Trees Are The Poems That The Earth Writes Upon The Sky

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Devagishree M.

M.Phil Scholar

Department of English and Foreign Languages

Bharathiar University


“Trees are the poems that the earth writes upon the sky”

Leaves fall daily to keep others standing. She serves as a home for us while her family
gets ripped off.Then spreads deep as if her roots are in deep trust for love which she can
never find in a desert.She stands alone in the dark shinning bright with vibrant darkness under
the moon shedding her darkest emotions as carbon dioxide.

Our intimate connections with trees of how they accomplish our needs at every level
of human being.The fact that trees and humans share similar physical characteristics.In
Mythology, trees sometimes portrayed as the abodes of nature spirits. We even have a word-
“DENDROLATRY”in reference to the ways we worship trees. We also look them as a healing
not only in the medicinal sense, but for spiritual healing, comfort and solace. Around three
crores of oxygen has been produced by a single tree.

The forests and trees have inspired works of literature, art and architecture. Trees are
planted on special occasions such as birth events, marriage ceremonies, inauguration which is
a symbol of strength. In other instances, people choose to be buried under trees or have their
ashes put into biodegradable urns from which a tree will grow.

Whoever speaks to them, and listen to them can realize themselves. Trees don’t speak
but there are several precepts they preach by its nature. Resolute by particulars the ancient
law of life.

The people should plant atleast five trees which is highly rich in nutrient content. If
we stop importing fruits from other countries, and growing organic trees in our garden can
enrich our society as well as our health issues.Trees such as Mango, Banana, Palm, Chickoo,
Guava, Coconut, Black plum, Indian plum, should be plantedin every individual’s living
place so that it leads to healthy family and their cherished circle. This is how the organic trees
get enriched. If a ripe fruit was eaten up by an insect or any othersquirrels in which nutrient
content really high than any other fruits or vegetables, which have those nutritious flesh and
seeds to be sprout out.

Endangerment or extinction of one species can threaten the viability of other species.
So one should be conscious not to break down the food chain. Without nature people can’t
survive in this world. Already there is scarcity of food, water, and basic needs and at last
there will be the lack of oxygen due to continuous deforestation.

Next generation should be a part of nature but they shouldnot rule them. If we start to
adapt life with natureand blend with it, we can survive in this world.Supporting farmers and
fighting for their identity is not valuable untilwe plant trees or safeguard them.

Listen to the trees as they say

“My strength is trust. I know nothing about my cherished circle, nothing about
children that every year spring out of me. I live out the secret of my seed to the very end, and
I care nothing else. I trust that god is in me and my labour is holy”.

their language has been lost but not their gestures….

Some facts about trees:

1. The largest tree in the world by volume is a giant sequoia called General Sherman which
has a trunk 10m round and contains an estimated 1486 cubic metres of world

2. Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person to note that all of a tree’s branches put together
would equal the thickness of the tree’s trunk. Modern science is trying to show why this is

3. Over 1000 years ago, the islands of Venice were built on trees, but because the trees are
submerged they do not rot. In fact, minerals in the water have been gradually calcifying them
into stone.

4. Nearly 96% of ancient redwood trees have been cut down. These trees are among the
oldest and tallest trees left on earth.
5. The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room size air
conditioners operating 20hrs a day.

6. Chicago’s urban forest (more than 3.5million trees) removes about 888 tons of air pollution
per year.

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