlie Parchment

Since my final idea is the vampire
parody short film I looked into this
topic to find a genre of film, a deep
history and a lifestyle for some even to
this day.

Idea developed from looking at these

• Story no longer about protagonist
plotting to kill friend
• Focuses more on connection
between people
Character tropes:
 Difficulties handling emotions
 Self deprecating
 Articulates themselves in
awkward ways
 Holds friendship to the highest
After looking at these productions I
found lots of skills and techniques
that will aid me in my work. I also
felt inspired by this work to develop
my short film further with the hope
to make it more cinematic and less
of a student film.
Therefore I conducted a series of
test shoots to see how practical
these codes and conventions were
to replicate.
Todorov’s theory
My production will have a linear
narrative since the steps of its story
are as followed:
 Day before protagonist’s
birthday, still not 18
 Turns 18 therefore leaves
normal life behind
 Confides in his friend for
He noticed that most narratives  Work out together to see how
progressed in chronological order, with his life has change and how
their relationship will be
each contributing action following the
next. This can be simplified by saying  They figure out the dos and
that these film have an easy to don’t of being a vampire so
understand beginning, middle and end. they can still be friends
The key stages of the production are as
 Equilibrium
 Disruption of Equilibrium
 Recognition
 Repair
 New Equilibrium
Still needs work
Suits role because:
 Can convey awkward
personality effectively
 Some experience in acting
 Very accessible
By including the conventions of the films
I’ve analysed as well as any other references
I made, my production will show its clear
influence and development from these
sources. Which means this will make my
production more successful.

If I identify what my target audience wants

to see such as giving the story an emotional
pull and incorporating silly and bizarre traits
like a blood phobia. Doing this will
guarantee I’m appealing to my chosen
demographic, therefore my audience will
have a more enjoyable experience watching
my production.

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