Problem Solving

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Problem Solving

Planning for theoretical Problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve
researching and planning

1) Surveys may not get many responses 1) I know that many people that I send
2) If some of my survey responses are surveys to tend to be busy or simply
not useful or outright off topic don’t care to answer my survey. To
try and reach and larger audience I
3) My research is not accurate
can send out my surveys on different
4) Is my idea developed and have social media sites. This should allow
changes been made when given my survey a greater chance to be
feedback. answered by my target audience
5) How do I know that what I am doing and should hopefully gather more
is in line with my target audience results
6) How will Jordan and I progress our 2) I will make sure to get many focus
idea group to get direct answers from my
7) Going into production without a chosen target audience. I have
completed script found in the past few unit, gathering
8) Storyboards not complete a small focus group gather a lot
more genuine answers as the
9) When going out for test shoots, the
people are there and present and it
test shoot corrupts or is nowhere
is more of a conversation. Especially
near adequate.
if people are confused by any
10) If production starts and Jordan and questions, instead of skipping them,
I still can’t secure locations by the they can ask for further explanation
time we have start filming. to help them give a good answer.
11)If we have no permission for 3) For this unit I am going to make sure
locations to film and there could be to use multiple sources. I am doing
trouble with either authority’s this to not only find out more
12)Paying for Locations information about a specific topic,
13)Actor Pulls out but the use of two or more sources
14)Location Pulls out means I can find irregularities and
similarities between two different
15)If Jordan and I were to fall and
sources. Not only will this allow me to
effected the location
strengthen my works legitimacy but
also the accuracy and the trust
worthiness of the content as well.
4) When developing the Idea Jordan
and I aim to take in all comment
and responses into account. We will
try to take the main feedback/
changes people want us to make
and try and put that into our work.
This is to make sure that we are
developing the idea around the
needs of our target audience.
5) Whenever Jordan and I develop our
film idea, we will make sure to
create and send out survey to allow
the target audience to have a say,
make decisions and share their
opinions. We will also set up focus
groups where we will
Planning for practical and technical problems
Problem Solving

Practical and technical problems I How I plan to resolve

may encounter

Mid Project check-up (After Research and planning)

End of project review

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