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Definite article is: The (el o la)

use it when we know the reference (not before country, names, streets, towns…) or something
say it before. 1 For uncountable names DON´T USE.

Indefinite articles: a or An (an only when name starts withvowel)

To refere something for firts time: “Do you want a drink?”

Name members of a groups. “Who wants to be a doctor?”

For nationalities

An examples of something: “He has a tiny nose”

After what o such2 ==>

Demostrative articles

Used When you talk about something especific. Put before the name, or before the adjective.
You can use this articles o change the subject



These: (estos)


Those: (esos o aquellos)


Pronoums and Posesivos (igual que en Castellano)

Me, your, his, her, it, us, Them (¿) // Mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, teres

Reflexive pronoums: Myself, yourself, hiself, herself, itself, Ourself, Themself.


Contable noum (you can know the quantity):

I´m going where is the bathroom. Not reference but 1
Such => Como qué pero en qué.
Uncontable noum (you cannot know the quantity):

Indefinite and incomplete: When we use some: “Did you give me some tea”

USE OF SOME: Hay alguna cantidad, You can catch.

USE OF ANY: “Do you speak any french?” [Buscar]You cannot catch “Do you have any children?”

Enough as a quantifier

Is enough bread in my house. I don´t have enough sugar in my coffee

Cardinal and ordinal // percentages (Persentachis)

One, two, three first , second, third, fourth, fifth…

Fracctions: 1 / 4  one fourth or quarter 1 / 8 One eighth 2/ 11 two elevents

Years: 1999 Nineteen ninety nine 2020 Two thousand and twenty.


0: siro, ou, nil (never use in america) matches, nought (never use in america)3 I have nought
apples (when uses like ninguno). [FOR READINGS] 0-0 nil nil.

%: ordinal + per cent (persent)


Is there are uncountable noums, You have to answer a bit of, a Little of, a big quantaty

Is there are countable noums: a few, a number of, several, a great number of, a large number

All tyoe: No, non, any, a loto f, lots of, plenty of, etc. “Do you have sugar? No, I have non”`+

Trash = bean in amercia

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